Embracing Emily (#7 Warriors of Kelon) (12 page)

BOOK: Embracing Emily (#7 Warriors of Kelon)
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Her leg was no hindrance in everything he wanted to do to her now. She trembled when he stalked forward, crawling over her soft, lush body.

“Mine.” His growl was softer, almost a purr as he dipped his head and took her right breast into his mouth. One hand cupped her pussy, feeling her heat, and he spread her lips with his fingers, easily finding her place of pleasure. She gasped and her body tensed before relaxing in surrender.

Tonight, he would show her how much he needed her—until neither of them could walk.

* * * *

He waited and watched, Simmons knew it was only a matter of time before one of them slipped up. It didn’t take long. He watched her hobble across the streets to the Kelon dorms. In the light of the open door, it was easy to see her playing tonsil hockey with the big, scarred security officer. Simmons knew she was fucking him; now, he had visual proof.

Simmons leaned back and took a long drag on his cigarette.

Fucking bitch.
Choose that alien animal over me? I bet dear old daddy doesn’t know.

No way was he going to take the blame for failing to get into her pants, or his ring on her finger—fucking Colonel Morland and his schemes.

This was one scheme he could shove up his arse, but it didn’t mean he couldn’t throw a spanner in the works of another’s fucked-up, love life.

Simmons grinned. If he was going down, he’d drag as many as he could with him.

Chapter 11

Sunday passed in a blur. Emily spent most of it with Vallarr, when he wasn’t making love to her or feeding her by hand in bed. He allowed them to go down and talk and play games with the other men. Giving impromptu language lessons while sitting on his lap didn’t make the men take her any less seriously.

Late Sunday evening, he walked her back to her house, guessing one night apart would not hurt and give them both time to prepare. On Monday, after teaching her class, they would both go to the Colonel and tell him. Emily was now married to Vallarr. She was bringing the man she loved home to dinner, and if her father didn’t like it, well, tough cookies.

One last kiss, and then she watched her handsome Kelon stride down the driveway and out of sight. She sighed and locked the door.

A giddy excitement ran through her. Tomorrow, everything would change; there would be no more hiding. She would be by her man’s side for the rest of her life.

A loud knocking dragged Emily from a deep sleep, her mind filled with erotic dreams of things Vallarr did to her and places she kissed on his beautiful muscular body.

She rolled over, blinking sleepily at the red glowing digits on the bedside clock.

Six in the morning. She groaned—her body still ached in such a delicious way from muscles she rarely used. Guess she would be getting a heck of a good workout daily from now on. She grinned at the lusty thought.

She wasn’t due to teach the Kelons until nine. Maybe, it was Vallarr, eager for a morning kiss.

She grabbed her silk robe hanging over the back of the bed. Tugging it on and grabbing her crutch, she pulled herself up and ambled out to answer the door, eagerly unlocking it and swinging it open.

Her smile fell.

“Dad?” Like a stoic statue with an equally stony face, he stood in full uniform before her.

“Emily, I need to talk to you on a matter of importance. Go get dressed, please.”

“Uh, okay.” Letting her dad in, she hurried back into the bedroom and pulled on some clothes, complete with flat shoes. Her mind raced as to what could be so important.

Emerging from the bedroom, she found her father in the kitchen making tea. The last time he made her tea was when her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer.

He eyed her and set down the pot on the counter. “I had some disturbing reports pass my desk late last night, concerning one of the Kelons.”

She got a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach
. Oh crap, he knows about Vallarr and me.

Suck it up and stand up to him.

She sat down on one of the stools while he poured the tea and added a dash of milk to hers.

“I know you’ve grown very fond of the Kelons, and one in particular.”

Yep, here it comes. “But there are things you don’t know about him. After Simmons reported the incident in the hospital, I looked into Vallarr’s background. He has a history with Earth, and particularly human women.”

A history with human women?
She blinked and wrapped her fingers around the mug to hide her hands were shaking.

“Em, this Kelon is extremely dangerous. I don’t know how to tell you this other than say it straight out. He’s a murderer.”

