Entangled: Sequel to Awakened (2 page)

BOOK: Entangled: Sequel to Awakened
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“She will be mine,” he promised himself.”

“What a rude, arrogant man,” Aline huffed. 
Maybe but, he’s also drop dead gorgeous. I could get lost in his smoky grey eyes. His glossy black hair could rival mine in the shine department and the stubble on his jaw makes him look so sexy and mysterious. Get over it girl, you’ll probably never see him again.

Six more months and she could go home. She couldn’t wait. She missed both her fathers desperately and wanted so badly to be back home with them. She missed sitting around in her sweats, munching on popcorn and watching a movie while snuggling into one then the other. She even missed them forcing her into a daily gym routine, something she was definitely not fond of.

She pushed the door open to the classroom where her Contract Law class was held. It was her final unit before she graduated. Looking up, she spotted Callie who waved at her. She was seated in the top row. They hated sitting at the bottom. It seemed the lecturers always targeted the students who sat there.

Mr. Franklin, their course advisor entered the room. Aline wondered what was going on. Where was Miss Fairchild?

He stood behind the desk and addressed the class. “Class, during the break, Miss Fairchild made the decision to take up a position with a University closer to her home. We are pleased to have Mr. Xavier Pierce, Corporate Lawyer and CEO of Pierce Construction and Development, to instruct you for the next six months.”

Xavier strode into the room. An aura of confidence surrounded him as he stepped behind the desk.

Aline slid down in her seat. “Please don’t let him see me.”

“What’s wrong?” Callie asked.

“Long story. I’ll tell you after class.”

“Good morning, class,” he began.

Aline’s stomach clenched at the sound of his deep rumbling voice.

“My name is Xavier Pierce. Please call me Xavier. St. Thomas University is my Alumni and Mr. Franklin was also my advisor.” He smiled at the short, plump man who stood beside him. “I was flattered to receive a phone call asking me to lecture as a temporary fill in. I have extremely competent staff so was able to get away from my company in Dalton. I relish the challenge of being able to teach you Corporate Law. Make no mistake, I am a tough taskmaster. I give, and expect, the best.”

“Oh my goodness. I’ve heard about him,” Callie whispered. “He’s mega rich and owns the company that builds all those swish shopping centers. I had no idea he was so young, not to mention yummy”

“Shush, he’ll hear you,” Aline growled softly.

The pause in their new lecturer’s address gave Mr. Franklin the chance to excuse himself and they were left alone with Xavier, an extremely imposing man.

“Hopefully I will get to know each of you. If there is anything you don’t understand, please ask questions.”

Aline sank lower in her seat. How the hell was she going to avoid him?

After removing his perfectly tailored jacket and loosening his tie, Xavier scanned the room taking note of his students. His hands fisted on his slim hips.

“I bet he has a nice tight set of buns.”

“Aline!” Callie exclaimed. It wasn’t like her innocent friend to make comments like that.

Shit, I said that out loud.
“Ssshh.” Aline licked her lips as she studied Mr. Xavier Pierce from her position of vantage. She pictured the muscles that were being confined under protest by his crisp, white shirt. Being around gyms all her life had given her a good eye for a man’s body regardless of whether they were covered or not. She let out a loud sigh.

“Am I boring you, miss?” Xavier’s eyes locked on hers. A smirk curled his lips.

Aline wanted to sink through the floor as all eyes turned to her.

“Aline,” she answered his question. “Aline Bennett-Miller, Sir,” she whispered.

“Sorry?” he asked.

Aline repeated her name in a slightly louder voice. She thought of herself as a confident woman but she hated being singled out, having attention drawn to her.

“Well, Miss Miller, it seems you are very quietly spoken unless you barrel into someone because you aren’t watching where you are going. If I recall correctly, your voice was rather loud then.”

“Aline?” Callie whispered.

“Later.” Aline felt her face heat with embarrassment as her classmates eyed her curiously.

“Nothing to say, Miss Miller.”

Aline wanted to slap the smug look from his face. “It’s Bennett-Miller,” she snapped.

