Enticing Their Mate (8 page)

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Authors: Vella Day

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Military, #Paranormal, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Paranormal Menage (MFM), #Paranormal Werewolf Romance, #Paranormal Erotica

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Within seconds, she was naked except for her bra. He licked his lips, hoping he wasn’t drooling. “You look amazing.”

Sarah dragged her palms down his chest and then latched onto his dick. “I think you take that award.”

The tightening of her fingers nearly stopped his heart. He stepped back and bumped into the door. Damn. He needed more than a few square feet of space to do her justice, but he’d manage. The urge to lick every inch of her body was driving him crazy, but there wasn’t time. His dick was demanding immediate satisfaction.

“I can’t wait. I want you too much,” he said then bent over for one pluck of her nipple.

Her groan nearly did him in. “Ri-ley.”

That did it. The animal in him lost it. Grabbing Sarah’s ass, he lifted her up. “Wrap your legs around my waist and hold on tight, baby.”

The moment her sweet pussy pressed against his hard shaft, he nearly shifted—something that had never happened before when he was with a woman.

He wanted his lips on hers, his fingers on her hardened nipples, and his cock deep inside her. In one step, he pressed her back against the wall in order to free up a hand. When he kissed her, he threaded a hand through her silky hair, and the texture and scent almost undid him. Throwing caution to the wind, he lifted her enough to place his dick at her wet entrance. “Oh, shit. I forgot the condom.”

“I’m on the pill. I have to be around here.”

“You’re good, then?”

She clutched his shoulders and sank down on his dick. He’d take that as a yes. The warmth surrounding him overwhelmed him, and something inside him snapped. He wouldn’t say he saw a tunnel with a white light at the end, but it was close to that, and he feared it would become addicting.

Sarah stretched out her arms, allowing him to admire the full scope of her round tits. It was like being in the proverbial candy store, and he pounced. Sucking on one nipple, he withdrew his cock then drove right back in, loving her tight, wet pussy. It was as if her body had been built with his dick in mind.

He licked, plucked, and tugged on each tip as he plunged into the tight channel. Her moans, groans, and wiggles were eating away at his ability to keep from climaxing. Sarah tightened her hold on his upper arms and sat up straighter. Digging her heels into his thighs, she joined him in their lovemaking.

“I want it faster,” she said as she lowered her head to his shoulder.

Riley held on and drove into her over and over again. When her inner walls squeezed his cock, he lost it. With super human effort, he swallowed his howl and let loose his release which seemed to prompt Sarah to let go, too. She bit down on his shoulder, but it wasn’t hard enough to break the skin. Her high squeak was clearly an attempt to keep quiet.

As much as he wanted to hold her, their time had run out. When he stepped away from the wall, she lowered her legs. His cock glistened and he looked around for something to clean them up. Sarah must have read his mind because she grabbed a moist wipe from the shelf.

He wanted to thank her and explain that this had to be a one-time occurrence, but the words wouldn’t form. Acting as if someone was pounding on the door, they rushed to dress.

She looked up at him. “What if someone asks what you were doing in here with me?”

“Tell them the truth—that we were working on altering reality.”

She tilted her head. “I can’t say that.”

“Then say you couldn’t reach something from the top shelf and needed help.”

Sarah pointed to the ladder. “I’ll think of something. Go. I need to find what I came in here for.”

Riley wanted to spar with her further, but he had things to do. He leaned over and kissed her quick. “Gotta go. Later?” Damn. Now why had he said that?

“Sure, if you think it’s safe.”

“We’ll see.” He slipped out, thankful no one was in the hallway.

