Driven By Love (12 page)

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Authors: D. Anne Paris

BOOK: Driven By Love
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Chapter 13

Dean saw the squad cars slow down in the rearview mirror and block the stray reporters that found them. He floored Hawk, who fired like a rocket down the road, leaving everyone in their dust. After a few minutes he exited off the expressway and started down the back roads to get back to his boat.

“Did you say something to my father?” Anne’s voice broke the eerie silence since they left the hospital.

Dean looked in the rearview mirror as he turned another corner. There was one car and one cargo van that started following them after they got off the expressway.

“I told him to forgive you.”

She looked over to him. “Thank you.” She looked ahead at the road again. The light of the moon lit the road in an eerie glow. “Before we left the hospital he hugged me and told me he loved me.” Her head against the window. Her fingers gently moved a loose strand of hair from her face. “Then he told me all he wanted was for me to be safe and happy. It was probably the longest conversation I have had with him since I left.”

Dean’s eyes darted back to the rearview mirror as he took another turn. The vehicles both kept following them and kept a short distance between them. There was no doubt that they were tailing them.

“Damn it.”

“What’s wrong?” Anne looked back and saw the vehicles behind them. “I can get rid of them.”

Dean reached over and grabbed her hand. “Don’t you even try.”

“They won’t know I did it.”

“It would be too much of a coincidence if two cars broke down. Leave them. I’m sure Hawk can lose them - right, buddy?”

The engine revved in acknowledgment and sped up.

“You are a bad influence on him!” Anne yelled at him as she yanked her hand away and turned back to their uninvited tails.

They increased their speed to match theirs.

“Shit. Hawk, we have to lose them.” Dean told him.

The engine revved again.

“Let go of the wheel!” Anne screamed at him.

Fear caught in his throat as he let it go. Immediately Hawk turned right down a dirt road, spewing dirt and rocks as he fishtailed and then straightened to continue down the road. The first car blew past the road but the van caught on and was able to make the turn.

Dean swore. “Do you know any other way of getting rid of them, Hawk?”

The engine revved three times, almost sounding like a chuckle.

A few more feet and he turned left onto another dirt road.

“He knows what he’s doing.” Anne told him as she looked back. “Those guys are still following us. It would just be so easy for me…”

There was no way Dean was going to take that chance. His hand reached over and pulled her face towards him. He was protecting her, he told himself as his lips crushed into hers and he tasted her sweet nectar. This was only a distraction for her. She deepened the kiss and his groin tightened in anticipation.

His fingers began an intricate journey through her silky hair as the scent of her shampoo became engraved in his mind. Her arms wrapped around his neck and her hand went down the back of his shirt, tracing the muscles.

Hawk took another turn and her body crushed against him.

The wild beast inside of him wanted out and the scent of her unlocked the door for its release. His mouth let go of her lips and gently trailed kisses down her neck to the top of her blouse. The covered mounds tempted him to take a little taste and his mouth began to water at the sight. Would they taste as sweet as her?

Another sharp turn broke his thought as he slammed against the door. A quick glance in the mirror showed him they weren’t being followed anymore.

Oh no. Did she…?

Anne’s body lurched on top of his and her lips began to ravage his.  Their tongues danced and entwined together as her hands pulled up his shirt exposing his muscular chest.

Her enticing lips traced down his jaw then went down and nibbled on the erogenous tender spot on his neck. How did she know that was his weakness? His mind screamed to stop, but his inner demon craved the fire she created in his loins. She was in every fiber of his being and he couldn’t break loose.

The leather seat went down and she continued her assault on his body. The moonlight from the t-tops caste a subtle glow inside, making the moment feel surreal.

Why did she have such a profound effect on him? It was like an addiction that he couldn’t stop craving. Never did he have a reaction to a kiss like he did with Anne. He craved her like a man craved water in the desert--one sip wasn’t enough. He wanted more. 

The moan she placed against his lips made his groin tighten in anticipation as her tongue slowly danced around his lips and slowly, sweetly, tasted him. Her long hair lay around his face creating a veil that contained their lustful heat. All his thoughts of why this was wrong vanished as his arms gripped her tighter against him and she deepened the kiss. Her soft moans fueled that deep passion that he thought vanished with his heartbreak. It was now back with a full vengeance and he welcomed it. The scent of roses penetrated his nose and he fell into an abyss of ecstasy and passion. There was nothing but her, and he couldn’t get enough of it.

Soon Anne’s shirt followed and Dean broke away to take a look at this beautiful woman. He moved her dark strands of hair aside. Her eyes were dark as the night filled with intense desire for him. 