“It’s obvious with your quiet voice that you need to be at the front of the room. I’m sure you’ll have questions and you won’t be heard if you continue to sit up there. I pride myself on having excellent hearing but even I have my limits. Please make your way down and repeat what you said.”

Aline was mortified with the unwanted attention but she gathered her books and stomped to the steps.

She glanced back at Callie who had a confused expression on her face. This glance caused her to miss the first step and she felt herself falling.

She screamed as she tripped. Books flew from her hands and she heard the loud crack in her leg before she landed flat on her face. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” she cried.

If her leg hadn’t been so twisted and painful, she would have picked herself up and fled from the room. Then, she would have finished her degree elsewhere. Somewhere far away from Mr. Xavier Pierce. The pain when she attempted to move caused her to grab at her leg and burst into tears.

Xavier’s heart rose into his throat as he watched Aline falling. He moved with lightning speed but wasn’t fast enough to prevent her accident.

He dropped to his knees beside the sobbing girl but didn’t dare move her. Her classmates gathered around but Xavier urged them to stay back.

“Move back, give her space, please.”

Callie rushed to her side and gathered her hand. “Aline, are you okay?”

Xavier raised his eyebrows. He wasn’t used to being disobeyed.

“We’re best friends,” Callie explained.

Xavier nodded and allowed her to stay comforting Aline. “Miss Miller, where are you hurt?” he asked.

Aline turned her tear soaked face toward him. “My leg and its BENNETT-MILLER!” she shouted.

“Xavier,” Callie pointed to Aline’s right leg and he noted the strange angle at which it lay.

“Do you have a phone?” he asked Callie.

She nodded.

“Call an ambulance.”

“I don’t need a damn ambulance. Give me a minute and I’ll be fine,” Aline insisted.

“Sweetheart, with your leg at that angle, it is definitely broken. You need to go to hospital,” Xavier insisted. “Don’t move or you will cause more damage.”

“It hurts being like this,” she sobbed. She was half on one step and half on another with her curvy little ass stuck up in the air.

“I know but we can’t let you move.”

“The ambulance is on its way. Do you want me to call your dad or daddy?” Callie asked as she reclaimed her friends’ hand.

“Either one. They’ll both freak and catch the next plane out here.”

Why on earth would this girl want to call her daddy when she’s not the one who is hurt?
Xavier was puzzled.

“Can I please have some water?” Aline asked Xavier.

Before Xavier could answer, the doors of the classroom crashed open. Two men dressed as Paramedics pushed a gurney inside. One lifted a bag onto his shoulder and they both made their way up to their patient.

Xavier and Callie stepped back, the men dropped to their knees and one opened the bag revealing all kinds of medical paraphernalia.

“Miss, my name is Mark. Can you tell me where you’re hurt?”

“Hi, I’m Aline. My right leg hurts like a bitch.”

Xavier held back a chuckle that threatened to bubble out.

The men inspected Aline’s injury and frowned at each other.

“Aline, your leg appears to be quite badly broken. We need to get you to the hospital.”

“First, we need to get you down from here and onto the gurney. I’m Jeff by the way.” He handed Aline a plastic inhaler type device.

“What’s this?” she asked as she took it.

“Suck on it and it will help you with the pain.” You’ll need it when we move you.” Jeff answered.

“Please don’t hurt my leg any more.” Aline begged.

“Sorry, honey. We’ll do our best but it’s going to hurt like hell.” Mark said.

Xavier felt gutted with Aline’s begging. He hated that she was going to be hurt more than she already had been. “I’ll carry her down,” he offered.

The Paramedics looked him over. The man was a goddamn mountain and more than capable of lifting their patient. “Okay. It will be easier on her if just one person lifts her. We’ll need to get her into a sitting position and then I’ll support her leg while we take her to the gurney,” Jeff said.

“Okay. Just tell me what you need,” Xavier said.

Callie stepped back and the Paramedics lifted Aline so she was seated. She let out a blood curdling scream thanks to the excruciating pain and promptly passed out. Her body became limp leaving the Paramedics to support her.

