Driver, T. C. (50 page)

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Authors: The Great Ark

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BOOK: Driver, T. C.
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Well I went to the Chaplin…Sir Will you pray for me!

He said one is cursed who hangs on a tree!

I begged for forgiveness…. as he slammed my cell.
You lived for evil boy…. Now rot in Hell!



Well I went to the Lord Jesus…. fell down on my knees

Lord do you have a place… for a sinner boy like me!

He said come unto me son
your faith has set you free

Forever my riches in glory…… You will see!




Repeat first verse

Word from the author

Thank you for reading The Great Ark, my first attempt at writing. I wrote this book by hand while an inmate at the regional jail in Salem Virginia! I am a felon and a registered sex offender now, per my plea agreement with the circuit court of Roanoke County where my wife Patty and I have both lived and worked for forty years! Normally I sing and write simple gospel songs but since I had six months in jail and the band at the famous Gospel Café had enough songs anyway. Why not spend the time writing? I was alarmed to find out that most of my fellow inmates at the jail had already finished serving their due court appointed sentence, or were being held in jail without bond while waiting before trail. Yes most men in Pod C were being held without any legal charge at all, completely against the laws and constitution of these United States! I had never cared or thought much about the new jail. Why should I. I was one of the good, law abiding, citizens! This book is dedicated to up holding and protecting the constitution of the United States by ending the illegal Civil Commitment laws in Virginia. Yes I was guilty of a misdemeanor and my six months in jail was completely legal and fair, but let us stand together against abuse of power and the rights of every American!

The Great Ark is fiction. Any resemblance to real persons living or dead is unintended unknown and unwanted. If you believe yourself or someone you know is in this book, you are mistaken because you are not! The Great Ark is a work of fiction, not a true story about my life! That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. You have my word! Of course as I just said I am a Felon, a convict and a very dangerous sex offender, so really what’s my word worth! My word and twelve dollars will buy you six local phone calls at the regional jail with a dollar to spare. You can then spend 80 cents for a jail Ramen noodle soup the
same kind that sells for 15 cents at Walmart (ha-ha).

Ten years ago I founded a local public charity called the Gospel Café here in Roanoke Virginia. You are invited to drop by for a visit and listen to the Gospel Café Band any Friday or Saturday night. That’s open microphone sing time. Café Bible College is Thursday night at six and our Sunday Chapel service is 2-4 Pm. Look us up on the web at starcitygospelcafe, or Gospel Café at Roanoke. Be forewarned, I will be there and I am known to be a very dangerous criminal! Ask anybody, enter at your own risk, and think twice before you dare bring your kids.
Please join me at my big round corner table, and meet the anti-professor face to face!

I’m sorry at sixty years old I get confused easily, that anti-professor stuff is just in the book)
Sometimes you just don’t know (ha-ha).

In the Great Arks pages are many Holy Bible verses! Remember always my friends that the word of God will stand when this world is on fire!
All works of fiction like mine will not. Study to find thyself approved, seek your own salvation with fear and trembling and test the spirits that they are of God!

I like to imagine who the “Sons of God” were or are! My understanding or thoughts are just that, my thoughts. Believe me I don’t know and I know I don’t know. Be not fooled by any man, myself included. If some wise man tells you he does know these answers, than he’s a bigger fool than even I. The fear of God is the begging of wisdom! Salvation is of the heart. Do not miss salvation by eighteen inches. One does not have to figure out the universe or every verse of the Holy Bible to be saved, born again and a full heir to the kingdom of Jesus Christ our risen Lord! God will reveal his glory and his ways to us in his time, not ours. My rightness or wrongness in pondering about the details and works of Gods universe does not gain me extra points or separate me from my Lord. We saints stand, live and work in and by faith not our personal understanding. Preaching Jesus Christ our Lord has come in the flesh was born of a virgin and him crucified dead and buried is all important but I am not. Jesus was lifted up on the cross at Calvary to redeem all men from sin, and draw all men to him. Our Lord Jesus defeated hell and the grave and death and gave us salvation as a gift to us, yes those who love him, and serve him. We serve a living Lord! Be not concerned with men’s words but be not ignorant of God’s teaching. Lean not upon your own understanding but read and study to strengthen your faith and then stand firm in your faith. God’s will is even more important than God’s word or study and our knowing of it! God’s way is not fully known to man but it will be in the future. Praise God he calls us friend and has given us the Holy Scripture! Walk in faith, occupy, trust, and obey for the battle and victory is truly of the Lord and not of man.

A special thanks to all of my friends at the Gospel Café during this trying time of my incarceration and the writing of this book. Thank you for being a true friend when it cost you something! For being tireless workers for the Lord! Truly I’m a blessed man in this world and the next to have you all as partners! We are all “blessed by the best” Thank you to my loving wife Patty, my life partner and soul mate. Pray we may spend what time God grants us in this life together for better or worse, sickness or health, for rich or poor. Thank you for putting up with me these many years. Thank you also to my son Shawn who has taken on many extra responsibilities and duties around the house and around the charity building during my absence. Thank you for your life of serving God, I’m very proud of you son!

