Enchanted Submission - An erotic bdsm fantasy novella

BOOK: Enchanted Submission - An erotic bdsm fantasy novella
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An erotic novella
Lily Harlem

Published by Accent Press Ltd – 2010
ISBN 9781907016790

Copyright © Lily Harlem 2010

All rights reserved. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be copied, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, electrostatic, magnetic tape, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the written permission of the publishers: Xcite Books, Suite 11769, 2nd Floor, 145-157 St John Street, London EC1V 4PY

The story contained within this book is a work of fiction. Names and characters are the product of the author’s imagination and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Part One

TWILIGHT STRETCHED over Belle’s forest cottage blackening the whispers of smoke dancing from the chimney and gilding the thatch golden. Resident woodland creatures scampered to burrows, dens and nests and the lush carpet of wild flowers folded in petals against the ensuing darkness. But inside the kitchen, the heart of Belle’s new home, the wildness, the fun, the debauchery was just revving up, getting ready to unleash in glorious, hedonistic style.

Rapunzel splashed burning clear liquid into three heavy shot-glasses and one teeny, tiny thimble, raised her drink to the beamed ceiling and grinned at her three friends. ‘This,’ she said, ‘is to Cinder’s last night of freedom.’ She licked salt from her knuckle, threw back her drink and sucked furiously on a segment of lemon. ‘Go for it girl, because – jeez ...’ She rasped her tongue against the roof of her mouth. ‘That hits the spot.’

Cinderella brushed invisible crumbs from the pale blue silk of her voluminous gown and clutched her overflowing glass of tequila like it was crab apple poison. She made no move to drink.

Tinkerbell, standing on the kitchen work surface had no such qualms. She was tiny – the size of a pencil – but, undaunted by her thimble of burning liquid, knocked it back in one mouthful. ‘Bloody brilliant,’ she said gesturing for Rapunzel to top her up.

‘I don’t think Tink should have any more,’ Cinderella said, worried.

‘She’ll be fine,’ Rapunzel said.

‘Yeah, I’ve seen her drink twice her own weight.’ Belle grinned as she shoved up the cream puffed sleeves of her best gown and shook salt onto her thumb. She looked steadily at her three companions with a glint in her eye that showed she meant business, then downed her shot, smacked her lips and ignored the lemon slice.

‘We’re here to help you have fun,’ Tinkerbell said as she fluttered her wings to life and flew face level with Cinderella. ‘Come on, you know you want to.’

‘I do, really I do, it’s just, well, I just don’t want anyone to get hurt.’

Rapunzel threw her head back and laughed. ‘Some people like a bit of pain, you know.’ Her river of blonde locks rippled down her spine, the tips touching the dusty stone floor like thin fingers. ‘Let your hair down, Cinders ... like me.’

Belle and Tinkerbell downed another shot, giggled and then they all looked at Cinderella.

‘Come on, drink up.’ Rapunzel gave a nonchalant shrug. ‘Prince Charming and his stags will be up to all sorts, so why shouldn’t you? Whatever happened to equality?’

Cinderella set her jaw determinedly then threw back the clear drink in one go. She gasped as the burn hit her throat and spluttered into her hand. Rapunzel slapped her on the shoulders with a jovial laugh. ‘Excellent, another two of those and we’ll hit The Turret Club.’ She winked at Belle. ‘You’re going to love it there, Cinders.’

One hour later, after the sun had set over the Emerald Forest, Rapunzel, Belle and Cinderella skipped, arm in arm, past a burly green bouncer who had little trumpet ears, into the infamous Turret Club. Tinkerbell hovered erratically by Belle’s shoulder and had to keep landing when her wings beat at different speeds and sent her in circles; tequila, it seemed, wasn’t good for her navigation.

Cinderella was jabbering away, now in the mood for a dance and the fun others seemed so keen to show her. But Rapunzel’s insides were even tighter with excitement than Cinderella’s as they stepped through reception. The Turret Club was her favourite night spot in town. She could take or leave the ground floor, the level with food, drink, entertainment and raucous dancing. She wasn’t even fussed about the first floor with rooms for hire by the hour, the long row of glory holes and the glass bubble for sexual exhibitionists to perform in. No, she liked The Basement best, the dark, exclusive basement, with its small, suited staff, secret corners, plush seating and long corridor of privately owned rooms.

Only members were allowed in The Basement; only members plus one guest. Rapunzel wasn’t a member, she couldn’t be, only men were given membership and that rule was further restricted to men with royal connections – it really was
exclusive. But it didn’t stop Rapunzel getting in when she really set her mind to it because her reputation preceded her. Her wall-skimming Prince Nikos had gabbled to everyone about what had really occurred in the high tower she’d been imprisoned in, why he’d risked life and limb and the wrath of a wicked witch to shimmy up to Rapunzel week after week, month after month. Now, thanks to him, men were keen for a taste of her dominant handling and tripping over themselves to pay her ten gold coin admission. It seemed a blonde-haired dominatrix with a knack for swinging a cat-o-nine tails was on more royal fantasy lists than you would think.

