Elder (7 page)

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Authors: Raine Thomas

Tags: #FICTION / Fantasy / Paranormal

BOOK: Elder
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Chapter 10



Alexius had been right. Within five minutes, Clara Kate saw the outlines of the wings of her family and friends at the edge of the horizon.

“We should be to Tate and Ariana’s location soon, if Zachariah’s gauge is correct,” he said.

“Good,” she replied, giving him a smile. “Thanks.”

He winked at her, an action that made her do a double-take. She’d never seen him wink at anyone. What did that signify?

Hoping she was giving the wink more import than he’d intended, she returned her gaze to the wings in the distance and focused on flying. She felt bad having such thoughts. Alexius was a wonderful being. But she was nowhere near a point where she could even consider entertaining the attentions of a male.

She was going to have a baby

The thought kept spinning through her head, despite her efforts to try and push it back. She’d just witnessed her mother delivering her baby brother, Jack. Now she was going to deliver a baby of her own?

Shaking her head, she forced herself to think about one crisis at a time. Her gaze settled on the only set of silver wings among the group now less than one hundred yards ahead of them. Somehow, she had to tell Ini-herit that he was going to be a father. Just as importantly, she had to endure the fact that the news would be of absolutely no interest to him.

Oh, she was sure he’d be responsible in his own way. He’d stick with her through the pregnancy and possibly invite her to move in with him. He might even be willing to relocate to a spot within the Kynzesti homeland. Because her father was likely to insist on it, he’d probably ask her to marry him. That would be the most he could offer her, considering an avowing required love.

She didn’t want any of those things. She just wanted her Harry back.

He turned and caught her gaze when they approached. For the briefest moment, she thought she caught a glimpse of something cross his face. Relief? Concern? Some combination of each?

Surely not.

“Hey, C.K.,” Tiege said, flying closer. “Are you okay?”

“Fine and dandy,” she lied. “Quincy gave me a supplement and my energy is right back where it should be.”


“How are Tate and Ariana?” she asked.

“I don’t know. Zachariah is focused on whatever they’re doing. He hasn’t spoken since they got away from the clay golems.”

“Weird. I hope they’re okay.”

Her attention shifted as murmuring flowed from the front of the group and back to them. Moving to the outer edges of their flight pattern, she looked ahead to see what had captured everyone’s interest.

At first, it looked like a very large, squared-off expanse of greenery. She would have mistaken it for a forest if the top of the green square wasn’t so uniform in height. As they got closer, she realized that it wasn’t just solid green. There was an unusual pattern etched into the square.

“Is that the maze?” she asked Tiege. “It sure looks like one.”

“It has to be,” he said. “I’ve never seen one like this, but Zachariah is leading us down there.”

She nodded. Then a strange feeling washed over her…a sense that they shouldn’t proceed.

“Stop,” Uriel said, just as the word made its way to the tip of her tongue.

They all hovered and looked at the Waresti elder. He glanced at Ini-herit, the only other elder to have made the journey with the speed-enhancing potion.

“Do you sense that?”

Ini-herit nodded. “We cannot proceed in the air. We must land.”

Clara Kate didn’t hesitate to lower herself to the ground. She saw Zachariah wanting to argue, but he either knew better than to dispute the elders or he realized that agreeing was quicker. She guessed the latter, since he wasn’t opposed to disagreeing with anyone.

“Draw your weapons,” Zachariah said as he led them at a run to the exit of the maze. “I’m not sure what awaits us on this end, but judging by what Tate has conveyed, we’ll need all the protection we can get.”


Ariana hadn’t ever heard of a creature like the one she and Tate faced after the golems. She guessed it was some kind of cursed, deformed canine. Saliva dripped from its long, black maw, sizzling when it hit the ground. Its eyes glowed like coals. Cracks in its scaly-looking black hide revealed more of the molten substance. Heat and stench radiated from it.

Standing almost as wide as the gap between the walls, it blocked their escape on either side. Leaves started smoking as it inhaled and its expanded ribcage came into contact with the shrubbery. So far, it was just sitting there growling at them, probably assessing the threat they posed. Neither of them dared to move. From somewhere not very far away, they heard the giant pounding his way closer.

“Well, this sucks,” Tate said in a thin voice.

“Yeah,” Ariana managed.

