Dual Abduction (13 page)

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Authors: Eve Langlais

BOOK: Dual Abduction
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“Wow. I wasn’t expecting that. I thought you guys were one on one type of fellows.”

“Usually we prefer to keep our females separate, but we are willing to make an exception in your case.”

“Why?” She cocked her head when she asked, curiosity in her eyes.

He stood from the shelter he’d created. “Because you are special.”

She made a funny sound. “So I’m a novelty you both want to bang.”

“If you mean copulate, then yes, that is one of our goals. But, you also intrigue many of our other senses. For me at least, I quite enjoy your brave nature, and wayward tongue.”

“I like you too, but…”

“Shhh.” He held a finger to his lips and pulled out his gun, his eyes scanning the foliage. The sensation of eyes watching made the skin on his nape prickle. Louisa didn’t cower, although her face took on an ashen hue. Trepidation or not though, she pulled out the knife they’d given her and held it in front of her, her pose useless but brave.

A rustle to his left, made him spin on a heel. He saw the glow of eyes before something charged, snarling and slavering as it barreled at them. He fired once, hitting the creature between the eyes and it dropped. But it wasn’t alone.

Xarn whirled as another beast lunged from the shadows, this time aiming for Louisa. Quickly, he wrapped an arm around her waist and reeled her to his side while he fired with his free hand. She trembled, clutching at him, her knife dropped in her fright.

“What the hell were those things?” she squeaked. “Did you see all the freaking teeth it had?”

“Forget the teeth, it’s the poison that would have killed you,” he replied, recognizing the ugly beasts having seen them in the marketplace in the past. Their venom was much prized by assassins. He’d make sure to get some of it when she wasn’t watching. It could come in handy later.

“I am so reassured,” she snapped.

He peered down at her, saw the fright that still clung to her, and raised a hand to gently brush a strand of hair from her face. “I would not let anything harm you. Ever.”
I’d give my life for you.
A true thought, and one that made him realize that she truly was his mate even though he’d yet to claim her. More than fornicating, or winning, he wanted this female, at his side, bearing his little warriors, being his companion for life. And he’d wager, Brax felt the same way too.

She buried her face against his bare chest, the warmth of her breath tickling his skin. He brought his arms around her in a hug, feeling her shivering ease. Danger averted, awareness took its place. He noticed the lushness of her body pressed against his. The warmth of her skin. The things he wanted to do to her body…

First though, he needed to finish securing the camp lest more visitors arrived to interrupt.
Something I should have done in the first place.
He placed sensors forming a hexagon around the clearing. They would notify him of motion within thirty paces of the border. Plenty of time to grab a weapon and protect his female.

But beware to the entity that dared to interrupt before he’d taken his pleasure with his human, because Xarn’s need was great.
And I am done waiting.


Chapter Eleven


Camping wasn’t something familiar to Louisa. Then again, trudging through the pouring rain on an alien planet after having crashed and then escaping some mutant swamp monsters wasn’t a skill she’d learned either.

Lucky for her, the purple warriors who abducted her seemed to know exactly what to do. On the ship, they seemed large, daunting at times, and capable. Off the ship, she added dangerous, and really, really hot. And not just because they’d taken off their shirts to display impressive chests layered in muscle.

They handled themselves with ease, their demeanor calm even when under attack. Keeping her safe without breaking a sweat or losing a beat. Calming her when she would have panicked at the discovery of the empty spacecraft.

She knew she slowed them down, and yet, they didn’t leave her behind, instead they adapted their pace to hers, carried her when she lagged, and while she would have kept going despite her fatigue, they knew when to make her stop. A rest she could grudgingly concede she needed. Besides, even her weary brain could understand that alone, Brax would make better time searching. If the girls were nearby, he’d find them quicker than if he had to lug her fat ass around.

Of course, being left alone with one purple warrior came with its own set of problems. Such as how aware she was of him and the fact they more or less had some privacy. And a bed.

