Entice (22 page)

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Authors: S.E. Hall

BOOK: Entice
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“So smart.” She reaches up on her toes, her short legs begging me to bend to her, which I do, gathering her delicious kiss. “K, I’m gonna get out there. Later, babe.” She finger waves, walking away.

I’m burning those fucking shorts. Right after she wears them for just me one more time.

“Hey!” I yell at Dane, chuckling at the relief that washes over his face when he sees me. “I’m trading you out with Kasey. Shel’s maxing and coming in to bounce with ya. Cool?” He nods, removing a female customer’s hand from his arm and shooting her an annoyed look.

About twenty minutes later, I finally have everyone situated in the most efficient scenario, so I head up to the DJ booth. The crowd’s thinned some, probably cause of this shitty music, but I’m not opening the door again right away; a breather’s nice.

From this high perch I can see the whole club. I find and track my girl below, easily found in a sea of women, shining with a light none of the hoard could pray to possess. Damn, she’s quick; no wonder the weight I keep expecting to embrace isn’t quite coming…that butterfly can’t be caught, flitting around faster than any waitress we’ve ever had.

It takes but a minute to zero in on the table demanding the most of her attention; four guys and one girl, the dick munch in the plaid, yes, plaid, shirt the one who wants her. My fists clench, but I hesitate, watching it play out. Something tells me Miss Emmett is perfectly capable of taking care of herself, and my gut tells me it may just be very important for her to prove that to herself whenever the chance presents itself.

She takes their orders and moves away hastily, checking on three other tables in her path to the bar. When she delivers their drinks, she passes them out from the far side of the table from AssHat, never looking at him. The fucker’s mouth moves and then Emmett’s head flies up, eyes glaring at him. I watch proudly as she lays into him, one hand on her popped out hip, the other holding up one finger and shaking it at him, a sure tell. She talks a mile a minute, then takes that one shaking finger and gives him smartass duck lips as she flicks it to point right at me.

Hey, fucker. I wave and watch his eyes bulge. Emmett covers her mouth, I assume laughing at his dumb ass, and looks up at me.

“Come ‘ere,” I mouth, crooking my finger at her.

In the sexiest saunter possible, she makes her way to me, climbing the steps to the raised platform, shutting the door behind her.

“What’d he say?” I snarl.

“The last thing was, ‘oh shit, sorry.’” She giggles. “You look big even way up here.”

I swivel my chair, turn fully forward, and jut out one thigh, patting it. “I think you earned a break.”

The zing in the air can’t be mistaken and she feels it too, her eyes growing hungry. She swallows hard before she climbs on my lap, her back to my chest. I spin us back to the front now, looking down and out at the whole club. “Flip the green button,” I whisper in her ear, reaching up the back of her shirt and unhooking her bra. “Now the yellow one.”

“Sawyer, wh-what are you doing?”

“What do you think I’m doing? Want you.”

The club lights are low now, the floor runners providing the only glow. I curl my arms around her waist and pull the bow on her shorts loose. “Any special requests?” I ask, pushing her shorts and panties down, which she automatically helps me with, hoisting herself up.

“Hmm?” she hums in question, letting her head fall back to rest on my shoulder.

“You wanna pick a song?” I clasp her hand and move it to the mouse, spreading her fingers by lacing mine own over and through them. “On the screen, love,” I say, focusing her attention. “Anything you want to be fucked to?”

She gasps, looking back at me. “Here?”

I nod. “Here.”

“Sawyer, I don’t know,” she chews her bottom lip nervously and glances frantically in every direction.

“You do know,” I nibble on her neck, up to her ear. “You know you want it too, right here, right now.”

Without another word, lust and determination both glazing over her eyes, baby girl stands to lean on the ledge, searching out her jam while I flick open each button of my fly. “Motivation” starts to play as she sways her naked ass to and fro, right in front of me. Fuck, it’s sexy. I could watch her do that all night, if not for the insistence of my throbbing, rock hard dick. I rip down my jeans and briefs, then pull back on her hips. “Come ‘ere and sit on this.” The demand thunders from my throat, but she has plans of her own.

She twirls around and lifts one leg, pushing my chair back with her foot. Dropping down to her knees in the space between me and the desk, her angelic face tips up to me. “You ever had a blow job in the booth?”