To all of my friends, loved ones, detractors and accusers I would like to apologize, and also beg forgiveness for failing you, and or causing any hurt or pain in your life. Please remember that all things work together for good for those who love the Lord! We fight not against flesh and blood but against spiritual wickedness in high places! The battle is of the Lord and it is won! Yes, it matters little the judgments of man, even of Roanoke County Judges! Though these men are Godley empowered, and I have obeyed them as is their due; know that no decree of a judge, just like works of fiction, or trinkets of earthly estates will stand. Only our personal relationship with Jesus and his court will matter in eternity! Forever is a long time! Being able to say the
Lord’s prayer
and really mean it is all important! I pray that each of my friends and foes alike have the joy of a close daily walk with our Lord Jesus Christ! You are all loved by him and he in me the same! I count you as all equal brothers and sisters in Christ! Please hold no unforgiveness in your heart to my account. Life on this side of the grass is too short for that. I pray you are all “blessed by the best”

T.C. Driver

Our Civil Commitment laws in Virginia

My fellow citizens it is now time to change or repeal all recently passed civil commitment laws in Virginia! Let us stand together and take this green evil stick from our spoiled child’s sticky fingers less that she might soon attack us all. She has grown so powerful under these laws that by attacking us she could thus slay all personal rights nay even unto taking our very lives. Virginia’s recently passed civil commitment laws are against the ways and teaching of almighty God and against the laws of our free republic. Our rights even for the most hated among us are more important than layers of false security afforded by
a police state. If a man be competent to take punitive punishment and is able to prevail and perform his just sentence and his sentence is then lawfully completed let us be done with him. Our society’s just and lawful revenge, yes justice has been satisfied. No longer should he be kept as a public charge! Not one day, not even one hour! If you my fellow self rightist citizens maintain fear, or hate or unforgivenes yet burning in your soul, let it be yours and not that of God’s just civil ministers! Dream up another charge if you like or let other inmates slay him by giving tribute to a dirty deputy of your own like mind. You could bring false witness, putting his blood on you and your family. Anything is better and much preferred over our current civil commitment laws. These stupid laws give our civil authority the kingly power to incarcerate at will, without law, without due process, without trial, without charges, without jury, without offense! Our Virginia law makers must be crazy. This ancient type of kingly power is always accomplished through testing of the charge by the
various tribes official high priest. This type of unconstitutional abusive power should never be turned over
to the civil authorities’ of a free republic!

Virginia civil authorities have both a glorious, and also a dirty filthy past full of abuse of power and crimes against God. Yes, our beautiful state has a heritage as the birthplace of freedom and many great presidents but is also the home of a history of flagrant abuse of power and one not so great even shameful president Woodrow Wilson. From the birthplace of slavery in the new world in 1607, to a strong hold of the eugenics movement with untold horrors practiced in state hospitals by sick witch doctor physiatrists, to laws of Jim Crow segregation, the crooked machine politics of the Byrd years, and redistricting fraud you name it we have it made in Virginia. Our proud state is now today back in the history books. She stands alone of all the fifty states with unconstitutional and abusive civil commitment laws.

Yes, Richmond is now the world leader, the proud worst of the worst in all of the American Nation.
They are embarrassing us Virginians once again! Since 1998 Virginia has run a completely unconstitutional justice system. We did alright for hundreds of years without these stupid and dangerous laws and we do not need them now. The men in our general assembly in charge of this constitutional blasphemy should each and everyone be all now put into the civil commitment prisons their own selves. Hanging is too good for them! Our leader’s total and known contempt for the just laws of a free republic can be shown yes, even show-cased by its recent traffic laws. Special enormous fines were imposed on groups of citizens depending on where they lived! A lowly Virginia domestic serf would pay big fines, out of state people “who may be somebody” and may even have a lawyer would pay low or no fines. This total contempt for equal treatment of citizens before the law or to simple blind justice is on public display in Virginia for everyone to see! Even a dummy old retired truck driver like me could smell a breach of the constitution in these laws. The same is true with Virginia’s civil commitment laws. This contempt for equality before the law goes way back to our roots in Virginia law even into our simple traffic safety laws and codes. I remember laughing out loud while sitting at a desk at the DMV years ago while studying for a test to drive a bus in Virginia. The Virginia code still says today that it is against the law for people on your bus to sit in the floor, or isle, or sit in unattached lawn chairs or to stand everybody must have a real seat; unless the people on the bus were migrant farm workers,
“read Mexicans” they did not matter. Our safety laws did not apply to migrant farm workers (ha-ha) they officially do not count for much here in Virginia. Our masters in Richmond and Washington are not stupid. They are lawyers who understand completely when they trample all over your rights. No, they are in rebellion against God and think we are not watching! It’s them or us, it’s that simple. We must as free men each stand up for the rights of the few against the tyranny of the state, even men we disagree with or who are themselves disagreeable to us. If we fail to stand up for our rights we will soon find ourselves on the terrorist hit list and all of our freedoms gone. Liberty is more precious that a false state of security through a police state, this is the message of history. It we continue down this road to serfdom and slavery we will lose America. Do not give up on even small freedoms even if they seem not worth standing up for. Safety check points, road side police pat downs the ole “show me your papers” will be next. Patrick Henry and George Madison and George Washington and Thomas Jefferson would all be ashamed of us. We have shamed ourselves by not attending to citizenship duties! Our progressive hicks in Richmond are no better than the fat Georgia sheriffs arresting speeders to pick peaches for local growers, the ole “pick or pay’ game they are famous for. Ours is much more serious! Only naïve young uneducated women, or brain washed girly men would seek absolute personal safety and or total security by giving the kings guard dogs absolute power! Let us put an end to our recently passed civil commitment laws and put an end to another chapter of Richmond’s abuse of power. Shame on us if we pass this evil on to our kids in the name of protecting them!

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