Entwined With the Dark (41 page)

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Authors: Nicola Claire

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban

BOOK: Entwined With the Dark
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The pain hit me first, before the comprehension that this was actually happening did too. I heard myself scream, matched only in wretchedness by Avery's own scream in response. I wanted to fall to my knees, I wanted to be sick, my insides were being torn apart, twisted violently, pulled asunder by the power the Ambrosia weaved. His arms were dancing before us, an intricate pattern of movements that held my attention, despite the feeling that my eyes were already shut and my body had left the room we had been in, to float in a purgatory of sorts.

Agony rippled through me, the sounds of flesh being torn, the sensation of my very essence being ripped apart. It wasn't smooth, it wasn't anything I had expected. It hurt and I wanted it to stop.

I heard myself screaming,
Over and over again. I heard Avery mimic me, our pleas swamped by the noise of our bodies splitting apart. It lasted for eternity, but then maybe not very long at all. I couldn't tell, I couldn't feel the passing of time, just the never ceasing sensations of being cut in half. I tried to think of Michel, of why I was putting myself through this at all. But my mind was unable to focus on anything but each tear, each rip, each split of my soul in half.

Finally the Ambrosia's mutterings increased in speed and volume, getting higher and higher, and faster and faster, a staccato rhythm that matched the beat of my frantic heart. Then the pain stopped abruptly - making me almost collapse to the floor in relief - and a ball of vibrant, pulsing, bright, white Light hovered above his outstretched palms.

It was magnificent, so beautiful, the most extraordinary thing I had ever seen in my life. And it called to me, it sang a siren song that soothed my soul, that promised to repair the ache that now lived inside. My hand had risen all on its own to reach for it, but the Ambrosia shifted, moving one of his own hands to the side of the ball of Light. His movement made me remember what was happening, why we were here, why I had just suffered the most excruciating pain in my life. This ball of Light was Avery and my joining. The Ambrosia had called it forth and held it in his hands.

I felt momentarily weak at the knees, thinking of what he could do to my joining Light right now. The possibilities were endless and frightening. But he seemed too focused to consider those options now. A small sliver of Light was being pulled from the ball, a long line of brightness that slowly leached away from the whole. It was tiny, compared to what was left behind. And as it finally sprang free, an audible pop sounding in the air around the floating globe, I realised what this pathetic amount of Light was as the Ambrosia thrust it back towards Avery. It was Avery's joining Light and the Ambrosia was returning it to him.

All that was left in the ancient vampire's palm was mine. And looked even more beautiful now, as though the small amount of Avery's joining Light had actually weakened it before. And now it shone strong and whole and complete and healthy again. I let a gasp of air out at the splendour of that Light. It was truly glorious and represented how splendid joining actually was.

As the Ambrosia shifted position again to face both Michel and I, tears started to fall down my cheeks. I sent a thought to my Goddess, thanking her for this precious gift. Promising her I would cherish it, nurture it, never forget how valuable and unique and special it is. This was what my Goddess had given her people, something so pure and bright. To be joined to another, to have that
connection, that support, that love of a kindred, was not something to brush aside and blithely accept. A true kindred joining based on love and an honest sharing was the gift my Goddess gave us. And I would never forget to feel honoured by such a wonderful endowment again.

I saw Michel’s body shudder as the Ambrosia pulled his Light out. I couldn't tell what Michel was thinking, what thoughts he used to embrace his own Light, but whatever he was doing it was working, because the Ambrosia kept pulling more and more Light. Finally, after several minutes of muttered words in that unusual tongue, the Ambrosia held two balls of brilliant white Light. Mine in his left hand and Michel's in his right. I stood in utter wonder at how large Michel's Light was. I always knew he had more Light than most vampires in him, but I never suspected once he'd have almost as much as mine.

His ball of Light nearly matched my ball of Light in size, together they seemed balanced, as though they were mirror images, destined to be entwined. Excitement bubbled up inside me, anticipation of what the Ambrosia was about to do next. This was it and it was bigger than I had expected, bigger than our last joining I was sure. I couldn't tell if that was because Michel had more Light in him now than he did back then, or if it was the ceremony that did it. But I knew - I really, completely knew - that this was so much greater than it had been before. More powerful, more bright, more Light and more full of love.

We'd come a long way, Michel and I. There had been hurdles and challenges and paths that threatened to pull us apart. But despite it all, we had grown closer. We had survived and given more and more of ourselves as time had passed. I loved this man, more than life itself. And I knew he loved me as much too. It was powerful and heady and so very, very exciting. And so very, very right.

The Ambrosia opened his eyes for the first time during this entire ceremony, they blazed an unnatural golden hue. Similar to Nut's, but not quite the same. I was certain though, that she was part of this sacred rite, if not directing it, aiding it with her own power. The Ambrosia had said the ceremony was of the gods, I believed that with all my heart right now, looking into the eyes of this vampire and seeing a small part of Nut staring back at me.

He smiled and then flicked his hand in a tiny movement, so subtle that I was sure no one else had seen the move. He wanted me to though, that's why he had opened his eyes and held mine now in a golden gaze. He wanted me to know he was... what? Improvising? Adding something into the mix? I couldn't tell what, until I noticed a shining Light hanging over his shoulder. It was as bright as ours, but it thrummed with resonating vibrations, as though it contained more than one source, it contained a combination of many. Then he twisted his hand again, in an intricate movement and the Light blended seamlessly into both of ours.

And then before I could register what he had done, he pulled his hands together making them clap when palm met palm, the balls of Light now one, larger than my mind could comprehend.

Then softly, in my mind, the Ambrosia whispered,
Join hands, blood to blood, Light to Light. Let this be done!

