Elizabeth's Education (Forbidden Lust) (14 page)

Read Elizabeth's Education (Forbidden Lust) Online

Authors: Maggie Carpenter

Tags: #discipline, #BDSM, #submission, #bondage, #ebook, #corporal punishment, #erotic, #fiction, #domination, #S&M, #chimera, #historical, #master, #sex, #spanking, #damsel in distress

BOOK: Elizabeth's Education (Forbidden Lust)
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They walked around town for some time, Elizabeth stopping to greet those she knew, introducing them to her escort. After a while Lord Michael suggested a cup of tea, and Elizabeth was grateful to accept; her feet were becoming tired and a refreshing cup of hot tea would be rejuvenating.

They entered the tearoom, the only one in town, and Lord Michael found them a table near the window. A large woman waited on them, and he ordered tea and scones. After she waddled off he put the gift box on the table.

‘Why don’t you examine it more closely?’ he offered.

Eager to do so, Elizabeth opened the present and withdrew the beautiful silver music box. She opened the little doors and marvelled at the intricacy of the engraving.

‘It really is beautiful,’ she sighed. ‘Thank you so much, sir. It was very generous of you to buy it for me.’

‘Not at all, my dear, I’m glad you like it. No matter what happens you shall always have that as a memento of our special time together.’

The words struck her. ‘What do you mean, whatever happens?’ she asked, panic rising from her stomach.

‘Elizabeth, you’ve come such a long way in such a short space of time,’ he said worryingly. ‘You’re a different young lady to the one you were just a few days ago, wouldn’t you agree?’

‘Yes, sir,’ she admitted, ‘I would agree.’

‘And that may be all you wish for, but I told you about the layers of surrender, Elizabeth.’

‘Yes, sir?’

‘Well, if you do not wish to completely submit to me, in all the ways I require, then our journey must reach its end soon.’

She felt the colour drain from her face. What was he talking about? ‘D-don’t you care for me, sir?’ she asked timorously, truly shaken.

‘Of course I care for you, my dear,’ he reassured her. ‘But it’s not about how much I care for you, it is about how much you care for me.’

‘But I don’t understand,’ she stumbled, feeling a lump in her throat. ‘I care for you deeply, sir. I have given you all of me.’

‘Not quite,’ he countered, his voice calm and even. ‘There is more for you to learn, and I don’t yet know whether or not you care to learn it.’

Elizabeth took a long deep breath, trying to quell the panic inside her. Then, with as much conviction and sincerity as she could muster, and looking him directly in the eye, she said, ‘Lord Michael, please know that I want to learn absolutely everything you wish to teach me. Absolutely everything.’

He raised an inquisitive eyebrow. ‘I do not doubt you feel that way now, but your certainty remains to be seen.’

The waitress was suddenly upon them with their tea, and Lord Michael watched as Elizabeth raised the delicate china cup from its saucer to her lips with a trembling hand.

‘Don’t worry, Elizabeth,’ he said, attempting to reassure her. ‘All will fall into place, one way or another. Just remember, ultimately it’s up to you.’

The words eased her mind somewhat, and she recalled he had given her a choice once before, the night he tied her to the curtain rod. She sensed something similar was in store for her soon, but what could she offer that would be more of a surrender than her maidenhead?

Lord Michael artfully moved their conversation to matters light-hearted, and she began to relax. Then after they finished their tea they set out to enjoy the rest of their time in town.

In spite of his words she was encouraged by his manner. On more than one occasion he whispered salacious words in her ear, and by the time they climbed into the carriage to head home, she was feeling quite warm with need.

Once home he took her arm and led her to the sitting room.

‘I suspect the tea and scones has dulled your appetite for further afternoon tea,’ he surmised. ‘Would that be correct?’

Elizabeth was still simmering with yearning, and the last thing on her mind was food. ‘Yes sir, although I do have an appetite,’ she ventured cheekily, ‘but only for… for…’

He smiled. ‘Yes, I know very well what you have an appetite for, young lady, but we shall now see how much of one, shall we not?

