Enhanced: Brides of the Kindred 12 (The Brides of the Kindred) (24 page)

BOOK: Enhanced: Brides of the Kindred 12 (The Brides of the Kindred)
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“I will be very gentle—I promise,” Six
said softly. “I would never harm you, Mei-Li. I hope you know that.”

“I…I know.” She took a deep breath and
then held out an arm, just as he had done. “Okay—go for it.”

“Thank you for trusting me,” Six said
gravely. Taking her hand in his, he ran the strange, see-through washcloth up
the length of her bare arm.

Mei-Li bit her lip at the sensation. The
felt like the softest, most delicate silk gliding over her bare flesh and under
it she could clearly feel the heat of Six’s big hand. His fingers were long
enough to wrap completely around her arm as he slid the washcloth up to her
shoulder. Once he got there, she expected him to go right for her chest and
start washing her breasts and she wasn’t sure if she wanted him to or not. But
he surprised her by washing her back instead, rubbing the silky smooth cloth up
and down from the crest of her shoulder, all the way down to the curve of her
buttocks with each long, slow stroke.

“Mmmm,” she murmured involuntarily. His
touch was both sensuous and soothing at the same time and to her surprise, she
actually found herself relaxing and enjoying it.

“Do you like to be bathed in this way?”
Six asked softly, his deep voice coming from behind her. “Do you enjoy having
my hands on your body?”

“It…it’s nice,” Mei-Li admitted a bit
breathlessly. “I mean, I don’t usually have anyone helping me bathe, either.”

“I am glad.” There was a soft, possessive
growl in his voice. “I do not like the idea of another male’s hands on you like
this…or like this.”

Suddenly his big, warm hand, covered only
by the silky cloth, was sliding around to her side and then to her front, in
just the way Mei-Li had been expecting and dreading. But now that she felt his
touch, she found she didn’t dread it at all anymore. His big hand was so warm
and gentle as he cupped one of her breasts, almost as though he was afraid he
might hurt her and he was waiting for permission.

“It…it’s okay,” she whispered, shifting a
little in his loose grip. “You…you can go on. I know you’re supposed to…to wash
me here. It’s okay.”

“I am only going to wash you,” he
murmured, rubbing the silky cloth gently over her sensitive breasts and making
her nipples tingle. “The bathing part of this ritual is to get you used to the
feel of my hands on your body. Later I will touch you more…intimately. But for
now I will only wash you.”

“Th-thank you, I guess,” Mei-Li stuttered.
Her heart was pounding and she couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt so
hot and bothered but still his words worried her.
More intimately? How much
more intimately is he going to touch me?

“I think you are clean here, Mei-Li,” he
murmured in her ear. “Are you ready for me to wash you lower?”

“L-lower?” She could barely get the word
out. Already his big hand was sliding slowly down her trembling belly.

“Here,” growled Six softly in her ear.
“Are you ready for me to touch you here—to wash your soft little pussy?” As he
spoke, she felt the warmth of his fingers, cloaked in the slippery cloth,
cupping her mound.

“I…I don’t know,” she whispered, barely
daring to move. “I…I guess so.”

“You sound uncertain and your heart rate
and breathing indicate a certain level of fear,” Six murmured soothingly.
“Remember, I will never hurt you. If you do not feel ready for me to wash you
directly, perhaps it can be accomplished in an indirect way.”

“I don’t know what you mean,” she
whispered. “How can you—?”

“Like this.” Slowly two of his long
fingers settled over the outer lips of her pussy which felt swollen and hot.
Mei-Li moaned softly as they parted, spreading her open to bare the inner folds
of her cunt. A heated rush of water stroked over her open pussy, caressing her
tender clit and making her feel more exposed than ever.

“Oh!” she gasped and gave a little
involuntary jump. Unfortunately, when she came down, the motion pushed her hard
against his waiting hand. With a moan, she felt Six’s long fingers slide
between her parted lips and settle firmly against her throbbing clit. Only the
thin, silky cloth separated them and to Mei-Li, who was feeling very exposed,
it didn’t seem like nearly enough.

