Elodia's Dragon (10 page)

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Authors: Jerry Skell

Tags: #dragons

BOOK: Elodia's Dragon
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"That was so much better than this morning," Elodia said. "I'll just have to bring you with me when I visit the harbor."

"How did it go this morning?"

"Not as bad as yesterday."

They boarded a longboat and crossed the mile across Turnagain Bay landing in Novi. "This city is huge," Elodia exclaimed.

"I have two possible houses to show you. Both are on what used to be a ribbon farm in the old city. The lot is narrow but deep. Both have horse stables."

"Could I get a horse?" Elodia asked excitedly. Eli laughed.

The first house was timbered and had four bedrooms and an indoor privy with hot water. That excited Elodia.

"I've never had a home with water and a privy," she said. The home was rectangular with a cedar shake roof. Elodia and Maryann liked the house.

The second house was one of the original daub and wattle homes. It had several additions that had been added over the years. All the additions stone. It too had an indoor privy and hot water. The kitchen was large and as it was whitewashed, bright.

"I love the kitchen!" Elodia said with enthusiasm, Maryann nodded in agreement. The roof was new and slate and had multiple crowns and gables as there had been five extensions over the years. It had four good sized bedrooms and an additional room that Elodia thought would make an excellent clinic as it had its own door.

They walked into the yard. The fence line was made by fruit trees. Plum, apple, cherry, apricot, and peach all pruned in espalier style.

"I love the fruit trees like this. Easier to harvest and they take so little room," Elodia said.

They continued to walk. The kitchen garden was on raised beds and overgrown with weeds. At the back of the lot sat a small barn. It had three horse stalls and a large open area. The upper floor was used for hay storage. Behind the barn was a small shed about twelve by ten feet. It contained two copper tubs with lids. Remnants of a still perhaps Eli thought.

"Both are really nice," Maryann said.

"The second one will need a very thorough cleaning and the pruning takes constant diligence, not to mention the garden."

"I think the second one would be best," Elodia said firmly.

"Why?" Eli asked.

"I like the large bright kitchen, I like to cook and bake. And it has a room for Maryann."

"You want me to live with you?" Maryann laughed.

"Until you have your own place, and besides we're twins."

"I agree Maryann," Eli said, "I could never break up the twins." They all laughed. "We will discuss this tonight after dinner Elodia. Oh, Maryann, who's your guest?"


Eli swallowed his displeasure and smiled grimly as Walter approached. They shook hands and the four of them found a table. Walter seemed agitated and uncertain during the meal which hampered conversation. They finished eating and Walter cleared his throat and spoke.

"Eli, as Maryann's older brother ... I would like your permission to marry her?"

"Why would you want to do that?" Eli asked. Maryann gasped, mouth open in shock as Walter fumbled for words. Even Elodia appeared shocked. Finally, after a very long pause Walter spoke.

"Because I love her."

Eli smiled at them both. "That is what I wanted to hear. Maryann, do you love this man?"

"With all my heart."

"Then yes, you have my permission." Elodia, Maryann, and Walter sighed with relief. Walter actually appeared happy for the first time since dinner started."

"I hope you both are as happy as I am. I have always loved you, little sister. That makes us brothers Walter. Welcome to the family."

Later that night Eli and Elodia lay together snuggling, "You were very nice to Walter," Elodia whispered.

"It was hard, Maryann is my little sister."

"She is a grown woman and they both have a profession."

"Do you really want the second house?"

"Yes, Maryann will be with us for at least the six months of the betrothal."

"The rent will be steep."

"I want to buy the house, I have ample money. And I want you to give half of my money to Maryann as a dowry."

"You are very generous Odie."

"You think so."

"Yes, I love you. I'm thinking you're defiantly a keeper."

"I'm glad Eli," Elodia yawned. "I love you too. I love you more than making purple dye."

"I thought you hated making smelly rotten fish purple dye?" Elodia laughed and kissed him.