I shake my head no slowly. “But I’m about to.” I wink and grin at her. “You’re gonna suck it for me, aren’t ya?”

“Yes,” she breathes, head bowing to lick me from root to tip.

I cry out when she sticks the pointed end of her tongue into the hole in my dick—never had it like that—love it. “Good girl.” I fist her long, dark hair. “Suck me deep, baby, run that tongue up and down that big vein.”

Oh, she heard me, doing exactly what I asked.

“Now grab my balls, Em, hard,” I direct, that small hand complying immediately. “You’re such a good fucking girl.” I push her head down, testing her limits.

She resets herself higher up on her knees and bears down, moaning and slurping as she eats my dick like she’s starving, rolling my balls as my cock seeks her fucking tonsils.

It feels so goddamn good, but I’m not ready to come, so I reach under her shoulders as Somo starts singing for her to “Ride.” I’m a fool for ending the euphoria, but her pussy’s even better. “Enough. Get up here, baby. I wanna come in you.”

I wrap one hand around the base of my throbbing cock and with the other twirl one finger, “turn around.” Emmy likes the sound of that, teeth tugging on her bottom lip, but still looking around hesitantly at the outline of bodies entwining in dance below, knowing they might be able to see us. I see the resolve, then hunger, move back into her eyes before she spins around seductively. Her body searches for me as I guide myself into my reverse cowgirl, the sound of her sweet whimper louder to my ears than the music.

Goddamn, she may be the clumsiest stripper on the stage, but Shorty can lap dance like a champ, her body curling from head to ass in one fluid movement, the hard snap of her hips jerking my dick inside her to the beat of the song. She fucks gracefully, cupping her own large breasts under her shirt as she seductively dances on top of me, up and down my pulsing length, swirling, moaning, panting for both of us.

“How many, songs, uh, you give me?” I pant, trying to still her gyrations before I explode as her hot, slippery and ready, but still devilishly tight, body sucks me in further.

She turns her head, peering at me over her shoulder. “One more.”

I run my hands down the tops of her thighs. “Fuck me good, Em, right in front of them.”

She bows her back on another soft whimper and grabs my thighs, so I go up the front of her shirt, under the loose bra, squeezing her full tits for her. “The-they can’t,” she stutters as I sink my teeth in her shoulder, “really see us, right, babe?”

They can’t see us; no one gets to look at my Emmett with her head thrown back, licking her lips as she comes. But the fear, mixed with temptation, of an audience is turning my girl on something fierce, taking her wantonness to a whole new level. And knowing she wants me so bad that spectators be damned, she has to have me inside her right now makes me want to howl and beat my chest with every punishing thrust into her hot, weeping for me pussy.

“Don’t. Give. A. Fuck. Show ‘em how I like it. You do know how I like it, don’t you, baby?” I lick the shell of her ear and suck on the lobe, causing her to clench her inner muscles around me.

“Mhm…” She grabs one of my hands and drags it down her damp skin to her pussy. “Play with me, Sawyer, make me come.”

I tease her, spreading my fingers into an inverted V and running them up and down the outside of her pussy lips as my dick punches through, getting work done in the middle. “Kiss me, now,” I growl, flicking her clit once.

She grabs around my neck and smashes our mouths together, sucking my tongue into her own crazed mouth, so I reward her with my rough thumb, the exact thing she craves, crushing down on her clit. She whines for me, loud breaths coming from her nose as she rolls her hips back and down, faster than before.

I feel her coming, every muscle in her already snug core grabbing onto me, screaming in a pulsing mantra that I come with her. After she’s finished that one, I break from her mouth and push on her lower back. “Lean forward, baby.” I run my hand all the way up her spine, applying pressure ‘til she’s bent, ass up, over the ledge for me. I cover her hands, desperately clinging to the table with my own. “Brace yourself.”

Pulling almost all the way out and watching my shiny, slathered dick come back out, I warn her one last time. “Push back, babe,” I groan before pounding all the way back into her like there’s not a floor of people dancing right under us, that we’re the only two people here or anywhere. Her sweet pussy…I can’t get enough, never enough. “Fucking,” thrust, “take,” pound, “me.” I pull her ass up higher, at the perfect angle, driving down and in to hit the spot I know makes her soar the highest.

