Drawn To The Alpha 2 (5 page)

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Authors: Willow Brooks

BOOK: Drawn To The Alpha 2
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He began to turn over but she directed him to stay on his stomach. She climbed astride the lower curve of his butt and gently gyrated her hips so that her hot pussy grazed tantalizingly over his skin. She shimmied side to side a little too, then lay forward, sliding her breasts up and down his back in time with her hip movements. He was getting hot now – she could tell by his shallow breathing and the urgency in which his hands reached behind for her.


She sat back a little and allowed him to turn over. The stiffness of his cock announced just how turned on he was. His long, thick dick was fully engorged and pre-come glistened at the end of it. She licked it off and then massaged his length with her oily hands. Sitting astride him once more, she felt him prepare to enter her, but she made him wait just a little longer. First she used the wet lips of her pussy to massage his cock lengthwise, enjoying the look of half-crazed desire that this caused in his eyes. She leaned forward and kissed him. The sensation that shot through her this time was purely sexual; an animal need that had to be filled.


‘Are you ready?’ she asked sweetly.


‘Please, god, let me put it inside you,’ he growled, tugging down on her hips and pressing up from underneath her.


She adjusted herself up and back, just a little, and eased his silky member inside. She moved from her hips to ride him, keeping the upper part of her body still and relying on the momentum of her luscious ass to do the work. He pulled her butt cheeks apart so he could feel the point of his cock entering her pussy and groaned with satisfaction. Their eyes remained locked throughout and Sophia felt as if he were looking into the very depths of her soul, learning all of her secrets without her ever uttering a word.
This is what true love feels like
, she thought.
This is what love stories are written about. This moment.


The rhythmic slapping of their flesh gradually became faster as Van thrust up in time with her movements and helped her along with his strong hands on her hips. She felt the moment when his hot load entered her and when she collapsed beside him moments later he returned to her pussy with his magic fingers and made sure a sweet orgasm rolled through her body a short while later as well.



Chapter 8


‘Where the hell have you been?’ Jane asked the moment she joined Sophia at a trendy downtown bar early the next evening. She was wearing a pair of black leather pants that showed off her firm butt and lean legs and a crisp black shirt. She gave Sophia a tight squeeze and then bent down to retie her heeled boots.


‘I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever and Mom’s been panicking because you didn’t have dinner with them on Sunday like you always do,’ she said when she popped back up, oblivious to the fact that every man in the bar had been checking out her butt while she was bent forward. Sophia’s older sister tended to create a stir wherever she went, whether she meant to or not.


‘I had to make up some story about you being busy with work because you
haven’t told them about Van. Seriously! I’m shocked; usually it’s me that goes off the radar for weeks at a time when a new man comes onto the scene.’ She perched on a bar stool and waggled her eyebrows. ‘I want to hear all the filthy details.’


‘Why does your mind always leap directly to the dirtiest possible explanation?’ Sophia was pleased that the barman came over to take their drink order before she had a chance to reply further. She hated lying to her sister and was frankly terrible at it. She decided while Jane dallied over the cocktail menu that she’d aim for omission of facts this evening rather than outright untruths. She’d had a nap directly before coming into the city and hoped that Jane couldn’t tell she was feeling below par.


In truth, for the past few days she’d been toying with the idea that perhaps she should just tell Jane the truth. Jane was a modern woman – a very modern woman – she’d probably take it in her stride; offer to help her with the combat preparations for when they reentered Oak Tree Forest next time. She was a personal trainer, after all. She would definitely have some fitness tips to impart. It would be so comforting to know that there was someone else she trusted wholeheartedly in this whole situation; a reliable person to cover for them on the other side once she and Van returned to do her Mother duties. Maybe that person could be Jane.


‘Gin martini,’ Jane finally decided.


Sophia added her order of a strawberry cosmopolitan and took a handful of bar snacks. ‘So how’s Nathan?’ she asked. ‘Last time we had lunch you’d just emerged from a three day bedroom marathon.’ Jane had met Nathan, also known as DJ Beatz, at Sophia’s office party and had embarrassed Sophia and the rest of the patrons at a café by sharing all the sordid details over burgers and fries a few days later.


