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Authors: Eve Langlais

Dual Abduction (15 page)

BOOK: Dual Abduction
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“Zonians,” the yellowed eyed female corrected.

“Yeah, sorry Zonians. They’ve got other orphans like us over there. Girls only. Pak says we’ll be given teachers, and we’ll learn how to fight and live off the land.”

“Why would you want to do that? We’re going to escape here and go find somewhere nice to live. Right Brax?”

She turned pleading eyes to him.

He wanted to give her the answer she craved. But that would involve lying. “Truthfully, your charges would be safest with the Zonians. Keeping them unharmed will be hard, almost impossible unless we lock them up somewhere. Females of your kind are rare, and as such, prized on the black market. If they choose to go live with the Zonians, they will learn how to defend themselves. Have a home. More of a future than if they came with us.” Louisa’s expression grew tight and he saw the shimmer of tears on her lashes with each truthful word he spoke.

“Even better, if we go with Pak, they won’t split us up.”

“And you all want this?” Louisa’s voice emerged almost as a whisper.

Heads nodded all around the clearing. Josie grinned. “You should have seen Pak take on the mega monster that came out of the woods. It was like totally epic. I wanna be able to do that.”

“And I don’t want to be a victim ever again,” Sade added.

“If that’s what you want, then I’ll come with you,” Louisa blurted.

Brax didn’t say anything to her statement. He knew he didn’t have to.

The Zonian shook her beaked head. “Only foundlings can be brought to live in the compound. You are no longer pure, and of an age to learn. The young ones, while older than we usually prefer, still have a chance and we can provide a place for them. But I’m afraid, while you may visit and stay at our outsider facility, you cannot come to live with them.”

Her voice finally cracked. “But, they’re my responsibility.”

“And now they are mine. You gave them all the skills they needed to get this far. I will carry on from this point and teach them the ones they need to go further and survive.”

Louisa sagged in his arms, and he could see the tears rolling down her cheeks and feel them as they dripped onto his hands. Distress claimed her at the imminent loss of her charges, but his respect for her grew a notch when she didn’t wail or try to change their minds, honoring their choice.

The halflings came and hugged his female one by one, exchanging whispers and promises, but despite the many wet eyes, none of them faltered in their resolve. Brax almost shuddered as he looked at the eleven demons standing side by side with their new teacher. Dangerous before, after a few planetary revolutions of Zonian training, they’d be deadly.

You have no idea of just how dangerous,
a voice whispered in his mind. A premonition or a warning?

Before the group melted back into the shadows of the forest, Xarn used his head for something other than a handsome ornament atop his neck. “You don’t happen to know of a nearby spaceport do you?”

Pak peered at them over her shoulder, her yellow eyes glowing. “Fear not. Your departure from this planet will happen soon. My sister in orbit received a communication from an approaching vessel. Aylia is part of the group that volunteered to rescue your unlucky purple buttocks.”

Brax groaned. If Aylia was coming, then that meant Jaro would accompany her, at the very least. Embarrassing didn’t even begin to cover that scenario. With final waves, the little females disappeared with their new teacher leaving behind a very upset one.

Louisa pushed out of his arms, and stalked a few paces before whirling, her tears replaced with a tight lipped anger.

“How could you crash us on the one planet with some weird broad determined to steal my girls?”

His jaw dropped. “How can you think we did on purpose?”

“Are you going to deny you wanted to get rid of them?”

“Actually,” Xarn said coming to his rescue. “I’ve grown quite fond of the little demons. Just imagining the havoc they would have wreaked when we loosed them on our home planet was enough to keep me in good spirits no matter what befell us.”

Louisa growled.

Xarn didn’t heed the warning and approached her. “They are in good hands, my human barbarian. Zonians are renowned warriors. Your females truly couldn’t have had anything more propitious happen to them. And even better, now you needn’t worry about their wellbeing. Does that not ease your mind?”

Xarn reached out to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, and Brax winced as Louisa kicked him in the shin.

“No it doesn’t.” She flounced off to sit on a rock, back to them, her spine a rigid steel girder that screamed, ‘Don’t come near me.’

