Edge of Time (13 page)

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Authors: Susan M. MacDonald

BOOK: Edge of Time
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iley sat across the table from Dean. She lifted another spoonful of the highly nutritional meal replacement she'd named Goop to her mouth with a distinct lack of enthusiasm. Dean was typically tucking into his meal as if he hadn't eaten anything for days. The stuff didn't actually taste bad, but the appearance and the consistency made her stomach turn. Not to mention they ate it five times a day.

“We have another hour after we eat,” Dean informed her between mouthfuls, “so we can continue with your exercises, if you feel up to it.”

They'd worked hard that morning and Riley had a slight headache. Hours of lying awake after Darius' news hadn't helped either. She was shaking her head when Darius and Tyrell approached their table. Darius swung his leg over the back of the chair opposite Riley and sat down with a wide grin. He was quite flushed, as if he'd run a marathon, and his eyes were sparkling. Tyrell sat down more demurely on the other side of Dean. He nodded at Riley and began to eat without saying a word. As usual.

“I just bested Ty,” he said to Dean. “Two out of three. Anytime you want to try?” Darius smiled at Dean.

Dean raised an eyebrow and glanced at Tyrell. “He's not as physically strong but he's fast and fights dirty.” Riley listened with surprise. Tyrell never spoke in her language. She hadn't been sure he could. “He's up for the challenge.”

Dean dropped his spoon onto his empty plate with a clatter. He leaned back in his chair. “If you think you can take me on, Terran, then mark the segment and we'll meet.”

Riley looked from one man to the other. Darius' colouring was more emphasized: his cheeks pink with health, the glow of his skin more pronounced. Both Dean and Tyrell had longer, leaner limbs and fingers and their features were more delicate. Side-by-side like this, it was obvious who was the alien. Pass them on the street and you wouldn't notice a thing.

Darius grinned. “I'm in.”

“I thought everyone was panicking over the destruction of my civilization?” Riley remarked. “Not running off and engaging in testosterone-fueled exhibitions of virility.”

Tyrell didn't crack a smile. “We were sparring. Physical exercise is mandatory to maintain conditioning. Guardians must be prepared to engage in combat at all times.”

“Anytime you want to learn a few moves, just ask.” Darius winked at her.

Riley felt Dean's intake of breath and waited for the rebuke but it didn't materialize. She watched as Darius' facial expression changed abruptly, and a façade of disinterest slipped over his features. He dropped his eyes and focused on his food. Riley didn't need to turn around. She knew exactly who had walked into the eating area and was now standing directly behind her.

Tyrell scooped the last of his meal into his mouth and stood, picking up his plate and spoon. He gave a brief nod and then left.

“I thought you had alternated your schedule with ours?” Dean said.

“I did.” Anna walked around the table and stood behind the chair that Tyrell had vacated. She didn't sit. She didn't look at Darius and he was studiously not looking at her. “Why have you lifted the restrictions?”

Dean gave Riley a quick look. “She is progressing well. Interaction with the Collective is not a risk now.”

“What–” Riley began, but stopped when someone kicked her ankle. She caught Darius' eye only for a second before he focused on his meal.

“Why are you sitting with this Terran? Logan ordered no contact,” Anna asked Darius.

Darius lifted a spoonful of goop to his mouth. He shrugged. “It was lifted this morning.”

Riley changed the subject before Anna could put the restrictions back in place. “How much longer is Alec in seclusion? I'd like to talk to him.”

“He has nothing to say to you,” Anna said dismissively.

“Yeah, well, I'll be the judge of the that,” Riley snapped.

“Alec is working and cannot be disturbed,” Anna said. “Dean, I require your assistance.”

“I can help you,” Darius volunteered, his voice a study of ultra-casualness.

“I prefer Dean. Riley, return to the study area immediately,” Anna said as she turned away.

Riley watched Darius gaze at Anna as she left. It was highly surprising that he'd never learned to always conceal his emotions, despite spending years with these people.

“I shouldn't be too long,” Dean said to her as he got to his feet. He dropped his empty plate on the counter and followed Anna out.

