Entwined With the Dark (34 page)

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Authors: Nicola Claire

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban

BOOK: Entwined With the Dark
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I choose to fight.

The Ambrosia stood from his chair and walked toward me. Michel stiffened slightly, but didn't move to intervene. The old vampire crouched down before me and took hold of both my hands in his. Surprisingly, they were warm. For someone so old I had expected to feel a chill.

Child of Nut
, you are worthy," he said simply and then raised both hands to his lips. He lay a kiss on each and then returned them to my lap. Getting agilely to his feet, he walked back to his seat and sat. His face was no longer a blank mask, but alive with life and happiness. Light was reflected in his gaze. I turned to look at Michel, to see if he was thinking the same thoughts as me. This was actually going to happen. Excitement was bubbling up inside me and I was finding it difficult to contain its effervescent fizz. He smiled and raised an eyebrow, then lifted one of my hands to his own lips for a kiss.

"The ceremony," the Ambrosia said, bringing both Michel and I back to the room with a jolt, "is not how you will expect. You need to prepared for anything. And I mean
." He looked at both of us and held us captive with his intense gaze. "This type of power can create absolutely whatever you can imagine. Your greatest hopes and desires, or your worst fears and dreads. You will both need to call on your Light." He turned to Michel. "Can you do that?"

Michel had always had more Light in him than most vampires I had ever met. Besides the Ambrosia of course. But like most vampires, he also had a fair amount of Dark. I believed in his Light, I believed that he had it in him to chose the right path, to pick Light over Dark. But he hadn't always. There had been times when he had chosen the wrong side to back. Despite that, I fervently believed he
do this. He could call on that Light part of his soul. And I knew in the instant the Ambrosia asked him, that I would do everything in my power to ensure Michel believed it too.

Michel turned his head to slowly look at me, there was so much emotion on open display in his gaze. He reached up and brushed my cheek, his eyes searching my face as though the answer to all the world's questions could be found right there.

"If you believe it, then how can I doubt?" he said in a soft voice and then he returned his gaze to the Ambrosia and announced, "For this chance, for Lucinda, I will shine with Light."

"Excellent," the Ambrosia declared, not doubting him either I noticed. "Similar to a joining, there will be a sharing of blood. As well as the sharing of both your Light. After I have broken Lucinda's joining with the Interrogator, of course." Broken? Not just reversed. It sounded so painful. The Ambrosia focused on me. "It will be, child. For both you and the Interrogator, it will be a painful severing of your ties. Not something to be undertaken lightly. We need his permission, his will to comply."

Oh hell, that just made the whole exercise insurmountable. There was no way Avery would readily agree to give up power, as well as take a hiding while it happened. He was a coward as much as an egotist. Convincing him was not going to be nice.

"I will leave that up to you," the Ambrosia said, without offering any suggestions on how to achieve that goal. "We will also require witnesses. Like a joining, those of importance to you must attend. The Champion is essential, her blessing on the event required. I will not use this kind of
power without the leader of the
being on board."

He stood then, replacing his empty snifter on a side table. Both Michel and I came to our feet as well, as soon as he'd moved. I guess our meeting was over. It had been enlightening, if not a little terrifying along the way.

"I have advised the Champion you will meet with her tomorrow night, Michel." The Ambrosia's tone had softened, maybe the fact he was using Michel's name, not his title, had something to with that. But it felt like the atmosphere had shifted to a more companionable one now. "Your presence is not required, Lucinda, in fact I would advise it best to stay out of her way until she complies." That's advice I'd readily take, but it didn't make me worry less for Michel. Neither did the Ambrosia's next words. "Good luck, son." He placed a hand on Michel's shoulder, a jolt of Light shining suddenly in the room. It hadn't been mine and I wasn't entirely sure it was the Ambrosia's either. But he did look satisfied when his eyes lifted to Michel's. The small smile on his face though, was serene.

We said our good-byes, relieved and glad he had left, but at the same time, nervous for what lay ahead. Michel wrapped me up in his arms and rested his head in amongst my hair and inhaled deeply. I felt the tension in his body begin to ease with each deep breath of my scent. I tried to mimic it. Not entirely successfully.

