Embracing Emily (#7 Warriors of Kelon) (11 page)

BOOK: Embracing Emily (#7 Warriors of Kelon)
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“Underhanded, dirty sneak.” Her bottom pinched when the news brought a new thought to the forefront of her mind.
There could be one in her house.
“Can you tell if there are any in the houses?”

“My detection device would have alerted me to any. I have it set for detection of monitoring devices.”

She heaved a sigh of relief. “Still, it isn’t right; I hope you gave him hell about it.”

His lips tipped up in a smile. She didn’t see many smiles on his face and, with his angular features and long wide nose, he was strikingly handsome.

“We confronted him, yes. He said it would not happen again.”

“Still, it shouldn’t have happened to start with.” She shook her head, “How dare my father treat you like second-rate people. You’ve been nothing, but wonderful to Earth, and I...”

Her heart pumped harder; she has not actually said it to him. His brow plate rose in silent question. “I think you’re wonderful.” She wrapped her arms around his middle, hugging him close. “I love you, Vallarr, I don’t care what anyone says, or what my father says. You’re my man and I’m not ever going to let you go.”

His arms came around her, holding her close. “Yes, my sweet, you are mine forever.” She felt his lungs expand and felt the tension in his body. Did she say the wrong thing? She tilted her head back to see his face shadowed in a frown.

“You are my Corami. You are in my heart always, but I have darkness, things I have done you will not like.”

“I don’t care about your past, Vallarr—”

“Please, my sweet, listen. I need to tell you the truth about my past and why I have these attacks.”

Her heart stilled. He was opening up to her; she wasn’t going to say anything to stop him. “Is the food secure?”

“Oh...” She glanced at the vegetable steamer and flicked on the timer. “...yes.”

He bent and picked her up in his arms, carrying her into the sitting area, lowering himself and arranging her on his lap. His large hands toyed with her smaller, pale ones.

“I first met Sara, a human living on Kelon, she is mated to our head healer, Solron. The High Council gave me a mission to—”

A loud knock made them both jump, their gazes moving to the front door. Vallarr stiffened under her.

Shit, shit, shit, not now!


She recognized the voice. “Crap, it’s Simmons.”

Vallarr growled low. “I will make him—”

“No!” she whispered fiercely. “He runs and tells everything to my father. I don’t want him to see you here.”

Instantly, she knew she said the wrong thing. Vallarr moved, lifting them both and setting her on her feet, and then he stalked out of the living room. Emily tied the sash on her robe.

“Emily, I need to talk to you.”

“Uh, one moment, Jon.”

Vallarr returned. He was half dressed and he held her elbow crutch. She saw his fierce expression, making her stomach pitch in fear.

“Vallarr, I didn’t mean it like that. My father is...over protective, I don’t know how he’s going to react.”

He shook his head to silence her words, and then leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her forehead. She wanted to grab him, kiss him like there was no tomorrow, and tell the rest of the world to go to hell. Instead, she stood there like a coward, watching him back away. “Just remember who you belong to.” He turned and stalked out, heading for the back door.

Fucking Simmons!
She was going to rip him a new hole. She winced as she heard the back door open and close.

Simmons knocked again. She hobbled to the front door, yanking it open.

“What do you want?” It came out more a snarl than a question.

“Woah, Emily.” His blue eyes swept down her. “Had company, did we?”

She glared at him. “For your information, I was getting ready to have a shower.” It was easy to lie to someone you were angry with.

His lips curled up into a salacious grin which she would have found attractive, but she was learning there was more to this man than only a handsome face, and that ‘more’ she didn’t like.

“Can I wash your back?” He winked, his flirtation only making her anger grow.

“No, go away.” She moved to slam the door in his face.

“Hey, now, wait a minute, you don’t even know why I came.” Guess she wasn’t getting rid of him that easily.

“Well? Why?” She folded her arms and would have tapped her foot if she could balance properly without using her crutch.

“Because, I owe you an apology for today, and I wanted to give you these.” She didn’t notice him hiding something behind his back. He produced a small box of chocolates. “I was kind of hoping to spend some more time with you. You have to give a guy a break for spending all day in such a lovely lady's company and not being able to make a move, but I’m off-duty now.”

