EnjoytheShow (3 page)

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Authors: Erika Almond

BOOK: EnjoytheShow
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He leaned in and kissed me. The fact that he’d remembered my
name felt as good as the way his thumb traced the outside of my nipple, working
his way in with a spiral pattern, then teasing the very tip until my flesh
puckered up even more, skin wanting skin. His fingertips explored this flesh
transformed by desire, caressing, rubbing, pinching gently. His mouth left my
lips and kissed down my neck, pausing to lick lightly at my throat and then to
kiss the hollow in the center of my collarbone. Then he couldn’t wait anymore
and he squeezed my breast to bring my nipple to his mouth.

My head fell back with a moan, camouflaged by another dopey
camper getting offed. I didn’t see it. My eyes were closed with all my focus on
what his mouth was doing to me. Lips sucking as tongue flicked, and just as it
was becoming too much for me he switched to the other side and sucked
reverently at the other nipple, squeezing the first breast, keeping it warm
with his palm. Not that I was cold anymore. If anything, heat was building up
in me to a dangerous level.

Then it got worse, in that way that’s so much better. Still
holding my body close to him with one arm and using his mouth to worship my
nipples, Miles took his free hand from my breast and caressed his way down to
my panties. Then he brought his mouth up to mine in a kiss, his tongue slipping
past my lips as his fingers slipped under the band of my panties and between my

I knew I was full of honey for him. I just couldn’t tell how
much until his fingers slid so easily inside me it made me gasp. Within our
kiss, I clutched him to me as he made me tremble, his smooth fingertips teasing
my pearl, backing away, touching and rubbing again. I had a mind to beg him,
just beg him, and I wasn’t the begging type. This was the way his touch had me.
As it was I had to break the kiss just to draw a proper breath, and I found
myself shuddering in his arms as one finger probed deep inside me and his thumb
rubbed my pearl with gentle knowing.

Oh fuck, he had me. The word
hadn’t been anywhere
near my lips, but now it was a language I didn’t speak. But what could I do
with him? I barely knew him and he had me half naked and all needful of a good
fucking. I didn’t know if he was safe to be with, intimately, I mean. I’m not a
tease but I’m not stupid either. I supposed we could give each other hand jobs,
but would just handling what was likely a gorgeous cock be enough for me?

We could move things to a room with an actual bed, but there
was the situation at my place and he’d said he was visiting his parents. There
was only one hotel in town and my folks knew the owner. Besides, that seemed
tacky to me, fucking an actor in a hotel room for an afternoon.

Then again, I thought as he pushed a second finger inside
me, maybe not. His thumb was convincing me to give in. I was close, so close,
and so excited I couldn’t even say his name as the shivers led me to a cliff.

The creak of the theater door startled us both. Miles
carefully withdrew his hand from me and quickly pulled me close to him,
concealing my nakedness. We looked up behind us. At the top of the stairs stood
a theater attendant, a member of the local senior group. She looked at the
screen just as a particularly nasty murder was taking place. She grimaced,
said, “Oh my sweet Lord in Heaven have mercy,” and walked out.

Miles and I stayed still for a moment before we busted out
giggling, nuzzling each other. The heat broken, I gave thought to what was
happening here. Tried to; now his teeth were grazing my earlobe, his lips
sucking at it. A moan escaped me. Miles whispered, “Kissing you makes me think
of peaches.”

Shit, that was a good line. The way he said it made me think
it might not be a line at all, but the truth. “When I kiss you,” I said, “I
can’t think at all.”

He pulled back and grinned. “Good.” He stayed with my eyes
for a moment and the look he sent me was both sweet and sexy. “Josie.”

“Mmm,” I answered, wondering what he’d ask.

“I just like saying your name.” Then he eased me back,
caressing my skin as he pushed my dress away again. “I like touching you, too.”

“You’re good with your hands,” I said, the understatement
ridiculous, “but I feel like you’re doing all the touching, and I’m doing all
the enjoying.”

“Don’t you worry about that. There’s been no shortage of
enjoyment for me,” he said, his long, slow gaze caressing up and down my body.
He leaned toward me for a kiss, but before he did, he whispered against my
lips. “Sit back, relax and enjoy the show.”

Chapter Four


Miles’ fingers resumed their exploration between my legs,
charting an exciting new path over my pearl. My thighs eased apart of their own
will, welcoming his fingers inside again. This time he moaned as he entered me.
“Oh fuck, Josie,” he whispered, “you feel too good.” I wanted to say something
to him, tell him how good he felt to me, but his thumb was back on my pearl,
making it throb. He was fucking me slow and steady with his fingers, two of
them inside me, moving and touching as they pulsed in and out. All the while
the pad of his thumb rubbed me, making white sparks appear behind my eyelids.

