Elemental (The Keeper of the elements) (4 page)

BOOK: Elemental (The Keeper of the elements)
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Chapter Four


I was jitterier than a crack fiend as I sat in the passenger seat of Aydan’s beat up truck. His hand rested on my knee, spreading a soothing warmth through my body. I struggled to focus on that and not my pounding heart. I listened to the crackle of his antique radio and watched as the trees zipped by. I did not want to do this. Not even one little bit. I was an outcast, not one welcomed into the cove.


Aydan pulled his truck into a tree shaded spot just below the cove and shut down the truck, flashing me an encouraging smile. I tried to smile back but I felt the tremble in my chin. Aydan’s smile dropped and his fingers came up softly under my chin, pulling my eyes to look up at him. “You are strong and beautiful. Do you understand me?” He stated in a soft but affirming tone. I nodded meekly and he sighed. “Seriously Gemma, you have no idea how special you are.” He gave me the softest, most gentle caress with the pad of his thumb and climbed out of the truck leaving me to catch my breath. No matter how badly I denied it, I had it bad.


Aydan jogged around to my side of the truck as I anxiously waited. I wanted to turn tail and run but I knew without a doubt he would chase me down. I climbed out and adjusted my top and licked my lips eagerly. Aydan pulled me under his arm and tucked me into his side, affectionately kissing my temple. Butterflies ruffled in my stomach and the warmth spread through me again. I sighed and let Aydan drag me along up the thin dirt trail that led up to the cove. The cove was nothing more than a secluded space surrounded by trees.


My heart was pounding nervously with each step we took. I could hear the pounding music from someone’s open car and the loud voices of my peers. Aydan gripped my hand and gave it a playful squeeze and instantly I felt better, calmer. We broke into the clearing and a few people looked up, noticing us. I fought the urge to hide myself behind Aydan. I was sure everyone was looking at the two of us. “Well lookie here, the prince and the peasant.” Gabrielle sneered as she walked over to us. Her lips twisted in disgust as she eyed me and just as quickly turned into a smile as she locked onto Aydan. “Gabby.” He said coldly, barely acknowledging her and using the nickname she despised. Her smile faltered briefly before she slid in next to him, pushing me aside and linking her arm with his. “I’m glad you could make it Aydan.” She said sweetly. Aydan looked down at her and slowly pulled his arm from her grasp. “Thanks, but I’m here with Gemma.” I allowed myself to feel a tiny bit of elation at his words. Gabrielle looked absolutely appalled. “Why? She’s nothing more than an albino freak.” I rolled my eyes at her poor insult. “First of all Gabby, your highlights are the same color as her hair. Secondly, she’s tan and therefore not albino, and lastly, because she has more personality than you and she doesn’t need to spread her legs to get people to notice.” I heard a few gasps echo around the cove and felt my own jaw drop with surprise.


Aydan looked around at the people watching and snorted, grabbing my hand and towing me out of the cove. “Aydan, stop. It’s okay we can stay.” I said as he tugged me gently down the hill and back to the truck. “No way Gemma. Those people...those people are blind mice. They

can’t see what I have seen in you all along.” He spun quickly, causing me to run into his chest. He looked down at me and his lips tilted in a lopsided smile, his thumb
angling my chin and softly stroking my cheek.


My mind went wild with the possibilities. Images of Aydan leaning in and gently pushing his lips to mine flashed in my head. I stumbled back quickly and cleared my throat while shoving my hair behind my ears. Aydan gave me a knowing smirk before shaking his head and rubbing the back of his neck. We steadily made our way towards the truck in a comfortable silence.


We climbed in the truck and I watched Aydan curiously. His jaw twitched slightly before turning and smiling at me. “Aydan, it’s your senior year, you should really be up there.” Aydan chuckled and shrugged. “I promise you Gem, I am exactly where I want to be.”


I tried to ignore the shivers that ran down my spine. I swear I did, but unfortunately that did not bode well in my favor. As Aydan directed the old truck out of the space and into traffic I desperately tried to swallow the suddenly forming lump in my throat.







Chapter Five


Aydan rested his hand against my face. It was warm and I could f
eel the harsh calluses that graced his palm. I eyed him lovingly; every emotion pouring out through my eyes. “You have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen.” I smiled at the sentiment and inched a bit closer to his warmth. “Close your eyes.” He whispered with a playful smile on his face. I did as I was told and let my eyes flutter shut. “Gemma you are truly special to me.” I felt a breeze pick up in pace with my heart beat. The faster my heart beat, the faster the wind blew. It was like I was connected to the wind. The feeling felt so freeing.


Aydan guided his hand softly against my jawline and following slowly down my neck, “You are so soft...” He whispered, his breath tickling my ear and sending shocks of pleasure through my body, kicking my heart rate and the wind up a notch. My hair whipped angrily around my face, slashing and biting at my skin. Even under the deafening roar of the wind , Aydan spoke softly. I could hear him just as if he was speaking loud and clear.