Chapter Eight

ay had spent most of the day texting his cousin MacKenzie because she’d worked non-stop to dig up dirt on anyone who worked at Statler’s warehouse. To their dismay, no red flags popped up to connect any of them to other human trafficking schemes. Both Jay and the General had then asked Kenzie to snoop around on some chat rooms to find out about who might be in the market for some Caucasian women. She’d uncovered a Saudi prince, one billionaire Egyptian, a Swiss scientist, and a half dozen Russians who’d been querying online about procuring women. They claimed they were interested in marriage, but Kenzie said only one or two might actually be legit. Bottom line was that they were still unable to locate the buyers. Jay then called in a few favors from his FBI contacts, but so far no one had provided him with any viable leads.

His cell rang, and he welcomed the diversion. It was the General. “Yes, sir?”

“We have a little situation, but it’s nothing serious.” He explained that Michelle, the missing nurse from Statler’s warehouse, had been saved from a certain death, and that she and the guard who beat her, were now in his safe house in Lippett Falls. “I’m sending MacKenzie and Sam up there to escort them both to Florida.”

A rush of relief shot through him that the nurse Sarah liked so much was safe, but he wasn’t sure having the guard around Michelle was smart—unless the General thought the man could be useful. “What would you like me to do?”

“Go over to this safe house and make sure the transfer goes smoothly. No telling what will happen if Statler finds out they’re still around. We don’t need him learning we’re involved. Just so you know, Trax and Dante were keeping watch, but Trax just called and said he and Dante had to leave. The man has been secured.”

“I understand.” Jay had a ton of questions about who had saved the girl, and why hadn’t he been told about the rescue, but if the General had needed him to know beforehand, he would have told him.

Armand gave him directions to the house and said to expect his cousin and her fiancé by tonight. They were flying up on the General’s private jet and would then be transported by helicopter to town.

Happy to have something constructive to do, he headed out. Jay agreed that if the woman was injured, she shouldn’t be left alone. He texted Riley and informed him about his plans. Given his roommate’s protective streak, if he returned and found Jay gone, he’d assume the worst.

The safe house was about seven miles from the motel. Most likely the General decided Trax and Dante should be the ones to stay there since they would need a lot of space to set up their surveillance equipment.

Kenzie and Sam wouldn’t be there for another five hours, and he’d need to eat soon. He could only guess the woman and the guard might appreciate something, too. When the same convenience store where they’d met Sarah popped into view, he stopped and picked up sandwiches and some fruit, along with some soup for Michelle in case eating was difficult for her.

He was still trying to figure out how Michelle ended up in the General’s care when the house came into view. A black truck that looked similar to the one the giant drove sat in the drive. Armand hadn’t said anything about Trax and Dante having company, unless Statler had found their safe haven. Well, fuck!

Jay’s heart raced. He rushed on past and then pulled off to the side of the road a half-mile later. If Statler’s man was there, the entire operation could be compromised.

Decision time. He could wait in his wolf form, and when the giant brought out the guard and the injured woman, Jay could attack. The problem would be the giant might drop her in order to shift. Shit.

He texted Dante:
General asked that I watch Michelle and guard. One of Statler’s men is here. Please advise.

He hit send but immediately realized the giant might be there to kill Michelle and free the guard. There was no time to wait. Jay turned around, drove straight back to the house, and pulled into the drive, blocking the giant’s exit.

Fighting with him would have an uncertain outcome. While Jay was highly trained, the giant might be, too. As he slid from his car, the front door opened, and the giant’s shoulders almost touched both sides of the frame.

Well, damn.

*     *     *

Sarah was quite concerned about Belinda’s health. Amy needed to be more careful when tying her down. Fortunately, between the antiseptic cream and the bandages, Sarah was able to care for the injured woman’s wrists. The suddenness of her stomach issues had Sarah concerned. It was possible Belinda was faking her illness, believing that if her condition appeared serious enough, she’d be taken to a hospital. Sarah didn’t want to tell her that the only way she was going to get out of here was if the Pack saved her.

Sarah carefully reattached the restraint. “I’ll have Amy check on you in a little while to see if this medicine has helped settle your stomach.”

“Thank you.” Belinda wrapped her arms around her waist and closed her eyes.