‘Nate’s as delicious as ever,’ she grinned. ‘Don’t think that I didn’t notice that you just changed the subject, by the way. You’re not getting away without spilling your details that easily.’


Sophia gave a short laugh. ‘Okay, okay.’  


‘Nate and I are officially dating now, although that hasn’t stopped us fucking like we’re on a permanent one night stand. It’s incredible, like we’ve got some sort of cosmic, sexual connection. We’re definitely on the same page, and it’s a very, very dirty page. Seriously, if the guy asked me to marry him tomorrow, I’d probably say yes just because I’d be afraid of losing access to the best sex of my life.’


‘Wow. Sounds… intense.’


Jane gave her a look that indicated she had no idea. Sophia was certain that she didn’t have any idea and was happy to leave it that way. Jane’s sexual antics were often beyond crazy. ‘What about him as a person?’ she asked.


Jane thought about it for several seconds. ‘He makes me laugh.’


‘Well that’s great. Good humor is very important.’ Sophia almost felt like applauding at the fact that Jane had thought of a non-sexual attribute. She sometimes wondered if she should be worried about how much Jane focused on sex. Healthy pastime or obsession? She wasn’t entirely sure. 


‘Back to you,’ Jane said. ‘Tell me about Van the-sexy-and-mysterious Longshadow. I take it you’ve been holed up in his love shack in the wilderness, hence the lack of availability?’


‘Something like that,’ Sophia replied. Their cocktails arrived and they both took a drink. ‘Van’s amazing. Just like you and Nate, we’ve got a connection that goes beyond what you’d expect from a couple that just started dating.’


Jane patted her leg excitedly. ‘I’m so happy for you, Soph. It’s about time you found out what all the fuss is about. I mean, I admire you for waiting until you found the right man but now a whole new world is open to you. Honestly, there are things you can do that’ll blow your mind.’


Sophia laughed. ‘For a moment there I thought you were referring to love, but then I remembered who I was talking to. The sex is great, for sure. But it’s great because of the deeper bond we’ve got. We’re soul mates, Jane. I know it for a fact. More than soul mates, even.’
Now’s my moment to tell her the truth.
She took a deep breath.


‘Walter! Hey, Walt!’ Jane bellowed, waving at a tall, blonde man across the room. He waved back and began to make his way over. ‘Walter’s one of my clients,’ she hissed to Sophia. ‘He’s a banker with the best set of abs I’ve ever seen in real life. He has a ten pack. For real; a
ten pack


Sophia tried to hide her disappointment that Jane would interrupt their conversation to talk to some muscle-bound banker. She shook Walt’s hand and joined in politely where possible during the discussion that followed. The talk was mainly about protein shakes and the new cross fit gym out East, both subjects that Sophia knew very little about. She nibbled at the bar snacks and sipped her cocktail, musing on the fact that while Walt was very attractive, he wasn’t even in Van’s league, ten pack or otherwise. A heavy weariness was beginning to settle over her eyelids. Soon she’d have to make her excuses and leave. It seemed like tonight would not be the night to reveal the truth after all.


‘What do you think?’ Jane asked once he’d returned to his group, who looked like a bunch of work colleagues.


Sophia shrugged. ‘Can’t argue with the fact he’s good looking…’


‘And super-rich,’ Jane added.


‘Okay, good looking
super-rich. But you’re with Nate, why do you care?’


‘It’s called keeping your options open. Not all of us believe in our fairytale prince charming and true love ever-after like you do.’


‘Oh, Jane; sometimes I think we’re a completely different species. How can you say you don’t believe in true love? Don’t you think that you could love Nate one day?’


‘I think you missed the point of me and Nate, my darling sis. Our connection is sexual; we’re writing an erotica novella, not a soppy romance novel.’