‘Submission, Elizabeth; just how much are you prepared to submit?’ He let the question hang in the air for a moment. ‘Go to your room,’ he finally continued, ‘take a long hot bath, then wait for me on your bed, on your hands and knees, with a scarf covering your eyes. Any questions?’

Butterflies were fluttering in her stomach, but she managed to respond, ‘No, sir, no questions.’

‘Good. Off you go, then.’

Filled with dangerous, erotic anticipation, Elizabeth scurried up to her room and found Grace dusting. She ordered her to draw a bath and then to leave, and not to disturb her under any circumstances.

Grace could tell her mistress was in quite a state, and without a word she did as instructed. As soon as she had left Elizabeth took off and carefully hung her clothes in one of her large wardrobes, then sank into the hot water.

It was fragrant with rose scent, one of her favourites, and she attempted to relax in the soothingly hot water. But it was impossible. She knew there was a test coming, a test of her devotion to Lord Michael, and she was determined not to disappoint him.

Lifting herself from the steaming water, she dried herself and dabbed some oil of rose about her body. She ran a brush through her hair, and could not help but recall exactly how that very same brush had been used to spank her. She quivered, and then felt herself grow moist between her thighs from the memory.

She applied a little rouge and lipstick, wanting to look as pretty as she could, then climbed onto her bed to wait. The minutes ticked by, the waiting agony. Then she remembered the scarf, found it quickly, and had just tied it in place when she heard the sound of the door opening. She froze, kneeling on the bed as instructed, praying she’d made it in time.

‘Excellent,’ Lord Michael said. He closed the door and turned the key. He certainly did not want any uninvited interruptions.

Elizabeth gasped as fingers touched her buttocks, and then lightly probed between her sex lips.

‘Hush,’ he said pre-emptively. ‘Don’t speak unless I give you permission.’

She nodded her head, wanting to obey him.

More fingers reached under her, pinching her nipples, which were already stiff from her hours of anticipation. He pinched again, harder, and she winced. Then she felt something cold and hard pressing against them. Whatever it was it grasped like his fingers, but the pinching was more intense and didn’t cease. She felt him move away from her, but the pinching persisted. Whatever he had applied was grasping her nipples of its own accord. A throbbing pain began to permeate her breasts. She’d never felt anything quite like it – pain, but tormenting pleasure also.

‘Listen carefully, Elizabeth,’ he said. ‘Do exactly as I tell you. If you hesitate I’ll assume you don’t wish to obey me any further and I shall leave. Is that clear? You may answer me.’

‘Yes, sir,’ she whispered.

‘Good. Now lay your head on the bed and move your hands back, onto your bottom.’

It seemed an odd instruction but she did not hesitate, and immediately did as he asked.

‘Now spread yourself for me. I wish to inspect you.’

A flash of humiliation swept through her. He couldn’t possibly be serious, but then she remembered his warning.

He waited patiently, having already decided to count to three. If she hadn’t done as he’d asked by then, her limits of surrender had been reached. He was silently at ‘two’ when her hands moved, and her sweet anus was revealed to him.

‘What a good girl you are, my dear,’ he mused. ‘I’m very proud of you.’

Elizabeth was completely overwhelmed by the praise, the command, her humiliation, and the depth of her desire to please the severe gentleman.

‘Levels of submission, Elizabeth,’ he stated, and she remembered not to reply. ‘I’m going to touch you there now,’ he told her, knowing she would need a moment to emotionally prepare herself for such an intimate intrusion. As expected, he heard her gasp.

Removing a small jar of lubricant from his pocket he spread the greasy substance on his finger. He rubbed it against her, and then slid his finger just inside her tiny puckered entrance. She was moaning and sighing as he continued to toy with her, then slid his other hand down and began tickling her clit. She couldn’t help herself, and wriggled in response.