Oh fuck, Miles,
. I got closer to that shivery
cliff again and he urged me on. Then my arms flew around his neck, my hands
clutched fistfuls of his smooth, thick hair, his mouth was on mine but I
couldn’t kiss him back because I was coming too hard, coming, falling and
flying, grasping at his hand, my back arching my breasts up to him, my whole
body his and his alone.

Ohhhhhh. That’s all I could think.
Ohhhhhh, Miles.

Panting, I lay in his arms, surrendered. He cradled me and
brought me closer, so that my limp head rested against his shoulder. Spent
helpless as I was, I still shuddered when he slowly withdrew his fingers from
inside me. He kissed my forehead and whispered my name, and when I tilted my
head back to gaze at him, his lips touched mine in the tenderest way.

I wasn’t so gone that I didn’t feel his hips shifting under me,
and I knew he must be hurting with want. I pulled back, recovering quickly,
knowing I had a look in my eyes that said we weren’t done yet. He caught it and

I silently thanked the theater management for installing
seats with armrests that could be put up, and with well-padded cushions wide
enough for a girl to straddle the hips of a hot and bothered man. Facing him, I
rested my thighs on his, knowing he liked the view of this near-naked woman,
bare tits jutting out at him, dress open and trailing on either side of my
body, with just a cute pair of cotton rosette panties hiding a recently
pleasured pussy.

As for me, I beheld the strain in his jeans, the beautiful
outline of a long, hard cock against fabric. I put my hands on his hips and
brushed the sides of that thick outline with my thumbs. He went to take my hips
to pull me closer, but I caught his hands and put them on my butt. “Keep these
right here,” I instructed.

He said, through heavy breaths, “Not a problem.”

My fingertips slipped lightly under the waistband of his
jeans. Very, very slowly, I pulled the first button of his fly open. I saw him
swallow hard. Then the second button. I got a peek of his crown testing the
stretch of his gray cotton underwear. Oh, jackpot, girl, jackpot. Third button.
“Josie, please,” Miles whispered. Fourth button open and he was clutching my
ass for dear life. “
, Josie,” he hissed through those beautiful
teeth, now clenched. I couldn’t remember a time when just pulling apart a man’s
button-fly jeans had been such an intense game of foreplay. Then again, at that
moment I couldn’t remember much of anything before this afternoon.

I vaguely heard some movie dialogue going on behind me and
the sound of a chainsaw, but that was reduced to unimportant background noise
against the soft fabric pop of button number five giving way. Miles looked up
at me, gasping and grateful, and he lifted his hips as I knelt and tugged his
jeans down.

The outline of his cock was leaving very little to my good
imagination as it strained for freedom against his light-gray shorts-style
boxers. They both hid and showed just enough to tantalize. I swept my palm over
his hard flesh. His head fell back with a moan, his hands still on my ass,
clutching me with desire held in check. Not for long, I knew.

Again came the question of what, exactly, to do with this
man now that I had him begging me with his eyes. I didn’t stop myself from
easing his boxers down, and when I did the predicament became deliciously
worse. With perfect timing, a daylight scene from the movie illuminated the
treasure before me. Miles’ cock was pure man beauty. The good size—not so big
it’s painful to think of inside you, but big enough that you won’t soon forget
what it feels like. Thick, a goodly mouthful to suck. The flesh was that
beautiful dark rose that a hard cock becomes when it wants bad, and it’s you
who it wants. The feeling was entirely mutual.

A small bead of his desire glistened at the tip and I rubbed
it thoughtfully with my thumb, all around the bell of his head, then at the
sweet ridge that made him clench his teeth and hiss in a breath with tormented
delight. “What will I do with you now,” I said aloud, mostly to myself.

Miles looked up at me, blinking and panting and hopeful, and
said, “I have a condom.”

This bit of information gave me pause and I raised my
eyebrows. “Do you always go to the movies with a condom? Or did they give you
that free with the popcorn value deal?”

Despite his desperation, he was amused by my comment. “My
buddies gave it to me at the movie wrap party after she dumped me,” he said,
nodding toward the screen, meaning his ex. “They said actors get lucky and
should be prepared.” He rolled his eyes. “I’ve been carrying it around for a

“Just waiting for the day,” I said, leaning over him so that
my nipples brushed his chest, “that you ran into some easy townie, I suppose.”

“I get the feeling you’re more complex than easy, townie,”
he said. His hands moved from where I’d told him to put them, on my butt, to my
waist. “But we can stop here, if you want. Well,” he amended, “maybe let me
kiss you some more.”

Beneath my thighs, I had a bare-balled man, cock worked up
beyond reason, who had a half-naked female straddling him in a near-empty movie
theater, a condom on his person, and he was saying we could stop. In other
words, by telling me that I didn’t have to fuck him, he made me want to fuck
him all the more.