“You can lift her now and I’ll support her leg,” Jeff instructed.

Xavier scooped her into his arms and while Jeff held her broken, misaligned leg, they descended the steps. He loved the feel of her soft curves against his body. His dick twitched with interest.
For God’s sake, not now.

He set her onto the gurney as gently as possible. She hadn’t stirred which he thought was probably for the best. He’d hated seeing her in such agony.

Xavier and Callie watched as the Paramedics secured her leg and strapped her down safely. They were ready to leave.

“Where are you taking her?” Callie asked.

“Hunter Mercy,” Jeff said.

“I’ll get my car, call her fathers and go and wait at the hospital,” Callie informed Xavier. She said goodbye and left the room.

Xavier watched as the Paramedics wheeled Aline away and headed for Mr. Franklin’s office to give a report.

Fathers! What the hell did Callie mean by that?

Chapter Two

Xavier knocked on Doug Franklin’s office door and waited for his acknowledgement before entering.

Doug glanced up from the computer screen he’d been studying.

“Xavier.” He indicated for him to take a seat. “I heard there’s been a problem with one of your students.”

“Yes. Aline Bennett-Miller had a fall in the lecture room and has broken her leg. The ambulance has just left to take her to Mercy. I dismissed the rest of the class for today.”


“It looked bad to me. It was lying at a very odd angle but, I’m no doctor.”

“Has someone called her fathers?”

Again with the fathers.
“Fathers, as in more than one?”

“Yes. Two fathers. She calls them dad and daddy.”

Ah, now I understand.

Doug continued. “Her mother died giving birth to her and so her fathers have raised her. They own the ‘Muscles’ network of gyms. Outright, not franchised. Really nice men and they worship the ground Aline walks on. They will be most upset.”

“Her friend Callie said she would call them on her way to the hospital.”

“Good.” Doug paused. “Corporate Law was her final unit for her degree. She’ll be devastated that she has to defer. Aline hates being away from home which is why she took on extra units to fast track her degree. She was looking forward to returning home. She adores her fathers and has missed them terribly.”

“Is there anything I can do to help? What sort of student is she?” Xavier wanted to help in any way he could. He blamed himself for her fall. If he hadn’t insisted she move down, it wouldn’t have happened. He had to admit to himself, the only reason he wanted her at the front was so he could drink her in while she worked. The woman fascinated him. Her touch had sent sparks careening through his body, something no other woman’s touch had ever done.

“She was fast tracked through the course which is why it has only taken her three years so far. She has had numerous perfect or near perfect scores and will be Valedictorian. She has a brilliant mind and will make an exceptional Lawyer. Now, tell me?”

“Tell you what?”

“Something about this accident is bothering you. I can see it in your face.”

“I insisted she move to the front of the room because I could barely hear the answers to my questions. If I hadn’t, she wouldn’t have fallen. It’s my fault.”

“Codswhallop. It could have happened to any student at any time. It was an unfortunate accident.”

“Maybe, but I feel responsible. I want to help her.”

Doug’s eyes narrowed and his brows dipped as he studied Xavier’s face. “Am I missing something?”

Xavier felt his face heat up. “No. I just feel guilty.”

“Hmmm, I believe there is more to it but I will let it go for now. Can I ask you to liaise with the hospital on behalf of the University? When Linc and Alistair arrive, and they will, we’ll figure out a way to help her graduate with the rest of her class.”

“I’m sure we’ll think of a way. I’ll head to the hospital now. I feel terrible about what happened and I can take the opportunity to apologize to her parents.”

“Their names are Lincoln Bennett, known as Linc, and Alistair Miller. Introduce yourself when they arrive and apologize on behalf of the University. I’ll go and see Dean Thomson and tell him what’s happened.

“I’ll give you a call when I have some information.”

“Very good. I’ll wait to hear from you.”