“What do you suppose the odds are that I could boost you up to the top of one of the walls?”

Giving a quick glance up, she answered, “Not good.”


As the creature took a step closer, Ariana asked, “Do you think it eats meat?”

“Um…I hope not?”

“No, let’s hope so.”

She used her Lekwuesti abilities to generate a goat carcass. The moment it appeared in front of the creature, it leaped. Its powerful jaws opened. It sank its pointed teeth into the goat’s flesh, ripping it and flinging pieces in their direction. Both females stepped back and emitted high-pitched squeals.

“Ohmygod,” Tate said in one breath. “I didn’t know you could create animals!”

“Not live ones.”

“I don’t care. Get me at least one more of those things so we can distract the beast and I’ll be indebted to you for the rest of my existence.”

“Not a problem.”

Although it drained her energy to a dangerous level after the work with the golems, Ariana pulled forth her power and produced three more dead goats. The creature made a terrifying noise and pounced on them.

“Run,” Tate said. “Jump over the thing if you have to. Go!”

Not pausing to think, Ariana grabbed her gown with her free hand and ran to the creature’s left side. It had shifted enough to allow her to pass through. Even turning sideways and sucking in her breath, her back brushed against its side. Heat seared along her spine, but she couldn’t worry about that. When she got past the beast and turned, she watched Tate spring up and over it, using its back as a launching pad.

“Don’t stop!” Tate shouted.

Ariana ran. After a moment of blindly making turns, she vaguely realized that she was getting wet from behind. She dared to glance over her shoulder and saw Tate bringing forth water and throwing it at her.

“You were on fire,” she explained as they stumbled to a stop.

“I was?” Ariana gasped. She tried to look over her shoulder to see what damage had been done.

“I saved your hair, but the gown is a loss.” Tate reached out and patted her shoulder. “The good thing is that only the bottom was burned.”

“Oh.” Unable to stop herself from running her hand along her hair to make sure it was intact, Ariana said, “Consider us even, then.”

Tate managed a small smile. “Sure.”

Behind them, the sounds of vicious ravaging from the creature combined with loud shouting and pounding from the giant had them hurrying on.

“I think we’ve lost our bearings,” Ariana said as they reached another bend.

“Yeah. But Sparky and the others are landing outside the maze. I can follow the pull to get us to them.”

Ariana nodded and moved forward with Tate, her weapon at the ready. She wanted to feel relieved, but after what they’d already seen and endured in this maze, she couldn’t help but worry about what else lay ahead.

“Does it feel colder to you?” Tate asked as they rounded another bend.


“Geez.” Tate lifted her weapon. “We just can’t catch a break.”

They were prompted to advance as noise clamored behind them. Ariana even thought she heard Deimos’ voice, something that made the hair stand up on the back of her neck. She fought the urge to whimper as she joined Tate in facing their next challenge.

As they made a left down the next turn of the maze, the cold grew more invasive. They could see their breath.

“What the—?” Tate began.

She stopped speaking and walking when they saw her. A tall, beautiful woman with black hair and blue lips. She was so pale that she almost appeared transparent. The cold oozed from her.

Ariana lifted her weapon with a hand that trembled from cold as well as fear, but Tate reached out and grabbed her.

“No. Drop your weapon.”

Recent training had Ariana wanting to defend, but she obeyed. Both she and Tate tossed their weapons to the ground. When Tate lowered to her knees and bowed low in submission, Ariana did the same.

“Sparky’s telling me that this is a spirit called a Yuki-onna,” Tate whispered. “There isn’t much known about them. They were originally thought to be evil, but he thinks she has empathy toward humans.”

Trying not to focus on the fact that Tate was the only one of them with human blood, Ariana stayed in a bowed and submissive position. The spirit remained still, but didn’t dissipate.

“Come on, Sparky,” Tate murmured.

The temperature dropped at a sharp rate. Ariana started shaking in earnest as her body temperature lowered. Crystals formed on her hair and eyelashes. Her wet clothes froze to her skin. When she dared to glance up for a quick look, she realized the spirit hovered directly over them. Its vacant dark eyes shifted between her and Tate. It was then that Ariana noticed the bundle in her arms.

A child.

No wonder she had empathy for humans, Ariana thought. The spirit had surely been one if she could bear children. Why was she on this plane rather than the human one?

