E.N.D.A.Y.S. (15 page)

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Authors: Lee Isserow

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E.N.D.A.Y.S will continue in 2017



ABAM, or 'A Book A Month', is a terrible experiment to see how long a former screenwriter can produce an original novella every month (along with companion audiobook) before he goes insane.

Alternating between dramatic and comedic prose, the books will be released in print, audio and eBook on the first Monday of every month.

If you've enjoyed this book in any capacity, do please review it on
– I read them all and will no doubt veer towards writing more of what you like.

Please visit the links below for more information about forthcoming releases, and free stuff.




Thank you kindly for being an observer to my mental deterioration.

About The Author


Lee Isserow is an award-winning screenwriter and filmmaker, with over fifteen years spent trawling the back streets and dark alleys of the entertainment industry.
He's pretty sure he has some traits of autism, because he's been constantly working and obscenely prolific for the entire duration, writing over a hundred screenplays, many of which he's adapting into forthcoming ABAMs, because very few people are willing to turn them into movies. For now.
He lives in Liverpool, England because he accidentally bought a house there. He's not quite sure how that happened – but assumes part of that is because he used to drink a lot.
If you'd like to watch the pretty things he makes, you may find them at
You may also interact, call him names, and read his awful jokes and observations on Twitter;

Other Books By The Author



At 21, Cassie’s life sucks. So on a whim, she starts farming her decisions out to Twitter.
Before she knows it, the lives of her family and friends hang in the balance, and she’s racing against the clock to discover who’s pulling her strings.


Dead City

Jon Gilligan is the only living man in a city of the undead.

He narrates his daily routine in the style of a noir detective, casting himself as a hero to all those around him.
When he stumbles on to a conspiracy, it's time for him to be a hero for real, break out of the city and his noir fantasy to save London's Dead City from itself.



Ten years ago, the company killed her parents, now Sarah is going to take them down from the inside.
She joins one of their clinical trials, certain that it will lead to uncovering evidence.

But as the trial gets underway, she and the other subjects realise that it's changing them, programming them, installing false memories and taking away their emotions.
If they don't do something about it before their tenure ends, they might not be human much longer.


I Hate Time Travellers

Five years ago, everyone became a time traveller.  Everyone but Luke, who now lives in a world where practical jokes are up 60,000%, his roommate insists on having 12-self orgies in front of him, and every potential girlfriend has dumped him for stuff he hasn't done yet.
Luke suddenly finds himself on the run from a government agency with the intention of slicing him up for experimentation.
No wonder he hates time travellers...  



In a city of ten million, under glass eyes of six million cameras, one man evades their networked stares, and watches those who are watched.

But he’s is starting to see more, and fate is bringing other observers into his life, teaching him how to push his skills further, see beyond the present. But he’s also hearing voices, thinks he’s being followed, surveilled, and has no idea how much – if any of it – is real.
All he knows, is that if he wants answers, he has to keep watching.


Simon & Emily Are Going To Hell

Simon & Emily are in love. They’re also damned to hell.
It’s complicated, but trust me, as your narrator, I’ll walk you through the details.
In this tome you’ll find Faustian deals, sex, expletives, comedy, tragedy, expletives, comedy, horror, comedy and expletives. And it’s funny, did I mention it’s funny?
Also, the world ends and the heroes go to hell.*


*Spoiler alert.

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