But hadn’t she decided not to choose? How could she when they both attracted her? And they both obviously desired her. Or had that changed? The fact Xarn stayed behind could indicate Brax gave up. That he conceded to his friend, in effect making the choice for her. That sucked. She’d thought he wanted her too. Had her stubbornness changed his mind? Did he not find her attractive anymore?

However, didn’t she recall Xarn saying something about why choose, why not share?

A hallucination? If not, then surely he joked. What guy shared a woman?
Maybe a guy who knows he and his best bud might be lost in the jungle for a while with just one pussy to share.

Was that it? Did they plan to share her like they would a blanket? She wished she had the nerve to ask. But really, how did a person phrase something like that?
So hey, I was wondering when you said share, was it because you both really like me or because I’m the most convenient hole around?

The answer either way left her perplexed. On the one hand, casual sex with both would scratch her sexual itch without strings—and make her a true alien slut. But…could she really have sex with both and remain unemotionally involved? Not likely. Hell, she already cared for them a heck of a lot more than she wanted. Throw sex in the mix and she was done for.

Lost in her thoughts, she jumped when Xarn brushed against her body from behind, his hands sliding around her waist to hug her against him, the hard ridge at her back evidence of his happiness at seeing her.

“You are deep in thought.”

She turned in his arms and peered up at him. “I was just wondering about a few things like, what are you going to do with me?”

“Do? First, I’m going to strip your sodden clothing. Then I’m going to caress every inch of your body until you cry my name. And then —”

Heat rose in her cheeks, but it was nothing compared to the fire in between her legs.

“That’s not what I meant. I was asking about —”

“You talk entirely too much sometimes.” He covered her lips with his own, stifling any reply. She should have pushed him away and demanded answers. Stood her ground and refused his touch. But really, why bother? She knew just how good he could make her feel. And she wanted it. Wanted the stress relief and yes the pleasure he could provide.

Yet, by accepting his embrace, letting him make love to her, she would make her choice, even if by default, because despite his mention of sharing, Louisa was a one guy kind of girl. So be it. Torn with indecision, it was easier to let Xarn make the choice for her.
Sorry Brax.

She raised her arms so she could clasp her hands around Xarn’s neck, holding him tight to her, loving the feel of his body against her own. His hands clasped her waist, the solid strength of them imprinting her skin. He lifted her, carting her a few paces to the shelter he’d built. He placed her on the bed of leaves and blankets, the abrupt halt to the rain a welcome one.

His eyes roved her body, lingering on her breasts which pushed up against the fabric of the shirt she wore. Her nipples tightened under his regard, protruding blatantly. A half smile curved his lips.

“For a female with only two breasts, you are very attractive.”

“I am not going to ask how many boobs you consider normal. And by the way, that wasn’t a very good compliment.”

He reached a hand out to cup her through the wet linen. “Do you need me to tell you how beautiful you are? How you make me wild with desire? Since the moment I met you, I’ve wanted nothing more than to tear your clothing from you and caress every inch of your barbarian body.”

Oh, now that was sexy. It deserved a reply. “You make me hot too.”

A smile curved his lips, the sharp points of his teeth peeking. Not that she feared them. She knew they wouldn’t hurt her. “You are a treat, Louisa.”

Taking a page from his book, she sassed him. “And you talk too much.” She grabbed him by the hair and pulled him down, mashing her lips against his. He got the hint, using his tongue for other oral pleasures, such as sliding it along her own, creating a tingle in her body.

He shifted himself over her, his thick, muscled body, settling between her parting thighs. The weight of him, against her core, made her shiver and she thrust her hips, an ache already building in her sex.

She kissed with hungry abandon, forgetting everything in that moment except for his touch. He broke the embrace, rearing up over her, his blue eyes glittering with light. He watched her as he let his hands trail down her body, unfastening the closures to her shirt, revealing her body, inch by inch. Her breathing hitched at the smoldering desire she saw in his expression, the need. The hunger…

He trailed a finger down the valley between her exposed breasts, his simple touch electrifying her senses and making her back arch, presenting herself to him. He bowed his head, swiftly, taking an erect peak into his mouth and sucking. She cried out at the sudden pleasure of it, her fingers lacing through his hair, holding him to her. The edges of his teeth grazed along her sensitive skin, teasing, delighting. He switched breasts, lavishing the same attention on the other, while she moaned, the heat and moisture in her pussy building.