She blinked, stunned. “Jon, that’s really nice of you, but I don’t think—”

“It’s not too late to go out for dinner and some slow dancing.” He smiled, his face a charming mask. “Or a walk in the moonlight. It’s lovely out tonight.”

She shook her head. The only man she wanted, she insulted and he left. The only walk she wanted to do was into his arms. By Kelon standards, she was a married woman.

Too bad if she hurt Simmons's feelings, but she needed to draw a line. She would never be unfaithful to Vallarr; she loved him more than her own life.

“Sorry, Jon, thank you, but I can’t accept the chocolates, nor do I want to go on a date with you. You’re a...nice guy. I think you deserve someone, uh, better than me.”

His smile fell, bitter anger twisted his lips. “Honey, I don’t think you understand. Your father...”

She gasped, remembering how her father ‘recommended’ Simmons to her. It appeared they were both in on this, for God knows what reason.

“I don’t care what you, or my father cooked up. I don’t want to go out with you and with your lousy attitude, I never will! You and my father can mind your own damn business.”

His lip curled up in a sneer. “You would rather fuck one of those aliens than your own species. You’re not only a cripple, but completely perverted as well.” Disgust dripped from his tone.

Emily was so angry she reacted without thought and slapped Simmons across the face. “Those Kelons have more honour in their small toe than you have in your entire body! And don’t you dare turn up to guard me on Monday. For all I care, you can go fuck yourself!”

She slammed the door, leaning against it to flip the lock. Her whole body shook with fear and rage. Tears pricked the back of her eyes. Anger always upset her. She hated conflict, but never backed down from it. She wanted Vallarr back, his arms around her. She needed to apologise for her thoughtless words.

Reality hit home, making her sink against the door and slide down, a sob caught in her throat. She couldn’t live without Vallarr in her life. She needed to find the courage to grow up and stand up to her father. She shouldn’t have to hide the fact she fell in love with a Kelon.

* * * *

Hidden in the shadows, Vallarr watched as Simmons stepped back from Emily’s dwelling. It was not that he did not trust her; he did not trust the male. Hearing their every word, Vallarr forced his body to remain rigid, to not burst around and beat the man senseless for not only insulting Emily, but the Kelon race.

What was such a human doing on this base? Why would her father be pushing the lieutenant to claim Emily? It was clear, the human didn’t have any like for her.

With the door locked against him, Simmons threw away the gift into the bushes, cursing Emily and her father as he stalked away.

Vallarr made his way back to the Kelon dorms, shielded by the evening darkness.

Only half the men were there. He could guess the rest were training in the gym. Jyl stood in front of the glowing face com they installed in the communal area, so they could easily communicate with the space station above, and relay information back to Kelon.

“What are you doing back here?” Hurr asked, pausing in his typing on a holo board. “We won their football battle.” He grinned. “You are mated, should you not be with Emily?”

Vallarr grunted, ignoring Hurr and scanning the room. He spotted Gillron to the far side, tapping away at another computer station. Vallarr walked over, making the technology officer glance up, eyeing Vallarr with wise caution.

“Something I can help you with, Te-Commander?” Gillron kept his tone low. It figured he would know Vallarr’s true ranking. Why the High Council did not strip him of his rank after the incident, he did not know.

“By chance have you looked into Lieutenant Jon Simmons's files?”

“Emily’s guard? No. Should I?”

“He insulted her this evening. If he did not back away when he did, I would have killed him for the hurtful words he flung at her.”

Gillron’s gaze darkened. If it was one thing Kelon men did not tolerate, it was abuse or ill treatment of females. He turned his attention to his screen and tapped away. “Accessing personnel files. The base holds surface information, but if you look deep enough, you can find all sorts of information. The humans have an amazing network where nothing is hidden, illegal or not. Abuse of females on this planet is...disgraceful. If I was in charge, I would launch a mission to rescue these female victims.”

“Rescuing females will not stop abuse. You need to change the mind and attitude of the people as a whole. Once, we were as primitive and savage as the humans. Our race evolved, we strove to be better and live in harmony. Now, all we can do is share and demonstrate what we have learned. I hope they follow our example.”