Darius took another couple of mouthfuls before he spoke. “Guess my little nighttime visit was unnecessary. They've left us together.”

“Don't waste the opportunity.” Riley leaned forward. “What's the plan?”

“Don't be so obvious,” Darius advised.

“Well, isn't that the pot calling the kettle black,” she retorted.

Darius frowned. He cleared his throat and spoke a little louder. “If you're finished eating, we'll go to the Study section. Practice your concentration.” He dropped his voice to a whisper. “Always conduct your secrets out in the open.”

Darius led the way to the tables already occupied by several Guardians and their students. There were two new Potentials, Riley noticed, and both looked pale and frightened.

She and Darius sat side-by-side at a table in the middle of the section. Riley pulled out her orb and held it in the palm of her hand. Already the repeated exercise felt completely normal, the orb almost a part of her.

“Focus on deep relaxation,” Darius said loudly. Then he whispered, “Both the guards Anna uses when she leaves Alec are pretty junior. I shouldn't have any trouble with either of them. We'll have to take Alec during our Rest period. There are too many up and around during Work.”

Riley nodded.

“The main problems are Logan and Anna. Dean will be resting and unless the alarm goes off, he sleeps like the dead.”

Riley shuddered at the analogy.

“If we can distract Logan long enough, it will give me time to get through the defences. There are so many Operatives coming and going right now, it'll camouflage us.”

“How on earth will we distract Logan?” Riley muttered.

“Haven't got that far yet.” Darius was chewing his lip. “But I'll think of something.”

“And what about Anna? She's going to be onto you in a minute.”

She felt rather than heard Darius' sigh. She definitely heard the expletive. “Leave her to me.”

“Look, you haven't thought this through. There are a million holes in your plan. I think we should wait a bit. Logan's not going to off Alec in the next couple of hours. He has to give the guy some time.”

Darius reached over, ostensibly to readjust her grip on her orb. She felt his breath on her ear. “He's not going to wait.”

“She doesn't need your assistance.” Dean stood directly behind them. His arm snaked through the space between Darius' face and Riley's ear. Darius was forced backward.

Darius got to his feet and stretched languidly. “Sure, no problem. She's making good progress.” Without a backwards glance, he sauntered out of the area. Several of the female Potentials watched.

Dean sat down. His smile was somewhat forced. “I'd prefer if you had nothing to do with Finn, even with the restrictions lifted.”

Riley feigned surprise. “Why? He's a Terran, like me. What's he done?”

Dean pulled out his own orb, preparing to start the lesson. “Let's just say, he's an unpredictable entity.”

“You're afraid I won't see through the animal magnetism.” Riley smiled. “You think I'll fall for him.”

“You wouldn't be the first,” Dean remarked dryly. “Now, show me what you've remembered from the previous lessons.”

Concentrating on her lessons was nearly impossible for the rest of the Work period. She knew Dean was disappointed in her lack of focus, but there were too many things colliding inside her brain. What if their only chance blew up in their faces because they'd missed something? Both she and Darius would end up in solitary, just like Alec, and Logan would be free to do what he liked with all of them. The man already hated Darius. She couldn't imagine his reaction if he caught them trying to sneak Alec out.

No. They had to rethink the plan and fill in all the details before they could take the chance.

Riley headed for the recreation area. Dean had suggested that a good workout might improve her fidgets and she'd quickly taken him up on the offer. She turned a corner and immediately wheeled around in the opposite direction. She wasn't fast enough.

“Hey there,” Jacob called, running to catch up with her.

“Hey, yourself.” Riley inwardly groaned. Why did every loser attach themselves to her like a leech?

Jacob wiped his nose on the sleeve of his jumpsuit. He smiled hopefully. “Wanna watch the wall?”

“No thanks.” Riley kept walking. “Gotta study.”

“Aw c'mon. It'll be great. I know how to find porn.”

What kind of idiot thought that a girl would want to watch pornography with him on a jumbo screen in full view of an entire complement of Tyon officers? He was so stunned, it hurt.

“Tempting? No.” Riley turned to walk away, but Jacob grabbed hold of her sleeve. She was about to tell him what he could do with his mucus-covered fingers in no uncertain terms when he interrupted her train of thought.

