Enchant Me (4 page)

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Authors: Anne Violet

Tags: #teen fiction, #young adult, #ya, #Paranormal Romance, #teen romance

BOOK: Enchant Me
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I briefly considered the idea that I
shouldn’t be running happily head long into another, what looked to
be a possible serious relationship, but who was I kidding. I
dropped my bag off at my locker and quickly stepped into the
restroom to check that my eye makeup hadn’t melted around my eyes.
Passing inspection I headed to my bike at the back of the lot. I
was not surprised to see him already there. He looked almost too
good standing next to my bike with the wind lightly tousling his
dark hair. 

As I walked up he looked me over from head to
toe before settling on my eyes. “What year is it?”

“2009,” I said, not surprised he was
interested in my bike. All guys were. “How fast does it

I smiled kind of cockily at this. “Top speed…
about 190mph.”

Now he looked at me like he couldn’t decide
whether to be impressed or worried for my safety. “What do you
drive?” I asked.

Now it was his turn to look cocky. “A Mazda

He pointed towards a sleek black car across
the lot. While we walked over to his car, Christian got into his
now familiar position of being slightly behind me with a hand
lightly at my back. There was something slightly protective yet
sensual about it. He unlocked the car and opened the door for
me, it looked just as good inside as out. It was one of the few
cars I actually would drive if I didn’t have my bike and--if I
could afford it. “It looks like we both like fast, expensive
rides--but mine is faster,” I teased just to see how he would

“You’ll have to show me one of these days,”
he smiled and closed the car door.

On the way there we were both mostly quiet,
primarily just enjoying being in one another’s company. I started
to feel glad that he had wanted to take his car instead of my bike
since it was starting to rain and threatened to become an all out
down pour. That was the one downside to my bike; I was subject to
every weather whim Mother Nature had, and in Washington, she had a
lot. After getting our food we finally found a table towards
the back and sat down.

As I munched on a fry I considered all the
questions that were burning in my brain. How did he know so much
about me? I didn’t believe he was or would be a stalker like my ex
but I wanted to be sure. I did think that Christian had a little
too much confidence, ego and a touch of vanity to want to pursue
anyone that didn’t want him. So that was probably not an issue. Why
did he ask me to prom? It would be his only chance at prom. Why
would he want to take a girl he barely knew? Wasn’t he worried
about the rumors? I stopped contemplating my fries and looked
up. He was watching me with a sort of perplexed concern written all
over his face and I realized I was being a terrible date. I smiled
to reassure him and for me there really was only one way forward--
to be honest. 

“How did you know my classes and bike?” I
asked trying to sound as casual as possible. I felt guilty for even
asking him considering that at this very moment his class list was
hidden in my pocket.

He stared at me for a moment seeming to
contemplate my question. Sighing, he leaned back against his seat.
I watched as his confidence faded into being slightly

“I noticed you a long time ago.”

“Then why didn’t you…”

“Ask you out?” he finished for me, looking at
me pointedly with a touch of irritation now. “You were with
someone, remember?”

Yes, I was. I felt that damn blush
threatening to come out but I bit my lip until I was so distracted
by the discomfort there would be no way that it would reveal
itself. Damn, my pale Irish heritage. Out of embarrassment, I
hadn’t been looking in his eyes,. If I had been, I would have been
able to prepare for the shock of his thumb running across my bottom

“You’re going to hurt yourself,” he said, his
dark golden brown eyes tender as he looked into mine. 

I released my lip and luxuriated in the
feeling of his warm thumb as it passed over my lip one more time
before he sat back in his seat. I inwardly cursed myself for being
such a jumble of nerves. Maybe I should date an ugly, stupid guy.
Telling myself to relax, I looked back over to him. He was staring
at his food and I had a feeling he was giving me a moment to
collect myself. 

“Christian, why did you ask me to prom?”

He smiled at this. “Because I wanted to.”