“I did not have any idea you were so wise, Te-Commander.” Gillron never stopped typing nor did he glance up.

“I have learned much in the past six months.” Vallarr sighed, his mind returning to the hurt expression on Emily’s face when he left. Her words may have been thoughtless, but she did not mean them. He could see it in her eyes. He should not have left her as he did. Wisdom was nothing when you still acted the fool.

“Ah, here we are. I found this encrypted file. Honestly, human computer security is extremely lax.” Gillron handed the data pad to Vallarr, whose eyes skimmed over the human words converted to Kelon.

A storm built inside Vallarr while he read on, his hand shaking from pure rage.

“Commander Jyl, I think you better come over here, now!”

Gillron wisely stood up and stepped back from Vallarr.

“Vallarr, what is it?” Jyl approached.

“This is what has been my Emily’s guard.” Vallarr handed the data pad to Jyl, turned and stalked towards the door. He had one goal in mind—he would kill the human.

“Vallarr, you will stay here. This is a direct order!” Jyl yelled loud and clear. Vallarr stopped. Those in the room turned to stare.

“I will not have him near her again!” He turned to face Jyl as he approached.

“I know, and we will not let him near her again. I agree, he is not fit to be near her or any female. I am charged with keeping peace and this initiative alive. I will not fail in my mission. Your mission, too, Vallarr, to protect us all. I want you to protect Emily in a way which does not include bloodshed.”

Easier said than done when he wanted to tear the limbs from the human. Vallarr reined his rage in, not fully dissipating, but enough to think more clearly.

If they no longer had to hide their relationship, Simmons would no longer be needed—not that he was ever needed in the first place.

A soft knock sounding at the entrance to the room made Jyl frown. No one knocked before as it was a communal area they all entered. Hurr, being closest to the door, got up, opening it before peering down.


Vallarr saw the top of her soft, brown hair. Everything else forgotten, he surged forward, pushing Hurr out of the way. Her eyes widened. He saw them bright with tears.

“Vallarr, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean what I said. Please don’t be mad at me...”

His heart broke over her sadness, and he pulled her into his arms.

“Shh, my sweet. I should not have reacted. Forgive me.” He pressed his lips against hers, pouring all his feelings for the woman in his arms into his kiss, showing her how much he cared, how much he needed her.

“You may want to refrain from doing this in front of unmated males, Vallarr.” Jyl’s voice, filled with humour, registered somewhere in Vallarr’s brain. He pulled back to see Emily's soft smile.

“I am through being a coward. I’m going to tell my father, I’ve found the man of my dreams—the one I will love for the rest of my life.”

“Let us not worry about it tonight. Let us enjoy our time together. We will go to him later.” He lifted her up in his arms.

She shyly glanced around at the other Kelons when he turned and shut the door with the heel of his boot.

“Are you sure you want this big—what do humans say—'metal head'?” Jyl asked.

She giggled, such a heart-warming, musical sound. “Of course, Commander Jyl. Only Vallarr. No other will do for me.”

Her words made him feel he could conquer entire planets with her at his side.

“We are all extremely envious he has managed to win you. If he gives you any trouble, tell us, and we will sort him out.”

“Ignore him.” Vallarr growled in warning towards his fellow Kelon, knowing they meant no harm.

She laughed, “I’ll keep it in mind.”

Vallarr strode past the others towards the stairs, taking them two at a time. There was no way he was letting Emily out of his sight tonight or ever, if he could help it.

“Where are we going?” Her cheeks flushed an arousing pink.

“My room.”

“Uh, is that allowed?”

“You are mine, you belong where I am. Yes, it is allowed.”

“Oh, okay, but the others won’t mind?”

He yanked open the door of his room, strode in and set her on the bed. “Strip. I want you naked.”

Her eyes widened at his barked command. At the same time, her breath quickened and her cheeks flushed a deeper shade while she, with trembling fingers, worked on the buttons of her top. He closed and locked the door before removing all of his own clothes. He took her crutch. Soon, he would have Hurr work on her leg, heal her and do away with this thing.

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