Elizabeth's Education (Forbidden Lust) (5 page)

Read Elizabeth's Education (Forbidden Lust) Online

Authors: Maggie Carpenter

Tags: #discipline, #BDSM, #submission, #bondage, #ebook, #corporal punishment, #erotic, #fiction, #domination, #S&M, #chimera, #historical, #master, #sex, #spanking, #damsel in distress

BOOK: Elizabeth's Education (Forbidden Lust)
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She was becoming increasingly uncomfortable and her bound wrists were really starting to annoy her. Twice she had an itch on the tip of her nose, but she couldn’t reach to scratch it without running the risk of dropping her skirt. The situation was starting to make her angry again, and her lesson in wilfulness was fast being forgotten.

Lord Michael was well aware of this. He knew it was only a matter of time before her spoiled nature would get the better of her and she would utter a petulant word, or drop her skirt, or worse. Then her education would continue.

But he decided to expedite the process. Initially he only had the rest of the day, and there was still much to accomplish. So, addressing her from across the room he announced, ‘Elizabeth, I am leaving the room for a minute. You are to stay exactly as and where you are.’

With that he unlocked and opened and closed the door, but rather than leave the room, he quietly moved back and stood by the fireplace. It was a deception, but necessary.

Elizabeth heard the door close, then listened intently. Her arms were aching from holding up the dress, and she really had taken enough. She listened again, cocking her head to one side. She could race up the stairs and lock herself in her room. He wouldn’t be able to get in there. Yes, that’s what she would do, and she’d better do it while she had the chance.

A wry smile crossed Lord Michael’s lips. He could almost hear her considering all the possibilities and options. It wouldn’t be much longer now. The atmosphere in the room grew more tense…

Only a few moments more passed and Elizabeth dropped her skirt, turned, started for the door, and stopped abruptly as she saw him standing by the fireplace, hands behind his back, watching her.

‘Going somewhere?’ he asked.

She froze, shocked and dismayed, and stared into steely brown eyes.

‘So, it appears you are still a disobedient young lady.’

‘And you are a cheating beast, sir!’ Despite her awful predicament she could not suppress the unwise outburst.

He moved with surprising stealth, grabbed her bound wrists and threw her down into a large armchair. Then nonchalantly he reached down and took off his shoe again. ‘Do you have anything to say in your defence?’ he asked.

Her heart was hammering and she felt completely furious, but the continuing burning in her bottom and the menacing shoe in his hand were keeping her fury in check. She may have been rebellious, but she wasn’t stupid.

‘I’d just had enough, that’s all,’ she began, ‘and I thought I’d—’

‘Elizabeth, stand up,’ he snapped, ‘lift your skirt, turn around, and bend over.’

Her eyes grew wide.

‘You just admitted you were disobedient because you felt like being so. Do you think that’s acceptable behaviour?’

Swallowing hard she studied the carpet, and frantically searched for a rational explanation.

‘I asked you a question, Elizabeth,’ he persisted. ‘Was your behaviour appropriate?’

She sighed, resigned to her fate, and shook her head. ‘No, sir,’ she said quietly, ‘I suppose it was not appropriate.’

‘And do you think you should be punished?’

‘Yes, sir, I suppose I should be punished.’

‘Very good, young lady, perhaps something did sink in after all. Come here, lift your skirt and bend over.’

Standing, head bowed, she did exactly as he instructed. He stood for a moment, staring at the beautiful young lady holding her skirt up, bent over at the waist, waiting for her punishment. It was a most pleasing and satisfying sight. He moved closer and positioned himself so he was facing the opposite direction to her, then wrapped his left arm solidly around her waist, his right hand firmly holding the shoe.

‘Do not make one sound, Elizabeth,’ he warned. ‘Do you understand me? Since this is a lesson in obedience, we’ll see just how obedient you can be when you put your mind to it.’

Elizabeth could not believe she was in such an awful predicament again. How could she have been so stupid? If only she had done as she’d been told. He was rubbing the cold sole of the shoe across her right buttock. She clenched her teeth and waited… and waited. She felt the leather leave her tender behind, and assumed the smack would be just another second longer. She cringed, but nothing happened. Then the rubbing commenced again, caressing, moving softly. She couldn’t bear it. Why didn’t he just spank her and get it over with?

‘Do you deserve a punishment, Elizabeth?’ he asked, continuing to rub the leather over her skin.

The question made her think about her deliberate act of disobedience. ‘Yes, sir,’ she answered, hoping she sounded repentant enough.

‘Why is that, Elizabeth?’

‘Because I disobeyed you, sir.’

‘That’s correct. Ask me to punish you.’

She winced at the humiliating decree. She actually had to ask to be spanked!

‘I’m waiting, Elizabeth.’

‘Pluh-please, sir, will you punish me for disobeying you?’ she blurted.

‘Yes,’ he mused, ‘I most certainly will.’

Lord Michael swept the shoe down hard and flat against her flesh, still tender from the spanking. She felt the pain considerably, the burning smack loud against her delicate skin, but she made not a sound. He moved the shoe to the other cheek, caressed it for a moment, and then smacked it hard. Again there was not a sound from her lips. He repeated the treatment twice more on each cheek, leaving plenty of time between each strike for the sting to penetrate and absorb.

When finished he removed his anchoring hold from around her waist and ordered her to remain bent at the waist. Then moving around in front of her he offered her the article of punishment.

‘Elizabeth, take my shoe and kiss it,’ he said, ‘and thank me for your castigation.’

Utterly defeated, she took the leather item in her bound hands and pressed her lips to it. ‘Thank you for my punishment, sir,’ she sniffled.