Xavier and Doug stood, left the office and headed in different directions.


smart. Potent combination. Unlike some of those air heads you usually attend charity functions with. You could do with someone with her intelligence to challenge you. Not to mention what you could do with her in bed.
He sighed. What on earth was wrong with him? He had never in his whole life wanted a woman as desperately as he wanted Aline.
For heavens’ sake, you’ve only just met her. Get a grip. Your body and mind must be playing tricks on you.

He clicked the device in his hand and the door of his Mercedes unlocked. He slipped in behind the wheel and left the University campus. Peak hour was finished and traffic was much lighter, thank goodness. He arrived at the hospital and parked ten minutes later.

He asked directions from staff as to Aline’s whereabouts and found Callie in the surgery waiting room. She had a book in her hand and appeared to be studying.

He cleared his throat as he entered so as not to alarm her.

She glanced up, bookmarked her place and closed her book. “Mr. Pierce,” she acknowledged.

He took the vacant seat beside her. “Call me Xavier, please. Any news?”

“No. The doctor said the break was bad and she needed surgery. He said she’ll be in a cast for eight to ten weeks. She’ll miss too many classes to graduate and I know it will devastate her. I’m worried she’ll walk away without finishing.”

“She gives up that easily?”

“Not usually. She’s normally very determined but she misses home, and Bradley, desperately. Being here has been hard for her.”

Xavier felt as though he’d been sucker punched. “Bradley?”

“She grew up with him and they’re very close. They have done everything together and since Aline and I met they include me. He’s really gorgeous.”

“He’s her boyfriend?”
Please say no.

“God, no. More like a brother/sister relationship. Bradley would like more but Aline has made it crystal clear she has no romantic feelings for him or anyone else. She spends all her time with her head in a book. She rarely socializes or parties.”

Xavier felt elated with this news but, why?
Because you want Miss Bennett-Miller for yourself and you
get what you want.
“She sounds boring which is a shame. She is so young.”

“She’s just turned twenty-one and she’s far from boring. I’m sorry if I’ve given you the wrong impression. Aline is beautiful inside and out. She has more compassion and loyalty than anyone I have ever met. When we’re at home in Dalton, we have the best time at movies, fairs, baseball, parties or watching television. She has a great sense of humor. Here, it’s all about her degree. She has a brilliant mind and wants to make her mark in Corporate Law. Her godfather’s who she calls Uncle, own a law firm in Dalton but they focus on Criminal Law which is my interest. They offered us both a position after we graduate. I accepted.”

“Aline didn’t?”

“No. She was grateful but she wants to find a position in Corporate Law.”

Xavier thought for a moment. “I could use a good Corporate Lawyer. I might be able to organize something for her.”
Who are you kidding? Of course you’ll find something for her. Keep her close.

“That would be great. Aline would be so excited and I promise you, she would give you her all.”

Oh yes, she will.

Callie’s face darkened. “Is it in Dalton? She won’t accept if it isn’t. She won’t leave her parents.”

“Yes, it is. My Head Office is in Dalton and where my largest Law Department is. She must love her parents very much.”

“Yes, she adores them. When Aline loves you it is unconditional and total. Bradley and I both know that. We have done some stupid things in the past but her love for us has never wavered. She is passionate about her family, her close friends and the law.”

to have this woman. She sounds like everything I’ve been looking for.
Xavier’s cock twitched and pushed against the zipper of his pants at the thought of having her in his bed. He wanted to be the recipient of some of that passion.

Callie’s voice interrupted his carnal thoughts. “I got the feeling Aline had met you before class today. Do you two know each other from somewhere?”

Xavier chuckled. “We
into each other on campus just before class. Aline was reading and not watching where she was going. She seemed engrossed in her book and despite my moving out of her path on a couple of occasions, she seemed hell bent on colliding with me, and did. The impact with my chest sat her on her behind. I must say she was not happy about it and proceeded to rail at me for getting in

Callie laughed. “Sounds like Aline. She’s always bumping into someone. I have told her not to read when she’s walking but she takes no notice.”

“She became rather angry with me I’m afraid.”

“Explains why she slid down in her seat when you walked into class. She said she would tell me about it after our lecture. She was terribly embarrassed if that’s any consolation.”

