Elodia's Dragon (9 page)

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Authors: Jerry Skell

Tags: #dragons

BOOK: Elodia's Dragon
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Eli stood, open-mouthed and speechless. She looked so beautiful and seductive in her red sari. "Odie!" he whispered. Elodia stood on his feet and on her tiptoes as she wrapped her arm around his neck. Eli enveloped her in his arms, holding her tight as they kissed. "Maryann and guests, may I introduce you to my wife Elodia."

A voice in the crowd said, "You can't marry your sister?" With that, Maryann, Elodia, and her co-conspirators laughed. They explained the hoax as everyone laughed. At that point the music started and the party continued.

Eli danced with Elodia and Maryann as well as a plethora of their friends. Eli was dancing with Elodia. "Who's that man that keeps dancing with my little sister?" he whispered.

"That's Walter, he's one of the mentors, why?"

"I don’t like him!" Eli hissed.

"Maryann does," Elodia laughed. "He is a very nice man. I would not be surprised if they announced their betrothal when school ends."

"Why didn’t she tell me?"

"You just got here Eli, and besides, they can't say a thing until schools over."

"You'll vouch for him?"

"Yes Eli, he is a very nice man." Eli continued to keep a watchful eye on Walter.

Everyone including the school staff made a point to congratulate the happy couple. Eli hugged Ruth addressing her as Aunt Ruth. The party ended late in the night with the party goers returning to home and dorm. Elodia stayed behind holding tight to her husband's hand. Then they walked to their room.

Chapter 20 Decisions Decisions

lodia awoke slowly. From the amount of light through the window it was already late in the morning. She was further surprised to find herself alone in the bed. She was almost certain she had been married last night. Her head felt fuzzy, she recalled drinking ale rather freely. Elodia did not recognize the room but saw her sari and other clothes scattered on the floor. Then she heard a key in the door. She quickly pulled the blankets up as hard as she could covering herself all the way up, covering her head and peeking out as she watched the door.

Eli walked in carrying a tray. "Room service," he said.

"I didn’t know the inn had room service," she joked maintaining the blanket, covering to the height of her nose.

"It does now."

"Did we get married last night or am I dreaming?" Elodia lowered the blanket uncovering the rest of her face.

Eli looked at her puzzled, and after setting down the tray, he scratched his head folded his arm with his left hand loosely holding his jaw. "I seem to recall a wedding last night," he teased.

"You do!" Elodia said smiling brightly.

"And your name please?"


"I do recall marrying a beautiful young woman by that name."

"I'm so glad you remembered."

"But you can’t be she. She was dressed differently than you."

Elodia laughed, "Come back here and snuggle!"

"I brought you breakfast, but first, I must attend to your feet. I see them sticking out from the blanket." Elodia laughed again. "Most people sleep with their feet covered and their heads out," Eli teased.

"I'm not most people."

Eli took her right foot in his hand as Elodia laughed and squirmed, "You're tickling me."

"Your foot has healed well Odie."

"Well? I'm waiting."

"Waiting for what, Elody?"

"Rub my foot, please." Eli sat on the side of the bed and rubbed her foot. Elodia laughing extended her other foot. "This one too please, and kiss them too."

"Such dirty feet Odie."

"I didn't wear shoes yesterday." Eli kissed her feet then set up breakfast at the table. Elodia wrapped herself in the blanket and sat with him. "You were up early."

"You snored so loud I couldn’t sleep," he teased. Elodia laughed and started eating.

"I have something serious to tell you," she said not quite maintaining eye contact.

"Is it about your dragon, Odie?"

"You know?" Eli nodded. "I'm a witch too." She had stopped eating to carefully watching Eli's reaction.

"I'm much relieved Elody, I thought you were going to tell me you had another husband," Eli said looking very serious. Elodia laughed.

"I want to use the inn's bath. Then I need to return to the dorm for my clothes."

"I'll join you in the bath."

"I think you being the only man in the girl's bath might get us kicked out," Elodia stood then walked slowly about the room making sure Eli was watching her closely as she swayed her hips in what she hoped was a sultry walk, then she stood and let her blanket fall to the floor. "I'm off to the bath," she said in an airy voice.

