Dream Warrior: (Dark Warrior Alliance Book 1) (10 page)

Read Dream Warrior: (Dark Warrior Alliance Book 1) Online

Authors: Brenda Trim,Tami Julka

Tags: #Romance, #science fiction romance, #Warrors, #Series

BOOK: Dream Warrior: (Dark Warrior Alliance Book 1)
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She didn’t trust them despite her instinct telling her they were there to protect her. A mistake like that could be fatal for her. She wanted to get to a hospital, but didn’t feel safe letting them take her. She had just been attacked, after all. She could see the headlines, ‘Stupid Co-ed Gets Into Car With Strangers Moments After Being Attacked, Found Dead In Ditch.’

As the shock slowly wore off, her level of agony increased. “Yeah, I need to get to a hospital. Can I borrow your cell phone to call Orlando? He can get an ambulance to me faster than calling 911. I’m not sure where mine is. I may have left it in my car when it broke down.”

“And, we can get you there faster than an ambulance could respond.” Bhric wrapped his arm around her waist and helped her stand. Her legs wobbled and threatened to collapse. His arms tightened, helping her to remain standing. These men were Zander’s brothers, and friends of Orlando, and she had no doubt they would keep her safe. What was it about Zander and his friends that made her feel like she belonged with them? Pain muddled any thoughts of reason.

Haunted grey eyes came into her line of sight. “Bhric is right. We need to get you to the hospital. Will you let us help?” She hadn’t realized Kyran now stood well within her personal space. She looked down and saw that his hands were at the ready like he anticipated her passing out. Smart of him because she felt as if she’d topple over any moment.

She swayed on her feet as she glanced from one to the other. Kyran placed a hand on her shoulder and Bhric twined his arm around her back.

“I’m not so sure,” she uttered, telling herself they were Zander’s brothers and would never hurt her, but survival instincts told her not to be so careless.

“Lass, we mean you no harm. You can trust us. Our friend, Jace, is a doctor at a hospital close by and waiting for us. Remember, you met him at your apartment a few days ago. Come, he will have you fixed up and pain-free in no time,” Kyran encouraged.

She had no doubt that these men were friends and could be trusted, but fear was a funny thing, and prevented her feet from moving. “Pain-free sounds good to me.” Gritting her teeth against the pain, sweat broke out on her forehead. Gonna hit the deck any second now.

Bhric took his iPhone out of his pocket and dialed a number. “Orlando, we have a situation.” She listened as Bhric quickly told Orlando about the attack on her and their subsequent intervention. Her vision blurred again. “Elsie needs medical care and we would like to take her to Jace at the hospital, but I think she needs reassurance. She doesna know she can trust us and this has been verra traumatic for her.” Bhric smiled as he listened to Orlando then held the phone out to her.

Her hand trembled as she took it. “Orlando?”

“Yes, cupcake. What have you gotten yourself into now? I can’t leave you alone for two seconds,” he teased. “Next time, I’m tagging along, no matter what you say.” She heard the concern and anger in his voice. She could see him pacing and running his hands all through his hair.

“Right now, I would agree with you completely. This day has turned out to be a nightmare. My car broke down and I had to take a bus and then two…guys attacked me.” Tears welled in her eyes and fell down her cheeks. Her body shook in the aftermath. “It hurts so bad Orlando,” she cried into the phone.

“Elsie, listen to me. You are safe with Bhric and Kyran. They’ll treat you like a sister. And, Jace will take great care of you, as well. You probably don’t remember him because you were busy sucking down margaritas that night, but he’s the best. And, Zander and I will be at the hospital before you know it.”

Her heart welled with emotion. In the midst of the worst time in her life, she had been blessed with some of the best friends she could ever ask for. She wanted to see Zander, but she wasn’t sure that was a smart idea. Something told her he was going to be enraged at the attack on her.


