Edge of Time (10 page)

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Authors: Susan M. MacDonald

BOOK: Edge of Time
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his is the most unflattering piece of clothing I have ever seen. Where are all the cool futuristic clothes TV aliens always wear?” Riley complained as Dean handed her a grey jumpsuit. “And how come you all wear the same thing?”

“The Collective requires uniformity in purpose and practice,” Dean said as he led the way into the huge co-ed bathroom next to the sleeping area. “As we are a collection of various cultures and peoples, similar language, dress and function is mandated to develop similarity of purpose.” He stopped in front of several stalls that, even with their unusual design, were clearly showers. “I want you to bathe quickly and don this uniform. As soon as you are ready, we will obtain nourishment and enter Rest.”

There wasn't much choice. She was frozen to the bone and her wet clothes were sticking to her in most unpleasant ways. Shooing him away with a shaking hand, Riley complied. It took a few head-scratching minutes to figure out the controls, but soon she was feeling much better and the shivering had stopped. She dressed quickly and left the bathroom.

She followed Dean through the confusing corridors until they arrived at the kitchen area. Dean indicated that Riley was to seat herself, and a moment later brought her a large mug of steaming liquid.

Without delay she wrapped her hands around the metallic beaker and drank deeply. She was starving. “How many Operatives work here?” she asked as the rise in her blood sugar nudged her curiosity.

“Twenty,” said Dean as he got up to refill the beaker.

“And how many bunkers do you have on my planet? Like the one in Toronto.”

“Twenty-two. Several have been abandoned as there were no Potentials in that vicinity. Operating a station without Potentials is a waste of resources.”

Riley licked her lips and thought for a moment. “So there aren't people like me everywhere? Just in a few places?”

“Correct. There hasn't been enough time for the resistor to spread adequately throughout the population. The main concentrations are in Ireland and here in Canada. Specifically, Southern Ontario, Newfoundland and Nova Scotia. A few in Australia, Scotland, Norway and the Philippines. We've concentrated our operations there.”

Riley pursed her lips at the reminder of her genetic manipulation but decided to lodge her protest on that subject at a later time. There were too many things she needed to know now. “And how many of us do you have so far?”

Dean shrugged. “Several dozen. For the time being. We've lost more in the last few days than we'd hoped.”

“Why?” Riley placed the beaker on the metal table.

“Rhozan is targeting Potentials faster than we can pick them up. Somehow, he's learned to spot them faster than we can. It's frustrating.”

“Yeah, I'll bet.”

Dean didn't seem to hear the sarcasm. Several lines had formed between his eyes. “It is very unusual. We have encountered the Others before. Seen what they can do to decimate a civilization. But this is different. Several Operatives are working on it.”

“Yeah, Anna mentioned that they had guns and that was really odd.”

“Yes, choosing armed Emissaries is new. How or why Rhozan has changed his tactics, we don't understand.” Dean pulled the empty beaker from her fingers and stood up. “You should rest now.”

“I'd like to check on Darius and Alec,” Riley said. “Just to make sure they're all right.”

“I assure you that our medical personnel are more than competent–” Dean began, but Riley smiled with her most endearing expression and he stopped.

“Darius saved my life,” she wheedled, batting her eyes in what she hoped was an appealing manner. “Please.”

Dean pursed his lips and appeared to think the request over. “If you will be quick, I'll permit it. There is something I must see to. I'll show you where Med Ops is and collect you shortly.”

Riley got up and contained her smile of satisfaction.

Med Ops was fortunately close to the kitchen. Dean skirted around two high dividers and stopped. He pointed to the opening at the end of the short hall.

“I'll be right back,” he said. “Don't leave without me.” Dean disappeared down a side corridor without a backwards glance. Riley paused. What could she say to Darius with those medics watching that would get him to agree to get her out of here? What if he was still unconscious? Considering the options, Riley shuffled down the hall.

She heard Logan before she saw him.

The Tyon leader was almost shouting. Riley slipped up to the opening of the Med Ops area and ducked to the side of the entry, hiding herself. She peeped around the corner and crossed her fingers they were speaking English.

Logan and Anna stood at the side of Darius' bed, which had been raised into a sitting position. Darius was leaning back in the bed, his eyes half open, his head lolling weakly to the side. Martje was holding her orb over his chest and frowning, alternatively at Darius, then at Logan. Nara hovered in the background, looking nervous.