"Aren’t you forgetting something Elody?"

Elodia looked around feigning confusion, "Don't think so Eli."

"You will get a lot of male attention dressed like that Odie!" Eli laughed.

Elodia dressed quickly and Eli waited for her to return. Then hand in hand he walked her back to the dorm.

"I need to go to Novi and arrange temporary housing. I will meet you at the inn tonight. We have a lot of decisions to make."

Maryann came running out of the dorm and hugged both of them. Arm in arm the two women returned to the dorm laughing as Eli went to take a longboat to Novi.

"I came to get my clothes," Elodia said.

As they walked in three young women approached. They were members of a snobbish click and looked with disdain at Maryann and her friends.

"Brittany, Lee Ann, and Kim you should have come to the party last night, we did invite you," Elodia said smiling.

"Your twin party?" Brittany said with a touch of disgust in her voice, "Tell me which one of you married your brother?"

"We both did!" Maryann replied. "We're trading places today. I get the even days." The three women looked horrified at them.

"He's a real stallion!" Elodia continued as she rocked her hips. Then laughing and wrapping their arm around each other’s waist they continued to their room. Elodia packed her clothes in her backpack. "I'm going to wear my red dress today, with my corset. What do you think?"

"Are you planning on driving my poor brother nuts?" Elodia laughed nodding.

Maryann helped Elodia into the corset and after dressing Elodia took several minutes to look at herself in the mirror. "Sandals or my boots, what do you think Maryann?"

"If you really want to drive Eli crazy, sandals."

There was a knock at their door and responding they learned that they had been summoned to meet with Mother Ruth. They were both intimidated as they walked to meet with Mother Ruth.

"Do you think we went too far with our twin party?" Elodia whispered. Maryann shrugged her shoulders. Mother Ruth was standing and smiling as they entered. She hugged both of them and congratulated Elodia on her marriage.

"Sit down, please. That was a wonderful party. This place will be so quiet after you two graduate."

"Thank you, Mother Ruth," they both whispered, surprised.

"That was your best hoax yet."

"You knew?" Elodia whispered.

"I know everything that goes on here." Elodia and Maryann exchanged glances.

"We aren’t going to get kicked out?" Maryann meekly whispered.

"Heavens no, kick out my own nieces. You still have to pass the oral finals. Myrtle prepared you well Elody, and you Maryann have been an excellent student.

"Why are we here?"

"The coven has made a decision. You are to fly Davida out over the sea and locate the other dragons. But not until after finals." Elodia and Maryann were beside themselves with joy. "I've taken the liberty to have a proper saddle made for your dragon. You will need to report to Samuel, the saddle maker, with your dragon."

"Thank you, Mother Ruth!" Elodia said.

"One more thing, Maryann I would like you to see if you could obtain an egg."

Chapter 21 Confessions

lodia had taken her clothes to the inn and, folding them, stored them in one of the drawers in the cabinet. She also visited the 'Shaman's Modiste' and purchased two of the longer more traditional dresses giving her four dresses and the sari. She ordered tight fitting denim pants for herself and Maryann for dragon riding and two double breasted leather jackets ending at the waist. These were also for dragon riding. Maryann would need to go in for the fitting. She returned to the inn to meet Eli for dinner.

Elodia noted that she got a lot of scrutiny as she traveled about the harbor. She also got some whistles and cat call that scared her. This attention was new and she did not like it, at least she thought she did not. She walked into the tavern and saw Eli sitting and waiting for her. He rose to his feet as she slowly approached.

"By the gods Elody, you take my breath away."

"You like?" she said smiling coyly and turning slowly. Eli reached for her and she playfully slapped his hand. "You may admire, but not touch." Then she laughed as he drew her into a hug.

"I want to tear your clothes off with my teeth!" he whispered.

"That would not be appropriate out here," she laughed shaking her finger at him, "You don't think I'm too curvy?" Elodia whispered as she smiled devilishly.

"You're beautiful Odie."

They sat and ordered dinner conversing, and simply enjoying just being together.

"I have a question, Eli?"

"Tell me."

"Why is everyone so tall? In my village, I was the tall girl, now I'm the shrimp."