Sophia put her forehead into her hands. ‘Why do I always feel like there’s no hope left in the world after I’ve met up with you?’ she groaned. 


Jane cackled. ‘Because you’re a hopeless romantic, that’s why.’


‘Do I need to be worried about you? Seriously? I’m worried your interest in sex is becoming an obsession.’


Jane threw back her head and roared with laughter. ‘You think I’m a sex addict? Well, I guess it depends on your definition. I don’t think I have a
, if that’s what you mean. Look, let’s change the subject, shall we? I’m afraid you’re going to call Mom and Dad and rat me out soon.’ She winked at the reference to their childhood, when Sophia was the one who would always play by the rules and had a habit of reporting all of Jane’s errant behavior to their parents.


‘Yes, let’s,’ Sophia replied, slapping Jane’s arm playfully, although a few doubts lingered in her mind. Jane ordered another martini while Sophia asked for a glass of water.


‘So, tell me about your new book,’ Jane said. ‘Is the cover everything you hoped for? I’m super excited about the launch.’


Sophia realized with a worrying jolt that she hadn’t given any thought to her new book at all over the past several days. Her latest publication for young girls,
A Fairy in my Garden
, was due for release in just eleven days. She’d been lucky enough to work with sought-after illustrator Wendy Holstein and the book promised to be her most exciting and hopefully best-selling to date. Sophia had previously published four other children’s books with Trinity Rock Publishing, the company owned by the Longshadow family, and each time she awaited the arrival of the first copy with anticipation that bordered on fanaticism. It was so incredibly rewarding to open the inconspicuous package and reveal the shiny, perfect book within – the book with
name on the cover. That moment made all the hours writing, collaborating, negotiating and perfecting worthwhile and she instantly wanted to do it all over again. But this time, with her most important book to date, she was emotionally absent from the whole process. All her emotion was invested elsewhere. Arguably she had a nobler mission on her mind, but was she losing an important part of herself in the process?


‘There have been some delays, unfortunately,’ she said to Jane. It wasn’t a complete lie. She planned on visiting the office the next morning and telling them that she had to attend a family funeral out of state, and that the book launch would have to be postponed. ‘I haven’t seen the finished product yet and we’ll have to reschedule the launch.’


‘Oh, what a shame!’ Jane cried. ‘I know how much you look forward to seeing the end product of all your work.’


‘It’s true that I usually do,’ she replied. ‘But this time I’ve been a little… distracted.’


‘Of course you have been! What girl wants to think about work when there’s a hot man on her mind?’


Sophia smiled but couldn’t hide the hint of sadness in her eyes. She stifled a yawn. Jane studied her face and frowned.


‘Are you okay? You seem a little off.’


really tired,’ Sophia admitted. ‘Do I look terrible?’


‘Well… I didn’t want to say anything before, but there are some serious bags under your eyes and your skin looks kind of… grey. I presumed it was because you’ve been up late with Van but now I’m wondering if it’s something else. Are you sick?’


Sophia gave a long pause. She looked at her sister earnestly. ‘Jane, what would you say if I told you there was something big going on in my life? Something you couldn’t explain through rational thinking; something bigger than you or me or everyone in this room.’


Jane frowned. ‘Do you mean something spiritual?’


Sophia tilted her head side to side. ‘Yeah, I guess it’s a spiritual thing.’


‘Van hasn’t recruited you to some weird cult, has he?’


‘No. Nothing like that. Look, I want to tell you everything but I don’t have the energy right now.’ She looked around the bar, which had grown busy and loud. ‘And this isn’t the place.’


‘Well, let’s meet up again soon, at home maybe. Now I’m worried; is everything really alright?’


Sophia put her hand on top of her sister’s. She’d already decided that she was going to try not to fib tonight, so could she really say that she was fine? In truth she was a long way from fine. If she and Van didn’t find that grey werewolf, she’d be dead, maybe within a matter of weeks. But unless she was prepared to tell the whole story right now there was nothing she could do.


‘I’m fine.’


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