Darius' eyes fluttered and he licked his lips. His reply sounded horribly weak, Riley thought with a start. How badly was he hurt?

Logan spat something else at Darius, and Riley watched both him and Anna wince. Darius shook his head. Anna interjected, but her argument was lost on Logan. He held out his hand. Riley heard Anna gasp. Darius didn't speak.

Martje seemed to be in disagreement, but her words meant nothing to Logan. A moment later, a dark frown creasing her forehead, she rooted through Darius' jeans pockets. She handed over his orb and Logan pocketed it without comment.

Anna placed her hand on Logan's arm. Her voice was low and carefully modulated, but whatever she was saying seemed to make no difference. Logan shouldered past her and stormed out of the medical facility so quickly, Riley barely had time to flatten herself against the wall and out of his way. She took a deep and steadying breath as she watched his back disappear around a corner. Why had he taken Darius' orb? What was going on?

Riley again leaned as carefully around the wall as she could.

Anna was still standing ramrod straight, her face carefully purged of emotion. Other than the twin blotches of fire on her cheeks, there was no indication of what had just transpired.

Martje said something in a low voice.

Anna lifted a shoulder then dropped it. As if she had heard something, Anna suddenly turned and caught sight of Riley. Riley straightened her shoulders and entered.

“I wanted to check on them,” she said demurely, trying as hard as she could to stop thinking about what she'd just witnessed.

Anna nodded.

“I was worried.”

Anna said nothing.

“Your boss looked pretty riled. What's his problem?”

Anna's lips tightened, but she still refused to answer.

Riley swallowed the sigh and headed for a more neutral subject. “Is Alec going to be okay?”

Anna turned her back and stared at Darius, whose eyes had closed again. The medic nodded. “He's young, healthy and surprisingly resilient. He should be up and around in two periods.”

“How long's a period?” Riley frowned.

“Twelve of your hours,” Martje replied. “Our schedule is similar to this planet. Twelve hours of work alternating with twelve of rest.” She glanced down the short hallway and frowned. “Where is your Guardian, Dean? You should be resting.”

Riley forced the smile. “He had an errand, but he'll be right back.”

Martje turned her back and peered at a transparent screen. Anna turned away and left Med Ops without a word.

Riley's hands curled into fists. There wasn't anything else she could learn here now. Darius was unconscious, Alec was asleep and Anna certainly wasn't about to unburden her hard little soul with an outpouring of girly heart-to-heart.

If she wanted to get out of here, she was on her own.


lec awoke with a start. One moment he'd been in deep darkness, the next he was sitting bolt upright, his heart pounding out of his ribs, the area behind his left ear aching badly, and a feeling of inescapable doom smothering him. Immediately someone was at his side. Alec swung his arm in defense, but it was immobilized by a strong grip before he could hit anything. He twisted around to see his captor.

“Steady on, Alec,” the grey-haired woman with the tired eyes said softly. “You've nothing to be afraid of here.”

“Where am I?” His mouth was dry and his tongue almost stuck to the roof of his mouth.

“You are currently lying in bed in Med Ops of Home Base.” The woman released his wrist and gave a cool smile. “I am Martje, the chief Medic for the Tyon Operation here on Terra. You were injured and required medical attention, hence, your stay in my facility.”

The wild pounding of his heart started to slow as memories tumbled into place. This made sense. Darius had said someone was coming to get them. Obviously someone had.

“Is Darius okay?”

“Recovering as expected.” Martje stood to the side and Darius' thatch of spiky hair was visible in the bed next to his. He was curled on his side, fast asleep, and looked only a few years older than Alec.

Alec lay back down and thought for a moment. He was wearing the same grey jumpsuit that Darius was and his own clothes were not in sight. He had no idea how much time had passed and that was disconcerting. “What about Riley?” he asked. The last thing he could remember was the houseboat taking on water, Riley flailing about and the rips getting closer. He'd been so mad.

“She is well and assimilating into our unit with assistance from her assigned Guardian. You too will be assigned for training, once you are medically fit.”

Alec flexed his fingers and wiggled his toes experimentally. “I feel fine.”

“I will scan you to confirm. Then I will call Logan.” Martje turned her back for a moment and disappeared past the head of Alec's bed.

“Who's Logan?” asked Alec as he twisted around on one elbow to watch her.

