Equation for Love (9 page)

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Authors: Fae Sutherland

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Equation for Love
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Chapter 8

Skye winced at the sharp, near-screech of Lindy's voice in his ear. "Well, you don't need to make it sound as ifI killed someone."

She snorted. "You did. My best friend. Where the hellis mySkye?"
Her Skye. Not anymore.
He was Liam's Skye now. Which reminded him, he didn't need his best friend beating him up right now. He was in major trouble.
"It wasn't exactly on purpose, you know. I didn't just
to fall in love with my gay male escort/teacher/whatever he is."It had definitelynot been inthe plan, for sure.
Lindytook a deep breath, and he could just imagine her pacing in her West Hollywood apartment. "Well, look. I love you, Skye, but let's look at this realistically. Scientifically, even."
Skye sat up straighter. "Allright. Good idea."
"Well, you just lost your virginity. To a very handsome, very skilled--or so you say--man whose job it is to make people want him. To make them feel as thoughthey're the onlypersoninthe world whenthey're with him." She sighed again. "Skye, baby, you're not in love. You're just buying his hype. He did what you paid himto do, whichbythe wayI amstillnot evenbelieving youdid."
Skye raked a hand throughhis hair. "That's not true. I mean, yes, it's his job and yes, I paid himto do it, but that's not why I feel this way." He didn't think so, anyway. Was it? It felt very real. "It feels very real, Lindy."
"Oh, honey, it's Las Vegas. Nothingis real."
Skye frowned. "When did you become such a cynicalbitch?"
"Right about the time my best friend decided to up and leave me for the barren desert and male escorts with magical penises. Penii? What is the plural of penis, anyway?"
"God, as if I know." He dropped back onto the couch. It was the only real piece of furniture in his condo besides the bed. "I really don't think this is some kind of reaction to his pheromones or, as you suggested, buyinghis 'hype.' I
it, Lindy. I reallydo."
There was a pause of silence and then yet another sigh. This one sounded more resigned, though. "All right. Let's say, for funsies, that you are in love with

him.""I am."

"That's what I said. Well, Skye, honey, so what? What could possibly come of it? You're about to start in your new, amazing position at one of the country's most prestigious private aerospace companies. You're going to be building ships to take us into space like a freaking airplane on holiday, for God's sake. Where does a male escort--however gorgeous and possessing ofa magicalpenis he maybe--fit in?"

Skye knew the answer, even though he hated it. So he didn't sayanything.
"Exactly."She didn't sound veryhappyto be right.
Skye hated when she was right. He hated it especiallynow. He didn't want logic and commonsense and statistical analysis of the possible outcome of a relationship with Liam. For the first time ever, Skye wanted to believe in something other than probabilities and what the numbers said.
It was insane.
"I know it's crazy. I do. But
not crazy. I'm in love with him. Now I need to know what to do, Lindy."
She didn't sayanythingfor a longmoment and Skye prepared for her to answer Nothing. He didn't want to do nothing. He wanted to do something. Everything. Anything.
"Youmake himlove youback is what youdo." * * * *
Liam nearly smashed his thumb when his phone went off in his pocket mid-swing of the hammer. He managed to pull it out of the way at the last second and let out a breath, setting the hammer down. He reached back for his phone, shifting to sit atop the roof he was repairing. His heart sped up at the sight of Skye's name onthe screen.
They weren't due to meet again until the next day, but maybe Skye had changed his mind or wanted to see him sooner. After the other day and the mind-blowing sexthey'd had, Liamwouldn't mind inthe least.
"Hey, darlin'." He swiped his forearm across his face, wiping away sweat as the sun beat down, reflecting off the roof and making it even more sweltering hot. "I didn't expect to hear fromyou today."
"I'msorry...amI botheringyou?"
Liam propped his forearms on his knees, shaking his head. "No, no, not at all. What do you need?" He lowered his voice on the last bit and could practically feel the shudder through the line. He grinned. It was intoxicatinghow Skye reacted to him.
"I... Well, I was hoping if you were free, we could meet today instead of tomorrow? I have a meeting tomorrow I can't reschedule. If you can't, I understand, but we'd have to canceltomorrow."
Liam didn't like the sound of that. "No cancelling. We can reschedule for today." He'd have to juggle a bit, but was surprised to discover if it came down to it, he'd cancel his other client before he'd cancel Skye. Giving preference wasn't usually his thing, but he didn't stop to ponder whySkye was different. He just was.
Skye let out a breath, and Liam smiled at the thought he'd been holding it. "Oh, good. When would be okay? I mean, I'mfree much pretty allafternoon and tonight, ifyouwant to decide?"
Liam's lips twitched. Skye sounded hesitant, which was unusual for him. Usually, the other man was very firm and even stubborn in his determination of what he wanted and how. "You're being very agreeable, my own," he murmured. "Did something happen after I left youyesterday?"
Skye coughed a little, then cleared his throat. "No, no, of course not. I just...well, I'minconveniencing you, I ought to at least be polite, right?"
Hmm, suspicious.
Something was definitely going on. Whatever it was, though, didn't seem to be a bad thing, so Liamwent along with it. "Right. Okay, then, let me callyouback in an hour. I have some plans to make for us."
"Plans?" The million and one questions hovered in the air.
"You'llsee. I'llcallyouinanhour withthe details."
After he hung up, Liam pushed to his feet and carefully made his way over to the ladder against the side ofthe house and climbed down. He jogged over to where Eric, a friend and owner of the house, was watering the flowerbed. "Eric, I have to go. I'm about half done. It shouldn't take more than another couple of days' work to get the roofallpatched up."
Eric glanced up at the roof, squinting, then nodded, clapping Liam on the shoulder. "I appreciate the help, man. No way could I afford what those thieves at Trison Construction estimated." He shook his head. "Highway robbery. It's a damn shame you had to shut your doors, Liam."
Liam forced a smile. "Thanks, Eric. I'll see you later." He turned to go gather his tools. He refused to feel sorry for himself. He wasn't the only person in the country to lose his business and livelihood due to the economic crash. Maybe someday things would even out and he'd try again. Right now, that was a pipe dream.
Besides, he wasn't going to spend his day moping about losses he couldn't regain. He had plans for debauchery to make. The past was the past. This was real life now. Besides, with Skye on his to-do list, Liam could hardlycomplainabout his job, could he? * * * *
Skye was suddenly
regretting giving Liam free reinas far as lessonplanningwent.
"This is not a good idea. I really do not think this is a good idea." Skye gave the shopping bags Liam held out a wary glare. "Is there a reason we can't just...stay