His other hand captured my face so that now he was cradling it in both of his hands. My hands wrapped loosely around his wrists as I watched through the curtain of hair as his grey eyes seemed to spark. I wanted to jump back in surprise but I found myself unable to move. “Aydan?” I asked, the slightest hint of fear to my voice. “Focus on remaining calm.” He advised. The wind was picking up to nearly uncontrollable at this point and I was terrified and confused as to why we were standing in a wind storm in the middle of nowhere. “Close your eyes Gemma.” He removed one of my hands from his wrist and slipped it under his shirt to rest on the bare skin of his chest. My heart did a sudden flip flop and I tried to bring my hand away but he held fast. “Focus on my breathing. Match yours to mine and focus on the beating of my heart.” I relaxed and let myself really feel. His breath was coming in relaxed, slow, in and out motions and his heart beat was a gentle thump thump beneath my hand. After a few moments I didn’t even notice the wind, just the steady thump of his heart beneath my hand.


“You are truly amazing Gemma. Open your eyes.” I obeyed and looked around, stunned. The wind had faded and the sun was shining brightly, grass so very green and soft. Aydan smiled and met my eyes, “It is during our darkest moments, which we must focus to see the light.” I knew the quote and it made me smile. He had said the very same thing to me when we first met and truthfully it helped me grieve after losing my parents. I spaced us out a bit and looked around, not recognizing where we were. “It’s a reverie,” Aydan answered my unasked question.


“A reverie?” He smiled and looked down, his loose hair falling into his eyes. When he returned them to me the grey was shining almost silver. “Yes. It’s a shared subconscious. A place in our minds we can go to be together.” I wanted to laugh but truthfully I didn’t care what this was as long as I was with Aydan. “Gemma....Do you trust me?” He asked solemnly. I looked at him, confusion obvious on my face. “Of course I do Aydan.” Aydan smiled sadly and looked up, almost like someone had called to him.  “Don’t. There will come a time that you may not be able to trust me. I want to know that you are always safe, even if that means from me. I want you to find a place inside yourself. A place where there is joy and happiness. Give in to that place during those times and the joy and happiness will burn out the pain.”


I opened my eyes with his words lingering in my head and my alarm obnoxiously blaring in my ear, my necklace hot against my throat. My heart plummeted as I looked around my still dark room. It was nothing more than a dream. I flopped back down on my bed, exhaustion creeping in. I felt like I hadn’t slept at all. I pulled my cell phone from my nightstand and groaned at the ungodly four thirty  hour. I noticed that I had a text from Aydan. ‘ Are you okay??’ I wonder briefly how he knew I had a nightmare but smiled as I felt his calming warmth spread through me, starting at my chest. I took a breath through my nose and let it out slowly through my mouth and smiled. Even through a text he made me feel better. I yawned and returned the phone to my night stand as I felt the sleepiness overcome me. I fell back asleep with thoughts of Aydan.


I picked at my lunch and curled my lip at the revolting sight. The cafeteria food was either some goopy unidentifiable mystery meat or something that closely resembled cardboard. Today’s meal seemed to be somewhere in between. I had been lost in thought most of the day, replaying the strange dream over and over again. Aydan had been unusually quiet during the drive to school this morning. I revisited the dream but still couldn’t make sense of it. I sighed and rubbed my face for probably the third or fourth time in the twenty minute block.


“Are you new today too?”

I nearly flew out of my chair with surprise as I looked up to see a girl plop down across the table from me. She was small and seemed delicate although her appearance suggested anything but.  Her hair was vivid purple with bright platinum streaks. A silver
hoop looped over one nostril and deep purple lipstick lined her lips. My shock must have been evident on my face because a wide smile broke out on her face as she plopped down. “It’s a little much isn’t it?” She said as she lifted a spoonful of the lunch and allowed it fall with a splat on the plate. Her nose turned up and she pushed it away, “Do they ever make anything edible?” She gave me a look that was almost hopeful and I snorted. “Maybe if you’re lucky.” I responded, shocking myself. I never talk to people, first Amelie and now this girl. “What makes you think I’m new?” I asked quietly. “Well you are sitting alone,” She said with slight hesitation as she gestured around. I snorted out a laugh, “I always sit alone.” I didn’t elaborate and thankfully she didn’t ask. “My name’s Ronnie.” I cocked a brow curiously and she laughed as she sipped at her water. “Veronica, I hate it, so I go by Ronnie.” I nodded and glanced up, noticing she hadn’t asked for mine, “Gemma.” I offered quietly. “Well it is great meeting you Gemma. I have to say your eyes are definitely somethin.” She peered closer and I shifted uncomfortably under her stare.


“I’m sorry, am I a little much? Sometimes I have a tendency to overwhelm people. I’m very high energy, but I swear I’m harmless.” She took a bite of her lunch and her eyes grew large and her lips puckered. I chuckled as she spit out the food. I had always purposefully isolated myself, not wanting any one to get too close. Obviously my attempts against Aydan were futile. There was something about Ronnie that seemed to pull me in, made me want to open up. The thought of her leaving me, finding something wrong with me, or getting hurt because of me lingered in the back of my mind. It taunted me with endless what if’s. “What class are you going to now?” She asked as she brought up a neon purple and green watch to check the time. I groaned as I stood up and took my tray to the trash. “Next would be advanced biology,” I said grumpily as I made my way out to the hall with the trickle of people. “Oh that’s great! I have that too!” I fought the urge to roll my eyes as I led Ronnie down the yellowed halls and towards the classroom.

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