Chapter 23 Graduations

he two week run up to the graduation was hectic. They had three clinics left to attend and spent a lot of time quizzing each other in preparation for the orals. Eli and Elodia continued their stay at the inn, but Eli went daily to their new home. The windows all needed caulking. Some of the doors had warped and these needed to be repaired. Eli gave the kitchen a fresh coat of whitewash. The daub and wattle walls were holding up well. He checked the plumbing. The toilet was the dry composting type that separated solid from liquid waste. These were working well and Eli cleaned the solid waste holding tank, adding new mulch. The hot water tank leaked and he replaced it. The cistern and windmill pump worked but the clutch needed some work.

Eli was able to buy a bed and built a wardrobe for their room and Maryann's. He found two used vanities with large mirrors, these were placed in the bedrooms. The inn was replacing some of its tables and he purchased one table and six chairs. All heavily used but sturdy. He would refinish them eventually.

Eli had no idea how to handle the fruit tree pruning. He did find a book in the Bountiful library with excellent instructions. He was timid at first about cutting the trees back so severely but realized that crowding would limit yield so he cut away. The raised garden beds were a real challenge but Elodia and Maryann loved working the garden. Graduation day arrived and their home was ready to move in.

Oral examinations went well. Elodia and Maryann were giddy as they compared the questions they had received.

"What did the exam cover?" Eli asked.

"Everything. Diagnosis, remedy choices, I had to recite all the rubrics. Then the case studies, that was the hardest." Elodia said. "I was so nervous."

"I almost peed my pants!" Maryann added laughing.

"Well, you're done now," Eli said.

"I want to talk to you about that," Elodia said. "I want to go to midwife school."

"You're a glutton for punishment," Eli laughed.

"It's only six months because we're healers, the program is accelerated."

"Where is the school?"


"You said we?"

"Me and Maryann."

"What will it cost?"

"The coven will scholarship us both. They did that for my healer classes too."

"I'm all for you being educated Elody. It is nice to know you will have the means of support for our family if anything happens to me. You too Maryann." Both women were bouncing with happiness as they hugged Eli.

"One more thing Eli," Maryann added looking worried.

"Tell me."

"Walter and me especially don’t want to wait six months to live together." Maryann took a deep breath and blushing continued, "We want to declare at the graduation party."

"Maryann, I approve of your marriage."

"We have a problem. Walter has very little money." Then adding quickly, "He has a job. The school has asked him to join the staff as a clinical instructor."

"Not sure where this is going, Maryann?"

"Could we BOTH live with you, just until we can get on our feet."

"Yes, I would like that Maryann." Maryann was in tears and speechless as she hugged her brother.

"You are the best brother in the world," then she wept. Elodia also hugging Eli.

"That was wonderful and very generous," Elodia whispered and added a kiss.

The graduating class consisted of five students. They were all cheered loudly as they walked up to receive their diploma. Elodia and Maryann both wore their saris. The party was held at the inn and included dinner. After dinner, Walter stood and declared his marriage to Maryann.

Maryann sat in a corner holding Elodia and weeping. Elodia had just presented her with a dowry of twenty-five hundred pounds in gold. Maryann was speechless over Elodia's generosity.

"We're sisters Maryann. I want you to take it."

"Why Elodia?"

"I love you, and besides, you're my twin." Maryann laughed and wiped her tears. Then the four of them went to their home in Old Novi.

Chapter 24 Fire and Ice

he four friends sat for breakfast in the large bright kitchen.

"You two are fabulous cooks!" Eli exclaimed, Walter nodding in agreement as his mouth was full. "What's in the omelet?"

"Eggs," Elodia replied.

"I guessed that Odie, what else?"

"Secret 'ingredients'!"

"Let's be nice and tell them," Maryann said laughing.

"OK, dead animal flesh," Elodia said in her face very serious as she whispered.

"Swine parts, I think," Maryann added. "Oh, and poisonous mushrooms.

"Then we added lumps of moldy milk," Elodia added.

"And the green plant material, was that poisonous too Elody?" Elodia nodded.

"You both have been eating too!" Walter observed.

"We took the antidote!" Maryann whispered. At that point, both women were laughing, Walter and Eli joined them.

