Eden's Charms (7 page)

Read Eden's Charms Online

Authors: Jaclyn Tracey

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #vampires, #werewolves, #spicy

BOOK: Eden's Charms
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“What’s got you two looking so serious?” Savanah asked as she sat down.

“Nothing a silver bullet won’t fix. We were just talking about your new beau.”

Savanah snorted.

Julian never missed a beat as he poured the wine and handed each of them a glass. Julian raised his wine. “We welcome Elyza Tracey St. James to our family. Our little treasure to be cherished for a lifetime. Cheers!” The glasses clinked and the three of them waited to see what else their little waitress could dish up, or at least Julian did.


His little roadster headed north on Broadway, Ethan pulled a U-turn in the middle of the busy road. Cars skidded to a stop and curse words filtered into the air in the same manner as the squealing brakes did. Even his charismatic grin didn’t cool the other driver’s overheated tempers.

Can’t please everyone all of the time!

With a left onto Spring Street, a right onto Nelson Avenue and a left onto Union, Ethan found himself headed toward the Flat track and ultimately the house in which Raven St. James lived. The hustle and bustle as breeders and trainers got their horses ready for the racing season spread through the east side of town the same way manure did the stables. Local police cars hogged each corner, pick-up trucks, horse trailers and horses cluttered the sides of the roads making traffic bottleneck in areas. Security guards placed in strategic locations helped to cross the animals and patrons from the stables and parking lots to the track. With the St. James’ home bordered on the track’s property, Ethan realized this might work to his advantage. All the extra people milling around, he’d blend right in. And if he was caught snooping? He’d claim he was the accidental tourist. Yeah, he was an accident waiting to happen all right!

As he turned right onto the narrow unpaved road and passed through the main entrance, he read the sign posted:
Rose Gardens Close at Dusk.

Pine trees, thick with green foliage, allowed only glimpses of sunlight to filter through. At the first sign of loose gravel, large beads of sweat formed on his brows. Worried a rock might jump up and scratch the paint on his new baby, he drove so slow the speedometer barely registered. This whole baby snatching ordeal would destroy his sanity. All he wanted to do was turn around and get the hell out of here but he physically couldn’t. He felt as if he’d been brainwashed. Pretty certain he had been. He needed to grow a new pair and stand up against this lunatic.

And yet he continued, being toyed with like a broken emasculated Ken doll against his will.

A fork in the driveway with a sign pointed him away from the main home, to the gardens, where he parked. Ethan got out, locked the doors and walked to the base of a small incline where he took in the fortress. “It might as well have a moat.” He counted five floors of windows. Chimneys climbed from the roof like dandelions popped up from the earth in the spring. There were plenty. The solid, gray-flagstone castle all but dared him to try to breech its walls. The place reminded him of a time long ago when kings built fortresses to keep people like him out. Without so much as a game plan, he veered to his left, and wormed his way around the backside of the home on his belly, cutting through the grass with the stealth of the snake he felt like.

He stood, brushed the dirt from his clothing and peeped in the kitchen window. Ethan had never met or even seen photos of Raven St. James or any of her family for that matter, but he’d heard tales of her beauty, hence the nickname, little Beauty.

Not a lot to go on!

What I really want is the beauty I left at the restaurant. Shake that vision, Eth, coz her two side dishes bite back.

Standing on top of the air conditioning unit, he decided no baby lived in this monstrosity. The manor held a tranquil setting, more like a library or a morgue.

This is insane. I have to get the hell away from here. I’m so not a kidnapper.
Turning to abandon this ludicrous plot, a cold, dry force-field encased his body like a layer of freezer wrap, prepared to suck every last drop of moisture out of him. He recognized the Maestro’s calling card.

You will do this, Ethan, because, otherwise, I shall cut off your lifeline when we see each other once more. And I don’t mean your bank account. Raven is not a fit mother. I will not have my grandchild raised with that family. They executed my son. Remember this.

Isn’t that what family court is all about, Xier? That’s why there’s a judicial system. So people can spend their last hard-earned cent giving it to the lawyers and judges only to get screwed over legally.

You will not disappoint me, Ethan. Betray me once and you’ll regret your very existence. They will thank you in the end. As will I.