“I need you, Dean.” Her eyes pleaded with him as her hand traveled up his arm.

“Anne, are you sure about this?” His heart thudded in his ears.

“Yes, Dean. I want you… you’re the only man I ever truly feel safe with.” She grabbed his head and brought him closer to her. “I trust you completely and I never felt like this with any man.”

“I have protection in my wallet.”

Anne stopped him with a kiss. “I’m on birth control and I had every STD test done after…” She stopped herself from conjuring up those bad memories. “I’m clean… unless you…”

“I had tests done, too, and I’m clean.”

A smile formed on her face. “Then what are you waiting for, soldier?”

He captured her lips and crushed his body against hers again. His hands traveled down her back and grabbed hold of her ass as a moan escaped her lips. He felt her hands run down his chest and shot to the front of his pants, swiftly unzipped them to release his throbbing erection.

He tore himself from her lips and moved to plant kisses down her throat and slowly to her white-lace encased breasts that hovered above him. His tongue twirled above one of the perfect mounds as a soft moan escaped her lips. Gently he nipped at her breast and his tongue smoothed it with a dance that inflamed her even more.

Dean wanted her to experience a passion like never before. He didn’t have all the money or power that her previous lovers had, but he had something that they couldn’t give her--love. He didn’t want to admit it, even to himself, but he knew he had fallen for her hard. Deep down inside he found a woman who cared for others, and that was something that was hard to find.

His fingers found their way to the back of her bra and swiftly unhooked it to release her perfect breasts. His hand brought one breast to his lips to feast on as Anne moaned. When he tweaked the other nipple he heard her inhale sharply, which fueled his desire, and he continued to lap the nipple and slowly moved to the other one. As his tongue teased her, his hands swiftly pulled her jeans down. Her breath quickened and he slowly moved her up so his mouth rested on top of her lacy panties. He bit down and ripped them away with his teeth. The moonlight cast her in an eerie glow that made her look like a goddess.

He emitted a primal growl. “This can’t be real.”

Anne slowly slid back down, her nipples gently scraped against his chest, creating a ripple that went straight to his groin. She moved to the passenger seat and grabbed his pants and boxers and pulled them down. His weeping cock popped out eagerly waiting for her. Dean held his breath as she gently she took hold of it and kissed the tip of the head. He felt himself swell as his balls tightened. Her soft lips parted and took as much of him in her mouth as she could. The tip of her tongue began to dance up and down the length of him as she continued to pump him into her mouth.

“Oh, fuck, Anne.”

His cock popped out of her mouth as she smiled. “That’s exactly what you will do later.” With that, she devoured his cock again, and slid it in and out as her tongue swirled on the underside. As her tongue continued its sensual dance her hand gently massaged his balls and Dean emitted another growl.

Before he got too close to the edge, he reached down and pulled her away from him.

A devilish grin formed on his face. “Ladies first.” He reached over and slid her on top of him. With his thumbs he pushed the lace obstruction down, and she finished by pulling them away and throwing them. She shifted her body up until her moisture-laced clit hovered over his mouth. His muscular arms pulled her down and his tongue began its erotic dance. He moaned in excitement as the tip of his tongue dipped lower and he penetrated her sensual juices that dripped out of her engorged slit. He felt Anne tense as his tongue darted in and out of her sweet channel. She was close and he wanted to make the whole world shatter in a million pieces. His tongue traveled back to her pulsing bud, and he brought his fingers into her as his tongue flicked her clit. When his fingers reached her G-spot, he quickened his pace and he gently nipped at her clit which caused her to scream his name as she clawed at the seat. Moments later her pussy clamped down on his fingers, and she screamed his name again as she climaxed.

He took one final lick of her sweet juices and gently pushed her down. “I take it you enjoyed yourself.”

An evil grin appeared on her face. “Immensely. Now it’s your turn.”

Sliding down, she rested her slick channel on top of his cock. A deep moan escaped Dean’s lips.

Dean looked up at her. “You are so hot right now.”

“And I’m going to give you one hell of a ride, soldier.” she moaned as she moved her pussy slowly against him. She was going to kill him if she kept that up. His head fell back against the seat as she continued her sensual assault. “I can’t wait until you are in me. I want you to fuck me all night long.”

Those words were his undoing. “That can be arranged.”

A smile formed on her lips and she spread her legs further apart took his cock and positioned it up. Balancing herself on her knees, she slowly took him into her.

“Oh, yes!”

When he was fully in her, he brought his fingers to her throbbing clit and began to rub it as she rode him.

“Is this what you want? Is this how you like it?” he moaned as his cock pounded like a battling ram that demanded submission.

