Elder (14 page)

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Authors: Raine Thomas

Tags: #FICTION / Fantasy / Paranormal

BOOK: Elder
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It was the many other males in the room who also appeared to notice this that had Zachariah on edge. When they first entered the ballroom, he spotted a number of the Gloresti who had been selected to pair with Tate for her protection before he showed up. They stood on the side of the dance floor staring at Zachariah and Tate. He kept part of his attention on them as they danced.

So he noticed when they stepped onto the dance floor with the intent to engage him. Judging by their expressions as they moved their gazes from him to Tate, Zachariah was pretty damn sure they weren’t all going to make it out of there alive.

Chapter 21



“Is there anyone in particular you would like to meet?” Alexius asked.

Clara Kate considered the question as she allowed him to guide her through the crowd. She deliberately ignored the sensation of Ini-herit’s gaze on her back as they walked away from him. Her focus had to be on Alexius right now.

“No one in particular,” she said. “Is there anyone you think I should meet?”

“Why don’t we start with the class lieutenants? You haven’t met very many of them.”

“Sure. I’d like that.”

They made their way around the room. She met more than just lieutenants, though Alexius did tend to steer her to those in higher level positions. After the initial reception they received from the Lekwuesti the day before, she understood why. The older and more trusted Estilorians would know better than to treat any of the Kynzesti or their extended family with anything less than respect.

As they mingled, Clara Kate kept a careful eye on her family and friends. They had been through too much in the past few months to let down their guards. On top of that, a powerful sense of “wrong” had settled in the back of her mind. It was a feeling she’d never experienced before. Her skin tingled with the need to act.

Chalking it up to the unfamiliar environment and the many masked faces around her, she continued strolling through the ballroom with one hand on Alexius’ arm. Even as she greeted the Lekwuesti lieutenant, Hinto, she watched out of the corner of her eye as Sophia and Quincy chatted with a blonde Lekwuesti female. Sophia handed something to her.

“That’s Penelope,” Alexius explained.

“Ah,” Clara Kate replied.

She understood now. During her recent attempt to rescue Tate and Ariana, Sophia had met with the unusual Scultresti, Hoygul. In the course of her negotiations to get the map to the ancient library, Sophia had offered to bring a message to Hoygul’s one true love, Penelope. Sophia was now fulfilling her end of the bargain. Judging by Penelope’s expression, it was a welcome gift.

Clara Kate’s gaze moved to Ariana and Tiege, who conversed with a group of Lekwuesti before they moved to the dance floor. When she saw Tiege’s expression and the looks on the faces of the Lekwuesti females behind him, the tingle she felt turned into something more.

All of her senses heightened. She could focus on an individual and hear what they said, even if they were across the room. Every movement registered in her brain as though in slow motion. Something powerful coursed through her, starting in her chest and surging out until it energized her fingertips.

The strangest part of all was that it felt natural.

As Alexius greeted a fellow Waresti, Clara Kate shifted her gaze to Tate and Zachariah. They danced on the other side of the floor and appeared to have slipped into their own little world. She registered the subtle movement of Zachariah’s eyes, however. His attention was definitely split.

That was when she noticed the Gloresti males gathered in a corner. She recognized the blond one standing in front. Maddock. He had nearly paired with Tate for her protection before Zachariah came on the scene a couple of months ago. Now, his narrowed gaze rested on the couple dancing less than fifteen feet away.

“He has a lot of nerve,” said one of the other Gloresti. She heard him in her altered state as though he stood next to her.

“He surely feared we would show the Kynzesti what a mistake she made by picking him,” said another.

The power pulsing in her chest had Clara Kate asking, “Alexius, have you heard anything negative around Central about Zachariah over the past few weeks?”

Alexius frowned. Her instincts flared.

“I’ll take that as a yes. Let’s walk that way.” She lifted her chin to indicate the group. “I’d like to say hello to the Gloresti who visited my homeland.”

