Early Modern England 1485-1714: A Narrative History (104 page)

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Cromwell and
effect of Civil Wars
individual conscience
under James I
pleased with Bohemians
social disorder and

Putney Debates

Pym, John

Parliament and

Quaker Act (1662)

Quakers (Society of Friends)

imprisonment of

Queen Anne’s War
War of the Spanish Succession

Radcliffe, Thomas, earl of Sussex

Rainsborough, Colonel Thomas

Ralegh, Sir Walter


Rastadt, Treaty of

rebellions and riots

1590s riots
grazing commons rights and
Jack Cade
James II and
West Country religious revolt
Yorkshire Plot


literature and publication
see also
Luther, Martin; Protestants

Regency Act


Catholicism in England
Declaration of Indulgence
ecclesiastical courts
Elizabethan practice
hierarchies of
Irish conflict and
long-term effects of Civil Wars
medieval parishes
oppression and injustice
paternalism and deference
rational approach to
Restoration settlements
scientific attitudes
Scottish conflicts and
as state policy
Walpole’s government
worldly wealth

Religion and the Decline of Magic


king’s power and
and Roman Catholics
Scottish suppression

Restoration settlements

Restraint of Annates, Act (1533)

Restraint of Appeals, Act (1533)

Riccio, David

Rich, Christopher

Rich, John

Richard II (Plantagenet)

Richard III (York)

portrayals of

Richmond, duke of (Henry Fitzroy)

Ridley, Bishop Nicholas

Ridolfi, Roberto di

Ripon, Treaty of (1640)

Rivers, earl of (Anthony Woodville)

Robert the Bruce

Rocheford, Lord (George Boleyn)

Rochester, earl of (John Wilmot)

Rogers, John

Roman Britain

Roman Catholic Church

compared to Protestants
hierarchies of
papal hopes for Elizabeth
rewards Henry VIII
Thirty Years’ War
worldly wealth

Roman Catholics (English)

Charles I and
consolation of rituals
Declaration of Indulgence (1672)
effect of Glorious Revolution
establish Maryland colony
Gunpowder Plot
Henry VII and
Henry VIII and
under James I
James II and
James’s tolerance and
Mary, Queen of Scots and
Mary I and
Oates and Popish Plot
plots against Elizabeth
Restoration and
social exclusion

Roman Catholics (Irish)

divisions increase
Irish rebellion
William III’s suppression of


Roundheads (Parliamentarians)

see also
Civil Wars

Royal College of Physicians

Royal Naval College

Royal Navy

Civil Wars
Elizabethan expansion
lack of funds
Ship Money tax
supremacy of

Rubens, Peter Paul

Rupert of the Rhine, Prince

rural life

Russell, Admiral Edward

Russell, Conrad

Russell, Edward

Ryswick, Treaty of

Sacheverell, Henry

St German, Christopher

St John, Henry, Viscount Bolingbroke

St John, Oliver

St Paul’s Cathedral

Salisbury, earl of (Robert Cecil)

on bountiful kings
government finances
James’s succession and
rivalry with Essex

Sancroft, Archbishop William


Saye and Sele, Lord

Scarisbrick, J. J.

Schism Act

sciences and mathematics


Act of Union
Bishops’ Wars
Charles II and
effect of Glorious Revolution
Elizabeth and
emigration to Ireland
France and
geography of
Glorious Revolution and
harbours English pretenders
Henry VIII and
James VI and I’s generosity
Navigation Acts and
population of
religion in
Restoration suppression
Scottish Enlightenment
second Civil War
Solemn League and Covenant
Somerset’s rule and
Stuarts and

Scotland Act (1998)

Sedgemoor, Battle of

Sedley, Catherine, Countess of Dorchester

Selden, John

Septennial Act (1716)

Settlement Acts

Seven Years’ War

Seymour, Edward, earl of Somerset

Seymour, Jane (Henry VIII’s queen)

Shaftesbury, earl of (Anthony Ashley Cooper)

Shagan, Ethan

Shakespeare, William

Richard II
Tragedy of King Richard III
Troilus and Cressida

Sheldon, Archbishop Gilbert

Sheppard, Jack

ships and seafaring

London and
world trade
see also
Royal Navy

Shrewsbury, duke of (Charles Talbot)

Sidney, Algernon

Sidney, Henry

Sidney, Robert

Sidney, Sir Philip


Simnel, Lambert

Six Articles, Act of

Sixtus V, Pope

Skelton, John


Smith, Captain Alexander

Smith, Hilda

Smith, Sir Thomas

social order

church community
Civil Wars support and
commoners’ lives
community neighborliness
crossing class lines
Great Chain of Being
landed gentry
marginal groups
medieval parishes
Members of Parliament
middle classes
paternalism and deference
rise of gentry
table of families
working classes

Societies for the Reformation of Manners

Society for the Propagation of Christian Knowledge (SPCK)

Society for the Propagation of the Gospel (SPG)

Society of Friends

Society of Jesus (Jesuits)

Solemn League and Covenant

Somers, Sir John

Somerset, duke of (Edmund Beaufort)

Somerset, earl of (Robert Carr)

Somerset, earl of (Edward Seymour)

Sophia, Electress of Hanover

South Sea Company


Charles and marriage
Henry VII and
Louis XIV’s ambitions and
maps of
the empire
Mary I and
naval war
Philip II’s empire
strong monarchy

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