“What! No. Oh, no, Dad, just because Vallarr and I—” She stumbled off the stool, backing away from her father.

“Emily, the report was clear. He killed thirty-two human women, women abducted from Earth.”

Emily’s ears rang with what her father told her. She refused to believe it was true.

“Why do you think he has PTSD? Guilt for his crime. You, in your innocent naivety, come along and are perfect pickings for his next victim. The Kelons on the space station are sending security to have him removed from the base as soon as possible.”

“No, I don’t believe it. I won’t! I love him, Dad. It...it’s not true. I...I need go and talk with him.” He loved her, claimed her, wanted nothing, but to protect and cherish her.

Blood pounded in her ears and she struggled to stop herself from shaking in disbelief and shock.

“Emily, for your own safety, I won’t let you near him. You’re too emotionally involved and not thinking clearly. I’m having you removed from the base immediately.”

“What? No! I won’t go. I’m going to see him, right now.”

“Emily, I’m not giving you a choice. You are leaving, now.” He marched to the door and opened it. Two military police stood there waiting. The Colonel picked up her handbag, shoving it at her while the soldiers surrounded her.

“Take her all the way home, and make sure she is inside and safe. I don’t want those bastards anywhere near her. I’ll see you when things have calmed down here, Emily. This is for your own good.”

“This way, Miss Morland,” an officer prompted.

“Fuck you! I’m not going. Don’t you dare touch me!” She tried to back up, but no way could she move fast enough.

“Dad, please don’t do this to me!” Plead as she may, her father's face remained hard and determined.

They moved in, snatching away her crutch, and she lost balance, but the men quickly gripped her upper arms, holding her up and carrying her out into a waiting, unmarked white van.

Emily sucked in air to scream, but one of the men moved quicker, slapping his hand over her mouth. She struggled, trying to break free, biting and swearing at them. She cursed her disability as it only helped to aid them when they tied her into the back seat and slammed the door.

Fat tears streaked down her face while she screamed inside the van for them to take her back, take her to her Vallarr, as they drove her farther and farther away.

She would never forgive her dad for doing this. Never!

Her father was wrong, and she knew it in her heart. Vallarr was a victim, not a murderer. His nightmares, the attacks... He suffered. More than that, he needed her!

* * * *

It has only been a few hours, but already he missed her. His heart was as empty as his arms without her nearby to fill them. He sat in the meal room and sighed. Waiting was difficult when you wanted something so desperately.

“Come to class with us as her guard. We can kick Simmons outside. Making him wait in the corridor will give us much amusement, or we could string him up by his white army underwear to the base flag pole for the duration of the lesson.” Gillron grinned evilly.

All those things held great appeal. Not able to stand being parted from her any longer, Vallarr heartily agreed to attend the class, not only as her guard, but also her Corami. He finished his breakfast and stood up with the rest of the Kelons when they headed out to the classroom.

Would she be wearing those long, dress pants again, or the skirt? He loved seeing her shapely legs in the skirt; the way her thighs shaped up and over such a wonderful arse, flared hips and waist that dipped inwards. Everything about Emily fascinated him, inside and out.

Guessing what she may be wearing in the classroom filled his mind and hardened his body while he followed the others out of the meal room and down the hall, his anticipation growing like an eager youngling on Naming Day.

They filed into the room and they felt the absence of Emily immediately. Usually, she was there before them, greeting them with her bright smile and making amusing jests. “Where is she?” Vallarr voiced it first, instant worry making him frown.

“It is not like her to be late,” Jyl added. “I have worked especially hard on my sentences yesterday.’ I can talk in English'” Jyl added in the human language.

The sound of heavy footsteps approaching made them all turn. Tension mounted as the door opened and Captain Cutter walked in, followed by Colonel Morland.

Something happened to Emily. Vallarr’s chest tightened in fear. Did she fall down and hurt herself?

“Miss Morland will not be taking your class today,” announced the Colonel. “I have certain matters which need to be addressed.”

“Where is Emily?” Vallarr stepped forward, suppressing his urge to growl at the older man.