He didn’t question her. Instead, he used his size to help them progress through the crowd. Clara Kate lost sight of Tate and Zachariah for a minute. When she once again spotted them, she realized they were standing by the Gloresti. For some reason, the males had stepped further onto the dance floor, making the confrontation inevitable. The glares issuing from her father’s followers heightened the sensation coursing through her.

“I’m amazed that you showed up here, Mercesti,” Maddock said, not even bothering to address his former commander by name. “It seems senseless to present yourself to everyone after falling so far from grace. It isn’t as though you’re welcome here.”

“I’m not seeking a welcome, nor am I seeking a conversation,” Zachariah replied in neutral tones. “Step back to your little corner and leave us be.”

“Hey,” Tate added brightly, “maybe if you all stop glowering and acting like jealous asses, someone might even ask you to dance.”

Clara Kate once again lost sight of them. They were less than twenty feet away, but there was a crowd gathering around the spectacle. Alexius had to use more force to allow them passage.

“Jealous?” Maddock sputtered. “Of
? A murderer and defiler of innocents?”

Anger joined the building power flowing through Clara Kate over the harsh and untrue words. She barely resisted shoving bodies out of her way in an effort to progress more quickly. Her instincts were raging, telling her to

“What are you implying?” Zachariah asked in a dangerous voice.

“You know what I’m implying. Just look at her, dressed in this—”

“Don’t ever touch her again.”

The words were spoken in such a controlled voice that Clara Kate knew Zachariah was close to giving Maddock the thorough beating he deserved. Finally, Alexius got them through the crowd. The music stopped playing as Clara Kate hurried to Zachariah’s side. He had pushed Tate behind him, but Tate kept stepping to his side to face the Gloresti with him.

“What if I do?” Maddock taunted, moving close enough to Zachariah that mere inches separated them. “What are you going to do? Kill me like you did those who followed you fifty years ago?”

There were gasps from the crowd. The other Gloresti with Maddock had moved closer to support their friend. Clara Kate knew their menacing stances and close proximity had Zachariah’s protective instincts at their height.

“Get back,” she warned the Gloresti as Tiege and Ariana also approached. Her skin all but sizzled with energy.

“You’re certainly giving the idea remarkable appeal,” Zachariah said in response to Maddock’s challenge.

“Just try and lay a hand on me, Mercesti,” Maddock snarled. “Then when I kill you, it will be in self-defense.”

That did it.

Clara Kate stepped forward. “I said
get back

She felt the power propel out of her, a blast of energy that had all of the Gloresti staggering back several feet. More gasps issued from the crowd. She registered the exchanged glances among the Gloresti as well as Sophia and Quincy’s approach in a fraction of a second. In the next fraction, she sensed Ini-herit and the other elders nearby, though she didn’t see them. As she positioned herself in front of Zachariah, the rest of her family created a circle around him.

“You should be ashamed of yourselves,” she said, focusing on Maddock. The words came from her, but they felt as though they came from a part of herself she’d never known existed. “My father would never stand for you treating his nephew this way.”

Several of the Gloresti lost their arrogant and angry expressions as they absorbed her words.

“Zachariah is avowed to Tate, which makes him family. He’s the nephew of the Gloresti elder.
elder. And he’s also now a cousin to me…the Kynzesti elder.”

She’d never referred to herself that way, but as this foreign part of herself spoke the words, she recognized the truth in them. It settled over her like a comfortable cloak. As her gaze moved from one offending Gloresti to the next, she watched them avert their eyes.

“We all deserve your respect,” she said. “Each and every one of us. Do you understand me?”

After a moment, Maddock murmured, “Yes.”

“Yes, what?”



As soon as he realized what was happening, Ini-herit connected with Gabriel so his friend could observe his firstborn daughter assume her powers as an elder. All of the elders had known this was a possibility, but even those who suspected Clara Kate would naturally grow into the role of the Kynzesti elder hadn’t believed it would happen so soon.