My mind was a mess of discordant thoughts and questions. Running over the Ambrosia's words and what they actually would mean. Michel had to meet with the Champion, convince her this was the correct path to take. For starters, she'd have to agree to Michel being joined and having access to such power. Bringing him closer and closer to her. Then, even if he managed to get her on board, I had my work cut out for me too. I felt Avery was mine to convince. But I had absolutely no idea how that could be achieved. He needed to be a willing participant in the ceremony. For the life of me, I just couldn’t see it.

And as though that wasn't enough. I had a date with Amun Nadeem tomorrow night and a plot against us - or just me - to uncover. I had hoped Michel and I would not be parted again, that we'd battle our problems side by side. I had to tell myself sternly, that just because he wasn't physically with me, did not mean he wasn't on my side. We'd both do what needed to be done, where it needed to be done. It might mean there was physical distance between us, but there would never be emotional distance again.

My life was not easy or normal, but with this man, this vampire, by my side, I would survive.

"Survivors," Michel whispered, obviously having played audience to my thoughts. "Is that what we are,
ma douce

I pulled back and looked at him and smiled. "Among other things, of course," I said.

His eyebrow raised slightly and then a wicked smile graced his full lips.

"Would you care to show me what other things we are to each other?" he asked huskily.

, I was more than happy to do.

Chapter 30
You Know Me

We took our time, for some reason, even though time seemed in short supply right now, we didn't want to hurry. We worshipped each other's body, we gave our hearts and our souls, we shared something so very intimate and special. And... we took our time.

The fire crackled lazily beside us, its warm and welcoming orangey-yellow glow casting beautiful shadows across our naked bodies. Each wonderful ridge and line of Michel's physique outlined in stark relief. I was mesmerised by his beauty and I think he was by mine as well. This house had been many things to me; a scary Gothic ensemble stuck in the past, a lonely sentinel to replace Michel, a haven, a place of refuge and now, the place where I devoted my everything, to showing Michel just what we were.

There was much to be getting on with, hurdles that still loomed before us reaching to the sky, but for a moment, a few precious minutes, we let that all go and fell into each other's arms. It was heaven on earth, it was so exquisite it almost hurt. And it was everything I had come to know with Michel. It hadn't been easy loving a vampire, but then it was also the easiest thing in the world to love this man.

I lay wrapped in his arms and body, a blanket from the nearby couch keeping away any chill in the room and watched the flames dance inside the hearth. Michel's nose was buried in my hair, inhaling, a small sound of contentment slipping out as he squeezed me briefly close. For a few minutes nothing else mattered, just us, our love, this moment. But life was still threatening to explode around us and as I came down from that wonderful high, my mind began to ponder our next moves.

Michel must have sensed my distraction, or maybe simply read my thoughts. He brushed a hand through my hair and kissed me lightly on the temple and then stood up and began to dress. I slowly sat up, wrapped the blanket firmly around me and proceeded to watch the show. I hadn't realised I was biting my lower lip, until he walked over and tugged it free, then ran a thumb across it in a caress. He was once again presentable, dressed in his trousers, shirt and socks.

He reached for my jacket and pulled out my cellphone. I let a huff of air out in surprise. He must be crazy to reach inside my pockets, he could have got a silver stake instead of a phone. He smiled crookedly at me as he handed it over.

"I like living life on the edge," he said, then added. "Call Samson, he needs to take the next available flight."

I frowned briefly and then realised he was right. We needed all those who were important to us to attend the ceremony. It didn't necessarily mean every one of Michel's vampires in his line, but it did mean those who were close to us. For me, in my line, it included
my vampires. Samson perhaps the most. As I thumbed through my contacts locating Samson's number I briefly considered requesting he bring Gigi, but although she was my responsibility and always would be, she and I were far from close.

The phone rang twice before he answered it, my eyes darting to the clock in the corner to see whether I would be disturbing him or not. Late afternoon in Auckland, it was anyone's guess.

"Luce?" His voice brought a rush of happiness. Goddess I had missed him.

"Hey, you! Did I wake you?"

"Not at all. Sleep is overrated," he replied breezily. "So, how's things?"

I took a deep breath in and then gave him an abbreviated version of my current predicaments.

