Enticing Their Mate (12 page)

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Authors: Vella Day

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Military, #Paranormal, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Paranormal Menage (MFM), #Paranormal Werewolf Romance, #Paranormal Erotica

BOOK: Enticing Their Mate
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Only when Riley slid a lubricated finger into her back hole did she react by tightening her rear again.

Riley nipped at her butt, and she immediately relaxed her muscles. She trusted these men more than she’d ever trusted anyone. Her whole life, she’d been on guard, but with these two, it seemed as if this was the right place for her.

Jay broke the kiss. “I need more.”

He held her still, withdrew, and then drove in all the way. Sparks flew and a torrent of ecstasy heated her. She wanted more, too. Sarah rose up and dropped down on him as he met her halfway.

“Don’t move anymore, Sarah,” Riley commanded.

In the passion of the moment, she’d forgotten what Riley was attempting to do—make the entry of his cock easier for her. She stilled and nodded. “Go.”

She’d meant her comment for Riley, but apparently Jay thought she was talking to him, because he held her hips in place and pounded into her over and over again, the bliss building in magnitude. Just when her climax claimed her again, Riley threaded two fingers past her tight muscled ring and opened her wide. The double probing sent her higher and higher until a scream erupted and her vision momentarily turned black.

While she couldn’t see Riley, Jay’s eyes were closed and his hands shook. “Don’t move a muscle,” he commanded. “I’m so close.”

Riley removed his fingers from her dark hole. Foil tore. Rubber snapped. He leaned over her back and nibbled on her shoulder. “I want you. I need you.”

His words were her undoing and her body went into sensory overload as he prepared her for what was to come. “Oh God, Riley. Yes!”

Jay and Riley seemed to know what to do, so she let them love her. Jay remained half way inside her, acting as if he’d detonate if he went in one more inch. Riley massaged both of her butt cheeks to help her relax and then placed his cock at her back door.

“Breathe,” he said. Sarah inhaled and when she let out her breath, the head of his dick popped past her tight hole. Riley’s grip on her waist lightened. “Relax.”

Jay opened his eyes. “Kiss me.”

When she leaned over that extra inch, Riley’s cock slid in, setting every nerve ending on fire. Holy shit; he was right. His cock was a cannon.

“You feel so fucking tight,” Riley groaned.

That was because there was no room. As she kissed Jay, Riley’s fingers slid between them and twirled her nipples. The combination of both cocks inside her, kissing Jay’s wonderful mouth, and having Riley play with her nipples set her world spinning.

Jay grunted, and when Riley eased out of her rear Jay edged in, filling the space. She and Jay kissed and then nipped at each other’s lips. The playful and tender way he touched her made her want him more, especially when he nibbled on her earlobe and then left a trail of kisses down her neck. All throughout this wonderful excursion, the two men seesawed in and out of her. Even her heartbeat took on the new, exciting rhythm.

Riley reached under her and wiggled her clit, and it was like he’d struck a match to her tinder. No longer could she keep from moving. She dropped down onto Jay and Riley plowed in, stretching her way past her tolerance. “Fuck me,” she blurted.

She hadn’t meant that literally, but the men sure took it that way. Jay’s teeth sharpened as he pummeled into her, his eyes shining as yellow and bright as the sun.

“I’m about to burst,” Riley groaned out.

On the next thrust, it was as if the volcano inside her erupted—first Riley and then Jay. Stars swam in front of her eyes and her hearing dimmed as blood pounded in her ears. Desire, lust, and passion kept exploding as she screamed their names.

Fully sated, she collapsed on top of Jay just as Riley withdrew and rolled to the side. No one said anything. Exhausted and happy, she closed her eyes for a moment. Next thing she remembered was Jay dragging a wet cloth between her legs.

She opened her eyes to see him smiling and Riley looking… scared perhaps? Though she couldn’t imagine why.

“That was fantastic,” she said, though if she’d had her wits about her, she could have come up with a better word.