Cold fluid flooded Elsie’s veins as the nurse pushed the last of the morphine into her IV. Within moments, her head lightened and the pain eased. She wanted to curse as her upset stomach worsened.

“The pain is better, but I feel sicker,” Elsie muttered to the nurse.

The middle-aged woman patted her hand. “That will pass. I gave you another medication called Zofran and that takes a few minutes to take effect.”

“Thanks,” she responded and closed her eyes, trying to take deep breaths. The nurse was right and soon enough, she was floating. Best cocktail ever!

Bhric and Kyran were quietly talking to each other across the room. Something niggled at the back of her mind at the sight of the two men. No matter how hard she chased the memory remained elusive. The sound of their thick brogue distracted her. It was comforting to know they stood sentry in the corner. Zander and Orlando and their friends had all gone above and beyond for her. She had never met more caring, or gorgeous, men in her whole life.

She turned her heavy head and squinted at them. “I appreciate everything you’ve done for me, but you guys don’t have to stay. I’m sure you have something better to do than babysit me until Zander and Orlando get here.”

“We wouldna be anywhere else right now. ‘Tis an honor to make sure you are safe and well cared for,” Kyran bowed to her. Actually bowed, like a knight from medieval times.

She giggled. What was up with these guys? They were so old-fashioned, like Zander. “I love your accent. With that and the bowing, you would think you guys were from another time, another century. Like that guy from Braveheart. But, Zander is far fiercer than that guy, and way sexier, too.” Her mind kept jumping around. “You guys are
too, with such big muscles, but you don’t scare me. I feel like I’m floating. I wonder if Dalton is an angel now that he’s dead. Do you think he can fly? Or float? I miss him,” she sighed. Her black hole pulsed hotly. Too bad the morphine couldn’t take that pain away, too. She closed her eyes against the awful ache.

A warm hand grasping hers brought her eyes open. Bhric stood by the side of her bed, looking down on her. “I think a verra powerful figure looks out for you. But, doona fash aboot that. Rest now, lass, you’re safe.”

She wanted to ask more about this ‘powerful figure’, but her eyes slipped closed and she allowed the darkness to envelop her.


Zander stood outside the door to Elsie’s room, aware that his eyes had darkened to obsidian with his anger. Someone had hurt his mate, and they would feel his wrath. He had known something was wrong, he had felt her anger, fear, and pain. He had failed to protect her. The sting of that was like nothing he had ever experienced. He was incensed at the Goddess, and Fate, for causing his mate to suffer.

He needed to calm down before he went to her side. Taking deep breaths was a mistake as it brought a huge lung-full of her scent through the door. He groaned, as lust for her blood and body surged through him. Despite his best efforts, he was unable to force his thoughts away from her scent and what it stirred in him. Not even recalling why she was lying in the hospital cooled his ardor. He prayed to the Goddess that he was stronger than his desires, or they were both in trouble.

Shaking fingers gripped cool metal and twisted. The door latch gave way and he was brought close to his breaking point as he was enveloped by her sultry scent. His mouth watered, his fangs shot out, and agony surged through his gums. His cock hardened painfully and he hunched over, gripping his thighs. That was only exacerbated by the pain radiating from his mate mark on his back.

And, he needed to feed. He had been unable to feed for too many months, despite his numerous attempts. His fangs had refused to descend around other females, making feeding impossible. Bottled blood was rejected by his body, as well, and they had resorted to the least effective method infusing him with blood via an IV. Only now, he realized that all that time, his body had been reacting as if they had completed the mating. Fully mated vampires were no longer able to feed from anyone except their Fated Mate. It was perplexing given that while he had seen news footage of Elsie after her husband’s murder, just as everyone else in Seattle, but he hadn’t met her until a little over a week ago.

Now, he had to clamp down on his every instinct. It was like a beast clawing at his insides. The blood rushing through her veins was a siren’s call. He glanced up and was unable to tear his gaze away from the slow, steady pulse beating in her neck. He desperately needed to feed. He should leave. It was a risk moving any closer to her, but like a moth to a flame, he quickly made his way to her side.