“Commander Logan is in charge. All Tyon Operatives on this planet report and take their orders from him.”

“What's he like?”

Martje pulled her orb out of her pocket and gave him a slight shove to make him lie down again. She waved the orb above his body.

“Just what can you see with that thing?” Alec asked. Darius said that orbs could concentrate power, but Alec couldn't fathom what other properties they might have.

“It can determine injuries and provide treatment. If you are destined for healing, you will learn the skill.”

“So, I can't learn it if I'm not destined?”

“Every person with Tyon power is different. None have identical skills or aptitudes. For example, you will not read minds or influence another's behaviour, but your female companion might. That is, if she trains hard enough.” Martje pocketed the orb. “You appear well. I will have Logan debrief you before you are sent for assignment.”

Alec sat back up. Debriefing sounded like a good idea but assignment didn't. What were they expecting to do with him here, anyway? Before he had a chance to ask Martje, a tall, severe looking man entered Med Ops at a brisk march. Anna followed at his heel. Neither looked happy.

“You are Alec,” said the man in a deep voice that had no warmth and even less friendliness.

“Yeah.” Alec shrugged.

“You will respond with ‘yes, sir,' or ‘no, sir.'”

Alec didn't answer. His fingers slowly curled into fists.

“I am Commander Logan. I am in charge of this operation on Terra. From this moment forth, you will follow my orders implicitly. There will be no questions, no disobedience. Do I make myself clear?”

Alec didn't stop the frown. Logan narrowed his eyes, and the muscles around his jaw tightened perceptibly. Alec thought he heard Martje clearing her throat, but he wasn't going to toady up to some know-it-all. Principals, schoolyard bullies, Tyon Commanders – it didn't matter.
No one
ordered him to jump and told him how high.

“I don't like to repeat myself, Alec. Did you hear me?” Logan's pale eyes were now freezing.

“Sure. Whatever.”

He felt rather than heard Anna's sharp intake of breath. Logan took the one step that separated them and grabbed Alec's jumpsuit at the neck so quickly the thought of retreat didn't enter his head. The material bunched under his fist as he pulled Alec right off the bed.

“Listen to me,
,” Logan said coldly. “Your uncontrolled power is a danger. You cannot be permitted further freedom. Nothing that endangers the safety of my crew is permitted. You
follow my orders.”

“You don't … scare … me,” Alec gasped. His hands scrabbled to release the pressure, but Logan's grip was like steel.

Logan barely smiled, just enough for Alec to see the glimmer of pleasure. His orb seemed tiny in his massive fist. He let go of Alec without warning. Alec fell to the ground on his hands and knees, gasping for breath. He was just about to scramble backwards as an overwhelming sense of unease and danger flooded his veins, but it was too late. The Commander was faster. The hand holding the orb clamped onto Alec's right temple while his other hand grasped his left. His head was jerked upwards until he was on his knees and staring straight at Logan's face. The Commander held him immobile.

A searing pain where the orb touched his skin drilled right through his brain. But it was the invasion of his consciousness that was truly horrifying. There was nothing he could protect from Logan's probing invasion. Everything he was, everything he thought, every memory he'd ever stored was laid bare.

It only lasted a moment, yet felt like forever. Logan released him and he fell backwards against the bed. His heart thudded wildly between his ears. He was soaked in sweat and trembling so hard he couldn't have stood even if he'd wanted to.

My God, what had Logan done to him

Logan straightened and dropped his orb back into his pocket. Behind him, Anna stared straight ahead.

With that, he turned and left.

Alec stayed in a heap on the floor, his eyes open but not seeing, his mind in turmoil. How had Logan done that and, more importantly, how could he stop him if he wanted to do it again? Why hadn't anyone come to his defense?

It took several minutes to get his breath back and his body under control. He ducked his head and surreptitiously wiped his cheeks with the back of his hand before pulling himself unsteadily to his feet. The profanities raced along his tongue, but he managed, with great effort, not to say them aloud. The last thing he needed was Anna summoning Logan back, and he wouldn't put it past her to jump at the opportunity.

“I will show you to your quarters,” Anna said without emotion. “You will receive nourishment and begin your training.” She turned and walked out.

Alec considered refusing to follow her, but reconsidered. A sudden vision of Logan reaching out to probe him again flashed across his conscious mind. He shuddered. Not again.

Swallowing his pride and his temper, he obeyed.

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