"You don't like being the shrimp?" Elodia shook her head. "I think it's because we eat better in the republic. Everything here is bigger. The potential for prospering so much better."

"What about the guilds?"

"We still have guild crafts, but movement between guilds is open. The guilds compete for talent. The old hereditary system does not exist here."

"Who would want to be in the stinky, fishy smelling purple guild?" She laughed.

"Your guild is extinct Elody. You are the only living member. All three guild villages were destroyed. The imperial army tortured everyone to death to learn the secret of the purple. That has been lost forever."

"I want to thank you for burying my Mom and Davey," Elodia said her eyes beginning to tear. Eli reached across the table and took her hand.

"She was a good woman Odie. And I wanted Davey to be close to his mom."

"Thank you. It means so much to me ... how did my Mom die?"

"You don't want to know sweet thing."

"I must know, please."

Eli hesitated for a long time then slowly in a gentle whisper spoke, "They tortured her Odie."

"Rape too?" Eli nodded.

"How did she..."

"They impaled her." Elodia wept openly and Eli moved, sitting next to her holding her tight. Finally, as she composed herself, she spoke.

"I had to know, I just had too."

"I'm so sorry Odie. Let's walk about. We can go to a nice little park with a pond and walk around the temple."

Hand in hand they walked to the park and sat in the grass by the pond. Elodia sat on his lap her head on his shoulder. They said nothing for the longest time.

"Aunt Myrtle mentioned the temple. She said we could marry again in the temple."

"I want to take you there Elody. In the temple, we would be married for time and eternity."

"I would like that too." Eli held her tighter kissing her.

Later they walked back to the inn. The next morning Elodia woke as Eli started to get up. She patted the bed and smiling said, "Cuddle time." Eli slipped back in the bed.

"I was going to bring you breakfast."

"You're so sweet. Today I need to get moving."

"What devilish plans have you made?"

"You'll just have to wait, Eli, until tonight. I have five more clinics to attend. Will you be OK with me gone?"

"I want to look at some houses in Old Novi. I really do not want to live in the married dorm. Besides, we need room for your dragon."

"That would be wonderful."

"The only problem is I only have two hundred sterling. So I'm only looking to rent."

"Eli ... I have some secrets I need to tell," Elodia said looking sheepishly into Eli's eyes. Eli kissed her.

"So tell me, you're not an ax murderess are you?"

"No!" Elodia laughed.

"Something worse!" Eli said as he kissed her nose. Elodia laughed again.

"Stop teasing, it's hard enough to tell you."

"Tell me, sweetheart."

"I'm a very wealthy woman."


"I have nearly five thousand pounds in gold." Eli looked at her shocked.

"Aunt Myrtle left it to me." Eli continued to stare unable to respond. Several silent seconds passed. "You're not mad at me?" Elodia asked close to tears.

"No, not at all. Elody that's wonderful."

"And I know the secret of Imperial Purple."

Chapter 22 Finding a Home

lodia had dressed quickly and was already sitting at a table when Eli arrived. He had taken the time to shave.

"I thought you were growing a beard?"

"I am Odie, I still need to keep it trimmed. A new dress?"

"Yes, I now have two of the long ones."

"Did I mention how much I enjoy seeing your legs?" Eli said smiling.

"Yes, last night, you were kissing them," Elodia smiled brightly. "Eli I'm getting a lot of whistles and cat calls when I walk through the harbor area."

"I take it you don't like it?"

"It makes me uncomfortable, that's all."

"Elodia, you are a very beautiful woman."

"Do you whistle and shout to every woman you see?"

"No, but some men, especially at the docks will. I don't know what to tell you."

"I think the long dress may help, and in the clinic it will be more professional."

"What time will you be done?"

"About four, why?"

"I will be there. I have two houses I want you to look at."

"Can Maryann come?"


"And can she meet us for dinner ... with a guest?"

"That would be fine Elody. I will meet you at the clinic."

Eli did not have a lot to do. He rested in their room at the inn then walked over to the clinic. He was early and sat waiting. Several of the students passing stared at him, three of them most disapprovingly. Finally, he was joined by Elodia and his sister. They walked through the docks and while the women got a lot of scrutiny, there were no whistling or cat calls.

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