Sounds reached them from both directions, distracting her. Fierce growling, loud pounding and the drum of a male voice emerged from behind them. The noise of battle approached from the front. Ariana’s limbs were numb. Not knowing what else to do, she remained bowed beside Tate and simply prayed.

“Any t-time n-now,” Tate stuttered through chattering teeth. Her breath came out in white wisps.

Less than a minute later, Zachariah, Tiege and the others sprinted out from behind a wall. The spirit turned to face the new threat, causing the group to stagger to a halt. When Tate tried to move, probably wanting to protect her avowed and her brother, Ariana managed to touch her shoulder to stop her. She knew there was more human blood on the other side of the spirit than on theirs.

Ice formed on everyone’s skin. They all lowered their weapons. Tiege, Sophia and Clara Kate rushed forth, likely having been coached to do so by Zachariah because they shared the only human blood in their group.

The spirit looked at Tiege, then Sophia. The cold continued building to a point that Ariana couldn’t feel her body. Her vision blurred in and out of focus.

Then the ephemeral woman turned her attention to Clara Kate.

Hovering, it gazed intently at the eldest Kynzesti. Clara Kate didn’t bow, but looked the spirit in the eyes. Its dark gaze moved from her face to her waist and remained focused there for several seconds.

Then, without any other warning, the Yuki-onna issued a tormented scream and vanished.

Chapter 11



When the Yuki-onna focused its attention on Clara Kate, Ini-herit moved up to just behind and beside her. He didn’t know why. That strong sense of protectiveness continued to drive him and he didn’t bother to resist it.

He watched the spirit move its gaze to Clara Kate’s midsection. It didn’t look away. Why did it find this area of Clara Kate’s body of so much interest? Glancing again at the creature, he watched it clutch its phantom child closer to its chest before it shrieked and disappeared.

The piercing wail hadn’t even faded before Zachariah surged forward and reached down for Tate. He lifted the Kynzesti as Tiege approached Ariana. Ini-herit realized both females were covered in ice, among other things. Despite the filth all over them, he could see their skin was almost blue. Not a good sign.

They all turned around and headed back the way they’d come, leaving Uriel and his Waresti to deal with Metis, her giant and any other creatures they might encounter. On the way into the maze, several of the Waresti split off from their group to address any threats that could possibly approach them from behind. Now, Ini-herit stepped over the remains of several dead creatures, none of which he could identify. Why its creators had felt the maze required such powerful guardians, he had no idea.

They emerged from the high hedges and hurried a brief distance away. Nothing unexpected followed them.

“Ariana lost consciousness,” Tiege said.

Zachariah stopped and caught Ini-herit’s gaze. “So did Tate.”

Nodding, Ini-herit placed his hands on both Tate and Ariana. Closing his eyes, he focused on diagnosing and healing their injuries. They ranged in significance. Frostbite, extensive bruising, abraded skin, mild to moderate burns, reduced functioning of their cardiovascular and pulmonary systems, dehydration, exhaustion. One by one, he addressed each problem and applied his power until both females were once again in perfect condition.

Well, physically, anyway.

Opening his eyes and lowering his hands, he said, “They will be fine, but they require rest. I have induced a state of restorative sleep for them both. Sebastian should arrive soon with the others. He can assist Tate and Ariana with any cosmetic issues, such as their torn clothing and the dry clay. He can also provide them food. I believe it has been quite some time since they were fed.”

“Thank you,” Zachariah said at the same time Tiege issued, “Thanks,

He nodded. When he looked at Clara Kate, he realized she was staring at him. Not for the first time, he wished he could read what she conveyed through her deep blue-green eyes.

“We should get away from this place,” Zachariah said. “Something could slip past Uriel and his warriors and we might not be prepared to meet it.”

Ini-herit considered this. “I will stay here. I wish to remain available in case any of the Waresti need healing.”

“I’ll stay with you,” Clara Kate offered. She drew her blessed butterfly swords. “Couldn’t hurt to have extra hands around if needed.”

Something about her offer had his brow wrinkling and an unusual sensation flooding his chest, but he merely said, “Of course.”

“Very well,” Zachariah said. “We’ll move to the edge of whatever flight barrier is in place around this area and wait for the others to arrive.”

Ini-herit watched as the Mercesti turned and started walking, followed closely by Tiege, Sophia and Quincy. When they were alone, he looked at Clara Kate. He realized her cheeks were pink.