‘You’re doing very well, Elizabeth,’ he praised her again. ‘Just sink into the delicious feelings my touch is inducing.’

His words helped, as did the insistent biting at her nipples and his knowledgeable fingers, but she was still overcome by the naughty probing in her bottom.

He could sense her reticence, her continuing confusion and chagrin. ‘Feel, Elizabeth,’ he quietly urged. ‘Do not think, just feel.’

His coaxing was what she needed. Being led meant she was absolved of responsibility, and she began to accept the intrusive finger. The sheer debauchery of the situation was increasingly turning her on, and she ground her bottom back, inviting him to frig her.

‘Ah, sweet Elizabeth,’ he mused. ‘Aren’t you the little strumpet? Tell me what a little strumpet you are.’

Her bubble of joy was growing, becoming larger by the second. ‘I’m your little strumpet, sir,’ she sighed, the admission shooting sexual sparks through her body.

‘Yes, you are,’ he proclaimed, then abruptly withdrew his finger from between her cheeks, and his hand from between her legs. ‘Kneel up, Elizabeth,’ he commanded, ‘and wait.’

She was weak from the experience and took a deep breath, attempting to gather her wits as she heard water running from the taps in the bathroom.

‘You do look particularly lovely,’ he said, returning and brushing a hand across her stomach, then around to her back. He gave her a sharp smack, first on one buttock and then the other.

‘Elizabeth,’ he continued, ‘I smacked you not to punish you, but to get your full attention. You need to listen to me very carefully.’

‘Yes, sir,’ she replied.

‘I am going to ask you a question, then explain something to you. First, do you know what it means to have a master?’

She thought carefully, wanting to please him with the correct response. ‘Well, my father is the master of this house, and that means the servants have to obey him.’

‘And if I were to be your master it would mean you obeying me, wouldn’t it?’

‘Yes, sir,’ she said, feeling a little light-headed, her breasts pulsing from the nipple clamps.

‘But I do not want to be your master unless you crave me to be,’ he stated pointedly, manipulating her emotions. ‘Not unless it is your absolute desire to submit to me, completely and utterly. So, do you want me to be your master, Elizabeth?’

‘Oh, yes sir!’ she cried without hesitation.

‘Well then, we shall have to see if you really mean that, my dear girl. Perhaps one of these days you will have earned that right.’ He moved his hands to her buttocks, pulling them apart, leaning down to kiss her neck. ‘Are you my little strumpet?’ he whispered in her ear.

‘Yes sir, I am your little strumpet.’

‘Then show me what a little strumpet you are.’

He released her and she put her face to the mattress, and placing her hands on her buttocks she spread them apart. He smiled, but didn’t touch her there. Instead he placed his fingers against her clit, and rubbed vigorously until she was whimpering with need.

‘Keep your hands where they are, little strumpet,’ he said, and from a pocket he withdrew a small artificial penis, much smaller than his proud member, but certainly big enough to begin the process of stretching her. He lubricated it well, and then touched it to her tiny entrance. She gasped, tensed, and then relaxed as he slowly pressed. ‘What are you, Elizabeth?’ he asked.

‘Y-your little strumpet… sir,’ she sighed, and then, as if wanting to prove her words, thrust back against the rude intruder.

As he worked the dildo between her cheeks he busied his fingers between her sex lips, and she accepted it, allowing it to completely invade her tight rear passage. Then holding the flange securely between thumb and finger he knelt behind her on the bed and placed his swollen erection at her pussy entrance. ‘Do not move,’ he ordered quietly but firmly.

She stayed completely still, almost fearing to breathe. The dildo inside her felt powerful, almost overwhelming, but she didn’t feel any pain. A hand caressed her buttocks. It was so difficult not to move or utter a sound. She felt his hardness press between her pussy lips, lodging just inside her, and she felt it against the fullness of the intruder in her bottom. It was an odd but scintillating sensation.

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