Michel reached for my hand, I seemed unable to move, my mind boggling at all that fantastical Light before me. I felt a slice in my palm, but it was just background noise to everything else going on around me. The call of the Light ball, the desire to be joined to this man forever, the inability to breathe at all. Then as his blood met mine, the Ambrosia thrust the Light ball towards us and my body shuddered and shook and trembled as Light filled every cell, every single part of my being; heart, body, mind and soul.

Time passed, the world continued to spin, but for a moment my life stood still. Suspended in utter beauty, basking in the glory of our Light. I felt Michel's arms wrap around me, his lips trace over my neck, his own body shuddering against mine. He could have bitten me, I'm not sure, I was so dazed, so lost to the moment, so happy, that I floated above it all. This was what was meant to be. Michel was my true kindred and I finally had him back. We were joined again, our Lights combined. I truly believed in that second that anything I wanted could be mine.

The power of that conviction was addictive, it tasted divine. What did I want most of all in this world? All I had to do was think of it and it was mine.

Michel whispered in my mind, his mental voice full of awe.
Our family, a future where our love knows no limits, where we can be together, complete, whole.

Our family,
I whispered back, awed myself at his choice of desires. He could have asked for anything, but he'd asked for the one thing that should only ever matter.

If that wasn't a light-filled wish, I didn't know what was.

We pulled apart, both coming back to the room at the same time. The Keeper was helping the Ambrosia to a seat which had suddenly appeared from nowhere. He looked exhausted, spent, and a little too much like his actual age right now. I prayed it wasn't permanent, he'd done us a service today, maybe for his own reasons - he's vampire, you'd expect nothing else - but I would not forget what he had returned to us. And not just returned, but increased, made more powerful than it ever had been before.

I could feel Michel down the joining connection as I tugged on it, played with it, tested it. I felt the Bond slip back in place. He sighed, a contented sound, that let me know just how much he had missed it and how grateful he was to have it back again. His eyes shone magenta, his vampire-within basking in our mutual glow of happiness too. I wrapped myself around him, letting the Bond firmly settle between us. I felt his increased power, he was struggling to hide it, to keep it contained. It was so much more formidable than previously and we ran the risk of the Champion's fear should she be aware of just how powerful he had become. Maybe she already knew, I was unsure how much time had passed, but I used my Light to help him hide it now. To fold it away, to bury it out of sight. I prayed we'd been fast enough. I wasn't sure.

So many joyous emotions were thrumming through me. I wanted to celebrate this alone with Michel, but I also sought out our vampires and Amisi and Yves. They all looked equally as ecstatic. Broad smiles, whoops of laughter. If it wasn't for the Council being present, we'd be partying right now. But they were, thrumming with their own excitement, anticipating the power they were about to receive. Avery was present too, but he was not excited. He was distraught. Whatever spell Aliath had placed was gone. Avery knew what had happened and his anger was palpable from where I stood, wrapped in Michel's arms.

I waited for him to act on it, I was prepared to fight back, but he just held my gaze for several seconds, letting the hatred and fury he felt openly show there. I forced myself not to react, to show no fear at all. Avery Rousseau had never been a true ally, but I couldn't help feeling I had lost something tonight. Looking at Avery and seeing his conviction there, the determination to seek revenge, I felt saddened, more than fearful. Although I was sure the fear would come in due course. Avery was not a good enemy to have, but as of tonight he was mine.

He nodded, hearing the thoughts in my head, plucking them at random as he does. And then he spun on his heel and left the room.

I stood silently in the cocoon of Michel's arms, as his vampires and mine approached and congratulated us both. His vampires intoning their allegiance to me for the second time and surprisingly my vampires doing the same in return to Michel. It was all a little too much, I was overwhelmed and I couldn't help feeling we were not yet done.

My power was thrumming inside me, but there was a call to it that was not mine. After a beat I realised what it was, it was the
, seeking my joined Nosferatin power as was their right. I didn't fight it, once I recognised it, I just let it flow out, trusting Michel had secured the portals enough to keep them open and separate from my Light. I felt Michel beside me stiffen and then through the Bond I felt his alarm.

What is it?
I asked as his alarm turned to outright fright.

It is more power than before,
he said straining not to let his own Light join mine as it was sucked into the
coffers. But it was useless, it was like a black hole. Sucking everything around it relentlessly, he was unable to deny its pull. I felt both our power slipping away, not weakening us, just allowing the
access to what was ours. But it wasn't just ours, was it? Maybe if it had just been Michel's and mine it wouldn't have been too much. But the Ambrosia had added more Light during the ceremony, he had added Light already his to use. He had called on the combined
Nosferatu and Nosferatin power to strengthen our joining, to make it greater than it had been before.

And it was too great to be contained by whatever Michel had done to keep the portals open. It was too great for either of us to pull back now, although we both tried in vain.

I felt the power, the Light, seeping out into the world as though I was tracking it with my
Sanguis Vitam Cupitor
talent. But it wasn't
Sanguis Vitam
I was tracking, it was Light and I could feel what that Light was doing too. It was closing the portals to

"No!" Michel cried as he looked at me, the pain and fear so obvious in his eyes. If the portals closed I'd be taken from him, back to the
Royal Court. Cut off from this world, unable to return.

"No!" he pleaded in anguish, but it was too late.

The portals were closing and our time was running out.

I felt surprisingly calm. Standing in the middle - in the eye - of a raging storm. Vampires on the Council were celebrating in delight, our vampires were frozen in disbelief and pain. I lifted a hand up to cup his beautiful face, I tried to commit every line to memory, inhaling his scent for the very last time. I wouldn't forget. I wouldn't stop loving him. But there was nothing stopping this now.

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