Emergence (Awakening Series Book 2) (11 page)

BOOK: Emergence (Awakening Series Book 2)
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Chapter 20


The next few weeks flew by and Lou and I had been spending as much time together as we could, Carly included. Things were going better than I could ever have hoped, and I was increasingly excited about what the future held for us.

"Carson," my dad said, walking into my office. "We didn't get to do dinner after the scare with Caroline missing, so your mother and I are planning to do that this weekend instead. Caroline and Luke are coming, and we'd love it if you could make it as well."

"Thanks Dad. I have plans to take Lou out though. Rain check?"

"Nonsense, just bring her with you. I won't take no for an answer," he said, ducking back into the hallway.

I cracked my knuckles and turned to my keyboard, deciding to fire off a message to Lou before I forgot about my dad's invitation.

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Subject: A Family Affair

Hey Beautiful,

Dad just stopped by. He wants us to come out to the house for dinner with him and Mom. Caroline and Luke will be there and dad insisted we bring Carly.

Free Saturday?

- Carson

Pressing send, I turned to some files I'd been working on, trying to sort out some client complaints about one of the account reps who was recently let go.

A while later I looked up when my e-mail dinged.

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Subject: Re: Monty Python

Hey Babe,

I'm free Saturday, but I'm worried. Are you sure I should bring Carly?

XO, Lou

I laughed at her reference to Monty Python.

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Subject: No Spanish Inquisition


I assure you there is nothing to worry about, they just want to get to know you better.

P.S.  I doubt they've ever seen or heard of Monty Python. Nice reference though, I'm impressed.

- Carson

I hit send and waited a moment, expecting an immediate reply, which came a second later.

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Subject: Re: Gwyneth Paltrow x2

Okay, we'll go. I'm trusting you.

P.S. I've never seen Monty Python either, but I love that movie Sliding Doors.

XO, Lou

Furrowing my brow I quickly pulled up Google and searched for Sliding Doors. After reading a brief synopsis of the movie it seemed to be some sort of romance about a girl whose life is sent in two different directions, not my usual thing, but with an apparent Monty Python reference, it made the short list of movies I needed to see, and I made a mental note to watch it sometime soon.


"Are you sure this is okay? I feel awkward," Lou said as we pulled up to the house.

"It's fine, believe me. My parents already love you, I know they're going to love Carly just as much, if not more. My mother has been talking about grandkids nonstop since Caroline and Luke got back together. Hopefully Carly will provide enough of a fix to get Caroline a short reprieve."

Lou's nervous laughter filled the cab of the truck as I reached over and took her hand in mine.

"Trust me," I said to her, looking into her eyes.

"I do," she said, giving my hand a squeeze and then opening the door to climb out.

Lou grabbed Carly's diaper bag and I unbuckled her from her car seat, pulling her into my arms. As soon as my mother laid eyes on Carly she fell in love.

"Who is this beauty?" she asked, stealing her from my arms and disappearing with her into the house, leaving Lou and I to follow.

"See, love at first sight," I whispered as we set down our things and went to find my mother. She was in the kitchen with my father, Luke, and Caroline who were oohing and ahhing over Carly.

"Lou, she is the most adorable thing! I just love these little blonde ringlets. She reminds me so much of my babies when they were little," my mother said, and I noticed Lou stiffen against me.

"She's my world," Lou gushed before attempting to relax in my arms.

Catching my sister's eye, I smiled. "Got a second? There's something I wanted to talk to you about."

"Sure," Caroline answered. I released Lou as Caroline lead the way into the hall. "What's up?"

"You know how I've never told anyone else about Meg?"

"God Carson! How can you bring her up when you have Lou in the other room?"

"Listen!" I grumbled at her, irritated that she was always interrupting me. "Lou is Meg. She didn't tell me her real name the night we met."

"Oh my gosh!" Caroline said, her eyes widening. "Eva mentioned something about a comment you made over 4th of July, but I didn't put two and two together until now."

"I just wanted to tell you since you're the only person I ever told about Meg to begin with."

"That's so amazing Carson! No wonder the two of you took to each other so quickly. I'm really happy for you, and thank you for telling me. I think I'll sleep easier knowing you aren't dreaming of one woman while dating another."

I rolled my eyes at her as she patted my cheek and then made her way back into the kitchen, with me close behind.

After dinner Caroline and Luke stepped out onto the porch and my mom pulled out Caroline's and my baby pictures to show to Lou while my dad asked to speak to me in the office.

I closed the door behind me while my dad poured two glasses of scotch at the mini bar. Walking over to the two high back leather chairs in front of his desk, I sat down as he handed me a glass of scotch and sat opposite me.

"What's going on Dad?" I asked as he settled into his seat.

He took a sip of his scotch and set it down before clasping his hands over his belly and looking at me.

