Enlightened A Light Tamer Novel (The Light Tamer) (19 page)

BOOK: Enlightened A Light Tamer Novel (The Light Tamer)
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“I live there, and no, I didn’t steal the car.  It doesn’t work if your guardian is in jail for grand theft auto.  I get an allowance to take care of my needs, so I bought a car.”

I wipe my hand across the dashboard.  “Must be a
allowance to afford a car like this.  Do you have a boss?  Is there a guardian headquarters and someone sits outside waiting to see the guardian symbol in the sky, and rushes away to save the world?”

He pulls out of the driveway like a little old lady.  I wave to grandma standing at the doorway watching us leave. 
Being alone with him doesn’t bother me like I thought it would.
  My brain knows he’s off limits for various
one of them and Amber the other.

“Your grandmother is protective, she loves you a lot,” Thorne says matter-of-factly.  “You’re lucky to have her in your life.  To answer your question, yes, I do report to someone and no, I’m not Batman.”

We headed away from town, down a two lane highway I’ve never been on. 

“Hey, how was the bonfire last night?  Did Amber get wasted?” 

“I don’t think so.  The last time I saw her, she was with that Rob guy.  I went to get something out of my car,
I didn’t see her again.  I stayed another half hour or so, and went home.  Why?  Is she raging today?”

I sigh and feel something is wrong in the pit of my stomach.  “I don’t know.  I sent her a text last night, and a few more
hasn’t replied.  Do you mind if we stop over there on our way home?”

“You should try her sister first.  I’d hate for us to show up and she has used you as her alibi.”

“No doubt. 
Good idea.

“I’m smart like that.”


He turns onto a driveway paved with oyster shells.  I always think they will puncture the tires and cause a flat. 
For someone that doesn’t live around here, he sure knows his way around. 
Hmmm, does he have an internal GPS?

“Where do you live when you’re not saving Tamers in distress?” 
Maybe he lives in heaven or another planet.

“You’re quite the talker today.  My home base is in Kentucky.  Where’d you think I live?  Heaven?”  He pulls up to single wide trailer with a cornfield front yard.  “I hope you like horses.”

“You didn’t say anything about riding on a horse.  What are we going to do, joust?” 

He grabs my gym bag out of the back seat and slings it over his shoulder.  He jiggles his keys until he finds the one for the front door.  I’m still sitting in the passenger seat with my jaw hanging open. 
I can’t ride a horse.  People have always said to me.  Jessie, you’ll put an eye out with those things.  I’ve also heard, “If you ever go horseback riding, you better wear all the support you can.”  I don’t have said support with me.  I came in yoga clothes and a semi-tight t-shirt.  He doesn’t care, he’s walked into the house.  Oh Lord, please don’t let me fall.

I slam my door in
it’s wasted energy since I don’t have an audience.  I stomp on the three wooden steps to the front porch.  I give the door as loud of a knock I can muster.

Thorne opens the door looking amused.  “Are you a vampire and need an official invitation?”

“No, I’m not a vampire, there’s no such thing.  I was raised
not to randomly walk
into people’s homes.”

“You’re quirky Jessie
.  Come on, we need to go saddle the horses and get to the training area.  There’s a pair of boots, and some chaps if you’d like, in the guest room.”

I take my bag from him and follow the direction he points.  “Chaps, you’re kidding

Who’s ever heard of yoga pants and chaps, with cowboy boots no less?”

“I gave the fashion police the day off.  There are breeches if you’d rather wear them.  Size seven tall right?”

Shoot me, shoot me, shoot me. 
He knows what size I wear?
  Caleb doesn’t even know what size I wear.  Where does he get his information? 
“You suck.”

“Meet me at the
out back, and bring the box with you.”

Meet me at the

I mock silently in my head.


When someone says
and they live in a little house, I’m expecting a dilapidated shack, not a
.  The smell of horse dung and hay fill the air.  Thorne is brushing a large brown and white horse.  As I get closer, I can see he has already saddled the horse.  The leather has a beautiful pattern of roses and filigree around the edges.

“She’s a beaut isn’t she?”  Thorne says and holds out a baby carrot to the horse.  “You’re going to ride this one; she’ll be
with you.  I’m riding that one over there.”  He points to the other side of the
.  A beautiful black horse with a well-worn saddle looks up at us as if he understood what we were doing.

I’ve no idea what size horses are supposed to be, but the horse was enormous.  “What’s their names?”

“This one is Isis,
he is Thor.”

“You named your horse after yourself?”  I rolled my eyes and snickered at him.

“You don’t think much of me do you?  I didn’t name the horse, his original owner named him.”  He pulled the latch on the stall and
Isis next to me.

You’re not expecting me to get on a horse alone, while you’re on the ground do you?
die.”  Even to my own ears I sound bratty. 

let me help you.  Stop stressing about the horse; it isn’t that
of a deal.  I’ll hold my hands out,
you’re going to use your left foot to step in my hands.  You’ll swing your right leg up and over.” 
Isis makes a loud protesting noise, probably aware I’m a newbie.
  “You’ll be OK, hand me your box and I’ll carry it.”

I set my bag down with a silent prayer the horse doesn’t squash it to pieces.  I put my boot clad foot into his hands.  In his miserable attempt at being funny, his hands come apart,
he yells out “MY BACK!” I didn’t find the humor.  After two attempts, I finally get my leg over and place my feet in the stirrups.  “I still don’t understand the purpose of the horses.  No offense Isis,” I say and pat the horses mane.  “Do you mind explaining yourself?”