Tears pricked his eyes. He was the Vampire King, he didn’t cry, but the sight of his mate with bruises, marring her perfect face, and bloody bandages on her arm brought forth emotions he had only experienced one other time in his life. His anger renewed at who had done this to her. The archdemon and his skirm would pay with blood.

He reached over and tenderly touched her injured cheek with his fingertips. His desire exploded at the contact. He reached deep for the control not to sink his fangs into her beautiful throat, while he claimed her body. Her soul twined around his, sharing his desires. The need for her had never been so intense. He had almost lost her and wanted to join with her in every way to reaffirm that she was alive….and his. It was crucial that he do so.

Going outside his comfort zone, he reached out for help. “
, one of you will need to step in if I canna resist. She smells delicious and is verra soft and beautiful.”


Elsie was brought out of her sleep by a seductive voice that caressed her in places she thought had died. Her eyes blinked open in a muddled haze. It was difficult to tell if she was awake or dreaming. Some part of her was aware she was on heavy medications, but everything halted as she was captivated by a sinful smile. A gorgeous man ran his hand lightly over her injured cheek.

“Zander,” she breathed. He cradled her face in his large palms and she relished the feel of his flesh against hers. Her entire body tingled with an erotic current that caused wetness to pool between her legs, and her nipples to harden against the cotton fabric of the hospital gown. Only he could elicit that kind of response from her. Which astounded her given the weighed down, disconnected feeling caused by the morphine.

The emotions that crossed his face sharpened his Patrician features, and stole her breath and her words. She wanted to understand what he was thinking and feeling. She wanted to take away the pain she saw and explore the desire she saw banked there. Sadness overcame her, as she remembered that having a relationship with him wasn’t in the cards for her. She belonged to Dalton.

That didn’t change the fact that his sapphire-blue eyes held a mystery she felt compelled to unravel.


One look from his Elsie, and Zander knew he was lost forever. She owned him heart and soul. He needed her in his life, bonded to him as his Fated Mate, yet his fear had never been greater that he would have to live without her. He had thought his greatest hurdle was his acceptance of her being human, and her getting over the loss of her husband. Now, this incident had further cemented her hatred of vampires. How could she ever embrace his world that was filled with such violence? Would she see him as the same creature that had attacked her and took the man that she loved from her?

He gazed at her beautiful face and grabbed her up in a fierce hug. “You scared the life oot of me. You will never again be without protection.” He wanted to forbid her from patrolling all together, but wasn’t ready to tell her what he was. Wasn’t ready for the questions that would elicit.

She hugged him back. “I’m in a little bit of pain here, Mr. Bossy Pants. Lighten the hold, please.” He gentled, but didn’t let go of her. “Hey, it’s ok, I’m ok. What did I tell you about giving orders? You can’t simply say I will never be without protection. I don’t need a bodyguard. If my car hadn’t broken down, I would have been perfectly safe with Mack.”

He pulled back and smoothed her hair. “I remember what you said. And, like I told you, giving orders is what I do. I will be providing protection, either me or one of my…employees. Now, how are you feeling,
a ghra?

“My pain was much better before you squeezed me.” He reluctantly placed her back against her pillow. “Dr. Jace gave me some good drugs. By the way, I wanted to ask why you’ve been leaving me obscene tips.” She went off on another train of thought before he could respond. “It’s so good to see you. I feel safe now.” Her soft voice was a balm to his soul. She relaxed further as the humming of the machine signaled she was receiving another dose of pain medication. Thank the Goddess for modern medicine. It killed him to see the pain in her eyes.

He slid one hand from her cheek to her throat, stopping at her pulse and left it there, while the other gently rubbed her hand. He struggled to retract his fangs so he could talk to her, and prayed that his eyes were not glowing with his desire.