“Mmm,” Six growled appreciatively. “I can
feel how hot you are here, despite the water. “Are you wet as well?”

“I…I don’t know,” Mei-Li moaned softly. “I
can’t…I don’t…” It occurred to her dimly that she sounded as helpless now as
Six had when she was tickling him. But now he was in control—
had the upper hand. Or the lower
hand, depending on how you looked at it. She tried not to move but it was
impossible to hold perfectly still and every little twitch rubbed those long
fingers against her open pussy. “Please…” she almost moaned. Somehow she couldn’t
help the little catch in her voice or the shiver of reluctant pleasure that ran
down her spine at the big Kindred’s gentle but insistent touch.

“I think we should find out how wet you
are,” Six murmured in her ear. And suddenly, she was being scooped up in his
arms and he was climbing out of the massive bathtub.

“Hey…what are you doing? Where are we
going?” she demanded, beginning to feel really nervous.

“To my sleeping chamber.” There was no
mistaking the hungry light in his steel gray gaze as he looked at her. “The
bathing part of our night is over. Now I need to make you come.”



“I need to make you come,” he said and
Mei-Li felt like someone had just sucked all the air out of her lungs.

“I…what?” she gasped, struggling in his

“Hold still—you are still wet and slippery
and I do not wish to drop you,” he said sternly.

“Well, you should have let me have time to
dry off and cover up,” she said, still fighting.

will take care of
that—it will dry both of us off. As for covering up—there is no need. Now that
I have bathed you, my next step is to massage you with exotic oils.”

“Massage me with—wait a minute, I didn’t
see that in the contract!” Actually, she hadn’t seen a lot of it yet. She had
been too busy freaking out about the parts she
seen to study it as
closely as she should have. Or maybe she was just afraid to look ahead and see
what was coming.
Actually, it sounds like
the one who’s going
to be coming,
whispered the little voice in her head.
Ha-ha, Mei-Li, looks
like the joke’s on you.

No, it’s not—not yet.
She stopped struggling but her mind was
still working a mile a minute. Was he really allowed to rub her all over with
strange, exotic oils? Rub her

Not that she disliked massages—she and
Claudia occasionally went to Massage Envy when they wanted to treat themselves
on a girl’s day and it was always a wonderful, relaxing experience. But at
Massage Envy, she was able to get a female masseuse and she never had to worry
about the massage turning sexual. Now it seemed like the massage she was going
to get from Six was going to be

Just the thought of that—of having his
big, warm hands sliding all over her naked body made her feel so hot she could
barely breathe—which in turn scared the ever living crap out of her.
Oh my
God, I’m not ready for this—I have to get out of this!

But how?

The big Kindred was taking her into
another part of his home—a room she hadn’t been in yet. But when she looked
around, Mei-Li saw the familiar beanbag bed, only this one was even larger than
the one they’d had on the med barge and it was blue-gray, like his couch. Sure
enough, as soon as Six laid her down on it, she felt the moisture wicking away
from her bare body as the
soaked up every last drop while somehow
remaining dry itself.

Six had wrapped a bathing sheet around his
waist and was already gathering the things he needed. He was putting several
oddly shaped, delicate looking glass bottles on the shelf that the
conveniently formed from one corner of itself when he commanded it to.

“I hope you will find these oils pleasing.
I had none of my own so I had to simulate them from notes I found on the
history of the first Kindred,” he said.

“Oh, I’m sure…” Mei-Li’s voice died as he
turned to face her and she saw the size of the bulge under his white towel.
God, he was

Well, at least he wasn’t going to try and
fit that inside her—at least not tonight. But what if things got out of hand
while he was massaging her? What if he lost control and wanted to go further
than they were supposed to? What if…what if…

What if you come?
whispered the little voice in her head.
What if you’re
the one who completely loses control and you come for him and beg him to go
She knew from skimming the contract that they were supposed to do
things in a certain order but if she, as the prospective bride he was calling,
decided to throw caution to the winds and begged him to make love to her, Six
was allowed to do so.