But he’d felt the elder connection blossom not long after she walked away with Alexius. There had been no question in his mind what was taking place. Although millennia had passed since the last time an elder assumed power, the feeling was impossible to forget. He received thoughts from the other elders confirming they were all experiencing the same thing. It was like there was another being resonating with each of their abilities, both drawing on their strength and contributing to it.

Cyclical. Synchronous.

Still, when Clara Kate physically moved the Gloresti back with one command, Ini-herit sensed the surprise of the other elders. Only Gabriel had ever been able to do that.

Hearing the Gloresti refer to Clara Kate as
had another round of murmurs filling the room. Ini-herit took that opportunity to approach her. Jabari, Sebastian, Zayna, Malukali, Knorbis and Uriel also stepped through the crowd.

“I believe that’s enough unscheduled entertainment for the evening,” Jabari said.

As the eldest Estilorian in both age and appearance, as well as the Elphresti elder, his words commanded immediate obedience. The music once again cued up. The crowd dispersed, though curious glances were thrown over shoulders as couples resumed dancing. Ini-herit noticed that Clara Kate and her family remained in their protective stances, surrounding Zachariah. When he looked at the Mercesti, he couldn’t read his expression.

Maddock and the Gloresti started edging away. Jabari raised a hand. They froze.

“Commander Hitoshi is on his way and would like a word with each of you,” he said. “You will adjourn to the parlor room off the central corridor. Commander Caoilinn will show you the way.”

The Lekwuesti commander appeared at Sebastian’s side. “At your service,

Each of the Gloresti mumbled an apology to no one in particular as they followed Caoilinn out of the ballroom. Only when they were gone did those around Zachariah move from their positions. Clara Kate blinked as though trying to clear her head. When she swayed, Ini-herit moved forward.

Quincy was faster. “I’ve got you,” he said as he took her elbow and helped keep her steady. His gaze flickered briefly to Ini-herit, but Ini-herit couldn’t read the look in his eyes.

“What was that all about?” Alexius asked, reaching out and taking Clara Kate’s other arm.

“We should discuss it as a group,” Jabari said, his dark face breaking into a wide smile. “But the short answer is that Clara Kate has just assumed the role of the Kynzesti elder.”

Chapter 22



They left the ballroom after Jabari’s announcement. They hadn’t even gotten to enjoy one hour of the masquerade. Although Clara Kate felt a little bad about that, she knew they had bigger things to address at the moment.

“How do you feel?” Tate asked as they walked.

“I feel…different,” Clara Kate said. “I can’t really explain it.”

She kept expecting the flow of power to subside. It had come on rather abruptly, after all. Now that the danger to her family had been removed, shouldn’t she return to normal?

Alexius gave her several sideways glances as they walked. She knew the hold she had on his arm was rather tight, but she didn’t feel quite steady yet. The intensity of what had rushed through her when she confronted Maddock and his followers left her drained, despite the sensation still spiraling in her chest.

Sebastian led them outside of the building containing the grand ballroom. They walked across a plaza to another building, this one a soft purple in color and so high that Clara Kate couldn’t even see the top. Once inside, they took a series of air tubes until they reached yet another hallway with two high, wide doors at the end. Clara Kate realized as they got closer that they were gold and contained intricate lavender etchings. When Sebastian paused outside the doors and pressed his hands against them, the etchings glowed. Locks snicked open.

Turning, he said, “We would like to speak with just Clara Kate first.” His gaze swept over her family. “Then we’ll invite you in to discuss this. You will find seating inside the rooms attached to this one. Those are commander Caoilinn’s quarters.”

Since his gaze settled on Zachariah, the Mercesti nodded. Clara Kate released Alexius’ arm, giving him a reassuring smile when he caught her gaze. Then she turned and walked into Sebastian’s quarters. Although her knees felt like they didn’t want to support her, she drew upon her energy to at least get her to one of the chairs forming a circle on the far right side of the room. It took her a moment to realize that there were ten chairs, one in each class color. She puzzled over the red Mercesti chair. That class hadn’t had an elder since just after the separation of the planes. Did the elders think that would change?