"Bloody hell, it never rains but it pours for you, mistress." I heard the tapping of laptop keys in the background. "As luck would have it, I can grab a flight tonight. Fairly direct route. I'll be there before sun-up your time tomorrow." Close to twenty-four hours, but considering the short notice we had definitely been in luck.

"That's brilliant," I replied, feeling more confident than I had in days. Just the knowledge of my vampires all being with me boosted my reserves. Now to convince Amisi that she should grab a
flight too. Or more precisely, convince Gregor to let her come. "Hey," I said thinking of something, "can you warn Gigi she may have to keep an eye on Wellington for a few days."

"Ah, OK. She won't like it though. She's been as grumpy as a ghoul on a fresh fruit diet lately. I have
idea what's got her so riled."

Oh, that would probably be me and my big mouth, but I didn't feel he needed to know that.

"Give her time," I said instead, cringing at my poor attempt to placate. "She's still adjusting."

He grunted in reply and after a few short words about nothing in particular we said our good-byes.

I ran a hand over my face. Gigi was a problem and there was a whole part of me that wished she wasn't mine. Michel smiled encouragingly at me from the chair he was sitting on, his cellphone firmly to his own ear. I didn't waste time dialling Amisi. Late afternoon in Wellington with Gregor still on this side of the world, she'd be listening to music in her apartment, I was sure.

We All Live In A Yellow Submarine
came wafting down the line before she turned the volume down and gave her greeting. Amisi had a thing for the Beetles.

"Hey, sister," she said in her lovely Egyptian accent. "I'm already packed and scheduled to depart in a couple of hours."

What? Really? "How did you know?"

"So, I'm right? You need all your loved ones over there for a joining?" She sounded so ecstatic. You'd think it was her joining, not me.

"Well, yeah, but its still being organised and not a definite thing yet. If it goes ahead though, then yes, we'd like you to attend."

"Cool." A pause. "Gregor had dinner with the Foreteller," she said in a more subdued voice. I wasn't sure if that was because of the thought of Gregor
or the fact he had been with the
seer. "He sent the jet home for me last night, it arrived an hour ago."

"What did the Foreteller tell him?" I couldn't help but ask.

"I have no idea, nor do I wish to," she said resolutely. Amisi took the whole concept of
the future to heart. "But it was obviously enough for him to give me the heads-up." She paused for a second. "I'll be flying straight to Paris. Apparently he has deemed it safe enough for me to stay with him."

I couldn't help smiling at the sarcasm in her voice. "Well, if you need somewhere neutral to stay, I know a Parisian Nosferatin with an amazing house and view. I'm sure Yves would be happy for you to bunk there."

"Oh, you know what? I think I'll take you up on that. Somehow staying at the
does not appeal. Can you send his details?"

"Sure, I'll text them when I'm done. He has heaps of space and the house he lives in... well, let's just say, it's made for you."

"Oooo, I love a good mystery."

I laughed, more and more of the unease that had settled at the task ahead evaporating. How could good friends make such a difference? Just the knowledge they were coming, heading all this way to offer support, was enough to make me breathe easier. My life might be difficult, but I had been blessed with an awful lot.

We rang off and I quickly text messaged Yves' details, and then dropped him a line too, asking if he'd look out for Amisi. Yves answered immediately with a resounding: YES! I'd only met the guy once, but already I felt like he was a friend. More so than Arthur had been, even if I still could count on the London Nosferatin to have my back. There were just some people you clicked with and Yves had definitely been one.

"All settled?" Michel asked, as I started getting dressed finally. "Amisi coming too I hear?"

I nodded as I pulled my T-shirt over my head, but by the time I had it in position his hands were skimming around the side of my waist.

"Good," he said laying a kiss on my forehead as he pulled me in close to his chest. His hands
still firmly splayed across the flesh of my back, kneading gently, under the shirt. "I have organised those of my line I would like near."

I wrapped my arms around him and rested my cheek on his chest. I could hear his heart beating and I knew he did for me.

"One item ticked off the To Do List then," I said quietly.

"Are you all right,
ma douce
? Are you ready for this?" His voice was soft and caring, I gave him a little squeeze and then pulled back.

"As all right as I'll ever be," I said with false bravado and he shook his head with a smile. "So... what's next?"