With a pronounced limp he’d not owned earlier, Xarn came over to join him where he stood contemplating their current mess.”

“How long do you think she will be angry?”

“I have no idea.”

As it turned out, a while. The morning passed, and while she accepted food and beverage from them, she would not speak, and she foiled their attempts to melt her with kisses and caresses.

After the third such rejection, he and Xarn regrouped.

“Still angry,” Xarn stated almost mournfully.

“Very. I could not even manage to kiss her. When I got close, she hit me in the shin and, I quote, she threatened to kick my manhood next if I did not keep my purple hands to myself.”

“I don’t understand. She wasn’t happy when we were making her choose. She was upset when she thought her students lost. And now that we’ve solved both problems, she is even angrier.”

“We can do nothing about her charges unfortunately. It was the best choice for them. But how do we solve her sadness at their loss?”

“We could always impregnate her and gave her more younglings to care for,” Xarn said.

A babe born to their female? The idea had merit, but contained one big flaw. “In order to breed, we’d have to touch her which brings us back to our primary problem.”

Xarn tapped his chin in thought. “She needs a distraction. Perhaps we should spar. Let her see us in action and become aroused at our prowess.”

“Or, we tag team.”


Brax lowered his voice. “She has already stated in the past, she couldn’t resist us. That our caresses and presence arouse her. So, we ambush her. You take the front, I’ll take the back, or vice versa. If we sandwich her between us, she can’t hurt us.” He hoped.

“We will kiss and seduce her into submission.” Xarn finished, nodding his head. “But, will this not make her angrier?” They both turned to look at her.

“Can it truly get any worse?”




Louisa understood she sulked. Pouted. Was acting like a right, bad tempered bitch. But she couldn’t help herself. Part of it had to do with Brax and Xarn’s manipulation of her. She’d gone through agony wondering how to deal with them without hurting someone’s feelings. She’d suffered guilt when she thought she betrayed them. And all along, they’d planned for it to happen. But while she could forgive them, eventually, what she couldn’t forgive or understand was how in the space of a week, she could think it was alright to sleep with two guys. Worse, she craved it. Wanted it. And not even one at a time which would have been somewhat okay. She desired them both to take her. To not leave one out while she reaped the pleasurable benefit.

It both horrified and titillated her. Threesomes weren’t natural. Her love for two males at once, not right. But knowing this didn’t stop it.

Not wanting to deal with her new slutty attitude about men, she tried to focus on other things, and found herself invariably thinking about her girls. Her sweet angels who found somewhere they could belong. A place that would teach them to be strong and wouldn’t punish them for their childhood or past mistakes. A chance to live.

And selfish me, I envy them.
She didn’t know what would happen to her next. Would she make it out of this jungle? Would she leave with Brax and Xarn? Would they ditch her at the nearest planet with civilization? And if they did, what would she do? How could she survive and support herself? A tough attitude was great, but she lacked anything else to go with it. What kind of job could she hope to get without skills or knowledge?

It made her want to throw herself at the feet of her purple warriors and beg them to take care of her, to keep her. And that in turn shamed her. She didn’t want them hooking up with her out of pity, or a sense of obligation. She wanted them to care for her.
To love me.
Which sounded so stupid. How could a pair of hunky warriors like themselves ever care for a fat assed human who could offer them nothing but her love? It seemed like a poor trade.

With no answers, she sulked, a pity party of one with no end to the misery in sight.

She felt a presence at her back. Whirling to sit sideways, she saw Brax bearing down on her, determination on his face. She held up a hand to halt him. He sank to his knees and leaned forward until her palm hit his chest, his very naked and muscled chest. She couldn’t stop the heat which sizzled between them. But she tried.

“I don’t want to talk to you.”

“Neither do I,” he replied. His hand swept up to cup the back of her head, pulling her toward him. She reared away only to discover Xarn behind her, his body pressing against hers, trapping her between them.

“What are you doing?” Her query emerged more breathless than she would have liked.

“Seducing you,” Brax whispered the words against her ear before he nuzzled her neck.

Xarn cupped her cheeks in his hands and drew close enough to feather her lips with his breath. “Asking for forgiveness the only way we know how.”