"Today we have the final fitting for our dragon riding clothes," Maryann said happily.

"If it fits we are off tomorrow on our mission," Elodia added.

"Walter and I are a little nervous about your flight," Eli said as he looked at both women.

"Davida will protect us, we won't be more than two or three days," Elodia said as she took Eli's hand.

"How's your plans for the house next door coming?" Eli asked.

"They accepted our bid!" Maryann said with a bright smile. "We are so lucky it wasn't going to be on the market until later in the summer."

"When will you be moving?" Eli asked.

"September, the old couple won't be out until August. Then we have major repairs to do."

"You should see the house Eli," Elodia said. "It's a mirror image of ours. It's also one of the original homes."

"We don't have a great room like yours," Maryann added, "But your house will be the clinic so we really don’t need it."

"We have been given permission to get the garden up and running," Elodia said. "The barn is in pretty bad shape."

"My dad was a carpenter," Walter began, "The barn is an easy fix."

"I will be happy to lend a hand," Eli said. "Besides, I would like to learn carpentry."

"I would like that," Walter said.

"OH! One more thing ... I bought a horse."

"Me too," Maryann added.

"Aren't you going to say something, Eli?"

"I'm glad you got a horse, Odie. You said you were planning on buying one."

"You are?" Eli nodded in reply.

"They won't be here for a couple of weeks, they need to be busted."

"I think broken is the proper term Elody," Maryann added.

"Broken." Elodia's smile was so enthusiastic it had Eli laughing.

"You two are going to be very busy ladies, midwife school, gardening, operating a clinic, riding horses and a dragon," Walter said.

"You won't have any time for us!" Eli said with a pout, which had the women laughing.

Elodia and Maryann were excited as they walked through the harbor on their way to the dress shop. They got their usual catcalls so Maryann spun in a circle and smiling replied, "We're taken, sorry."

"That was brilliant Maryann, I would have never thought to respond."

They entered the shop and were surprised to see Mother Ruth waiting. "Aunt Ruth, we didn’t expect you."

"The coven and I have made some minor changes in you riding outfits, I hope you approve. Oh, and the coven has picked up the tab."

The tight denim pants fit well, Elodia had ordered blue but the coven changed the color to black. The coven had added knee-high black leather boots with buckle closures along the side of their calf and four-inch heels.

"You really need the buckles or you could lose them in flight," Ruth said.

They put on a loose white blouse. It was pulled on over their heads and had a small straight collar and a 'v' neck.

"You will also need a corset." Ruth handed then each an under bust garment that laced in the front. It was a black, gold, and red paisley design in the front and black on the back. "I knew you both liked red," Ruth continued. Then she proceed to give then breathing techniques to use during steep dives and turns. "You dragon's maneuvers in flight can easily cause you to black out. The corset and the breathing techniques will help."

"I've never blacked out before," Elodia said.

"With a saddle, your dragon will be free to fly more aggressively. She knows to be careful. You will see the difference. Try on your jackets."

The black leather jackets were tight but allowed complete freedom of movement. They were double breasted with gold buttons and a short standing collar. They had epaulets just off the shoulder. The epaulets were oval in shape and red with a gold dragon.

"These are so beautiful!" Elodia gasped. Maryann speechless.

"Summon your dragon and let's go to the saddlery. Stay in your uniforms. I'll have your clothes and sandals taken to your home. I'm glad you braided your hair, I like the effect."

It was warm out so Elodia and Maryann carried their flight jackets. They had to cross the harbor again to get to the saddlery. They literally stopped all activity in the markets and docks as they walked. People stopped to stare. Many waved and smiling. They heard whispers, "Dragon riders and witches," as they walked. Elodia who was normally shy and retiring smiled back and waved as she was greeted. Having Maryann with her helped immensely.

They reached the saddlery as Davida landed. A crowd of curious onlookers soon gathered. The saddle-maker showed them how to fit the saddle. It was a triple saddle. The middle saddle sat on the dragons back at the shoulder and one was on the front and was one on the back. The saddle also had generous saddlebags. Elodia climbed onto the center saddle and adjusted the stirrups.

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