But Rapunzel wasn’t interested in dominance any more. She’d had her fill of being in charge and running the show. What she really fancied was a taste of submission; she wanted to forsake control and enjoy the ride with a man who wasn’t afraid to take what he wanted. Turn her into a sexual pretzel, tie her up and fuck her until she could take no more but had to because he wasn’t done yet, hadn’t finished using her body like it was a possession, an object, his own.

She looked across at Cinderella shouting an order of champagne over the bar. The disco lights danced around her pretty profile. She was so sweet, too sweet. She’d get a shock tomorrow night when Prince Charming got her into bed, because from Rapunzel’s experience when she’d met him at the Toad Hall Ball the year before, Prince Charming wasn’t likely to wait until he got Cinderella into bed; he was more likely to claim her virginity on the way up the castle’s 101-step staircase, take her hard and rough against the wall, snag her silk wedding dress on the sharp stones and dishevel her elaborate, floral hair do. Yes, poor innocent Cinders was in desperate need of preparation otherwise she’d turn into a quivering wreck at the first ping of her bra strap; the marriage would be doomed from the word go.

‘Let’s head upstairs.’ Tinkerbell jerked her thumb towards the ceiling.

Belle nodded and shouted above the music, ‘They’ve got mermen on the underwater poles tonight. I quite fancy a twirl!’ She drained her champagne in one slug. ‘Shame I forgot my swimsuit. I’ll just have to dive in naked.’

Cinderella pointed to the busy dance-floor. ‘Er, shall we ... shall we have a dance here first?’

Tinkerbell shook her head. ‘I don’t think so ... Look who’s just walked in.’

All heads turned to the stone arched entrance. Standing shoulder to shoulder, silhouetted by amber back lights stood two men, one broad and solid, the other lean and muscular. Both had their arms folded as they surveyed the joint with enough male belligerence to start their own army and enough confidence to share among several hundred mortals.

‘Oh, shit,’ Belle said, her rosebud mouth pursing and her snubbed nose wrinkling. ‘What the hell’s Beast doing here? Can’t I have one night out without having to dodge him?’

Rapunzel’s response was the total opposite to her friends; her heartbeat quickened and her breath hitched in her throat. Prince Raif wasn’t a beast anymore, he was a brooding hunk of pure, unadulterated testosterone, but since their acrimonious divorce, Belle always referred to him as Beast, spitting the word as though bitter on her tongue.

Rapunzel sipped champagne and concentrated on the bubbles bursting in her mouth. She’d heard Beast had frequented The Turret several times lately and was keen to learn more about what turned him on. What really sparked his interest in a princess? Things Belle had hinted at leading up to their court appearance had made her curious; a slip of the tongue about whips and tethers, hog chains and wax. It may not have been right for Belle, hell, it made her run straight to the most expensive lawyer in town, but for Rapunzel, well, for Rapunzel it sounded like a whole lot of fun and exactly what she was looking for. If she was honest, the thought of being dominated by Beast, taken by him in whichever way took his fancy, had become quite an obsession lately.

She glanced at the female competition strutting their stuff on the dance-floor; several tall, thin giants, a couple of short, fat trolls, certainly no other princesses to worry about. She set her mouth in a determined line; she’d be the one Beast signed into The Basement tonight and she dared anyone to step in the way of what she wanted – no, needed, needed so badly that without it she might just combust.

‘No surprise they didn’t get invited to the stag do,’ Belle said rolling her eyes. ‘They’re practically Neanderthal.’

‘Well, I’m sure they were invited. Prince Charming wouldn’t have left anyone out intentionally, he’s very sweet that way, in fact he’s very sweet and caring in every way.’ Cinderella cupped her hands beneath her chin and a flutter of a smile danced on her lips.

Belle opened her mouth to fill in the gap in Cinderella’s knowledge about her darling prince. She too had experienced a rather wild liaison with him when riding one day in the forest; after their brief meeting she’d spent the journey home pulling leaves and twigs from her hair and had had splinters in her butt for two weeks.

Rapunzel interjected before Belle could break Cinderella’s illusion, ‘Yes, he’s very sweet,’ she said. ‘But, remember, he’s still a man, a man with needs, wants and desires. You’ll have to be prepared for that when the sun goes down tomorrow and you have a ring on your finger. He’ll be expecting more than a kiss on the cheek.’

‘Well, I ...’ Cinderella stuttered. ‘Of course I know that, I’m not totally naïve.’