“It was more than that,” Jay said leaning down and kissing her again.

“We should let you rest,” Riley said. “Be careful at work tomorrow. I’ll keep an eye on Russ, too.”

They had just shared the hottest sex of her life and he was just going to up and leave? As if that wasn’t ticking her off enough, he had to spoil the euphoria by bringing up that ass’s name.

Fully dressed, he turned to leave then stopped, spun on his heels, and lasered a glare at Jay whose jaw tightened. Damn men were talking behind her back and she didn’t like being left out of the loop.

“If you have something to say, Riley, spit it out,” she said.

He exhaled. “I don’t think it’s a good idea that I continue seeing you like this. It messes with my head.”

Sarah didn’t know if she should be flattered or pissed. “You couldn’t have figured that out after the first time we had sex?” That might have come out a bit harsh, but now that she’d been with both, she didn’t want it to end.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, Sarah.”

She would have jumped off the bed and given him a piece of her mind had Jay not grabbed her hand. “Leave him be.”

Her heart sank even further when the door closed. Well, that sucked.

Chapter Twelve

ay reached out to her. “Ignore him. Riley’s just confused, that’s all.”

“Confused? Five year olds are confused. Riley’s how old?”

Jay huffed. “He’s thirty-four, but his age isn’t his problem.”

Sarah opened her mouth then shut it. She had enough on her plate right now and didn’t need to be dealing with a man’s issues, but dammit, making love with Jay and Riley had not only been the best sex in her life, it had been the most exciting. For those few minutes, she’d felt a connection so deep that it shook her to the core.

“Let’s just forget it,” she said. Climbing out of the bed, she kept her back to Jay and dressed. If she looked at him, she’d see the pity in his eyes, and she couldn’t handle that.

Just as she finished zipping up her shorts, Jay turned her around. “We should talk.”

“I’d rather not.”

His grip on her shoulders tightened. “It’s not an option. It’s late and I’m hungry. I bet you are, too. I’d take you to dinner, but by the time we drive over to Lippett Falls, find a place and eat, it will be past both of our bedtimes, and I know you have to rise early.”

Here she’d thought Riley was the controlling one. He was right, though. “I have a pizza in the freezer. Will that do?”

Jay smiled and pleasure shot through her. Her hormones must have taken over her thought processes.

“Perfect. I’ll help.”

“There’s not much to do.” It had been a long time since she’d shared the kitchen with anyone other than her assigned roommate. “If you get the pizza out of the freezer and put it on a tray, I’ll fix us some decaf.”

“Sounds good.”

Once the pizza was in the oven, Jay pulled up a chair at the small kitchen table and sat down. “What do you know about shifters?” His tone sounded casual, but from the way he’d glanced to the side, he had a hidden agenda.

She hadn’t expected that question. “What do you mean?”

“Beside the fact we can shift into wolves and heal fast, what do you know about us?”

“The usual. In your human form, you can be as good or bad as regular humans.”

He leaned back in his seat, his jaw tight as if he wasn’t sure how to bring up some werewolf secret that had been handed down from one generation to another. “Do you know that we mate for life?”

The words
had her stomach tumbling. She’d always avoided the whole idea of marriage, or as he would say,
, but this time, the churning was different. “It’s not a topic I’ve discussed with anyone in detail, but I have heard of it. Remember, the shifters I’ve encountered aren’t exactly looking for a permanent relationship. They’d just as soon kill you, sell you, or fuck you to death than take you for a mate. Excuse my language.”

He winced then pushed back his chair and came toward her at the counter, his eyes full of concern. “We’re not like those men.”


He scrubbed a hand down his stubbled chin. “I don’t even know how to begin this conversation, so I’ll just say it. You’re my mate. And Riley’s, too.”

Her vision turned white and she grabbed the counter. “I’d better sit down.” Jay led her over to the table and held out the chair for her, her questions running rampant. “What exactly does it mean that you and Riley are my mate? As in both of you? And shouldn’t I get a say as to who I want to be

His face actually turned a slight shade of red. “Fuck. I’m sorry. I didn’t explain it very well. Yes, you do, only we don’t.”