About to tell the Maestro where he could stick his ‘
Betray me once
’ bologna, a tall woman with thick, blonde curls walked right in front of the French doors he peered in and headed for the fridge. He ducked when Blondie cranked her neck back and stared at the back woods. Her light blue eyes looked like a husky’s or wolf’s eyes and then the belly came into view. “No freakin’ way! She’s the one that puked on me.” Ethan retreated to the wooded area. “Could this night get much crazier?”


Jovan knew something or someone was in the woods watching her. If the hairs like cactus needles jabbing her neck were any indicator, she had only one choice.
André, I’m sorry to disturb your dinner, but we’ve company in the woods.

André turned to Savanah. “Flash everyone. We’re out of here.” He tossed a wad of bills on the table, and headed for the exit.

We’re on our way. Are you all right? Where is Molly? Is Duncan home with Luce, Serina and the baby yet?

Molly’s in Elyza’s room wallpapering. Raven’s on her way up from Poughkeepsie with Jonah and Payton. Duncan, Lucian, my sister and the baby are still in the city.

I’m two blocks away, Cherié. Don’t worry. Stay away from the windows and doors. I’m pulling up in the drive now.

Just how fast did you drive?

Cherié, I always drive like a madman to see you.

You’re an imbecile, just as your sister says.

That’s Lucian she calls imbecile. Not me. Would someone please get this right?

André moved with a blurring speed while Julian circled the house from the opposite direction. He may not have been a vampire like his siblings or a werewolf like his brother-in-laws, but being a donor a few times a week to Lucian, he reaped the benefits of speed, strength, and telepathy with everyone in their family. There was an upside to this paranormal, supernatural, phenomenon André enjoyed most days. Right here, right now, he wasn’t feeling it.

Julian met André on his hands and knees, his nose to the ground like a pit bull, sniffing out every grain of dirt. He looked up, his nose covered in grass and mud.

André shook his head when he saw him. “Why didn’t you shift?”

“Didn’t feel like ruining another good suit. You’ll never guess who was here.”

André gave an impatient glare.

“That stupid little mutt from the restaurant. I should’ve killed the ignorant bastard then and there. What does he want that’s worth his life?”

“You already know it’s my daughter. I get to kill him and bury him in the back woods,” André added, baring no hint of amusement.

“Fair enough. I was going to turn him over to the police.”

Pointing to the door, André whispered, “Jules, it’s open.” Both men were inside in a heartbeat. Julian took the back stairs from the kitchen and André, the main stairs in the center hall.

Jovan, he’s in the house


Ethan entered the nursery behind Jovan. “Ladies, hello. No need for panic. I realize it might be a bit overwhelming seeing a stranger in your home, but I really only need one thing and no one will get hurt, including me, but that’s a whole other story.”

Jovan took one look at Ethan, staggered backwards, and latched on to Molly. Her frantic brain tried to make the images in front of her make sense—or go away. Her eyes had to be playing a malicious joke on her. This man could not be
the one
. She’d never been wrong the rare few times she allowed herself her sightings. Scrying, she knew there was a reason she didn’t do it and this idiot just made her case and point. Chattering teeth bit out, “Who are you and what do you want?”

“The baby and Raven,” Ethan answered in earnest.

Molly dropped her brush to the floor. “Are you insane?” Defiant, the red head added, “There’s no baby. Go out the way you came in, and we won’t hurt

Taking in all the baby things, the cradle, the swinging chair, the changing table, the mountain of pink clothes with tiny satin hangers, the white rocking chair with lavender roses blooming all over it, and a zoo of stuffed animals, he tossed his hands out. “Really?”

André, he’s here with us. He wants a baby and Raven.

Keep him talking. Julian’s coming in through the bedroom window. When he comes in, I’ll come through the door.

“Really, Mister, there’s no baby. We’re just two contractors hired to paint. The baby hasn’t even been born yet,” Molly lied.

“I beg to differ. I know the baby popped out two days ago, and Raven and he are coming home, here, today.”

“Then you’re one up on us, buddy, because no one named Raven lives here and as you can see the crib’s empty. And if you’re not color blind everything is bloody pink and purple.” Jovan said her jaw tense.