I leaned down and kissed him, once, on the lips. “Where’s
that condom?” I demanded.

The only time his hands moved fast and clumsy was when he
searched the back pockets of his jeans. I climbed off him to make that easier
and to take off my panties. He pulled out a black leather wallet and from there
extracted one lovely foil-wrapped square. He carefully peeled it open. I took
it from there.

Having to use rubbers never caused me any bother. To me,
they’re a foreplay toy. I considered impressing Miles with one of my favorite
tricks, putting the tip of the condom in my mouth and rolling it down over his
shaft with my lips. I looked at the state of him and decided that might blow
his mind. Best to do this the traditional way.

As it was, the way he watched me when I licked my fingertips
told me I’d made the right decision. I touched my wet fingers to his crown,
feeling its smooth, round dome as I lubricated his most sensitive area. Then I
slipped the condom on top, making sure to caress his ridge as I rolled it down
over the thick inches of him. “Damn it, Josie,” he murmured, biting that sexy
lower lip. “You’re gonna demolish me.” Then he looked at me like he was about
to mean business, and he took my hips and positioned me over him.

He let me lower myself down. This was good because, even
after he’d teased me ready and made me come so hard, and just looking at him
had me hungry to put him inside my body, I knew he was going to be a tight fit.

There’s a moment, if a skillful man knows to go slow, that
the head of his cock strains to clear the small, tight opening of the pussy. It
pushes, it wants in, and as much as the woman may want it too, her body still
doesn’t give against the desired invader, not just yet. And then—“

“You okay?” he gasped.

“Hell’s bells, yes,” I answered, my eyelids fluttering
closed as the length of him filled me. “Miles, yes. Yes,” I whispered.

I rode him slow, getting used to him. My pussy wrapped
around his cock with loving effort, my slick and lustful want for him making
that easier with every slow, sweet rise and fall on his shaft. An inch more of
him, or me aching an inch less for him, and he might’ve been just this side of
painful. He was almost too much yet I couldn’t get enough. I slid up and down
him, occasionally pausing to grind against his pelvis to feel how deep inside
me he really was.

The only thing that could improve on this was the view I
knew would be hot. I opened my eyes. Miles had his head back far, his chest
arching, and then he came back and looked at me from my eyes to my tits to his
cock disappearing inside me, and then back to connect with my eyes again. He
held my hips tight, hard, wanting to drive but letting me. “Damn, Josie, you’re
a beauty,” he said through heavy breaths. “I want to make you feel good again.”

“Not yet,” I said, putting my hands on his chest. “Remember
what you told me? Sit back, relax and enjoy the show.” I gave him a teasing
kiss, enjoying the way his mouth tried to stay with mine as I pulled away.

I sat upright on him again and moved my hips in a lazy
infinity shape, going side to side in a flat figure eight instead of up and
down so I could keep him hard longer. As I did that, my hands grazed the sides
of my body, up to my breasts. My fingers played along the outside, accentuating
their roundness, the way they hung like ripe fruit. I enjoyed the feeling and I
knew Miles would like the way I looked while touching myself. He followed my
movements with mesmerized eyes. I traced the circlets of my nipples before
pinching them lightly. Then I slowly reached down, took his hands from my hips
and brought them to my breasts. Together we pressed them to burlesque cleavage.
I’d wanted to keep riding him slow, but the feel of his hands squeezing my tits
and his cock filling my pussy made me moan his name between my clenched teeth.
And that, apparently, was all he could take.

His arms went around me like lightning, and I gasped as he
stood and lifted me up and parked my butt on the top of the seat in front of
us. It leaned down obligingly in perfect line with his hips. Miles held me
tight and started ramming his cock inside me, not withdrawing too far before he
thrust in quickly again. He was possessing me, taking me—and where he was
going, I wanted to be taken.

I wrapped my legs around him, my cowgirl boots hooking
behind his driving hips. I couldn’t be quiet. The sounds of passion got louder
and louder as he pumped harder into my pussy, my honey making each thrust
easier and deeper. Miles sucked at my neck and whispered in my ear. “Come for
me, Josie,” he urged. “I’m gonna fuck you ’til I see that beautiful come face

That was all it took. My whole body seized around him as he
pounded into me. I was caught in his riptide again, coming so hard, in so many
waves, that I almost begged him to stop, and then I felt his body go rock hard
and heard him groan my name, and he held me so tight his arms shook.

He was panting. We were panting together. He loosened his
arms and we breathed together hard, so stupefied by the power of the sex we’d
just had that we looked at each other and laughed through our gasps. The kiss
he gave me, right before he separated our bodies, was as sweet as the first.

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