I wouldn’t do that,
she told herself uneasily.
No way—I’m trying to stay
calm and objective here. Have to hit it and quit it, remember? Having sex this
early in the game would only complicate things.

But then Six leaned over her and she
caught a whiff of his amazing scent—that sharp, clean musk with a hint of dark
spice that was somehow completely and utterly masculine

“Mei-Li,” he murmured, cupping her cheek
in his palm and looking into her eyes. “My sensors tell me that you are
extremely nervous. Is there a way I can put you at ease? Perhaps you would like
to try that mouth technique—kissing—again before we begin.”

“I…you want to…to make out?”

He frowned. “I do not know what ‘make out’
means but I very much enjoy the taste of your lips and the feel of your mouth
on mine. I would like to kiss you again. Now.”

He leaned forward, tilting her chin up to
fit her mouth to his and Mei-Li felt like she was drowning. Did she want to
kiss him again? God,
. Kiss him and do so much more…But should she?

“Wait,” she said, pulling back just as his
lips were about to brush hers. “I…I can’t.”

Six frowned. “You can’t kiss me? Why not?”

“It’s too…too intimate.” Mei-Li looked
down, plucking at the blue-gray surface of the
which felt a little
bit like a nubbly cotton bedspread.

He shook his head. “I don’t understand.”

“Kissing is…very personal. Especially when
it’s with someone you’re attracted to.” Mei-Li felt her cheeks getting hot with
a blush but she forced herself to continue. “I can’t…can’t let myself do that
with you—kiss you—if I’m going to say emotionally uninvolved. I need to keep
some distance between us—some space. Kissing is a line I can’t cross with you.
Not again.”

“I see.” He withdrew his hand and sat
back. “Forgive me. I was only trying to make you feel more easy in a difficult

“I can see that and I appreciate it. I
wish I
kiss you again because, well, I liked it too.” She looked
away. “But I can’t…I just can’t.”

“I understand.” He brushed her cheek
lightly with just his fingertips so that she turned back to face him. “I understand
but I would be lying if I did not say I am…regretful that we cannot kiss again.
I have never had such a pleasurable experience.”

“I found it pleasurable too,” Mei-Li
breathed. Suddenly she realized, to her dismay, that she was leaning towards
him. After all this talk of how she could never kiss him again, she was about
to do just that.

Right then and there she knew that
something had to be done—she had to get the upper hand again or she was going
to wind up giving in completely and then begging and moaning for a lot more
than she had bargained for. And judging from the bulge under his towel and the
hot look in his eyes, the big Kindred would be more than happy to give it to

Think, Mei-Li, think!
she urged herself.
You have to find a
way to get control of this situation.
It was just too bad she couldn’t
tickle him again.

Suddenly she remembered the deal they had

No, I can’t tickle
him. But I
still be in control of this situation.

“Wait!” she said, sitting back. “I just said
I can’t do this.”

“So you did,” Six murmured. “But I thought
maybe you had changed your mind.”

“I didn’t,” Mei-Li said firmly.

“What is it, then?” He frowned. “If you do
not wish to kiss, I don’t know what else I can do to make you feel at ease. Are
you still uncomfortable following this part of the contract?”

That’s the understatement of the year!

But Mei-Li wasn’t about to admit that out
loud. Instead, she shook her head.

“No, but remember we made a
deal—everything you can do to me, I can do to you.”

“Yes, I agreed to your stipulation that we
should have fair and equal access to each other’s bodies,” Six said. “But if I
may point out that you washed me first. So technically…”

I didn’t get to
finish,” Mei-Li said quickly. “You didn’t let me because you said the water was
getting cold. You said we didn’t have time.”

He frowned. “Well, we didn’t. And you
would have had ample time to wash me if you hadn’t spent it ‘ticking’ me

And besides, that
was fun,” Mei-Li said. “Also, you’ve said over and over that you want to make
me more comfortable and you don’t want me to be afraid of you.”