Ethan scratched his head. They certainly had a point. He knew if he had a son he wasn’t going in a pink and purple room.
A little girl with jet-black curls and green eyes would though
. Ethan shook his head.
Christ, not five minutes ago I’d sworn off children. Now I’ve got a little girl? I’ve been hexed!

Jovan shared the conversation to André.
What the hell does this guy want Ray for and why would he think she had a child?

I don’t know, Cherié. We met him at dinner. He planted a giant kiss on Savanah. Maybe he’s lying to you to get to her?

He’s not lying. He believes Raven had a baby, and he wants him. A son

The look Jovan fired Ethan by all rights should have left him a giant ash pile. “Do you have the right address? Certainly somewhere, someone else had a baby you can go steal?”

Ethan held his heart, and with a little sarcasm added, “Ouch. First you puke on me and now you insult me.”

“That was you on the plane?” A sardonic half-grin worked its way onto her lips. “Trust me, it won’t be the last thing I do.”

Julian crashed through the window and flew across the room with unprecedented speed. André had his backside, with Ethan’s arms crossed and locked behind him before his next breath.

So shocked at the sight of the two men again, Ethan lost the contents of his bladder down his leg, out his shoe and all over the floor into a sloppy puddle.

“Damn, he’s not house-broken,” Julian said one inch away from Ethan’s face. A little closer and he could have kissed him…or bit off his nose. The latter being Julian’s choice.

Actually everyone’s but Ethan’s choice. Not that Ethan wanted to kiss the man, but if it were a choice between his nose or his dignity? Well, having just peed all over himself, the point seemed moot.

“Ladies, Savanah’s in the carport screaming obscenities because I locked her in there for her own safety. Would you please go release her?” André tried to scoot the women out.

Getting her last digs in, Jovan yelled, “I don’t care what happens to you—” She poked Ethan in the breastbone “—as long as it isn’t in this room. My paint hasn’t dried yet, and I don’t want any bloodstains or evidence. Do you hear me, Grimmy?”

Julian shot his hands into the air and mouthed, “What? Me?”

Ethan’s rosy complexion took a drastic turn for the worse.

Watching him dry-heave she vowed, “If you even think of vomiting in this room I’ll kill you myself. Swallow it. André, get him out of here.” Jovan jammed Ethan’s mouth shut. “You ever touch my daughter again, I’ll turn you into the bull she said you were. And you’ll be castrated first.”

“It’s called payback, Mom.” Ethan’s salmon appetizer left a rancid puddle of pink chunks on the floor.

“Kid, you’ve done something I haven’t seen in a century. You broke open a beehive and my little queen’s about to take a chunk out of your hide,” André chided.

“Who the hell are you people?” Ethan asked as he tried to wipe his chin off on his shirt.

“Raven is my sister, and she is neither pregnant nor lactating.” André spun Ethan to face him. “Now, what makes you think my sister had a baby and why would you of all people want it? You’re not leaving here ’til we have answers. Please, humor me, and tell me you didn’t sleep with her.”

“Me? No, but I know who did.”

“Actually, Ands, he’s not leaving here period. We can’t let him go.” Julian winked behind Ethan’s back.
But we can have some fun with him until we figure out what to do. The kid reeks of vampire.

André wasn’t entirely certain he really didn’t want the little twerp buried in the woods.

“Who’s Savanah? Is she the beauty from the restaurant?”

André picked up a poker from the fireplace, and jabbed the rod’s tip into Ethan’s side. “It is not your turn to ask the questions. It is your turn to answer them. Who sent you here?” He prodded Ethan’s gut harder.

“I’m claiming the fifth.”

“He’s all your, Jules. Take him to the tack room.” André stormed from the room, his temper ready to stick around and finish the kid off. He found his wife and daughter in the kitchen.

“Papa, what happened? Who’s upstairs?”

André put his finger gently on his daughter’s lip and kissed her forehead. “We need to find out where this kid gets his information. Why would he think Raven had a baby?”

“Who?” Savanah asked again.

Jovan reached out to André, and whispered in his mind.
We need to talk when we’re alone. Something’s very wrong. The boy’s mind is tainted by a vampire. He doesn’t realize his free will has been bought, and he’s now an indentured servant. He’s dangerous.
For her daughter’s ears she inclined her head to the pantry. “We can make the truth serum up. Won’t take but a few minutes. We’ll meet you in the stables.”

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