He kissed her before she could protest. But his weren’t the only lips melting her resistance. Brax embraced the tender skin of her nape, pushing aside her hair to caress her sensitive spot. Warmth curled inside her, and a tingling sensation spread through her body.

I should fight them. They used me. And pleasured me. It’s wrong. But it feels so good.
Even her own mind couldn’t decide, so she gave in to what her heart wanted.

At the gentle insistence of his mouth, Louisa parted her lips, allowing Xarn access, his tongue immediately sweeping in to claim her. At her back, Brax tickled her neck, sending shiver after shiver down her spine. Hands, she didn’t know whose, cupped her breasts, a pair of thumbs stroking over her erect peaks before pinching them. She moaned, lost in a maelstrom of pleasurable sensations. Forgot everything, her anger, sadness and even confusion, in the face of their dual assault on her senses. They brought her to her feet, standing her between them, the evidence of their desire pressing against her ass and mound. The heat of their bodies transmitted to hers and made her temperature rise, enough that she didn’t protest when they divested her of her clothing with deft fingers.

Even better, they took turns stripping, keeping her occupied with hot kisses as they denuded themselves. The decadent pleasure when they returned to sandwich her, skin to skin almost proved too much. Thank goodness she was pressed between them, because her knees definitely trembled.

Naked, she also couldn’t miss their hard cocks, the length of one pressing between the crevice of her buttocks, while the other, sank into the softness of her belly. Neither were anywhere near where she wanted them to be though.

Someone lifted her, the brawny purple arm around her waist a visual reminder of their difference. But the cock that slid itself between her legs to rub across her sex also made her recall just how right they were together. She didn’t even realize who held her until she looked down to see Xarn kneeling, his face level with her mound.

“What are you doing?” she gasped.

He didn’t immediately answer. Grasping her legs instead to place them over his shoulders, seating her on him, brought his face close to her sex, close enough she felt his breath on her lower lips and her channel squeezed in reply. “I’m going to make you scream,” he promised in a husky voice.

Brax cupped her breasts and fondled them. “We both are.”

First though, they stole all her breath and coherent thoughts. Xarn licked her and she trembled. He touched his tongue to her clit again, swirling it around before dipping it into her core. She gasped and squirmed. It seemed so decadent to have him with his face between her legs, while another cock pressed against her back.

Of course that was nothing compared to what happened a moment later. Wrapping his arms around her once more, Brax tilted her forward, far enough that the tip of his cock touched her sex. Then he plowed it in. She cried out at the sudden fullness of it. But as if having his thick shaft thrusting into her while suspended weren’t titillating enough, the tongue returned to lave her clit.

One stroke, two strokes…She lost count, even though it didn’t take many, of how many times he licked her sensitive nub. She just basked in the unbelievable pleasure of having her clit sucked and titillated while her pussy was pounded from behind. Brax’s body curved over hers, skin to skin, his lips brushing the back of her shoulder as he claimed her with his cock.

“You belong to us,” he whispered before biting, a sharp nip that surely broke skin, a pain echoed between her legs when Xarn nibbled her too, his pointed teeth sinking into the soft skin of her thigh. It should have made her mad. Should have thrown a cold bucket of water on her passion.

Instead, an electrical
went through her, like a fire igniting all of her nerve endings at once. It was glorious.

She screamed as she came, her body milking the shaft inside her with twitching muscles. A moment later, while still coming, Brax shot his cream, his body thrusting into her one last time and holding.

But they weren’t done.

Brax sat down abruptly, his semi hard cock still buried inside of her. She opened eyelids heavy with passion to see Xarn standing before her, his cock angled just slightly higher than her mouth. He didn’t need to ask. She reached for him, wrapping her fingers around his swollen length, drawing him to her lips. Before taking him into her mouth, she let her tongue have a lick and he groaned. She swirled it over him again, wetting his big mushroomed head before making her way down his cock to the base. The lack of balls intrigued her and she stroked a finger against the empty spot, smiling in pleasure when the big body before her jumped. She rubbed harder just under his cock and he groaned.

BOOK: Dual Abduction
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