As if sensing her growing urgency, one of his hands skimmed down the length of her body, slipping between the juncture of her thighs. He groaned as his fingers met her moistness.

He released her nipple with a wet pop, and with glittering eyes that held her gaze, slid down her body until his face hovered over her sex.

“I’ve dreamt of tasting you,” he said in a voice thick with passion. He dipped his head and she moaned at the first swipe of his tongue. Trembled at the second. Lost most of her coherent mind at the third. Lost in a maelstrom of pleasure, before she knew it, she screamed out in bliss, her orgasm rocking her body with tremors. She vaguely felt him shifting, and opened her eyes to see him overshadowing her again. Something hard, and hot, pressed against her sex.

“I want you,” he stated baldly.

And God, how she wanted him too. She drew him down by linking her arms around his neck, whispering against his mouth. “Take me.”

With a groan, he thrust into her, and she cried out, the thick, long length of his cock filling her, stretching her, taking her recent climax and somehow reigniting it. In and out, he pumped, strokes that got quicker and quicker, but she didn’t mind. As she panted against his lips, her kisses more like breathy rubs of their mouths, she begged for more, showed him what she wanted by arching her hips into his thrusts. Legs wrapped around his waist, she invited him as deep as he could penetrate. She found herself riding up the pinnacle of pleasure again, but this time he came with her, and when she shattered into billions of blissful pieces, he climaxed as well, shouting her name, as he spurted hotly inside her.

It took forever to come back to earth — make that whatever alien planet they’d crashed on. She wished she could have stayed in that high forever. Lying in the circle of Xarn’s arms, ear pressed against his chest, she listened to the steady beat of his heart as she regained her breath. Talk about climatic. Sex with a guy from back home never came close to this. Never made her feel like she’d died and gone to heaven.
I was such an idiot for not letting myself enjoy this before.
But there was still time to make up for it, she hoped.

A part of her still wondered what the future would bring. Would Xarn play a part in it? What about Brax? Would he be angry? Hurt? And what about her girls? Had he found them? Were they okay?

So many questions needed answers still, but she pushed those and her doubts aside, allowing herself to bask in the moment because who knew when she’d ever get a chance to enjoy it again? Apparently, not anytime soon even if the cock pressed against her hip seemed partially ready to go again.

The perimeter alarm went off, and she scrambled to sit, pulling her shirt together and fumbling for buttons, unlike the less prudish Xarn who leapt to his feet, a gun in one hand a knife in the other, his dick swinging like a purple pendulum. Stopping for a moment, fingers slipping from the buttons, she couldn’t help admiring him; tall, muscled and even while naked, dangerous looking. His lack of balls made his prick seem larger, more defined. And she needed to stop staring. Danger arrived.

She’d just managed to do up a few of her buttons when Brax appeared in the clearing, and her emotions went to war. On the one hand, she was happy to see him back, safe and sound. On the other, disappointment made itself felt when she noticed he returned alone, which meant her girls were still lost. And finally, guilt and embarrassment flooded her. How could it not when she’d just had sex with his best friend, knowing he wanted her, and worse, she couldn’t hide what happened?

Heat rushed to her cheeks and she prayed for a rock to crawl under. Then she asked for one to bash against Xarn’s head when he smugly said, “I don’t know about you, but my time was most productive.”

“Way to
rub it in his face,” she snarled standing up and attempting some form of dignity with her hair all ratty and smelling of sex. The rain of course had stopped while they enjoyed themselves, so she couldn’t even try and shower.

Brax grinned, not seeming perturbed. “Productive and yet, you didn’t leave her with a smile. When my turn comes, rest assured, I will show you how it is done properly.”

Rewind. What had he just said? “Um excuse me? What did you mean by your turn? I slept with Xarn. Doesn’t that mean I’ve kind of chosen him?”

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