Taking the deep blue-green seat, she caught Sebastian’s gaze. “How did you know?”

He sat across the circle in the lavender chair. “How did we know that there would be a Kynzesti elder? It was a simple deduction based upon the evolution of our kind. We have suspected since your birth and the births of the other Kynzesti that an elder would emerge. Each class requires governance that extends beyond the bonds of parenthood.”

She blinked. No one had ever mentioned this to her.

“We never suspected it would happen while you were still so young,” Knorbis explained. “Our assumption of power took place over centuries of being.”

“Oh.” She gripped the arms of the chair as she continued wrestling with the powerful sensation. Now that all of the elders sat in the circle, the surge in feeling had her wanting to jump out of her chair. “Why do you think this is happening now?” she asked.

Belatedly, she considered the pregnancy. Her gaze darted to Ini-herit, who sat next to Sebastian. He looked back at her without expression, though he did tilt his head as though in question.

“It could be because you have such powerful parents,” Jabari replied. “Your father is the Gloresti elder and your mother is the most skilled fighter on the plane. It was when she was your age that your mother assumed her abilities.”

That was true, Clara Kate thought. It brought to mind the line of the Elder Scroll supposedly pertaining to her:
One conceived of age and might

“Whatever the reason, there are steps that must be taken now that you have come into your powers,” Malukali explained.

“Each class requires a hierarchy of leadership,” Uriel said. “In the past, each elder selected a commander, second commander and lieutenant as the core group to govern the class. Second lieutenants on down the hierarchy were then selected jointly by this core. This process, like our development as elders, took place over a period of time.”

Clara Kate nodded. “I understand. But I don’t need time. My core is sitting in the next room.”

Jabari smiled. “We reasoned you would say as much. We’ll firm up those details with your cousins in a moment. Right now, we need to discuss what it means to have assumed the powers and abilities of an elder.”

“Will I always feel like this?” she asked, pressing a hand to her chest.

“Yes,” Jabari said. “What you need to understand is that you are now connected to all of us. Right now, that connection is physical. If you are in danger, we will sense it. You’ll also sense when one of us is threatened. This is quite instinctive and will require no thought on your part.”

Malukali added, “Once we travel back to your homeland and see your father, we’ll all perform the proper ritual to connect you to our thoughts, as well.”

That had Clara Kate biting her lip. Her hand lowered from her chest and passed briefly over her abdomen. Joined in thought with all of the elders? That meant that her thoughts could possibly be intercepted by her father or Ini-herit.

Though she wasn’t sure she was ready, she knew the time to tell Ini-herit about their baby would have to come sooner rather than later.


It took Metis longer than she anticipated to slip away from the Estilorians who were caring for her. What was it with these creatures and their cloying concern? Was it too much to ask for some time to herself?

The Waresti had escorted her through so many tubes and tunnels that she lost her sense of direction. This place was even more challenging to navigate than Tethys’ maze. Eventually, they reached a tall, wide room with many beings walking from various directions and continuing on their way. She gleaned from one of the Waresti’s thoughts that this was the main hall. It joined multiple buildings and served as a central point of access.

They approached a collection of waist-high colored lights bouncing above the floor. One of the Waresti walked over to the lavender ball of light and took it into his hand. Then he tossed it into the air.

It sparkled and cast lavender light, bobbing well above their heads. Metis understood from the thoughts of her companions that this was meant to call the attention of the “ranking Lekwuesti in residence.” Sure enough, within three minutes, a female with billowing blonde curls and lavender eyes approached with swift strides. When she got close enough, she extended her hand and called the ball of light back to her. Then she replaced it among the other lights.