“You seem to be a very good friend of hers.”

“I love her like a sister.”

“Did you grow up with her?”

“No, we come from different areas of Dalton. My family are nowhere near as wealthy as Aline’s although money doesn’t make a scrap of difference to her. She treats everyone with the same respect. We met here three years ago and we were both fast tracked for our degrees.”

Their conversation was interrupted by a doctor in a white coat pushing through the doors into the waiting room. He had come from the Theatre area. “Are you relatives of Miss Bennett-Miller?”

Xavier stood and moved to the doctor with his arm extended. “I’m Xavier Pierce, a representative of the university where the accident happened. Callie is her best friend.” He indicated Callie as the doctor shook his hand.

“Dr. Pete Monroe. I’m the Orthopedic Specialist who operated on Miss Bennett-Miller’s leg. I can’t give you a lot of information but I can tell you we have repaired the break by pinning the bone and applied a cast. She can go home in a couple of days. She’ll need a wheelchair until she’s confident on crutches.”

“I’ll make the arrangements for a chair,” Xavier said.

“Can I see her, please?” Callie asked.

“As soon as she goes up to the ward you can visit with her. I’m afraid it’s family only while she’s in recovery.”

The doors Xavier had entered through crashed open and two large, very irate looking men rushed into the waiting room.

Xavier examined their appearance. One man was taller than the other, close to his own six feet six inches. He had fair hair with streaks of grey and crystal clear blue eyes. The other was only a couple of inches shorter. He had dark hair, also streaked with grey and striking emerald green eyes. Both men appeared to be in their fifties and despite a few small wrinkles, they were extremely handsome. He could understand where Aline’s beauty had come from but wondered who her biological father was. She seemed to have some of both men’s features. They were both slim but their polo shirts stretched over muscled chests and biceps bulged from beneath the short sleeves. They were a testament to their Gym ownership.

They had their eyes locked on Callie.

“Where is she, Callie?” the fair one demanded to know.

“She just came out of surgery.” Callie indicated the doctor. “This is her doctor. Dr. Pete Malone. He was speaking with us when you came in.”

Linc and Alistair moved to the doctor and shook hands. “We’re Aline’s parents. I’m Linc Bennett and this is my partner, Alistair Miller. Where is she? How is she?” Linc asked.

Xavier noticed their clasped hands as they gripped each other for support. Now he understood.

The doctor explained Aline’s break in detail, the surgery and what would be needed. “When the cast is removed she will need Physiotherapy to help her to walk properly and without a limp.”

“Please, can we see her?” Alistair asked.

“She’s in recovery. I’ll ask one of the nurses to come and get you as soon as she’s awake. If you have any further concerns ask the nurse to send for me. I’ll see her later tonight.” The doctor excused himself and disappeared through the door which had a sign –
THEATRE No Unauthorised Entry
– above.

Xavier stepped forward and introduced himself to Aline’s fathers. “I’m Xavier Pierce. I was the lecturer in charge when Aline had her fall. I’m very sorry it happened.”

Linc and Alistair shook the young man’s hand. They took note of him as they introduced themselves.

“How did it happen? What caused the fall?” Linc asked.

“Please, have a seat and I’ll explain,” Xavier said.

Linc and Alistair sat next to one another, their arms wrapped around each other’s waists.

Xavier sat opposite, next to Callie. He clasped his hands together and leaned towards the two men. His elbows rested on his thighs. “I’m afraid it was my fault.”

Linc sprang to his feet, his hands fisted. His face turned beet red with obvious anger. “You harmed our daughter!” he bellowed.

Xavier sat back in his seat and raised his arms in surrender. Although well matched in height, Linc was even more muscular than him and he had no desire to end up pummeled beyond recognition. He was grateful when Alistair spoke calmly.

“Linc, sit down and let the man explain before you beat the shit out of him. I’m sure there’s a reason why he
it might be his fault.” Alistair pulled at the waist of Linc’s pants and he reluctantly sat.

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