“Logan thinks Alec caused the first rip.”

Riley startled. “What did you say?”

“Alec's the strongest Potential. Ever. I heard Logan talking with Anna. He thinks Alec started this whole thing off.”

“Back up and start again,” Riley ordered. “And if you're pulling my chain …”

Jacob sniffed a couple of times. He looked around covertly. “Honest. I overheard them.” He held up his orb. “I was sitting on the floor, next to Alec's quarters. They didn't see me.”

Riley could easily picture the snotty little weasel hiding under a table, listening for any crumb of information. “Go on.”

“Anna said she thought the kid needed a break or he'd crack up.”

“What'd Logan say?”

“He was pissed. Thought she was too soft. She was angry but didn't answer him back. I don't blame her. He scares the bejesus out of me.”

Cornflakes would scare you, Riley thought unkindly. She waved her hand to indicate he should continue.

“She said she was going to give the kid a break. Logan reminded her that Alec's temper probably caused the first crack in the time/space continuum. He told her the kid was dangerous and if she couldn't teach him control, he'd have to terminate him next Work period. Isn't he your boyfriend?”

Darius hadn't been exaggerating. Logan
planning to kill Alec if he didn't cooperate. Riley chewed her lower lip for a moment. They had to have more time.

“Thanks,” she mumbled. She turned and walked away, only vaguely aware that Jacob was following. She glanced around the bunker. Eighteen screens flickered with violence. Murder, fighting, rape, riots. It was all there. Everywhere you looked.
And all because of Alec
. The knowledge would destroy anyone, and Alec was just a kid.

She whirled around. Jacob jumped backwards. “You can't say a word of this, not to anyone.” Riley leaned over him, piercing him with the force of her stare. “Promise.”

Jacob sniffed. He looked around him for back-up but no one was nearby. “But–”

“I mean it. I'll twist your balls right off and feed them to you.”

Jacob backed up until his back literally hit a divider wall. He blanched.

“Swear it,” Riley demanded, leaning over him like an avenging angel.

“I s-swear,” Jacob stuttered.

“Remember, I can read minds,” Riley boasted. “I'll know if you blab. And I'll know where this info came from if anyone else knows.”

Jacob scuttled sideways, inching his way out from under her. He gave her another terrified look, and then bolted.

Riley leaned against the wall and waited for her pounding heart to slow down. Darius was right. There was no more time.


iley set off at once in search of Darius. She'd made an entire tour of the busy Base, including a rather embarrassing moment with Tyrell in the communal bathroom, before she finally found him.

Both Dean and Darius were stripped to the waist and facing each other across the outline of a five-sided figure on the raised, cushioned flooring of the rec area. At some unseen signal both men dropped to a crouch. Dean lunged, Darius feinted and contact was made. A bone-crunching smack reverberated as they hit each other. The display was a vicious combination of martial arts and street fighting.

Darius struck out with what looked to be a highly illegal move, knocking Dean to the mat with a dull
. There was a collective intake of breath as Darius leapt on him faster than she could blink, wrestling Dean onto his stomach and twisting his arm up, behind his back.

Dean yelled and Darius immediately let go. He jumped to his feet and rubbed his chin ruefully. Dean got to his feet as the crowd quietly dispersed. Darius stuck out his hand, and after a brief pause, Dean awkwardly shook it. They both seemed to notice Riley at the same time.

“Well?” Darius was panting.

“Dean was amazing,” she deadpanned.

“Their reflexes are faster than mine, and their muscles, stronger. But I've learned a few tricks,” Darius said with a sideways look at Dean. Dean's frown was revealing.

“Riley, return to your studies,” Dean ordered. He reached down, grabbed a cloth that was lying on the corner of the mat and used it to wipe his face. “I'll join you immediately.” He didn't give Darius a glance before heading to the communal washroom.

Darius was still panting, and from the way he was favouring his right leg, probably more injured than he might want to advertize. He wiped the sweat from his brow and looked around. Two female Operatives and one male were lounging at the far end of the mat, sending occasional sideways glances his way.