‘Kneel down,’ he instructed, ‘elbows on the floor, bottom raised, place the shoe back on my foot, and stay there.’

She did as he said, albeit a little clumsily. Her wrists were still tied and her hands still held the damp handkerchief. When she was done she stayed perfectly still, maintaining her submissive posture.

‘Good,’ he said, and then just stood there gazing down at her. Though it was only a few minutes to Elizabeth, in the pervading silence it seemed a very long time.

‘Stay,’ he said softly.

He walked across the room, removed the key from the lock, opened the door, walked out and closed it behind him. Standing in the hall he could feel her complete stillness and obedience within the room. He knew she would not move. He locked the door and went to his room to change.


Lord Michael was gone for about twenty minutes, and just as he knew she would be, when he unlocked and opened the door he was greeted by the sight of his petulant young charge still kneeling, her naked bottom raised, red, and exposed. It was a very satisfying sight.

Upon hearing his return Elizabeth breathed a sigh of relief. Her neck was aching and she was miserable, but she was determined not to move, no matter what.

‘Stand up.’

The order was like music to her ears, so still holding her skirt she struggled to her feet. The muscles in her shoulders protested and she found her knees were quite sore, but she didn’t complain. In fact she barely noticed the discomfort as she faced him.

‘Have you thought about anything since I’ve been gone, Elizabeth?’ he asked.

‘Yes, sir,’ she admitted. ‘That I wasn’t to move.’

He laughed. It was perfect. It was the only thought she should have had. ‘What would you like to do now, Elizabeth?’ he went on.

‘I’d like to lay down for a rest, sir,’ she said.

‘No, Elizabeth, that’s not what you would like to do,’ he countered. ‘Think about the question.’

She furrowed her brow. What was he talking about now? That was exactly what she wanted to do, and she should know.

‘What would you like to do, Elizabeth?’ he repeated.

‘Have a bath, sir?’ she suggested tentatively, trying again.

‘Tell me, my dear, do you ever take into consideration the feelings of another?’ he asked, raising his eyebrows. ‘Perhaps, for example, you would care to consider my position for a change.’

‘Oh, yes sir,’ was all she could think of to say. ‘Of course sir.’

‘Do you see how I’m dressed, Elizabeth?’

She looked at his attire. She hadn’t really paid it any attention when he first reappeared, but now she realised he was dressed in his sporting gear, freshly polished boots included.

‘Let us go, my dear,’ he said. ‘I would like to take a stroll in the fields, and so we’re going to take a stroll in the fields.’

‘B-but, what about my underwear?’ she stammered.

He paused, silent and stoic, studying her. The gaze was unnerving.

‘What about my panties, sir?’ she repeated carefully, wondering if perhaps he hadn’t heard her the first time.

‘Did I say anything about them?’ he asked, his voice tinged with impatience.

‘No, sir,’ she answered.

‘Elizabeth, just how many smacks are you going to need today?’ He sighed dramatically, raised his eyebrows, and cast her a very stern look indeed. ‘Lift up your dress again,’ he said, getting impatient.

‘Oh, but?’

‘Did I not tell you, quite clearly,’ he interrupted her, ‘not to speak unless spoken to, and to do exactly as you are told? If I wanted you to put your drawers back on, would I not have instructed you to do so? Now turn around and bend over. Really, Elizabeth, you are becoming quite tiresome.’

She stifled a protestation but did as he ordered, and received a swift smack on each buttock, then once again he stood in front of her, offering his hand. She obediently took it, kissed the palm, and thanked him for her punishment.

‘Straighten up,’ he ordered, and she did so, looking up at him gingerly. ‘All right, Elizabeth, the gag.’ With pleading eyes she lifted her bound wrists and opened her hands, offering the crumpled handkerchief. ‘Ask me to gag you, Elizabeth, for speaking out of turn.’

‘P-please sir, will you gag me for speaking out of turn?’ she asked obediently, a sigh of resignation escaping her lips.

‘Very well,’ he said, ‘open up.’

Elizabeth did as she was told, and Lord Michael gently fed the wadded cotton into her mouth, but he did not tie his ascot around her head on this occasion. ‘Hold that in your mouth, Elizabeth, until I tell you otherwise. Do you understand?’

She nodded her head, accepting that she was responsible for keeping the punishment gag in place.

‘Right,’ he said briskly, ‘follow me.’ Without looking back he strode from the room, and Elizabeth, handkerchief in her mouth, wrists bound, minus her underwear, dutifully followed.




Chapter 5



The sky was becoming rather overcast, and he walked swiftly across the manicured lawns towards the picturesque rolling fields beyond. Elizabeth, in her dainty pink shoes and long dress, had difficulty keeping pace and had to run every few steps. It was difficult to maintain her balance, the ground beneath her feet being soft and uneven.

They were soon out of sight of the house, heading down a small incline. It was difficult for her, and by the time Lord Michael had reached the bottom in his sturdy boots, Elizabeth had barely made it halfway down. He stopped and looked up after her. She was attempting to hold up her dress with her bound hands, but it was fairly pointless. The hem of her skirt was quite covered with dirt and her shoes, once a lovely shade of pink, were already wet and slightly muddy. But she looked lovely to him. She was doing her best, and the handkerchief in her mouth wasn’t helping. Although it would have to stay there a while longer, he thought. He was sure the point had been made, but he wanted to drive it home. At last she reached him, breathing hard, looking quite agitated.

He pointed across the fields to where the woods started. ‘That’s where we are headed, Elizabeth, to the woodman’s cottage for a brief period of peace and quiet together,’ he explained. ‘It’s a bit muddy between here and there, so watch where you’re stepping. Come along now.’

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