Easy For Keeps: A Boudreaux Novella (The Boudreaux Series) (7 page)

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Authors: Kristen Proby

Tags: #Romance, #1001 Dark Nights, #Kristen Proby, #Boudreaux, #New Orleans

BOOK: Easy For Keeps: A Boudreaux Novella (The Boudreaux Series)
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“I thought you wanted a snack,” she says and sips her water.

“I wanted to see you in my kitchen,” I reply, making her laugh.

“Do you have a kitchen fetish?”

I do now.

I don’t answer, and she saunters the few feet between us, her water still in her hand. I expect her to lean up and kiss me, but instead, she squats in front of me, takes a sip of cold water, and pulls my cock into her mouth.


She turns those big, shining eyes up to me and my semi-hard-on is immediately full and ready for her all over again.

She grips me hard and uses her mouth on me, sucking, licking, even lightly dragging her teeth along the shaft.

“Stand up.”

But she shakes her head no and keeps fucking me with her mouth. She licks down to my balls and sucks each one into her mouth, working me over with her hands, and I can’t stand it anymore. I
need her.
Again. Just her. No one else will do, and that’s never happened before.

If I don’t get inside her in the next three seconds, I’m going to lose it.

I grip her shoulders in my hands and lift her to her feet, then spin her and bend her over the island, my hand gripping her hair. She spreads her legs for me, and I push inside. She’s already wet and clamps around me as I ride her hard. My hips set an almost punishing rhythm, but I can’t stop.

Her feet leave the ground and wrap back around my thighs. She’s white-knuckling the countertop.

“You’re so fucking sexy,” I growl and slap her ass twice. “You make me crazy.”

“You make
crazy,” she replies and gasps when my thumb finds her tiny little asshole. “Holy shit that feels good.”

I don’t push inside her, I just tease the puckered rim as I fuck her hard, until she comes harder than before. Feeling her grip my cock with her tight pussy and watching my thumb on her little ass is just about my undoing. When I feel my own orgasm build, I pull out and spill myself on her back, regretting that I didn’t bring a condom from the bedroom.

I’ll put a whole box in a drawer.

“Stay there.” My voice is hoarse, yet gentle. I reach for a towel, wet it, and clean her up, then pull her to me and hug her close, rocking back and forth. How I can go from aggressively fucking her one second to gently holding her the next, I don’t know. This is new.

But it feels fantastic.

“I should go home,” she murmurs against my chest and plants a kiss there.

“Can you stay?” I ask, surprising the hell out of myself. I always avoid sleeping over, at all costs. It just muddies things up. But I don’t want her to go.

She tips her head back and stares up at me for a moment.

“Becca’s with Hailey, so I can just shoot her a text,” she says thoughtfully. “Unless I get called in, I don’t have to work tomorrow.”

“Perfect.” I kiss her nose. “Stay with me.”

“Why is this so easy with you?” she asks, frowning. “I thought I would be nervous, and maybe scared, and I had a minute of being a little nervous.” She grins up at me. “But I’m not. I’m just…

My thoughts exactly.
I’m just me.

“I’m an easy kind of guy.”

She snorts, then bites my arm. Not hard, like some girls have done in the past, making me shy away from teeth, but just enough to make me notice.

And make my cock twitch.

“You like to bite, don’t you?”

“I guess so.”

“This is new?”

She shrugs and pulls away, leading me back to the bedroom. “It seems you’re bringing out all kinds of surprising things in me tonight.”

“What are the others?”

“Five orgasms and my first blowjob in years,” she says, tossing her thick hair over her shoulder. “Oh, and I’m perfectly comfortable naked.”

“Good. Because I plan to keep you that way a lot.”

I climb into the bed and pull her in with me, tucking her against me.

“You want to sleep already?” she asks.

“Sweetheart, you’ve worn me out.”

“But I can still walk.” She sticks her lower lip out, then laughs and kisses my chin. “I’m just kidding.”

“There’s always tomorrow morning.”

She kisses my neck, then my collarbone, and settles in my arms as if she was born to fit there. I love how affectionate she is. Her lips rarely leave my skin.

“Tomorrow morning then.” She yawns. “Goodnight, Adam.”