As he looked at me, I found myself caught in
his gaze and he in mine. I kept thinking of his gorgeous eyes as
being a dark golden brown but golden seemed too tame a term for his
eyes. They were more like the essence of desire. No color could
truly describe them. I probably would have to stay with dark and
golden to describe their color, at least until I thought of
something better. 

“We gotta go,” he said reluctantly. 

While we threw out our garbage and walked out
the door I got the impression again that he was embarrassed to have
taken me to fast food. Which was funny since that was all the
average teenager could afford. His parents must be really wealthy
or maybe he worked. He could be making money off his art too. Most
likely that was it.

I smiled to myself thinking I had a little
piece of his brilliance for free. “Thank you so much for
taking me to lunch, I had fun.”

“Me too,” he answered, leading me to his car
and helping me in.

I was glad he was a gentleman but I quite
honestly didn’t expect anything less from any guy I dated. It
suddenly occurred to me that I was quite possibly a little
spoiled. On the way back I felt sad the drive was so short, I
was enjoying watching his hands while he drove, completely
competent and controlled. While most guys his age were driving
around like half-crazed NASCAR drivers on crack plus

“What are you doing this weekend?” he asked
softly, his voice filled with warmth as he took a quick glance at
me. I really liked his voice too. I did have it bad.

“Did you really want to hear everything or
just when I am available?” I smiled and fluttered my eyes at him

“I don’t mind hearing everything but since we
are running out of time…”

I took pity on him, “late Saturday afternoon
or evening?”

“How about both?”

“I think I can manage that.”

He pulled into the parking lot, parked and
turned to me just as I was putting my hand on the door handle. “I
appreciate you letting me open the car door for you but would you
mind waiting for me to let you out, too.” “Sure.”

I smothered my laugh, I suppose it was a
quirk in my personality that I never had the patience to wait for
guys to do that part, and they usually adapted to it. When he
opened my door and held out his hand to help me out, I let my eyes
roam over him from head to toe. Once again, I became a little
concerned at how easily and quickly I was becoming enthralled. I’ve
had my share of crushes, infatuations and even first love, but none
of them had felt like this. Taking his warm hand I let him
help me out of the car and then lead me to class. This must truly
be what physical chemistry between two people was all about. I was
so aware of where his body was in relation to me, the feel of his
hand on my back, the exact tenor of his voice, the smell of his
warm breath when he leaned in close. This all left me wanting more,
I wanted him to hold me, kiss me and press his wonderful body
against me. I felt kind of glad when he interrupted my thoughts
before I got too carried away.

“Lex, I need your phone number,” he leaned in
and whispered as we paused outside my class. 

It felt like so much had already passed
between us. It was hard to believe we hadn’t gotten past the usual
preliminaries yet. He pulled out his cell phone and entered it,
then looked at me like he was considering something. Then he
granted two of my wishes. Gently he wrapped both arms around me and
pulled me in close. I loosely linked my hands around his neck and
briefly leaned against him. I could feel the looks we were getting
but it was hard to care. He did feel as good as I thought he would
and smelled fantastic too. 

It was almost embarrassing how out of it I
was for the rest of the day. We gave each other quick smiles when
we passed each other as we rushed into our sixth period classes and
I was glad that mine was yearbook since it didn’t require deep
thought at all. Michelle noticed my abstraction but thankfully
didn’t say anything about it. Finally the school day was over
and I went straight to my bike. I took a quick glance to where
Christian’s car had been and it was gone. I sighed internally but I
couldn’t complain, he had spent practically every spare minute with
me. After I picked up some clothes from home and left a note
for my mom I headed over to the tiny rental house that Tina and her
mom Tracy lived in. Tina’s eyes were huge with mischievousness as
she let me in.

“So had a good day, did we?”

I looked at her and started to feel a little
wary. “Why?”

“I hate to tell you this but the whole school
is talking about you two.”

Dropping my backpack on the floor and sitting
heavily on her slightly worn, thrift store couch I looked up at
her. I asked again, “Why?”

She had picked up on the worried tone of my
voice and her smile faded as she sat down next to me. “It
wasn’t all bad. People noticed how into each other you two were. It
was cute, he is really into you.”