“Yes, Dean! Oh, yes. Don’t stop!”

His fingers kept their assault on her clit and soon he felt her close around his cock like a vise and he couldn’t hold back any longer. He came with a loud primal groan as she screamed her release.

They both collapsed on each other, bodies entwined in the enclosed space. He looked up and noticed they weren’t moving. Reality hit him like icy cold water on a hot summer day.

“Anne, the cars…”

“Are gone,” she said with a smile.

Dean wrapped his arms around her and sat up to look in the rearview mirror. There was no one behind them. In fact, they weren’t on a road at all--they were parked in the middle of a forest and he had no idea how they got there.

“Are you sure?” he whispered as he looked into those warm captivating eyes.

“Yes. There’s no one around for miles. Hawk knows all the secret hiding spots.” She ran her fingers through his hair. “Now then… Is that all you got, soldier?”

Dean’s cock stirred to life again an evil grin formed on his face. “That’s just the beginning…” He took hold of her gently brought her back down to the seat and kissed her again.



Anger was not the word he would use to describe his mood. They were so close to her and yet they failed. Now he had lost her. He caressed the picture on his smartphone. So pretty and so powerful! Damn that car of hers! There was no possible way something that ancient could have outrun them. He was determined to have her.

He opened an app on his phone and started to strategize a new plan.

Chapter 14

As she pushed up her sunglasses, Anne sighed heavily as she slowly walked over to the coffee cart in the street where they were going to be filming that day. She felt Dean’s presence right behind her as she smiled at the man and asked for a double shot espresso with extra cream.

Hopefully, the coffee would clear the wooziness she still felt from the night before.

They miraculously made it back to Dean’s boat without anyone following them and continued their passionate affair below deck. Shortly after they made love, her mother called them to let them know that Missy woke up and was actually talking to all of them. Her heart leaped when she heard her sister’s voice over the phone as Dean wrapped his shirt around her shoulders then wrapped an arm protectively around her waist.

“You had us all worried!” Anne practically screeched over the phone.

“I know. I’m just glad I’m alive,” she murmured through her drug-induced state.

“We all love you, Missy. Don’t forget that.”

“I won’t.” With that, she hung up and Anne put her phone back on the night stand and began kissing Dean again, which soon ignited their passion once more.

He was so gentle and tender to her, making sure that she was fully satisfied every time. It surprised her, especially with his strict demeanor.

The blast of a boat horn broke through her memory and she beamed at Dean as he ordered a straight black coffee. It felt like they were high schoolers and they both had a dirty little secret that no one knew about. For now they had to keep last night’s encounter a secret. The saboteur was still on the loose and it was best if he thought that Dean was just her bodyguard.

“So what’s your schedule like today?” he asked her as they took their drinks.

The coffee's scent invigorated her as she held the hot liquid in her hands. “I have to shoot the chase scene through downtown today.”

“And that’s going to take the whole day?”

She took another sip of her coffee as she began to walk towards her trailer. “Yup, we have to shoot it a couple times and then they choose the best shot.”

“Seems like a waste of time to me.”

“You didn’t seem to complain last night when I wanted an encore.” She flashed him a seductive smile.

They stopped at her trailer and Anne smiled to the security guard.

“Good morning, Ms. Stevens.”

“Good morning, Alex,” she chirped as she walked up the stairs to her trailer.

Dean began to follow, but the ring of his cell phone stopped him. Based on the ring tone, he knew that it was Keith calling back.

“I’ll be up in a minute,” he told Anne as she opened the door and walked into her trailer.

Dean walked a few feet from Alex and answered. “Hey, Keith, what did you find?”

“Guy’s name is Emelio Vezquez. Got a pretty long rap sheet ranging from burglary to drug dealing. Looks like he’s a con for hire and will do anything if the price is right.”

“Why the hell would he want to cut the brake lines on Evan’s car?” Dean’s frustration could be heard in his voice as he paced outside the trailer.

“Did he piss anyone off?”

“Not that I know of.”

“Did his girlfriend piss anyone off? She was in the car with him he might not have been the target.”

“How did you know…”

“All over the news, man. They even know that Jeri has been visiting. They showed her leaving the hospital last night. Do you have a security detail at her house?”

Keith’s concern over Jeri was truly genuine, and after all this chaos was over he would sit Keith down, give him a beer and find out what the heck was going on between him and his sister.

“I’ll make sure that she’s protected.”

Hawk began to sound his horn and his lights flipped up and down repeatedly. Dean looked over at him. As far as he knew, the car didn’t have a security system, so there was no reason for the commotion. His engine started up and roared as his windshield wipers swished up and down.