“Goodnight.” I bury my lips in her hair and take a deep breath. She smells like sunshine and sex.

Two of my favorite things.


Chapter Six




I can’t breathe. I’m 97% sure that my nerve endings are literally on fire, and true to his promise, walking today, or the days in the near future, will be a challenge.

God bless him.

“God, Sarah.”

If I could move right now, I’d open my eyes and look down at him, but I can’t. He’s still inside me, his body also still quivering. I didn’t think it was possible, but this round might be better than any of the previous six.

Six. Rounds. Of sex.

In one twelve-hour period.

I collapse on his chest, bury my face in his neck, try to regain use of my extremities, and purr when he wraps his arms around my back and hugs me close.

His arms make me want to bite him. In the best sexual way possible. I don’t know what he does to keep them so…
, but dear sweet Moses, am I thankful.

“I’ll make you breakfast,” he murmurs against my neck, sending a fresh round of goose bumps over my skin.

“Okay. I’ll get off of you in about a month.”

He chuckles and slaps my ass, and then before I know it, I’m flat on my back and he’s leaning over me, smiling down at me with those amazing green eyes of his.

“How can you move?”

“Quick recovery,” he says and kisses my nose. “You stay here and collect yourself and I’ll go cook.”

“Cook what?” I ask. “There’s nothing in your fridge.”

“The bagel place delivers.” He winks, places a smacking kiss on my lips, then jumps up and saunters out of the bedroom.


Holy shit.

I cover my face with my hands and can’t help but smile. What a night! Adam didn’t wait until this morning to have his way with me again. No, that happened sometime around 2:00 a.m.

It seems that man can’t keep his hands off of me, and that doesn’t hurt my feelings in the least. I was so right. One night with Adam Spencer was unforgettable and a giant boost to my ego.

Sex with Kurt was always good. He was an attentive lover. I know it’s not fair to compare the two men, and I never would out loud, but I didn’t know that two men could be so

I mean, it makes sense, but it never occurred to me. The sounds, the smells, the way Adam touches me are all so different from anything I’ve ever experienced before. I didn’t even know that half of what he did to me was even possible.

Its legality is still questionable.

I giggle and sit up, sighing when my muscles complain. Good lord, muscles I didn’t even know existed are protesting after the night of exhausting sex I just had.

I had sex. A lot. With the hottest man ever.

I giggle once more and stand, groaning now at the uncomfortable pull of my inner thigh muscles, and walk into his bathroom to clean up.

The shower is quick, and before I know it, I’m in his kitchen, wearing last night’s clothes, kind of excited about the walk of shame I’ll do when he drops me off.

“I like that smile,” Adam says as he walks into the kitchen holding a brown bag that was just delivered.

“You put it there,” I reply with a wink. “You put on shorts.”

He raises a brow. “I can take them back off.”

“No.” I shake my head and laugh as Adam opens the bag of food.

He smirks and passes me a bagel, already toasted with cream cheese.

I take a bite and realize that I’m

“We burned a lot of calories last night,” he says casually as he watches me devour half of my bagel.

“No kidding.”

you feel?”

“Sore.” I lick cream cheese off my thumb and grin at the sexy man taking a bite of his breakfast. “Well sexed.”

“Mission accomplished then.” He reaches over the island and drags his thumb down my cheek. “What are your plans today?”

“I promised Hailey I’d take her to the zoo,” I reply and check my phone, relieved that I haven’t missed any calls or texts.

“That’ll be fun,” he says. “When can I see you again?”

I bite my lip and set my bagel down. This was supposed to be a one-night fling, right? A night to get some horniness out of my system and get on with it.

But last night was more than just a whole bunch of exceptional sex. Which it was. Exceptional, I mean. But damn it, I

“Should I take your silence as a
not in this lifetime

“No!” I shake my head and reach over to take his hand in mine. “I’m sorry, I was just thinking about my…schedule.”

“No lying,” he says, startling me. “Ever.”


“If you don’t want to see me again, just say so.” He shrugs. His voice is calm. He’s not angry or railing at me. But his eyes look hurt.

want to see you again.” He continues to hold my gaze steady as I take a deep breath. “Okay, you want the truth?”