He frowned and sank down to sit on the
side of the bed beside her. “You are afraid of me? Still?”

“I’m…a little nervous,” Mei-Li finally
admitted. “I mean, you’re such a big guy and we really haven’t known each other
that long and now I’m just supposed to lie still and let you, uh, rub me all
over with exotic oils…”

“I see.” He nodded. “And it would make you
feel more comfortable…more in control…if I allowed you to rub me all over

Mei-Li nodded firmly. “It would.” Plus she
had an ulterior motive—but she wasn’t about to discuss that with him.

Six sighed. “Very well. I confess that I
have been greatly anticipating this—the feel of your bare skin under my hands,
as well as the soft little noises you make when you feel pleasure. But if it
will make you feel better to go first…”

“It will. It really will,” she assured him

“Very well. As you wish.” He lay down in the
middle of the bed while Mei-Li hopped up and went around to the array of exotic
oils that were being held safely above the action by the faithful

Okay, now which one
should I use?
She studied the
bottles uncertainly as Six watched.

“The oil in the blue bottle is supposed to
be good for general, all over massage,” he said helpfully.

Feeling put on the spot, she swatted him
on the arm.

“Turn over.
I’m going to start with
your back.”

Silently, he complied. His white bathing sheet
slipped as he did, revealing the muscular globes of his ass and making Mei-Li
bite her lip.
he really was built!

Trying to ignore her lust, she grabbed the
blue bottle of oil, took out the elaborate glass stopper which appeared to be
shaped like some kind of alien butterfly, and took a sniff. She was
disappointed in the smell—it was faintly sweet with just a hint of something
that might have been almonds, but that was all.

Still, the silky consistency when she
rubbed a drop of it between her fingers, made her think it must be good stuff.
Carefully, she dribbled a line of it from the small of Six’s back, up the
groove of his spine and to the spot between his shoulder blades.

He shifted at the feeling of the oil
sliding over his skin but didn’t say a word.

Well, here goes

Feeling awkward, Mei-Li poured a little
bit more in the palm of her hand, put the bottle back, and leaned over the
vast, muscular back.

She hadn’t expected to like this very much
but it was surprising how sensuous it felt to touch and caress the big Kindred
while she was the one in charge. His skin was warm and smooth under her hands
and she found she liked massaging his hard muscles. It was like massaging a
living work of art—if a statue of a Greek god had come to life and asked for
special treatment, Mei-Li imagined this is what it would have felt like.

For his part, Six seemed to be enjoying
himself thoroughly. He groaned deep in his throat as she rubbed his flesh,
trying to ease the knots of tension she felt and ignore the fact that she was
naked while she rubbed him all over.

After a while, Mei-Li found she was
falling into a kind of rhythm. She had never really given a massage before but
she knew what she liked when she got one, so she just tried to do that only
harder. She even dug her elbow between his shoulder blades and rubbed just
right, eliciting another deep groan of pleasure at the motion.

Of course, this wasn’t the only groan of
pleasure she was planning on getting out of Six. Her plan was simple—make
come first. There was no doubt in her mind if she did that—if she rubbed him
all over until he couldn’t take it any more—he would be willing to leave her
alone for the night. He would be exhausted for one thing and for another, he
would finally be sexually replete. She had never yet been with a guy who didn’t
drop quickly off to sleep the minute he blew his load and she was betting that
Six would be no different.

Working according to plan, she moved down
his body until she was massaging his tight ass. She had to admit once again
that he had a
nice behind and when she worked her fingers further
down, he parted his legs easily so that she could massage his inner thighs.

She had considered whether it would be
easier to do this with him face up—certainly it would be easier to reach him.
But if she touched him while he was face down, she didn’t have to look in his
eyes and admit to herself what she was doing. Plus, maybe he would just fall
asleep that way and she could sneak out and sleep on the couch. So after a
little while of rubbing and massaging the big Kindred’s thighs and ass, she
reached delicately between his legs.

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