“Greetings, warriors. I’m Dara. What can I do for you?”

“Dara, Jocelyn here has had an unsettling experience on the mainland,” Patrick explained. “She requests a room here at the main base so that she can discuss her experience with
Malukali after the ball.”

“Of course,” Dara replied. “Please come with me.”

It took another hour to get Metis settled in her accommodations. The Waresti left after she assured them she was fine and thanked them for their concern. The Lekwuesti, however, had apparently made it her mission to drive Metis out of her mind with all of her questions and comments.

Had her experience interrupted her connection to her Lekwuesti? Was she in need of healing? Did she wish to speak to
Malukali the moment the ball ended, or tomorrow morning? Were there any special requests regarding food, clothing or accommodations?

“I require nothing else,” Metis finally snapped, unable to endure the other female’s presence for a moment longer. “Except rest.”

“My apologies,” Dara said.
Ungrateful wretch
, she thought.

Catching the thought, Metis almost used her powers of mind control to have the female stab herself with a fork. Then she thought better of it, not wanting to draw undue attention to herself.

“No, I apologize,” she said, not having to feign the weariness in her voice. “I fear my experience today has me acting out of sorts. While I do appreciate all of your efforts, I would like to rest now. I do hope you understand.”

Compassion radiated from the Lekwuesti. “Certainly, Jocelyn. I’ll leave you to your rest. We’ll come and get you in the morning to meet with

“Thank you.”

Metis thought about asking the female for information about the ball, having learned by listening in on the thoughts of those around her that Tate and Ariana would be in attendance. Then she realized how foolish it would be to attempt to get both females while they were so thoroughly surrounded, so she withheld the question. Pacing in her room once Dara left, she considered what to do.

She had no idea where the Kynzesti and their companions were staying. After scanning the thoughts of the Waresti and Lekwuesti earlier and discovering that they didn’t know, either, she had attempted to listen in on other beings as she walked to her accommodations. It was quite difficult, though. Nothing she managed to pick up helped her at all.

Deciding it wasn’t doing her any good to remain in the room, she strode to the door and opened it, taking care to check outside to make sure it was unguarded. Not seeing anyone, she closed the door behind her and hurried down the hall.

It took her another half-hour to find out where the ball was being held, and twenty minutes more to find someone she could follow to the main ballroom. Once she got close enough to the event’s location, she eased behind a pillar of a nearby building and started listening. At one point, she had the uncomfortable feeling that another being was doing to her mind what she did to others, almost like the thoughts of another touched hers. The sensation was over as quick as she felt it, though, so she dismissed it.

She didn’t have to stand there long to pick up many thoughts of unease, excitement, curiosity and other reactions that told her something notable was occurring inside the ballroom. Most of the thoughts were jumbled, but she easily picked up the name Zachariah. Then another: Clara Kate.

Blinking as the flood of thoughts intensified, she brought her hands to the sides of her head to try and block them. She briefly squeezed her eyes shut. When she opened them, she spied all of the elders in attendance and the group of individuals she sought exiting the ballroom. She had no choice but to follow.

Unfortunately, she couldn’t read any of them except Ariana, who was talking to the male Kynzesti beside her. Her thoughts were focused on the male.

Frowning, Metis pressed her luck and did a more thorough scan of the Lekwuesti’s thoughts. She shouldn’t have done it. Within seconds, both Malukali and Knorbis glanced over their shoulders, probably having sensed the use of mental powers on one in their care. The couple then looked at the Waresti elder in silent warning, and Metis knew she had to perform a strategic retreat.

As she hurried away, she clung to the scraps she had managed to glean from the Lekwuesti’s thoughts.

Clara Kate’s abilities

enable us…

use the Elder Scroll

What she concluded was that the key to using the Elder Scroll lay not in Ariana or Tate, but in the eldest Kynzesti. Metis realized that Eirik had been focusing on the wrong target in his ultimate quest. She was determined not to make the same mistake.

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