Embrace Me (13 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Turley,Sally Goodwin,Elizabeth Simonton,Jo Matthews

BOOK: Embrace Me
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The media circus was crazy. I only lasted two weeks in New York. Everywhere I went, I was bombarded by the press. I was front page news every day and soon grew bo
red of the all the lies in the papers. I was called so many nasty names: an impostor, a slut for stealing Charlie from Megan. Worst of all, though, was that Charlie had bad press, too. He apparently was only after me for my money. I wanted to scream at the press—to tell them how impossible that was, seeing as how Charlie and I were in love before we knew my true identity—but I knew it wouldn’t do any good.

Shannon, you need to let it go over your head,” Rachel smiled, reading the newspaper in the boardroom while we were waiting for my mother.

You sound like your son,” I laughed. “I have no idea how he can stay so cool.”

Charlie knows what the press can be like. Remember all the trouble he had when he finished with Megan? I was sure there was even one story where they said he was gay,” Rachel sniggered. “My son…gay! Could it be more absurd?”

Has Charlie finally come out?” my mother smiled, walking in.

Funny, Jennet,” Rachel replied, folding the newspaper. “Shannon is front page again.”

This is ridiculous. Where are they getting all their stories from?” my mother questioned irately.

From their tiny little minds,” Rachel replied. “Anyway, she will be in Texas starting next week. They can write what they want.”

I sighed. I was trying not to think about my impending doom next week. Charlie was going to be in Canada for the first few weekends, and I knew it was going to be difficult being apart from him for that long.

I hated the idea of having to hide away, but all the media was slowly driving me mad—not to mention everyone at work. Now that they all knew who I was, it was amazing how many people took an interest in me. My days of hiding in the shadows were well and truly gone.

So, Darling, how have your first few weeks been?” my mother asked, taking my hand in hers from across the table.

Stressful,” I admitted, looking down at the grains in the polished wood.

That’s understandable, but I have to say—I think you have been amazing.” My mother squeezed my hand. “I do think Texas is the best place for you for a while, though. I wasn’t expecting the press to be quite as forceful as they have been.”

I don’t think I will ever get used to having cameras pushed in my face,” I breathed, “but it’s a small price to pay for what I have gained.” I quickly rebuffed my first statement, not wanting to sound ungrateful.

It won’t always feel this way. It will just take time to adjust.”

I know,” I replied with a smile. “I better get back. I have a few meetings to finalise with Grace.”

Are you taking her to Texas with you?” Rachel asked.

I wasn’t planning to. I thought she would be more useful to you here.”

Grace should go with you. You will still be working from Texas. Plus, she can show you around. I expect she would enjoy being home for a little while.”

I thought about it while I was in my meeting and it did make sense, so long as Grace
to come with me. At the end of the day, she had only just moved to New York. I wouldn’t make her leave if she really wanted to stay.

Luckily for me, she was really keen about the idea and couldn’t wait to go.

When do we leave?” Grace asked as she bounced into my office.

Monday morning,” I replied in shock. “Are you sure you don’t mind coming with me?”

Not at all! I can’t wait to show you around the ranch,” Grace beamed. “It’s breathtaking, and Danny will be there.”

Who is Danny?” I asked, smirking as Grace began to blush.

No one,” she muttered, rearranging her files.

He doesn’t sound like no one,” I laughed. “Are you sure?”

Yes,” Grace moaned.

Well, I guess all I have left to do, then, is say goodbye to Charlie this weekend,” I sobbed. It was going to kill me, I knew it.

It was Sunday night and my heart was heavy in my chest as I lay taking in the glorious sight of Charlie. How pathetic could I be? It was only going to be three weeks until I saw him again. If I hadn’t have almost lost him once, I wouldn’t be feeling this way. I knew Charlie had the same thoughts, though.

Will you really write to me every day?” I whispered against his bare chest as he held me in his arms.

Of course I will. It’s what we do,” he chuckled. “It will be like old times.”

I hope not,” I giggled. “I like how easy it is for us now.”

You know what I mean.” Charlie kissed my forehead. “You know when you leave for Texas you will be taking most of me with you.”

I could take you with me.”

It’s only for a few months, Shan—until the frenzy calms down—and I promise you will see me in less than three weeks.”

I can’t believe we couldn’t even leave the apartment tonight because of the press.”

It wasn’t such a bad thing,” Charlie breathed, kissing down my neck. “I can’t think of anywhere else I would want to be than right here with you.”

How can you be so perfect and romantic?” I muttered.

It’s just how you make me feel,” he whispered before kissing me. I became instantly lost in him.

I slowly dragged my suitcase out of the bedroom. Charlie was sat at our breakfast bar, deep in thought while sipping his coffee.

I hope I haven’t forgotten to pack anything,” I muttered, breaking him out of his trance.

I can bring anything you need when I fly over in a few weeks. Let me get your suitcase, Shan.” He smiled weakly, and as he was getting up the doorbell rang. “That will be Frank and his guys,” Charlie exhaled.