“Look, Darius, I've got some news,” Riley said.

“Sure, I can teach those moves,” Darius said, somewhat louder than necessary.

“For Pete's sake, will you pay attention?”

“Any time you like,” Darius replied cheerily. Without warning, he pulled her close and twisted her so that her back was pulled tight against his chest, in a simulation of a move Dean had used on him only a few minutes before. “Can you stop being quite so obvious,” he whispered directly into her ear. He shoved her away with a dramatic flourish, parodying another wrestling move. “See, just like that. It's easy.”

“Again. I missed it,” Riley said, cottoning on.

Darius went through the moves, slower this time, his head bent close to hers.

convinced that Alec caused the rips in the first place, and he's going to do him in next Work period. You were right. What're we going to do?” she whispered, pretending an obvious interest in where Darius' hands went and how he pivoted her around.

“What makes you so sure?”

“Jacob the weasel overheard him.”

Darius swore quietly. His facial expression was completely opposite to his anger. Maybe he had learned to conceal what he was feeling after all.


“I'm thinking.”

“Dare, we have to get him out of here.”

“Riley, your lessons.” Dean had approached them unheard. He had showered and changed back to the grey uniform incredibly quickly. His tone of voice brooked no refusal.

Darius let Riley go and stood back. His lopsided smile was no different from usual, but the sparkle in his eyes was missing. “Sure. Any time you want to learn–”

“Any survival or combat skills, she'll learn from me, Finn.” Dean gave Darius a stony look.

Darius shrugged. “Sure. No problem.” With one last wink at Riley, he turned and sauntered towards the lingering Operatives.

Riley followed Dean back to the Study section, her mind in overdrive as she considered and rejected various plans. She nearly walked into Dean when he stopped abruptly. She looked up. Gino and Mary Beth, the only survivors of the Toronto bunker, were deep in conversation with Jacob in the Study section, and three Potentials from Norway were standing next to Dean and their Guardian, a young woman with an even more severe expression than Anna.

“What is going on?” Dean asked.

“You missed Logan,” Jacob volunteered. “He's got bad news.”

Missing Logan was definitely a good thing, in Riley's opinion. “What'd the great chief have to say?” she asked.

“More trouble in your city.”


“No, no. Toronto.” Jacob pointed over the dividers to the far wall where the farthest screen showed a riot taking place. Police officers, several on horseback and all in riot gear, were doing their best, but it didn't look promising. “Rhozan's started a huge fight.”

Riley frowned. For a moment she glimpsed the CN Tower in the background. Then the camera, or whatever equipment was transmitting the image, panned lower, to the people again.

Rioting wasn't an insurmountable problem. Toronto had lots of police. “Why was Logan so worried?”

“He said the Operatives wouldn't be able to get in any longer. Too many dangers. He said there were still Potentials there, but they couldn't get close to them.”

That meant kids like her, with the same gift in their genes, were in danger. And no one was trying to save them. “Oh come on. With all their power?” Riley turned to Dean. “A few idiots running wild in the streets shouldn't frighten big, strong aliens like you.”

“There are rips everywhere,” Dean said patiently. “We can't get close. Anyone with an orb is spotted faster than we can zero in on the Potential, grab them and go. It isn't as easy as it sounds, Riley.”

“Yeah, but come on. Kids are dying, right? You're going to do something, aren't you?”

There was silence. Riley looked from one Tyon to the next. None seemed too concerned. All the other Potentials were looking anywhere but at her. Even Jacob found the floor more interesting.

“So you're going to stand around and watch.” Riley's hands went to her hips. “You're a bunch of cowards.”

“You are ignorant.”

The voice came from behind her. Riley whirled around. Tyrell wasn't smiling. Riley was relieved to notice he was wearing clothes now.

“Enlighten me,” she challenged.

“Come.” It was an order, not a suggestion. Tyrell strode past her and continued out of the teaching area.

Riley gave Dean a withering look before marching after Tyrell as quickly as she could. The pilot had much longer legs and he made no effort to ensure she was following. She glanced back. All the Potentials and the other Guardians were trooping behind her, Dean leading the pack. Mary Beth squeezed past him and joined Riley at her elbow.