When he had gained a modicum of control he continued. “My tips were no’ obscene, lass. I wanted to make life easier for you. I saw how hard you were working and know the loss you have suffered.”

“Are you kidding me? It made everything easier. Hmmm, your touch is nice. It warms my chest and soothes the pulsing black hole. Oh, and, it makes me all tingly, I love it. Christ, your eyes are gorgeous. The color is unlike any I’ve ever seen,” she cocked her head to the side, taking in his countenance. He couldn’t help but puff out his chest. His touch eased his mate’s pain and she liked his eyes.

“In a world hardened by war and blood shed, you bring meaning. You are the sunshine to my grey skies.” He felt the connection blaze between them. The Goddess’ creation of Fated Mates put the human notion of soul mates to shame. There was nothing else like it in this realm, or any other.

Her eyes flared and her pupils dilated. The scent of her arousal drowned out the smells of the hospital. He groaned as his body hardened.

“Flatterer,” she accused. Her eyes finally traveled away from his face and stopped at his groin. Her gaze was a torch burning his ardor. “Is that leather you’re wearing? Beats the scrubs the doctors wear. And, you make me feel so much better than their medications. You know the TV show, about doctors and nurses that is set here in Seattle?” Her stream of consciousness escaped without pause, making him chuckle. “You are so much hotter than Dr. McDreamy. Holy shit, you are
in that soft leather. These are the softest pants I have ever felt.”

He bit back a curse as she caressed his thigh. He had never been so close to orgasm with such little contact. Her eyes drifted partially closed, but displayed her lust and drug-induced fatigue. The later should have cooled his desire, but it didn’t diminish it one bit.

“You’re my Dr. McYummy. I could eat you up. My face is numb, am I drooling? I think I need a bib…and dry panties,” she whispered the last under her breath, but of course, he heard every word. The drugs were obliterating her inhibitions and she was saying anything that came to her mind. It was endearing.

He smiled, careful to keep his throbbing fangs hidden, while his shaft stiffened further inside his pants. “Och, you’re going to unhinge me with your touch.” He groaned, long and low.

Her cheeks reddened with her embarrassment. “Oh no, I didn’t say that out loud, did I? Oh God,” she buried her face in her hands.

He pried her hands away and bent over, placing his lips to her skin. His eyes closed at the soft feel of her against his lips. He breathed deeply of her sweet, honeysuckle fragrance. Delicious. “You are wrong about one thing,
a ghra.
Your skin is infinitely softer than my pants, and you’re the sexiest thing I’ve ever laid eyes on. I could drink you in for centuries and never get enough. Everything will be okay. I’m going to take care of you from now on.” The vow escaped his lips and he refused to take it back. He felt Orlando stiffen behind him, but ignored it.

Her eyes widened with surprise. “Wow. This has to be a dream. You are so gorgeous and no one like you has ever told me I’m sexy. I’m dreadfully average, definitely dreaming. I like this dream…” she trailed off, closing her eyes.

He bit back a groan, hearing her thoughts. His mate had an erotic imagination. Without the grief and guilt hanging over her, she wanted to do wicked things to him. She would be a hell-cat in bed. “I canna survive this,” he whispered.


That deep, masculine voice dripped down her spine, leaving warmth in its path that set her blood afire. She loved Dr. McYummy’s, accent. It inspired images of what she wanted to do to him to begin playing in her mind. Guilt over her thoughts rose and receded. This was not Dalton and she should’ve been castigating herself for her thoughts. Instead, she headed in a decidedly naughty direction. A direction she would be riddled with remorse over later, but the drugs stripped her bare.

She took a deep breath and on her exhale, she let go completely and allowed herself the fantasy. She wondered if he had any tattoos she could nibble on. Her mind lifted his shirt over his head first, then, tossed it to the floor so she could run her hands across his broad, muscular shoulders. She pictured a beautiful, Celtic cross tattooed somewhere on his muscled body.

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