"Your mother and I are very proud of you, son. You've come a long way from the party boy you were a year ago. You buckled down, got your head on straight and your priorities in order. You've only been with the company for a short time, but I'm already hearing great things about your work ethic and your people skills. I see you going a long way with the company, son."

"Thanks Dad, that really means a lot to me," I said. My dad had never been one to sugar coat things, so if he was telling me he was proud of me, I knew he meant it, which just made it that much sweeter.

"Since your grandmother died your mother and I have been spending a lot of time out here in Bluffton. We've always loved the area, the slower pace of life, the small town atmosphere. So, we've decided we're not going to sell the house, and instead we're going to move into it fulltime."

"What does that mean for Caroline and me?" I asked, since we'd both been living at home recently.

"Caroline isn't planning to go back to Savannah now that she and Luke have worked things out and I know you've been looking for a place...."

"Unsuccessfully," I interrupted him. "But don't worry, I'll figure something out."

"Carson, listen. What I really called you in here to talk about is the house in Savannah. Your mother and I paid it off a few years ago, and since we're planning to live here in Bluffton, and you're already settled there, we'd like to deed the house to you, if you want it."

My eyes grew wide and my thoughts started racing as my dad's words sunk in. Having the house in Savannah to myself would be amazing. I grew up there and I loved it. I could see myself raising a family there one day, hopefully with Lou.

"Are you serious?" I asked.

"Well, you'd have to handle the property taxes and the insurance, but on your salary you should easily be able to manage it," he added.

"Dad, I don't know what to say. This is amazing. Thank you so much."

I stood and so did he, hugging and clapping each other on the back.

"Don't mention it, son. I do have some paperwork for you to sign though, and then we better rescue that pretty girl of yours from your mother."

"You're right. She's probably telling her every embarrassing moment of my childhood." I shuddered thinking of all the ridiculous stories my mother had tucked away just for an occasion like this.

"I hope she hasn't pulled out the picture of you in Caroline's leotard and tutu," Dad chuckled as he pulled out a folder of papers and handed me a pen.

"God, I hope not," I laughed. "I'll never live it down."

"Oh, before I forget, Captain Scott is taking the boat down to the Bahamas this week. There are some tournaments coming up and I want to get her down there and ready. I'd like it if you could head down with me this weekend. We can do a little fishing, and lobstering too if you're up for it. Bring Lou, it'll be fun."

I spun the pen in my fingers as I contemplated an answer. I loved the Bahamas, especially the small island my dad visited where he built a house, but I wasn't sure if Lou would be willing to leave Carly. Sure, we've spent nights away from her, especially when Lou was helping to look for Caroline, but leaving Carly and going out of the country, not being able to get back immediately if there was an emergency? I wasn't sure Lou would go for that.

"I'd love to go, and I'm sure Lou would too, but I don't know if she would want to leave Carly. That's a long way away if there were to be an emergency."

"I'd never expect her to leave Carly behind, bring her too, your mother is coming as well, and you know how much she hates fishing, so I'm sure she'd love to help with Carly instead."

That sounded like a great idea. I knew my mother would love to spend more time with Carly, and I was pretty sure that Lou would trust my mother to watch out for her. Plus, I really wanted to get a chance to fish with Lou. I knew it was a past time she thoroughly enjoyed and I wanted to be the one to give her an opportunity to do it again.

"Thanks Dad, I'll talk to her on the ride home and let you know soon."

As I signed the last paper, my dad and I both turned at the glee filled screams coming from the living room. My dad opened the office door as I closed the folder and put the pen down, and we both went to see what was going on.

"We're engaged!" Caroline gushed when she saw our dad and me round the corner into the living room.

Dad caught her up in a big hug while I went to shake hands with Luke.

"Congratulations honey!" my dad told her.

"Luke, man, welcome to the family. It's been a long time coming," I said to him with a smile.

"It sure has, but she makes me happier than I've ever been in my life," he said, looking over at Caroline in my dad's arms. "I can't imagine living the rest of it without her in it."

As I watched his face light as he watched Caroline, I found mine drawn to Lou. She stood off to the side, holding a sleeping Carly, with a soft smile on her face. When her eyes moved from Luke and Caroline to me I could see the emotion behind them and I felt almost as if she was conveying her love for me without words.

If I hadn't already known that Lou was it for me, in that moment it would have become acutely clear. We hadn't been together long, but Lou and Carly were meant to be a part of my life, and I had every intention of keeping them in it forever.

Chapter 21


"This one or this one?" I asked Kelly, holding up my black one piece swim suit in one hand and my hot pink bikini in the other.

"Both!" she laughed, yanking them out of my hands and tossing them into my overflowing suitcase. "I can't believe you're going to the Bahamas for the weekend."