‘Good,’ said Rapunzel. ‘Then we have a starting point.’

‘What do you mean ... a starting point?’ Cinderella hiccupped.

Belle frowned. ‘Come on,’ she said. ‘Let’s go upstairs.’

‘I think I’ll hang out here.’ Rapunzel indicated her near-full glass of champagne. She had no intention of going anywhere but down to The Basement tonight.

‘Yes, I’ll stay too.’ Cinderella looked relieved. ‘With Rapunzel.’

Belle swung her attention to Tinkerbell who was hovering a millimetre over the bar smiling at Tom Thumb. Her tiny cheeks sucked inwards as she drew on the long dark cigarette he was lighting for her. ‘Sure, upstairs,’ she said not taking her eyes off her little suitor. ‘You coming?’

‘You bet,’ he said, licking his lips and dragging his gaze down her petite body. ‘Been waiting to sample the miniature glass ball with you for a while now.’

Tinkerbell blew a stream of smoke into his face and raised her eyebrows. ‘That sounds promising.’

He suppressed a cough and then nodded eagerly. ‘I never break a promise.’

Belle sighed, more than used to Tinkerbell’s nymph like ways and turned to Rapunzel. ‘Watch her,’ she mouthed nodding at Cinderella who was pouring herself another drink. ‘We need her upright at the cathedral tomorrow.’

Rapunzel leant forward and whispered in Belle’s ear. ‘I know, but it doesn’t matter what positions she gets in between now and then, does it?’

Belle headed towards the spiral staircase and Rapunzel’s attention once again focused on Beast. He was moving around the edge of the room, towering above everyone with his square face set as the disco lights licked across his dark stubble. He had a certain self-assured elegance to the way he walked, exuding the poised manner of exquisite breeding. The whole sum of him was a huge turn-on for Rapunzel – if he could be that damn sexy walking across a club, then what the hell would he be like in bed?

His rather scruffy companion towed behind him, taking considerably more interest in the dancing girls than Beast. Rapunzel hadn’t seen him before and her main concern was Beast would sign him in as his guest instead of her.

‘Come on.’ Rapunzel cupped Cinderella’s elbow. ‘We got some people to say hi to.’

They weaved across the dance-floor, dodging gyrating bodies and groping couples at break neck speed. Rapunzel’s heart beat erratically, the thick crowd was like trying to push through a thicket of bracken and she feared she’d lose her target.

Finally, she reached Beast just as his fingers wrapped around the handle to The Basement. ‘Hi,’ she gasped, clutching his upper arm.

Through his black velvet jacket, she felt the hard ball of his bicep tense; as if he wasn’t used to being touched without giving permission. Very slowly, excruciatingly slowly, he turned and looked at Rapunzel. His jaw was set like a stone and a small muscle flexed in his cheek. His heavy black eyes glinted a dangerous golden colour as they scanned down her body, very slowly, very deliberately.

Rapunzel’s insides somersaulted as he soaked up her figure-hugging, floor length crimson dress. He lingered on her tiny waist enhanced by intricate criss-cross gold braiding and stared unashamedly at her generous creamy flesh spilling wantonly over the low bodice. She tried desperately to control her breathing, managed a hint of a smile and tilted her head, determined not to look flustered despite the turmoil inside.

He looked back up and, with a pop of female satisfaction, she saw his eyes had exchanged irritation for a dark, lusty heat that promised a whole lot of sin – if only she could get her hands on it.

‘What do you want, Rapunzel?’ he said in a deep, husking voice that rumbled effortlessly over the beat of the thumping music.

She swept her tongue over her bottom lip; this was her moment to hook him, she had to get it right. ‘Whatever a man like you can give me,’ she said.

Beast snorted. ‘You couldn’t handle it, little girl.’ Irritation returned to his eyes.

‘Try me.’ Rapunzel placed her hands on her hips and pursed her lips. ‘And I can assure you I’m no little girl.’

He let his eyes drop to her chest again and appeared to be mulling over her words as he visually caressed her. ‘Nah,’ he said with a shrug. ‘I guess you’re not, but I’ve had it with you princesses. You’re all talk and no action. Just when I think I’m gonna get some, you run crying to daddy or, worse still, to a bloody lawyer.’

Rapunzel niftily slid between him and The Basement door. ‘Not me,’ she said resting her sweat-pricked back against the cool wood. ‘I can talk the talk and walk the walk ...’ She tipped her head and twitched her brow. ‘Unlike Belle.’

‘What do you know about Belle?’ The palms of his hands suddenly slammed against the door on either side of her head and his shoulders loomed over hers. She felt consumed by his bulk, but forced herself to stay calm and remembered her ultimate goal was to harness that raw power for her own pleasure.

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