"I will leave for Paris at sundown." Just as he said that the shutters whirled into place announcing the onset of dawn. "My task is fairly straight forward, if not still difficult. But, I am concerned about how we will convince Avery to willingly comply."

I agreed with him. Right now I had no idea at all. It was a problem that kept rattling around in my brain, but I just simply did not have an answer yet. I hoped food and sleep would help. And as there was no reason to risk leaving the house with the sun up and nowhere to actually go, I had all day to dwell on the issue. And hope a miraculous suggestion sprang to mind.

Christopher out did himself on dinner, this time a concoction of left-overs he proceeded to call
Bubble and Squeak
. I had a field day with that name. Sleep was a little harder to come by, but after tossing and turning for close to an hour, Michel joined me and with a little helping of his
Sanguis Vitam
I got the shut-eye I needed and it was blissfully free of dreams.

By the time late afternoon rolled around, I was as prepared as I'd ever be for what lay ahead. The shutters were still down and Michel had left our bed at some time during the day, but a small note on the pillow next to me let me know he was just downstairs. He must have known I'd panic, waking to find him gone and rather than wait for me to mentally find him, he'd made sure the first thing I saw was the note. I smiled and got ready to face the night.

I dressed in black, not necessarily because my mood was bleak, but because Amun did not deserve any better. I did choose one of Michel's outfits, but more for the fact that my dancing dragon necklace looked exceptionally good hanging between the open jacket. I think Michel may have had the outfit designed with that in mind. Silver stakes and knife in place, I grabbed my cellphone and headed down before the shutters whirred back up.

All the vampires were in the front room, but Christopher disappeared as soon as I arrived. It was obvious why, when he returned with my breakfast. Fresh fruit, croissants with butter and jam, and the most delicious smelling freshly brewed coffee. I gratefully accepted the tray and and dug right in.

"Who else have you called in, Michel?" Matthias was asking, as I tucked into a piece of pineapple.

"Antonio and Ricardo will be here later tonight and Daniel and Alain are already waiting for me in Paris."

"Is that all?" Marcus asked from his spot in the corner of the room. I noticed Nataliya was sitting on the arm of his chair. They weren't touching, but their proximity set alarm bells off in my head. There were other spots for her to have been sitting.

"For now, I have the rest of the line standing by. They can be in Paris within an hour if needed, but I believe a show of confidence, rather than brute force, is the way to go."

"You may be right," Matthias said sagely. "The Champion will be having enough of a battle allowing this to happen, we don't want to remind her of the strength and size of your line."

"Indeed," Michel answered, his eyes falling on me as I finished my meal and placed the tray on the coffee table. Christopher was there the next second to take it away. I still had problems accepting someone looking after me to the degree he did. "The house will be full this evening,
ma douce
." I nodded, holding his gaze. I'd expected an influx of his vampires, plus of course Samson would be arriving as well. "When will you leave for your visit with Amun?"

I took a breath in. I could tell Michel was not happy I was having to do this on my own, but I'd been thinking about it and I truly believed Amun would open up better if he had me alone. What I was about to suggest though, was probably not going to go down well.

"On nightfall, I'd like to get it out of the way." I paused briefly, wishing I had something stronger in my hands than the last of my coffee. "I'll be taking Sergei and Nataliya with me, but I'd like Marcus and Matthias to hold back."

"Hold back?" Michel asked in a soft voice. I licked my lips and swallowed.

"Yes, follow in a separate car and remain outside should we need them."

Michel just looked at me for several moments, not a flicker of colour in his eyes or an expression to cross his face. At least he was ready to deal with the Champion, the politician was on top of his game. I wanted to remain quiet, to appear at ease and relaxed with my decision, but his silence, his neutral gaze was my undoing. I would never be as good at this game as him.

"Amun will lower his guard if I am not surrounded by too many guards. As it is, I'll be making Sergei and Nataliya watch from a distance. They'll be there, but not breathing down our necks."

It was the wrong thing to say and I knew it as soon as the words were out of my mouth. I should have just said nothing, my plan to approach Amun on my own did not need to be discussed here. What Michel didn't know, wouldn't hurt him. And he hadn't needed to know my intentions on this.

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