“Are you all right?” he asked.

She blinked. “What?”

“You appear flushed.”

Rolling her eyes, she looked at the exit of the maze and muttered, “No kidding.”

“Do you require healing?”

“No, I don’t require—” Cutting herself off, she shook her head and caught his gaze. “This is absolutely ridiculous. I’m flushed because of all of the inappropriate thoughts I have when I look at you, okay? Your tank top reveals quite a bit of skin and muscle. You’re seriously cut and, well,
. I was standing here wondering just where all of those silver markings extend on your form. So, there you go.”



After a moment, he said, “Your tank top reveals quite a bit of skin and muscle, as well.” When she lifted an eyebrow, he added, “And it conforms to your breasts.”

Her lips twitched. “You noticed that, did you?”

“Yes. As well as the fact that your combat pants sit low on your hips and display your rear end in a way that draws my eye.”

Now, her entire face grew pink. “Seriously? You had those kinds of thoughts about me?”


“Do you have those kinds of thoughts about other females?”

Despite the mild tone to the question, he sensed its import. “No,” he replied.

“Huh.” She grinned. “What do you know?”

“What do I—?”

“No, no,” she said with a shake of her head. “Look, I stuck with you right now so that I could discuss something with you. Something important.”

“All right.”

“Back on the human plane—” she began.

“Uriel is approaching,” he interrupted.

Both of them turned to look at the maze’s exit. The Waresti elder and a number of his warriors emerged. They looked grim, but none of them needed healing.

“We were unable to capture Metis or her giant,” Uriel reported. “She teleported before we could get to her. She could be anywhere on the Estilorian plane by now.”


“You imbecile,” Metis snapped at Cephalus.

The two of them stood in the woods outside of the dwelling that once belonged to the former Mercesti leader, Kanika. It was the first place that sprang to Metis’ mind when the Waresti bore down on them inside the maze. She had studied this landscape a great deal in recent weeks.

“I rescued you from the Isle of Gegenee so that you could join me in ascending to greatness,” she continued as she paced. “This is how I am repaid?”

Having calmed down once he could no longer scent the two females who had injured him, the giant lifted his massive shoulders. “I cannot change the way things stand. I helped you assume a new form, did I not?”

“Just how is that supposed to help us get the scroll piece?”

As she issued the question, Metis lifted her arms, which were now those of a hulking Waresti male. She had managed to teleport the Waresti along with Cephalus out of the maze. Once they materialized in the woods, the giant injured the disoriented male enough that Metis was able to use his own sword to kill him. The decision to change forms had been panicked, prompted when she realized the Waresti intended to capture or harm her.

Now, she questioned whether it had been the right decision. Yes, most of the Waresti knew Deimos’ form very well and would surely be looking for her everywhere on the plane. But at least in that form she could teleport if the need arose. As this Waresti, she could no longer draw on that ability. She really had to learn to make better decisions while under pressure if she was going to be an elder.

Oh, well. At least if she met up with Eirik in this new form, she would stand a good chance of defeating him. An innate knowledge of weaponry and battle strategy flowed through her now.

“Where have you teleported us?” Cephalus asked. “Perhaps we could return to the females and wrest them from their rescuers.”

“We are miles from there.” Frowning, she debated what to do. “I can no longer draw on Deimos’ abilities, and you cannot fly. We will have to travel on foot.”

“Where are we going to go?”

“I do not know.”

Turning, she paced in the other direction. She found herself ducking beneath tree branches more often than she had in the past and realized this was the tallest form she’d ever assumed. It would take some getting used to.

“Well, you now resemble a Waresti,” he said. “Unless things have changed since I freely roamed the plane, you can throw a rock and find Waresti scouts. Perhaps we could search for such a patrol and attempt to find out where the females will be taken. Then we can travel to them.”

Weighing the idea, Metis nodded. “That has merit. Because we succeeded in parting the females from their guards this last time, I am certain it will be difficult to accomplish it again. However, even if we cannot find a way to lead them away from the others, we could follow them when they go in search of the next scroll piece. Surely once the piece has been found, we can develop a plan to acquire it.”

“Very well,” Cephalus said. “I am at your service. I will do what I can to balance things between us, sister.”

“Oh, yes. You will.”

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