Early Modern England 1485-1714: A Narrative History

BOOK: Early Modern England 1485-1714: A Narrative History
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List of Plates

List of Maps

Preface to the Second Edition

Preface to the First Edition


Conventions and Abbreviations

Introduction: England and its People, ca. 1485

This Sceptered Isle
This Seat of Mars – and Less Happier Lands
This England
This Happy Breed
The Mental World of the English People, ca. 1485

Chapter One Establishing the Henrician Regime, 1485–1525

The Wars of the Roses, 1455–85
Establishing the Tudor State
Young King Hal
The Great Cardinal
War and Diplomacy

Chapter Two (Dis-)Establishing the Henrician Church, 1525–1536

The King’s Great Matter
The Attack on the Church
The Royal Supremacy
A Tudor Revolution?

Chapter Three Reformations and Counter-Reformations, 1536–1558

Catholic or Protestant?
Marriage, Succession, and Foreign Policy
Henry VIII’s Last Years
The New King, the Lord Protector, and the Legacy of Henry VIII
Northumberland and the Protestant Reformation
Mary I and Marital Diplomacy
Catholic Restoration
Foreign Policy and the Succession

Chapter Four The Elizabethan Settlement and its Challenges, 1558–1585

The New Queen
Cecil vs. Dudley
Marital Diplomacy I
The Religious Settlement
The Puritan Challenge
The Catholic Threat
England and Scotland
England and Spain
Plots and Counter-Plots
Marital Diplomacy II

Chapter Five The Elizabethan Triumph and Unsettlement, 1585–1603

What about Mary?
The Spanish Armada
The War at Sea and on the Continent
The War(s) in Ireland
Crises of the 1590s

Chapter Six Merrie Olde England?, ca. 1603

Population Expansion and Economic Crisis
The Social Order
The Gender Order
Elite Private Life
Commoners’ Private Life
Paternalism and Deference
Kinship and Neighborliness
Poverty and Charity
Law and (Dis)order
Trade, Exploration, and Colonization
Cultural Life

Chapter Seven The Early Stuarts and the Three Kingdoms, 1603–1642

The Problem of Government Finance
The Problem of Foreign Policy, War, and England’s Place in Europe
The Problem of Religion
The Personal Rule and the Problem of Local Authority
The Crisis of Scotland
The Long Parliament
The Crisis of Ireland

Chapter Eight Civil War, Revolution, and the Search for Stability, 1642–1660

Rebellion, 1642–6
Revolution, 1646–9
The Radical Hydra?
Commonwealth, Protectorate, and the Search for Stability, 1649–58
The Restoration, 1658–60

Chapter Nine Restoration and Revolution, 1660–1689

The Restoration Settlements, 1660–5
Charles II and the Unraveling of the Restoration Settlements
Problems of Sovereignty, Finance, Religion, and Foreign Policy, 1660–70
The Declaration of Indulgence and the Third Dutch War, 1670–3
The Earl of Danby and the Court and Country Blocs, 1673–8
The Popish Plot, Exclusion Crisis, and Loss of Local Control, 1678–81
The Tory Revenge and Reestablishment of Local Control, 1681–5
James II and the Attempt at a Catholic Restoration, 1685–8
The Glorious Revolution, 1688–9

Chapter Ten War and Politics, 1689–1714

William III, Mary II, and the English People
The Revolution in Scotland and Ireland, 1688–92
The War and the Parties, 1688–97
The Rise of the Whig Junto, 1693–97
The Tory Resurgence, 1697–1701
The Spanish and English Successions, 1700–2
Anne and the Rage of Party
The War, the Union, and the Parties, 1702–10
The Queen’s Revenge, 1710
The Treaty of Utrecht, 1710–13
The Oxford Ministry, 1710–14

Conclusion: Augustan Polity, Society, and Culture, ca. 1714


Introduction: England and its People, ca. 1485
1 Establishing the Henrician Regime, 1485–1525
2 (Dis-)Establishing the Henrician Church, 1525–1536
3 Reformations and Counter-Reformations, 1536–1558
4 The Elizabethan Settlement and its Challenges, 1558–1585
5 The Elizabethan Triumph and Unsettlement, 1585–1603
6 Merrie Olde England?, ca. 1603
7 The Early Stuarts and the Three Kingdoms, 1603–1642
8 Civil War, Revolution, and the Search for Stability, 1642–1660
9 Restoration and Revolution, 1660–1689
10 War and Politics, 1689–1714
Conclusion: Augustan Polity, Society, and Culture, ca. 1714


Select Bibliography

Pre-Tudor (1400s–1485)
Tudor (1485–1603)
Stuart (1603–1714)
Documents and Other Primary Sources

Appendix: Genealogies

1 The Yorkists and Lancastrians
2 The Tudors and Stuarts
3 The Stuarts and Hanoverians


To our parents, with gratitude and love

Lillian Aguirre Bucholz in memory of Robert Edward Bucholz

Cornelia Buck Key
H. Newton Key

This second edition first published 2009

© 2009 Robert Bucholz and Newton Key

Edition history: Blackwell Publishing Ltd (1e, 2004)

Blackwell Publishing was acquired by John Wiley & Sons in February 2007. Blackwell’s publishing program has been merged with Wiley’s global Scientific, Technical, and Medical business to form Wiley-Blackwell.

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