Thorne puts his foot in the stirrup and in one attempt he is on the horse without any problems.  “Jessie, follow my lead, and nothing will happen.  The walk to the training area is long and through the woods.   Take the reins in your right hand.  No, no, no….don’t pull back like that.”

I pull the reins, like they do in the movies.
The horse backs up and pulls her head back in protest.  Isis starts shaking her head back and forth,
I don’t know what to do.  I’m flustered,
Thorne laughs at me.

“You keep that up and Isis is going to throw you,” Thorne says seriously.

“Huh?  No, I don’t want to fall and get killed.  How do I hold the reins?”  I begrudgingly ask in the name of not being trampled to death by a horse.

After a brief lesson on how to make the horse turn and stop, I awkwardly take the reins.  The smell of pine wafted through the woods.  The old pine trees are at least forty feet tall.  When the winds pick up, the trees will sway back and forth.  You’ll hear them crack and creak and squirrels complaining out loud. 

My thighs are sweaty against the leather saddle.  I feel like a princess riding into battle, when in actuality I’m a kid with weird friends.  The only sounds are the breaking branches beneath the horse’s hooves. 

“Do you hear that?”  I ask.


I look up at the trees, and see birds perched up high.  They’re giving new meaning to the phrase,
watch them like a hawk.
“Exactly, the silence is eerie.  Do they know something I don’t?”

“They probably sense that we’re not human,” he says matter-of-factly.  “Maybe there’s a predator, and their hiding.”

What?  Something to the right of us rustles the leaves.  “Is something over there?” I point to our right.  “It isn’t a bear or anything is it?”

“No, it’s too early for a bear to be out for a stroll.  It could be a fox or a snake.  This area is known for the various species of snakes.  Let’s pick up the pace, I’d rather not have to go back through the woods after dark.”  He maneuvered Thor in front of me and Isis followed his lead.


.  Your Highness



We enter a clearing, or an area clearer than the rest of the woods.  Downed trees had been pushed to the side in a big L with a
in the middle.  Thorne gracefully dismounts Thor and ties both horses to a small tree. 

“Come on little lady, let’s make you into a warrior.  Put one hand on the horn and another on the lip of the saddle.  Drape yourself over the side, I’ll catch you.”

Isis pulls her head back and bared her teeth.  Horse teeth are scary looking.  They’re massiv
and strangely straight and in desperate need of cleaning.  I turn and slide down her side, Thorne grabs me by the waist and lowers me the rest of the way down.  His body against my back and hands on my waist give me the strangest realization.  I felt nothing, absolutely nothing.  No chills, no vibrations, no giddy boy touches girl reaction.  I mentally sigh with relief. 
He’s easy on the eyes, yet he doesn’t hold a candle to my feelings for Caleb.

“Are you okay? 
Was the horse ride terrible?”
  He asks with a hint of concern in his voice.  He spins me around to face him, his grey eyes searching mine for an answer.

I burst out laughing and playfully pushed him away.  “I’m
.  Surprisingly, I enjoyed the ride.  You see movies with couples riding a horse on the beach, I bet that’s fun.  Not saying
as in romantic, unless I’m with Caleb and that’s a different story,” I ramble.

“We’re not a couple?”

Awkward moment seventy-two.  “No, of course not.”

“I’m kidding!  Stop being so freaky.  I’m your guardian, nothing more.  Take a few steps, I want to see you walk.”

“Okaaaaay, that’s weird.” 
My first few steps are like I have Jell-O for legs, I can’t seem to walk without them a foot apart.
  “Holy cow, what the heck?  This isn’t going to last forever
is it
?  I’ll have a tough time explaining this walk to Caleb, and possibly Amber.” 
I did not just say that! 
I didn’t mean to imply it was sex related…he’s probably thinking I’m a perv.

Thor lifts his tail and cuts the loudest fart of any horse, anywhere in the world.  I scream and run away to the other side of the clearing, laughing so hard I bend over to catch my breath.  Thankfully the horse saved me from moment seventy-three.

“You’re easily amused by body functions.  Come on, we need to start.” 

“I know, I know.  I’m sorry, I’ve never been around a thousand pound animal fart before.  It was  HORRIBLE!  I’m
me oh mighty guardian.”

He crosses his arms and holds his mouth in a straight line.  He slowly walks around me in a circle, stopping every other moment to make a verbal noise. 

“Why are you inspecting me like my dad picks a steak?
  If you begin to tell
me I
’m fat, I’ll punch you in the throat.”  I smack his arm as he pretends to make a second go around.  “Stop!”  My voice cracks as I spoke.

Thorne raises his eyebrow.  “You have such a short fuse. 
Do I make you nervous?
  Do you get the feeling you’re being watched?  Are your palms sweaty, and your heart racing a million beats a minute?  If you’re experiencing any of the aforementioned symptoms, you could be suffering from paranoia.”  The line of his lips starts to twitch as he holds
a smile.

“Yup, that’s

He uncrossed his arms, and runs his hand through his hair.
  “You should be.  You’re still thinking like a human girl without a care in the world. 
If this summer hasn’t proven to you the extent of the danger you’re in, nothing will.
You still go to McDonald’s, and the so-called mall, you never look around to see if you were followed.  Maybe they haven’t found you, and maybe they won’t. 
It isn’t like New Bern is the tourist Mecca of the world.
  In a split second, your world can change.  You can lose everything, including your light to the wrong person.  Caleb is right to be overly protective of you.  Sadly, you’re easily distracted.”

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