Elastic Heart (31 page)

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Authors: Mary Catherine Gebhard

BOOK: Elastic Heart
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Thanks for reading Elastic Heart! This book was definitely not easy to write, however it might just be my favorite.

To stay up to date on all of my books to connect with me, you can find me here:

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I of course need to thank those who helped me write this story!

Once again I’m thankful for my tight team of betas, they let me know what’s up and what’s not working. Aaly, Katina, Dayna, and Amanda, thank you so much for reading this story when it was rough and ugly. Your words and advice are invaluable to me.

Liz Wiley, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: you’re more than a beta and you’re more than a personal assistant. When we met I was so unsure of myself. I was certain my writing was shit, but you kept telling me otherwise. I’m still not certain… but I don’t know where I’d be without you!

Thank you to my editor, Editing by C. Marie. You do a wonderful job and I’m so grateful to have you on my team!

Thank you to my formatter, Formatting by Leigh, for saving my butt! I tried doing it on my own and subsequently crashed and burned. But hey, if you don’t try you’ll never know.

Thank you to all the wonderful writers in the indie world! There are so many writers who have shown me so much support, I could write a second book dedicated to just you guys. I’ve been blessed to be included in groups with wonderful writers who genuinely care about each other. Once again, though, I’m singling out Kristen Hope Mazzola, because you’re a doll. You went out of your way to help me, not because you could get something out of it, but because that’s the kind of genuine person you are.

Unfortunately a lot of bad gets highlighted in the indie world. Drama gets focused on and shit gets flung, but I’m so happy and so grateful to be surrounded by not tens but hundreds of wonderful authors who are beautiful inside and out.

To my Facebook group, Get Hard. We started out small but we’re growing! I love all of you and have such a blast with you. Which brings me to the next group of people to thank: the readers. Thank you to the readers who take time to purchase and read my book! Thank you for leaving reviews on my book! Good or bad, reviews are the life blood of an author. They help me grow and flourish. So thank you! Without the readers I don’t exist. Without you guys, I’m like Tinkerbell sans the clapping.

Thank you to my family. I’m in a very unique situation, I think, in that all of my family, from my extended family to my immediate family, is very supportive. My Grandma Dort has supported me from the beginning and continues to support me. My Mom, my Dad, my Step-Dad, my sister, my brother, my sister-in-law, my brother-in-law, they all support me. I’m so very thankful.

Last but not least, my rock, my foundation, the glue to my inner glue-sniffer, Eric. I’d write a whole sonnet about you, but I have to write my wedding vows in a few months and I don’t want to waste all the good stuff. I love you.





Owned Series

You Own Me (Owned #1)

Let Me Go (Owned #2)

Tied (Owned #2.5)
Available in Mouth Rocks the Heart charity anthology

Come To Me (Owned #3)
May 2016


The Boogiemen Series

Seven (The Boogiemen #1)
September 2016



Elastic Heart

Beast Date


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