“Every time.”

“I went into last night thinking that it would be a one-night stand.” He cocks a brow and leans his hands on the countertop, listening. “I hadn’t been with anyone since my husband, and I thought it was time, and you’re—”

“I’m what?”

“Sexy and nice and I like you.”

“I like you, too.”

I nod and swallow hard. “So, I don’t want it to be just a one-night stand.”

“What do you want it to be?” he asks.

“I don’t know.” I shrug. “And that’s the truth. But I do want to see you again.”

A sexy smile spreads over his handsome face. “See? That wasn’t so hard.”

“Harder than you know.” I check the time. “I really should get home. And I’m not inviting you to go to the zoo with us today because I’m just not ready for that.”

“Fair enough.” He nods and walks around the island separating us, cups my face in his big hands and kisses me madly. “But I want to see you, Sarah. I want to see a lot of you.”

“And Hailey?”

“I’m not running scared because you’re a mom, honey.”


“Okay.” He kisses my forehead, then pulls away. “Let’s get you home.”

“Thank you.”


“Dinner. Breakfast.”
The most amazing sex of my entire life.

“You’re welcome.”


* * * *


“Do I look pretty for my date?” Hailey asks me two weeks later as we get ready for Adam to pick us up and take us bowling.

“You look very pretty,” I reply, fussing with the pink bow in her dark hair. She finally let me dress her in something other than her Belle dress.

This one is Sleeping Beauty. Because it’s pink, and as she said, a dress for dates should be pink.

My child never ceases to crack me up.

In the past two weeks, Adam has been present in our lives more and more. He and I have enjoyed a few nights alone together, but he’s also made the effort to include Hailey and even Becca when we go out for dinner or to the French Quarter for some shopping.

“I don’t need the pads,” Hailey says, her hands on her hips.

“What pads?” I ask as the doorbell rings.

“The bowling pads,” she says and rushes out of the room to the door and dances in place, waiting for me to open it. “Adam!”

“Hello there. I’m looking for a miss Hailey Cox.”

“That’s me!”

Adam’s face transforms in surprise. “Are you sure? Because the little girl I’m looking for always wears a Belle dress.”

“Not on date night,” she informs him and takes his hand. “Date night is special.”

“You’re right,” he says and scoops her into his arms to hug her tight. Adam has also become more affectionate, more at ease, with Hailey over the past few weeks. At first, I thought it would bother me, but it just makes me happy.  “So that must be why I brought you this.” He offers her a single pink rose, making my daughter’s eyes widen in delight.

He brought her a flower!

And just like that, he makes me like him even more.

“You brought me a pretty flower!”

“Of course I did. I’m taking you on a date.”

“What about Mommy?”

His gaze turns to mine as he sets Hailey down and reaches outside, then offers me a bouquet of red roses. “Oh, Adam. You didn’t have to.”

“Flowers for my girls,” he says with a wink to Hailey. “On date night.”

“We should go on dates every day!” Hailey exclaims.

“Well, then it wouldn’t be special anymore,” Adam replies and offers me his hand, then pulls me close so he can gently kiss my cheek. “Shall we?”

“Absolutely.” I tuck Hailey’s flower in the vase with my own, set them on the coffee table, and we’re off.

The bowling alley is quiet, but it is only seven o’clock on a Friday. We gather our shoes and balls and argue with Hailey about the gutter bumpers until she finally gives in.

Halfway into the game, it’s obvious that Hailey is going to out bowl both of us.

And she’s five.

“Are you hungry?” Adam asks Hailey after the game is over.

“Winning is hard work,” she informs him. “I’m very hungry.”

“Okay, the winner chooses dinner,” he says as he leads us out of the bowling alley to his car.


“Pizza it is,” he says and winks at me. “How are you?”

“I’m great.”

He watches my face for a moment, and then satisfied that it’s the truth, he kisses my hand.

“Let’s do take and bake pizza,” I suggest. “We can go back to our place and eat, and then it’ll be close to time for bath and bed.”

“Good idea. Do you want to text Becca and ask her what she wants?”

“You’re sweet.” I smile over at him, completely charmed by him. “But Becca is out on a date tonight.”

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