Emily’s father eyed him with clear distain.

“Our security officer is concerned for her health and safety, and would like to know if she is alright?” Jyl stepped forward.

“No, she was not fine. If fact, she was very distraught and asked to be taken home earlier this morning after I informed her of exactly who she became involved with. I don’t like the fact certain information was kept not only from me, but also from my daughter. I will not have her in such dangerous company. If I knew the facts before this enterprise of collaboration, I would have never brought her on base.”

“Colonel, you are not making sense. Please speak more plainly. What do you mean, dangerous? None of us pose any threat to anyone, especially your daughter.”

“Oh, no? Then why send the Kelon who murdered thirty-five, innocent human women to Earth?”

Kelons behind Jyl growled, their anger directed at the Colonel. Someone grabbed Vallarr’s arms, not to restrain him, but to pull him protectively back when he moved to stand in front of him.

“It is a false accusation, Colonel.” Jyl stepped up into the Colonel's space, looming over the older male, his fist clenching as if wanted to punch the human himself.

“I have all the reports sent to my government about the supposed rescue mission he led.” The Colonel pointed at Vallarr. “They sent the bodies of those poor women back to us, so we could identify them and return them to their families to bury. How dare you protect and defend the one responsible!”

The failed mission, his failure—she knew about his failure. Of course, there would have been a report sent to Earth after the incident.

Vallarr’s blood pounded in his ears. His heart thumped so hard against his chest, it ached. Sheer panic gripped his entire body in a tight vice. “I need to see Emily,” he choked, pushing aside his fellow Kelons to face the Colonel.

“I have claimed her, she is mine.” Needing her, he struggled to breathe in the rapidly thinning air.

“She is human, so any Kelon claiming is invalid. She doesn’t want to be around someone who let so many human women die.” The Colonel glared at Vallarr. “She told me herself getting involved with you was a mistake, and she never wants to see you again. You did this. You killed them, Vallarr, and she hates you for it!”

She rejected me; she hates me? No, no, it could not be
! The room spun, his breathing became laboured as darkness dimmed over his vision, tipped red, blood red—their blood.

You did this, you killed them. She does not want you anymore. Murderer!

“No! She is mine, mine. Emily, my Emily!” His roar rattled the windows when he lunged at the Colonel. The woman’s dead eyes swam in his mind, the pain flared over his back, his lungs filled with dust and smoke, smothering him. Burning, his body was burning again.

His mind descended into hell; without Emily, there was no light, no way out, nothing to live for.

“Emily, Emily, Emily...”

* * * *

The insistent pounding on the door would not stop. Emily knew who it was, but ignoring it wouldn’t make the problem go away. She closed her laptop. If they wouldn’t let her back onto the base, she would find some other way of contacting the Kelons—more importantly, her Vallarr.

No one would take her call on base, or pass her through to them. She growled in frustration.

“Emily, I know you’re in there. Open up. We need to talk.”

She used the table to balance herself, walking towards the door. She yanked it open.

“No, there is nothing I have to say to you. You’ve finally pushed me too far. I never want to see you again!”

“Pumpkin, can’t you see it was for your own good? That Kelon is mentally unstable. He tried to attack me.”

“Unsuccessfully, I see.” She glanced over his unharmed body. “And he is not ‘that Kelon'. Vallarr is the only man I love!”

“It’s not love, Emily, and you’ll thank me once this is over.”

“You don’t know anything! What I don’t understand is why you pushed me to take the position. It was you who gave me a house on the base. You knew, I would mix with the Kelons, so why the hell are you so damn offended if I fell in love with one?”

“It will fade, I promise you. You're only infatuated with the alien.” He sounded so damn sure of himself.

“Don’t you dare to tell me how I feel! What do you know about love? You never showed it when mum was dying of cancer! You abandoned us both when we needed you the most, and now this! I’m done with you and all your controlling crap!” she screamed at him.

“Em, I wanted them to care for you, so they would push to cure your leg, but they only took advantage of you.”

“For your information, I seduced him. I took advantage of his sweet and caring nature, something you clearly don’t know anything about.”

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