Read Embrace Me Online

Authors: Rebecca Turley,Sally Goodwin,Elizabeth Simonton,Jo Matthews

Embrace Me (16 page)

BOOK: Embrace Me
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I breathed in relief. “Is that it?” I laughed. “Charlie, why would you think that would worry me? Megan is a supermodel and you’re a photographer. I knew your paths would cross at some point, especially if you are both in London.”

I know. I just didn’t want you to see the photos and get the wrong idea.”

Charlie, trust me, I know what the press is like. Look at all the crap they write about me.” I chuckled. “I hardly read the papers at the moment, anyway.”

I’m sorry.”

For what?” I asked in confusion.

For thinking it was a big deal. I just never want there to be secrets between us—not even small ones.”

There never will be any secrets between us, you know that.”

I can’t wait to see you next week.”

Me, either. It’s the spring barn dance that weekend. Grace has been going on about it all week. Apparently, it’s a big deal down here, and being held at our ranch this year. Lorna and Brad are coming down for it with some top clients of ours.”

Will I ever get you alone, Miss Downing?” Charlie tutted.

I thought you would like it,” I moaned. “We have the whole weekend, remember?”

Will I need my tux?”

Charlie, it’s a barn dance. I think all you need are jeans and cowboy boots,” I teased.

A Downing party in jeans…I highly doubt that,” he laughed. The sound made my heart melt. I missed him so much. “I better go.”

Sure, if you have work to do,” I wrapped my hand around the telephone cord, wanting to hold on to him a little longer. I wasn’t scared to let him know just how much I needed him. He was everything. “I love you, Charlie,” I whispered. “Don’t forget me over there while you are photographing all those beautiful women.”

None of them come close to you, Sweetheart,” he replied without missing a beat. “I love you, too. I’ll see you next week, and I’ll call or email you tomorrow.”

Okay, bye.”


I held the phone for a few moments just to make sure he had gone before our conversation sunk in. How bad could the photos of him and Megan have been for him to call me so worried like that? I rushed to my laptop like a crazed lunatic, strumming my fingertips across the table while I waited for it to come to life. I wasn’t sure what I was expecting to see, but as I pulled up the photos, I sighed when they weren’t as bad as I had imagined.

Megan was her normal, striking self in a tight, black lace dress. Her arms were draped over Charlie as she looked at him, smiling adoringly. If I had been there, I would have broken her grubby little arms. Charlie, however, looked uncomfortable, and even in the picture, it was clear to see he was trying to pull away. My heart yearned for him as I looked at his photo. I needed him here with me. It had been well over four weeks since I’d seen him, and my body was beginning to mourn the loss of his soft, sweet touch. Thank God there was less than a week to wait.

So, will Danny be at this dance at the weekend?” I asked Grace while she was helping her mother with the party decorations.

He might be,” she winked. It was obvious Danny was the reason she kept disappearing every night. Her mother shook her head and went into the other room with a handful of garland.

Your mom makes me laugh,” I giggled.

She still thinks I am her little baby.” Grace rolled her eyes at me. “We all have to grow up at some point.”

Tell me about it.” I smiled, handing her some more garland.

You really don’t have to help, Shan. Your mother would kill us if she found out you were helping with the party.”

What else am I going to do?”

You could go for a ride. You need to find your inner cowgirl.”

It’s not really that fun when you have about seven guys following you.”

Pretend you are in a western being chased by the bad guys,” Grace teased. I had to laugh at that. “When are Lorna and Brad getting here?”

Tomorrow, and Charlie gets here on Saturday,” I sighed.

You’re really missing him, aren’t you?”

Yeah. It wouldn’t be so bad if my mother gave me some real work to do. It would keep my mind off Charlie for a little while.”

We have that meeting in New York next week.”

One meeting…great,” I moaned. “I’m sick of hiding away.”

You know it’s for the best. Have you read the papers about poor Maisy Field?”

No,” I replied as my pulse began to race. Why did I care so much? Oh, yeah…because Maisy Field was the only member of the Field family that hadn’t set out to control me from birth.

The kidnappers refused the ransom. She has been lost or might even be dead.”

God, that’s awful,” I whispered as my stomach turned in knots. I couldn’t help but remember the beautiful young girl I had watched turn into a woman over the years I had known her. Maisy was still a child in so many ways, and now she may have lost her life because the fortune she had been born into.

Why do you care so much about Maisy Field?” Grace asked, confused. “I can see it in your face how sad you are.”

Maisy is so young. She didn’t know what was going on. God, it’s just so sad.” I didn’t realise I was crying until a tear fell down my cheek.

They may find her. Think of all the money they have,” Grace tried to reassure me.

I hope they do, but she has been missing for over two months now. She could be anywhere.” I shuddered, thinking about what Frank had told me weeks ago. I was sure Maisy would want death rather than the other alternative.

The days drifted by and the ranch looked remarkable by the end of the week. A giant marquee took centre stage. Twinkle lights led the path to the entrance, and inside it was awash with reds and golds—from tables and chairs, to expensive fabrics and cutlery.

Frank was stressing about needing extra security because of the volume of people, but all I was waiting for was a pair of blue-green eyes. Charlie was late…really late.

Shan, he will be here. His flight might be delayed. He is coming from London, remember?” Lorna passed me a glass of champagne. “You look stunning, by the way. Midnight blue is your colour.”