“Don’t distract me, what is the bad stuff?”
Because I knew something was coming. 

“I just want to prepare you. Now some people,
meaning seniors, are saying that you were cheating on Nicolas the
whole time with Christian and are just now being public about your

I took a deep breath. That was ridiculous.
Was I truly the most exciting thing in school? Was there no new
drama they could sink their teeth into? Could I create

“I am so tired of this.” I watched Tina
nod her head in agreement.


“Tina, you know this. Nicolas told everyone
that I was stalking him but that I was going to try and slander him
by saying he was stalking me…frightening me. Even though that is
the truth, none of the seniors are going to believe me. They also
probably won’t believe that it was me breaking up with him either.
There is nothing I can do. What’s sad is I would have never said
anything to anyone. He never had to worry that he was going to lose
face or whatever.”

Tina was looking at me with dark, sympathetic
eyes. “I think it was more revenge than saving face.”

“I suppose… There is just nothing I can do
about that rumor.” I didn’t want to have to think about how I would
deal with the second rumor. It was a little too complicated and
full of potholes to fall into. “So could you tell your mom not to
ambush me tonight about this too?”

“Yeah,” she said her expression lightening.
“So give me all the details about Christian.”

I smiled and indulged in what was sure to be
my new favorite past time, discussing Christian in all his
multi-faceted glory and Tina being the most perfect friend in the
world, listened to every disgustingly, soppy word.

The next morning Tina, her mom Tracy and I
went to a bowling alley. I had luckily been able to talk them out
of going to the newest horror movie that probably would’ve given me
nightmares for weeks. I hated scary movies. Thankfully they fell in
with my plan to go bowling in Tacoma and we had so much fun I
completely lost track of the time. I couldn’t remember the last
time I had felt so relaxed and carefree. Even Tracy seemed to
notice. “This new guy must be good for you. I haven’t seen you
this happy in a while.”

I quickly looked at Tina. “Wow that news got
around fast.” I smiled at them both although I was envious of
how close they were. Tracy had high expectations of Tina but she
was fair, fiercely protective-- and fun.

“Oh! Alexis, it is already one o’clock.” Tina
said, looking at me apologetically like it was her fault. 

“What?” I looked at my watch and fought the
urge to pound my head against our table. I was going to be at least
forty minutes late since I had to get all the way out to Graham,
where my grandmother lived. 

Quickly calling her, I apologized profusely.
She didn’t seem all that surprised by my lateness though, which
would be kind of insulting-- if it wasn’t true. Forty five
minutes later I pulled into the long, tree-lined, driveway that led
to my grandmother’s farmhouse. I loved it here. She had almost
three acres of practically untouched land, thick with trees and
even a waterfall and stream. There was also a narrow but long dirt
path that wound through the property that was perfect for riding my
bike when I just wanted to get away from everything. 

After I parked and started up towards the big
blue house. I looked for any new additions to her garden. My
grandmother had a gift for all things green. Plants that shouldn’t
survive in our climate seemed to flourish in her care. The gardens
around the house didn’t remotely match the typical Washington
landscape. There were tropical plants, desert plants. If it wasn’t
native to Washington she would have it here. I noticed a potted
Gardenia at the bottom of the stairs and leaned over and inhaled
deeply. Besides Christian it surely was one of the most luscious
scents on Earth. I smiled inwardly at the thought. 

She opened the screen door as I approached; a
smile on her face. “You finally made it.” Her lips were turned up
at the corners. 

“Yeah, I’m sorry. I got carried away bowling
with Tina and her mom.”

“I’ll forgive you this time, come on in.”

While I followed her towards the kitchen at
the back of the house where she had a small morning room, I noticed
she had her long silver hair in several intricate braids that she
had then wrapped around her head like a coronet. There were even,
tiny orange blossoms tucked within it. It is easy to tell we were
related by our common hair obsession. We sat down at the table
which was already laid out with sandwiches, tea and juice and I
immediately helped myself to them. 

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