"I know. It's kind of like a dream come true. This will be my first trip out of the country, and I get to experience it with Carson and Carly," I gushed, yanking a couple of tanks and some shorts out of my dresser drawers.

"I guess things are going pretty well with him then, huh?" Kelly asked.

"Yeah, he's incredible," I said. "He's amazing with Carly too. It's almost like they formed an instant bond. And I'm surprised how well he seems to know me too, even though we haven't known each other that long. He really listens when I talk to him, and that means so much to me. He gets me, and he doesn't expect me to be anything that I'm not, and that's what I love about him."

As soon as the words were out of my mouth I gasped. Could I really be in love with Carson so soon after reconnecting with him? The answer came to me in an instant.

Stunned, I flopped down on the bed next to Kelly.

"Wow," I breathed out.


"I love him," I said to her, awed at the realization.

Kelly smiled at me, laying a hand over my own. "Are you happy Lulu?"

"Honestly, I am. More than I ever thought possible after everything with Derek. I never felt like this about him, but with Carson I have this desperate longing to be with him all the time, even when I've just seen him he's all I can think about. He invades my every thought. I swear if it weren't for Carly and my job, I could probably waste the rest of my life staring at his perfect abs and memorizing the way his eyes crinkle when he laughs."

"Damn girl, you've got it bad," Kelly laughed. "Alright, enough of this mushy stuff, we've got to get you girls packed for paradise!"


I was jolted awake when the jet touched down on the small uneven runway. I sat up in my seat and looked over at Carly who was still nestled into her carrier, which was strapped to the seat next to me.

"Did you have a nice rest?" Carson asked, leaning toward me from his seat facing me.

"Yes, but now I'm excited to check out this island I've heard so much about," I said, smiling and cupping his unshaven cheek.

Carson told me that his family had been coming to Chub Cay for about 20 years. When they first started visiting the island there were about ten  villas that could be rented and only a handful of privately owned homes, along with two restaurants and a small store.

Several years ago someone bought it and decided to build a resort on it, so they knocked down the villas and sold the lots to members of the Chub Cay Club, including Jack Foster, so they could build private homes on them.

Shortly after Jack's house was finished the resort ran out of money to build and the hotel and amenities had been largely unfinished since then. The only pieces that were completed were the infinity edge pool with the swim up bar, and the marina, where Jack docks his boat.

As we climbed off the plane I was wrapped in the balmy tropical temperatures and kept cool by the endless breeze that drifted across the island.

Carson and Jack assisted the flight crew in unloading all the luggage before checking in at the small cinderblock outbuilding that served as the island's customs and immigration station.

Once all our paperwork was in order the customs worker radioed up to the marina for Nathaniel to come pick us up. About fifteen minutes later a beat up van made its way to the edge of the runway and a head popped out of the window and searched the sky.

"What's he doing?" I asked Allison.

"Oh, he's checking for oncoming aircraft. He wouldn't want to cross the runway if there was a plane getting ready to land."

I stood there wide eyed as the driver pulled his head back in the van and made his way across the tarmac to our location.

Carson and Jack greeted Nathaniel like he was an old friend as they loaded up all our belongings and we piled into the van for the short drive back to the marina.

When we pulled up to the house I was in awe. It was a three story wooden structure with wrap around porches, white railings, and a sea green facade. Rocking chairs with beautiful tropically printed fabric pillows lined the enclosed porch areas while wicker furniture sat out in the open.

The interior of the house was decorated with light walls and dark wood flooring. All the window dressings and coverings were tropical or nautical, flowing with the beach theme throughout the house.

"This is our room," Carson said, leading me to a room at the front of the house with a massive king sized bed, an ensuite bathroom,  and a large bay window overlooking the marina. "I thought we could put Carly's porta-crib right at the foot of the bed. There's plenty of space."

"It's perfect," I said, setting her down on the rug with a couple of her toys.

Carson walked over to me, taking me in his arms. "I'm so glad you're here with me. I can't wait to take you fishing again."

"Again?" I asked.

"The night we met you mentioned that you used to fish a lot with your dad and that you miss it. I want to take you out there and let you get your sea legs back. Let you show me what kind of fisherwoman you really are," he said, nuzzling my neck.

"I can't believe you remember that conversation," I said, burrowing into his chest.

"I remember everything from that night," he assured me. "Okay, you get settled, and I'm going to bring in the rest of the luggage. My parents room is on the third floor, so I'll help them get their belongings up there, and then we can change into our swimsuits and hit the beach or the pool, whichever you'd prefer."

"Sounds good to me," I replied, reluctantly letting go of him.

As Carson left the room I picked up Carly and walked over to the bay window.

"Look baby girl, we're in paradise!" I said as she wrapped her slobbery fingers in my hair. "Come on, let's set up your crib and get into our bathing suits."

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