“You're pissing everyone off,” Mary Beth whispered, her eyes darting from Tyrell's back to Dean's stern countenance. “Do you want us all punished?”

“Get a grip.” Riley didn't bother even looking at her.

“They will, you know. They've put Alec in solitary and they'll do it to us, if you aren't careful.”

“I'd like to see them try,” Riley muttered.

“Don't you understand anything? They hate us. They're just looking for an excuse to wipe us all out.”

Riley grabbed Mary Beth's arm. “What makes you believe that? Got any proof?”

“I'm not an idiot.” Mary Beth lowered her voice as Dean passed. “I keep my mouth shut and my eyes open and I hear a lot of things I'm probably not supposed to. You should try it.” She jerked her arm away from Riley and joined the rest of the group that was now huddling around Tyrell.

“Riley,” Tyrell shouted.

Riley took a calming breath and blanketed her mental worries before someone plucked them out of her skull. Tyrell took out his orb. He waved it at the screen. Riley couldn't help but marvel at the technology. She could practically smell the heated asphalt.

“Sound, five,” said Tyrell. The sound rose from silence to barely audible.

It was a view of Yonge Street, looking north. Most of the shop windows were broken and several signs torn down. The mob surged and retreated like an undulating mass of serpents. They were all shouting but their words were unclear.

Here and there, the police came into view and were beaten back. Riot sticks whaled in the air. Canisters were tossed onto the ground and rolled under the feet of the closest rioters. Almost instantly, everyone nearby began clawing at their eyes. Thick, bluish smoke belched into a noxious cloud, but even those affected didn't stop their destructive and dangerous behaviour.

“Sound to zero,” Tyrell said, and the sound of the riot instantly disappeared. “There are two Potentials in this crowd. Our sensors have just discovered them in the last few minutes. Can you spot them, Riley?”

Well, of course she couldn't. How did you spot a Potential anyway? “No,” she said. “Can you?”

“No.” Tyrell pointed at the screen where the crowd had now turned on itself instead of the police. A young woman with a haircut similar to Riley's was simultaneously bashed on both sides of her head. Her eyes rolled back and she fell to the smoke-obscured ground. The crowd trampled her, ignoring the body beneath their feet. Riley's stomach heaved, but she couldn't wrench her eyes away.

“Without an orb, none of us could distinguish a Potential in this crowd.” Dean's voice startled her. “Normally, the signal is weak when we first find it. It grows stronger as the genetic trait activates. That's why it generally takes so long to find you. Searching in this crowd with the amount of energy present and the influence of the Others so strongly dispersed would be nearly impossible. Can you spot the Emissaries here?”

Riley shook her head. They all looked the same to her: wild, out of control and highly dangerous. The cold, unemotional danger she'd spotted before was nowhere to be seen.

“Protecting myself would be almost impossible, particularly from this.” Tyrell waved his orb and the picture froze. He pointed at the lower-right corner, between two women who were halted in mid-slap. Sparkles. Hovering just above the thickest smoke and impossible to see until you stepped into them. Riley gulped.

“We're skilled but not magicians. I would ask you to tell us how we ought to manage this situation.” Tyrell waved his hand again and the screen went mercifully blank. He stared at Riley over the heads of the other Potentials. She shuffled her feet.


“Okay, so I don't know. I'm the trainee, not the teacher, remember?” Riley pulled a face at Mary Beth's scandalized expression.

“I would suggest that all of you heed Logan's words.” Tyrell was now speaking to the group. “This world is in serious trouble. We have begun transportation of all training centre personal and Potentials to this facility. Over the next Work period, decisions will be made concerning the future of this planet. All Potentials should increase their effort towards orb mastery.

“Work has ended. Please obtain your meal and retire for Rest. Dismissed.” Tyrell turned and left. The three Norwegians and their Guardian followed him, muttering amongst themselves. Riley stood as if rooted to the ground.

These smug, high-handed aliens were doing nothing to save the innocent kids in the middle of a small-scale war. What if Rhozan turned his attention to the Base? How far would the Collective go to protect her and the others?

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