Poor girl. Seeing these women suffer made Sarah more determined than ever to help free them. Needing to check on Nancy in the other room, Sarah left and immediately spotted Amy coming down the hallway.

“How’s Belinda doing?” Amy asked, but her tone didn’t hold a lot of worry.

“Hard to tell. I told her you would check on her in a few hours.”

“I will.” Amy placed a palm on the wall, almost as if she was blocking Sarah’s path. “So, what took you so long in the storage room?” One brow rose.

Sarah’s pulse soared.
Stay calm
. “I had trouble locating the Pepto.”

Amy grinned and lowered her arm. “I heard that hot guard followed you in there.”

Damn it. Here she thought Clay and Dirk were keeping watch. Then again, someone like Russ might have watched her head down the hallway and then seen Riley trail after her a minute later.

Amy had an intense sex drive and Sarah decided to play up to it. “You caught me.” She glanced around as if what she was about to say was super secret. “We did the nasty,” she whispered.

Amy grinned and clapped. “He’s hot, right?”

A sense of protectiveness shot straight through her. “Yes, but remember, you have Russ.” She didn’t need Amy putting the moves on her man.

Her man? Is that what he is?

Even though Riley was on the right side of the law, Sarah wasn’t in the market for anyone, but those few minutes in the closet would forever be imprinted in her brain—and in her body. Words like sensational, overwhelming, and hot to describe what happened in there would be like saying the Arctic was a bit chilly.

“Russ has been too distracted of late. I think he’s losing his interest in me.”

As much as Sarah would have liked to know what would have drawn Russ away, she didn’t want to appear too curious. “A lot’s happening around here. I bet he’ll come around soon.”

“Let’s hope.”

Not wanting to continue the conversation about sex, she checked her watch. “Before I clock out, I want look in on the girls.”

“You going to see Riley tonight?”

He had mentioned something about seeing her later, but she didn’t want Amy keeping tabs on her. “I’m not sure.”

“Sleep well. I won’t be rolling in until six tomorrow morning. Ugh.”

That was tough. Amy had been there since two. “I heard it won’t be much longer until Statler’s buyer shows up.” Perhaps Russ had updated Amy on what was happening.

Amy shrugged. “Yeah. As hard as it is to drug these girls, it’s probably for the best.”

Sarah had no comeback for that comment, so she smiled and stepped on by, wanting to make sure Nancy didn’t need anything before she left. Of late, Amy had been acting a bit strange and Sarah wondered if Russ wasn’t trying to have her do things that would further harm the women. However, if any of the women weren’t in excellent shape when the buyer came, heads would roll—both hers and Russ’s.

Sarah spent the final few minutes of her shift with Nancy, and when she was satisfied her patient was resting comfortably, she went in search of Russ to tell him she was leaving. Her checking in with him was Statler’s requirement. However, now that this new man was in charge, perhaps she was supposed to tell him. While both men frightened her, the large man at least didn’t look at her like she was little Red Riding Hood—someone to eat.

Sarah spotted Riley and waved. As he came toward her, she swore his eyes changed color. “I wanted to tell someone that I’ve finished my shift,” she said. “I’m supposed to let Russ know, but with that other man in charge now, I’m not sure of the proper protocol.”

“Connolly had to leave, so you’ll have to tell Russ.”

“Damn.” Instead of taking off in search of the man, she just stood there, though what she expected Riley to say or do, she wasn’t sure.

He tapped her nose. “I’ll see you later.” With that, he spun around and headed to the other side of the warehouse.

Did that mean he planned on stopping over at her place when he was finished? More than her blood heated at that thought. Riley didn’t know where she lived, but he could find out if he asked Amy. Needing to tell Russ she was heading home, she checked the warehouse but didn’t find him, which meant he must be outside. As soon as the front door clicked behind her, she spotted him by her car. What the hell?

Sarah straightened her shoulders and approached. “Russ. I was looking for you to let you know I’m leaving.”

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