Thanks,” I replied, still scanning the crowd.

Try and relax. If you stop looking for him, he will turn up,” she grinned at me, sipping her drink.

Sorry. I thought he would call if he was going to be this late,” I sighed, downing my drink.

Easy, Shan. Charlie will kill us if you are hammered by the time he gets here,” Bradley replied, taking the glass from me.

I could see my mother in the distance talking to Mac and a few other clients. She had really used this dance to her advantage, even invited a handful of press to capture the evening.

He will be here. Stop worrying,” Lorna whispered into my ear.

I hope so,” I smiled weakly as I noticed Mac making his way over to me.

Hello, Shannon. You look stunning tonight,” Mac smiled, holding his hand out to me. “Seeing as your date isn’t here yet, do you mind if I steal you for one dance?”

I looked at Lorna in alarm. She shrugged her shoulders at me, not seeing the dilemma I was having. Some help she was.

Well, Mac…I…I mean…” Why couldn’t I just say no!?

It’s just one dance. Please, Shannon?” Mac took my hand, pulling me up into his chest. He was way too close, so I pushed him back a little.

Just one dance,” I said firmly. I knew Mac; I could handle him.

That’s all I am asking for,” he smiled, running his hand through his dark hair. My stomach turned, but only because he reminded me of Charlie in that moment. Strange.

Okay,” I smiled, walking towards the dance floor. Mac pulled me tight against his body and all I could do was laugh. This was Mac—always the player when it came to women. His hand went a little too low towards the bottom of my back. “Try and keep your hands a little higher, Mac,” I replied, moving his hands that were almost on my ass.

What?” Mac grinned. “Can you blame a man for trying?”

You are such a flirt,” I laughed. “How do you get away with it?”

If you ever get bored of Mr. Collins, all you have to do is ask,” Mac winked at me.

This dance will be over if you carry on like that,” I replied, hitting his chest.

Where is Charlie, anyway?” he asked, looking around.

His plane is late.” Looking down at the floor, I sighed. Mac lifted my chin up to look into his deep brown eyes.

I’m here for you, too, Shan. If you ever need anything,” he whispered. I was a little taken back by his words. There was something in the way he looked at me that made me wish Charlie was here.

Mac, shut up,” I laughed it off. “You are such a tease.”

Only with beautiful women,” he smirked, pulling me closer into his chest.

I’m serious,” I challenged, raising my eyebrows at him. I was a Downing. I didn’t have to put up with this sort of behaviour from anyone anymore.

Charlie is a really lucky man,” Mac replied, running his hands down my back.

That’s it, Mac. Get off me,” I demanded, pulling away from him.

I suggest you do as the lady asks!” A voice spoke that sent shivers of pleasure down my body. I turned to see his beautiful face watching me.

Charlie,” I beamed, pulling away from Mac to fall into his waiting arms.

Hi, Sweetheart. I’m sorry I’m so late,” he murmured before he kissed me passionately, pulling me tightly against his fitted tux. He tasted so good that I couldn’t resist pulling myself closer to him. I felt him chuckle against my lips as I almost forgot where we were.

You two should get a room,” Lorna sniggered as Bradley swung her around on the dance floor.

I plan to later,” Charlie whispered so only I could hear before kissing me tenderly again. “And Mac, I would appreciate you keeping your dirty hands off Shannon. She is spoken for.” Charlie turned to Mac; I had almost forgotten he was there.

Charlie, we were just dancing. No harm done. It’s clear who Shannon’s heart belongs to,” Mac teased.

I saw you, Mac, and I am telling you keep your hands to yourself,” Charlie replied firmly as he held me tighter.

I hit Charlie in the chest. I hadn’t seen him for over four weeks and the first thing he wanted to do was start a fight. Mac did deserve it, though…the flirt. “Charlie, relax,” I whispered into his ear. “I don’t want a scene. I just want to be with you.”

Charlie relaxed instantly into my arms. “Sorry, Mac. You need to find another dancing partner. Shannon is spoken for all night.” Charlie beamed an astounding smile at me and then twirled me away from Mac, who was actually laughing at us as we danced off together.

Talk about a girl being swept off her feet. I was so happy my prince charming had arrived and saved me.

Chapter Twelve

The party finally began the moment I found myself safe in Charlie arms. I rested my head against his chest as we swayed to the music.

You look beautiful tonight,” he whispered against my hair.

You look pretty hot yourself,” I beamed, running my hands over his tux. “I don’t think I will ever get used to you in a tux.”

It’s a good job I decided against the cowboy boots and jeans that you suggested.”

My mother did go a little overboard again,” I chuckled, looking around at all the wealth.

Why were you dancing with Harry Mac?” Charlie suddenly asked, lifting my face up meet his dreamy blue-green eyes.

I’m sorry. I was waiting for you. He wouldn’t take no for an answer.”

He is really starting to test my patience,” Charlie seethed, looking over in Mac’s direction. To my surprise, Mac was still watching us.

Charlie, it’s Harry Mac. He’s like that with every female he sees.” I rolled my eyes. “Your protectiveness is very sexy,” I smirked, kissing his lips, “but you have nothing to worry about. I’m
girl, remember?”

BOOK: Embrace Me
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