“That coffee ready?”

Oh, crap. “Yes.” She stood, and with shaking hands and a mind that couldn’t stop spinning, she poured two cups. “Cream or sugar?”

“No, thanks.”

She carried over the drinks and placed them on the table then sat down again. “Go ahead. I’m ready to hear this, I think.”

“All I can tell you is what I’ve been told and what I feel. Once in a werewolf’s life, someone, something, or perhaps it’s just fate, puts a woman in front of us that we immediately know is our mate. As soon as I saw you, my body reacted and started to change.”

“It’s called lust.”

He smiled and then shook his head. “I’ve been in lust before when I was much younger. Trust me, this was more than that. A sense of protectiveness took hold of my heart and bonded me to you.”

As sweet and flattering as the words were, he had to be mistaken. Then again, she’d seen how Ford and Tyson Summerville had risked everything for Bailey. “You said Riley has these same feelings?”

“Yes, and that scares him. I believe that’s why he ran. But I know him. He won’t be able to resist you for long.”

She doubted that. “While every person is different, exactly what is he afraid of? That I won’t accept him?”

Jay twisted the steaming cup in his hands. “It’s complicated. His mom was sixteen when she became pregnant and gave him up for adoption.”

Because Sarah had worked with human trafficking for years, she’d seen the horrors of what happened to kids when they were separated from their mothers. “I’m sorry.”

Jay shrugged. “He was adopted by a family for a few years, but the first time he shifted, they freaked out and returned him to Children’s Services. The problem was that no one believed them that he’d shifted. The parents were told their mind was playing tricks on them. In the end, the parents said they just didn’t want to have such an odd child. From there he went from foster home to foster home. When he became of age, he joined the Marines in part to get away from all that crap.”

She sucked in a breath, her heart bleeding. “How did he end up at the FBI?”

“Riley doesn’t talk much about his past, but when he finished his time with the Marines, he was recruited by the Bureau.”

Sarah tried to put all the pieces together. “So what you’re saying is that Riley might know I’m his mate, but he doesn’t trust me not to abandon him?”

Jay’s brows rose. “You’re perceptive. I can’t be sure, but that’s what I believe.”

She sipped her now ready-to-drink coffee, and the rich brew soothed her. “Let me ask you this. What if I don’t want a mate? Or rather two mates?”

His eyes darkened. His expressive face truly was a window to his soul. “The woman always has the choice to say no, but that doesn’t change the fact we’ll never be able to be with our true mate then. We only get one chance.”

She moaned. “That’s not exactly fair to the men, now is it?”

“No, it’s not.”

She’d need time to think about this. “So what’s the next step?”

Jay chuckled, but it didn’t hold much cheer. “This isn’t some game show. I merely told you that you are the most important person in my life, so that if you see me hanging around or putting my life in danger for you, you’ll know why.”

She drank more of her coffee. “I’m overwhelmed.”

Jay clasped her hand. “There’s no pressure.”

“Oh sure.” She held their fate in her hands. No way Riley and Jay would just let her walk away if that was what she chose. The over timer dinged, indicating dinner was ready. “Time to eat.”

*     *     *

When Sarah checked into work the next day, she kept an eye out for Russ. Riley had told Jay who passed it along to her that their schedules were being redistributed now that he, Clay, and Dirk were there. Russ’s shift was supposed to be ending, so she was disappointed when she spotted him near the storage closet arguing with Connolly, the new head of security—a position Russ had held.

Not wanting them to see her, she hurried to find Amy to let her know she could clock out. Sarah found her in the room where Nancy was housed. Her roommate looked up then turned back around, a scowl marring her face. Oh, Christ. Russ must have told her some tale about how she’d come onto him, but then had turned pissy when he tried to kiss her. If Russ had told Amy the truth, she doubted her roommate would appreciate what her wonderful boyfriend had done.

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