Dean’s gut told him something was wrong. “Keith, I gotta go.” He hung up his phone and pointed to the trailer. Hawk’s engine roared again.

He sprinted towards the trailer and jumped the stairs two at a time. He yanked the door handle only to discover that it was locked.

He stopped and concentrated to unbolt the lock and open the door.

A burly man hovered over Anne, who was gagged and bound on the floor. A distinct red bump formed on the front of her head and her expression was dazed.

The man grabbed his gun and brought it up only to have it knocked out of his hands. The thug swung his fist towards him, but Dean moved to the right to avoid the blow and managed to block the other fist that flew in his direction. He swung his hand and smacked the guy in the upper lip, bursting it open. The man moved as Dean swung his other fist toward him and he took the opportunity to grab his arm. The red eyes on the dragon tattoo snapped Dean into the realization that this was Emelio Vezquez. He used the momentary distraction to throw Dean against the coffee table in the room and he slid off of it right onto Anne.

Emelio ran out the door and right past Alex who just stood there and looked perplexed.

Dean got up and lifted himself off of Anne. The tears in her eyes just made him ache as he removed her gag.

“Are you okay?” he asked her as she stared at him half-dazed.

“Go catch him,” her tear-strained eyes pleaded as her head continued to ache.

He kissed her gently. “I’ll get him, I swear.”

He ran out of the trailer and nearly knocked over Alex. “Anne is hurt. Get an ambulance here and get her to the hospital.”

He scanned the area but didn’t see which way Emelio went. He heard Hawk’s engine wind up again and he realized that he would have to take him in order to find the bastard.

He yanked the door, sat down and began to drive before Dean even had a chance to put on his seat belt.

“I take it you know which direction the guy drove off to?”

The wipers came up and down.

“Good. Let’s find the bastard.”

Hawk jumped down the road and took a left, which lead to the main road. Dean glanced at the speedometer and could see that the car was pissed. 60…70… He passed by a mini-van, sedan, tanker, all while not slowing down his speed. Finally there was a gray extended cab pickup in sight ahead of them, and Hawk accelerated.

“That him?”

The wipers swooshed.

“Let’s get him.”

The truck seemed to know they were being followed and he made a sudden stop. Hawk swerved to the right and missed the ditch by a half a foot. The truck sped up again and Hawk got his tires back on the road to continue their pursuit.

The truck made a right turn onto a small side road marked with a sign that read, “Public Camping Area.”

“Oh, shit.”

There would be a ton of campers around with summer in full swing. People would be everywhere and a huge truck like that could easily kill anyone who was in its way. Dean knew he had to warn everyone.

He laid into the horn and followed the truck who headed right down the road towards the campsite area. Hawk's tires crunched against the gravel as he inched towards the truck.

The door to the truck opened and the man jumped out, tumbled and ran off towards the main road. Dean was about to slam on the brakes, but not before he noticed that the truck was still racing down the road.

“He must have jammed the gas!” He swerved around the truck’s right side and noticed that there was a patch of pine trees on the left right before the entrance to the campsite.

“I’m sorry, Hawk.” He hit the gas again and got alongside the truck, then jerked the wheel to the left, hitting the truck. The hit moved the truck to the left slightly and Dean gripped the wheel tighter as he turned the wheel to the right for a moment, and then slammed Hawk against the truck two more times before he was convinced that the truck would hit the trees. He slammed the brakes and swerved Hawk to the right, missing the entrance sign by a hair.

The crash of the truck’s impact caused everyone to run out and look to see what happened. Steam began to escape from the radiator as coolant drained from the engine and pooled around the bottom.

With the truck incapacitated, Dean turned Hawk back toward the road and gunned it. The bastard wouldn’t be too far, running on foot. The downside was the area was densely populated by woods, any of which would provide ideal cover for someone trying to hide.

As he headed down the road, he saw a woman waving her arms to make him stop.

He slowed down and rolled down the window.

“I’ve been carjacked!” she shrieked as she frantically tried to place the loose blond strands of her hair back into the pony tail.

Alarms went off in Dean’s head as a pit began to form in his stomach. “Which way did he go?”

“He went down the main highway heading north.”

“What kind of car?”

“Blue ‘05 four door car. I don’t remember my plate numbers.” Her face turned red as tears began to form in her eyes.

“Call the police. They should have a phone at the camp office. I’ll go search for your car.”

She nodded and looked around the area for the office.

Dean gunned Hawk again and they headed north down the highway. He grabbed his phone and found Stan’s number to give him an update on what was going on. He was going to find the bastard, even if it took him all night.

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