“A-again!” she cries, her own hand working her clit so I let go of one of her hips and join her. A flash of pink, then blue, shines in my eyes; she must have hit the button to the strobe light with one of those hands she’s slamming against the tabletop as she commands me. “Don’t care, don’t stop.” She pushes back, countering my movements, our bodies banging together as the array of electric lights flash over and around us now. “Sawyer, ah, babe!” she cries.

“One more, baby, then I gotta fucking fill you.” I manipulate our entwined fingers now, feverishly flicking and taunting her clit. I feel her tighten, then relax, as she lubes me up like only she can, and I empty myself inside her, thrusting slowly long after I’m drained. I lift the back of her shirt and lick up her spine to taste her sweet sweat. “Love you, Em.”

“Love you too,” she pants, letting her head fall forward.


Chapter 21

Doctor Crashers


ice to see you, Emmett, how are you feeling?”

Dr. Greer is wonderful. She has a monotone, soothing voice and a neutral face no matter what you say or ask. Some women might find her sterile or cold, but for me? For me she’s the perfect doctor.

“A lot better, actually. I’m not as tired and sluggish all the time and my appetite’s back. It was like one day I woke up and was finally over the flu.”

“Yes, this middle trimester is usually the part women choose to remember, thus multiple births. You’re no longer sick, and not yet large, so enjoy these next few months.”

I nod, instinctively looking over my shoulder; for the hundredth time in the last hour.

“Are we waiting on Mr. Beckett?”

“Oh, no,” I falter, caught. “He had an exam, so he said he’d try, but,” I suck in a deep breath, showing these damn hormone-driven emotions who’s boss, “it’s fine, we don’t have to wait.”

“Okay, well unless you have any concerns, a vaginal exam isn’t necessary today. Your vitals are excellent, urinalysis normal.” She talks with her head down, looking at my chart. “Oh. Oh my.”

“What is it?”

“It says here that Mr. Beckett called in with some—” She titters, covering her mouth. “Sorry, excuse me, with some questions. Shall we go over them?”

When she finally raises her head, making eye contact, the humored twinkle where I’m used to stoic professionalism tells me I do not want to hear this.

I cover my face with both hands and brace myself for the oncoming conversation. “All right, let’s do it,” I mumble through my fingers.


“What in the world?” Dr. Greer moves quickly to stand and open the door, sticking her head out in the hall. “Mr. Beckett? She’s in here.”

An out of breath Sawyer comes barreling through the door, apologizing as he practically mows over the poor doctor. “Hey, Shorty, what’d I miss?” He comes to my side and kisses me, like everything that just transpired is completely normal and no one noticed he’s a lunatic.

“H-hi? What, why?” I’m flabbergasted, shaking my head and starting over. “Why didn’t you ask the receptionist to show you back instead of yelling your way down the hall?”

“Excellent question, Emmett,” Dr. Greer says from behind him, her toe tapping on the floor a loud, punishing sound in the tiny room.

“She was on the phone and all holding up her one minute finger at me. And shit, babe, I didn’t want to miss anything more than I had to. I’m sorry,” he turns his head to address Dr. Greer, “but your desk chick wants me, so she was stalling, trying to keep me from my woman.”

“My desk chick wants you.” She crosses her arms over her chest, repeating him, not asking him. Of course he answers her anyway.

“Yup, she undressed me with her eyes like five times while I waited. Then she eye sucked me before I—”

“I’ve got it.” She holds up her hand, cutting him off. “You certainly are a handful, aren’t you?”

“Actually, I’m—”

“Sawyer!” I stop him, shrieking in sheer mortification.

“Sorry,” he mumbles to us both, pouting for 1.1 seconds before winking at me and stealing another kiss. “So,” he claps his hands and rubs them together, “where were we?”

“We were about to go over the questions you phoned in,” I grit out.

“Oh good.” He faces Dr. Greer matter-of-factly. “I have a few concerns.”

“Oh, I read,” she answers with a lilting laugh, her usually stoic face betraying an almost entertained smile.

Holy crap, he’s done it! He’s cracked her shell—she can’t wipe the tickled look off her face.

“Let’s see, number one,” she clears her throat, “should I be worried about going too far in and hurting her? Should I hold back an inch or two? I don’t want to poke the baby.”

“You actually called up here and asked that?” I hiss, a hinting sob of embarrassment intermingled with my question.

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