Can’t we just pretend we didn’t hear him,” I sobbed.

It’s just for a few months. Remember that, Sweetheart.” He kissed me softly before going to get the door.

Frank stood there looking more buff each time I saw him. It was hard to believe I was being protected by a guy who had once sworn to protect the President of the United States.

Good morning, Mr. Collins. How are we on this fine day?” Frank beamed.

Good morning, Frank. Thanks for being so chirpy today.”

Well, someone has to help ease the tension,” Frank chuckled, signalling his men to get my bags. “Are you ready, Miss Downing?”

Yes,” I winced, not wanting to believe my words.

Well, we will take your belongings to the car. We parked at the back of the building since most of the press are out front.” Frank picked up my last suitcase then added, “I will leave you to say your goodbyes and then come back up for you.”

I turned to Charlie, my heart falling into my stomach. Why did this feel so difficult? I would be seeing him in a few weeks.

Are you sure you don’t want me to come to the airport,” Charlie whispered. “I really don’t mind.”

No, I think it will be too much if you do. Like the scene from the bodyguard or something,” I muttered. What was I going on about? Charlie chuckled at me, easing the tension, but only slightly. “Why does this feel so difficult?”

It’s because of our past. We know what it’s like to lose each other.”

I love you, Charlie,” I breathed, crashing my lips against his. He encircled me in his arms, pulling me as close to him as possible.

I want you forever, Shan,” he muttered against my lips.

You have me,” I smiled, looking into his blue-green eyes before he leaned down to place a soft but loving kiss on my lips.

Well, love birds, it’s time,” Frank called, leaning against our doorway.

Charlie sighed, pressing his head to mine. “Take care of yourself and I will see you in a few weeks.”

Bye,” I whimpered as I felt his arms unfold around me.

Not, bye, Shan…” Charlie looked in my eyes. “Just I love you.”

As Frank led me downstairs to the car, I shivered, wishing these few months were over already so Charlie and I could carry on with our lives together. I knew my heart would be bleeding a little every second we were apart, but we were strong enough. We had overcome so much in the few years we had been together. This small separation was
compared to that.

Chapter Ten

I opened my m
ain suitcase and began to unpack my belongings. There was a small envelope staring back at me, and I smiled to myself, thinking of my Mr. Notice Me.



You know how much easier it is for me to tell you my feelings with letters, but even now, I am finding it difficult to tell you just what you mean to me. There are no words strong enough to explain how I feel about you. I love you with every fibre of my being, and I know my heart was only ever meant to beat for you.


Everything I do is for you, and although I hate you being away from me, I know Texas was the right choice. It will give you time to sort out your head. I know you have been struggling to adjust to this new life, but remember you are a Downing. It is in your blood. You can achieve anything. You are the most amazing person I have ever met.


If you need me at any time, just call. I will be there in a heartbeat.

I’ll see you in a few weeks. I’m so proud of you.


All my love and more,




I wasn’t sure how many times I read Charlie’s
note by the time a knock sounded at my door.

Come in!” I called as I began to carry on unpacking.

I’m just letting you know that I am here,” Grace beamed, walking in.

I thought you were getting the morning flight?” I asked in surprise.

I couldn’t wait to come home.”

I can understand that feeling,” I breathed, looking at my letter.

Have you seen how many security men are outside? It’s like a scene from the Godfather or something,” Grace giggled.

Well, you know my mother,” I grinned.

I’ll leave you to unpack,” she replied, noticing that I needed to be alone for a little while. Being here in Texas was going to take some getting used to.

It was a truly beautiful place; I couldn’t deny that as I looked out towards the black mountains from my window. They were a multicolour of life as the sun beat down on them, and the scent of the alpine trees was so clear I could feel my lungs expand as I breathed it all in. Charlie was going to have a field day with all the photo opportunities when he got here.

I had already met Grace’s parents when I arrived. Sylvia and Ray were very welcoming as they showed me around part of the ranch. Grace looked like her mother, but had her father’s quiet ways. I was envious of her in many ways. Judging by her life here in Texas, she had been

The ranch itself was in a town called Colorado and sat on almost two thousand acres of land. I was staying in the master barn—one of many structures located on the property. Luxury was an understatement, I noticed as I lay on the four-poster bed looking around. The room looked like it could have been carved from gold as the sun reflected through the window.

When I got up to look around, I discovered that I had a huge bathroom, complete with a wet room. The black marble was cold on my feet as I stepped in to explore further.

I was a long way from my first apartment in New York, and that still scared me a little.

It was still a working ranch with a few herds, although most of the work was done on the other side of the estate. The area surrounding the master barn I was staying in was fairly discreet. All that was nearby was the homestead where Grace’s parents lived, and the side barns that Frank’s security team were staying in.

All the security did make me a little nervous, but I knew my mother would go a little overboard with my protection. My bodyguards had all been pretty good at fading into the background in New York. I had a feeling they would stick out like a sore thumb here in Texas, though.

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