in?"Liam's brows lifted, though his hazel-green eyes


sparkled with amusement. "Yes, there's a reason. The reasonis because I saywe're goingout."

Skye sighed and gave himan imploring look. "Well, thencan't I just wear this?"He glanced downat his own outfit. He didn't see what was wrong with it. A pair of vintage seventies jeans, tattered and faded just the way he liked, combined with a Porsche T-shirt, also vintage, and his favorite browncardigan.

Liamsmiled. "I get the whole hipster vibe thing you have going and it's cute, but you can't go to a club in that. I want you to try something new. Are you saying

no?"Skye knew this was some sort of test. He didn't

want to fail, but...he was comfortable in his clothes. He felt... safe in them. No one looked at him like they thought he was trying to be something he wasn't. No one looked at him, period. Which was precisely the wayhe liked it.

Liam was giving him that firm look and he'd start using The Tone soon, too, probably. Skye knew he'd give in when it happened. He might as well save himself the trouble. He sighed. "I'mnot saying no. What...what did you bring?"And how had he known Skye's sizes? He supposed a man in Liam's line ofwork knew bodies in ways other people didn't. The idea Liam knew
bodythat wellsent shivers downSkye's spine.

Liam set the bag on the hotel room bed and gestured to it. "See for yourself."
Skye eyed the bag like it might contain a nest of vipers. He'd spent the afternoon anticipating nakedness and touching and more of those glorious kisses that made his bones turn liquidy. Not new clothes and a nightclub and potential mortal embarrassment. This was prettymucha huge disappointment.
Liam was standing there looking gorgeous in a pair of jeans that fit like a glove and a flawless white shirt that made his golden skin just about glow, and Skye couldn't help himself. He really wanted to spend the night withhim, evenifit wouldn't be spent inbed.
He grabbed the bag, turning to head for the bathroom.
"Where are yougoing?"Liamasked witha laugh.
"The bathroomto get dressed."
"Because being naked in front of me is such an unfamiliar thingat this point?"
Well...whenhe put it that way.
Skye set the bag back on the edge of the bed, glancing sideways at Liam. The other man just grinned, arms crossed over his chest, watching shamelessly. He was wicked, and Skye loved it. He probably shouldn't, but then again...maybe he should. Wicked could be good, in small doses, right? Just a little? Another glance at Liamhad himrethinking that--forget just a little. Skye wanted a
ofLiam's brand ofwicked
He glanced down and tugged his cardigan and Tshirt off. Liam's gaze was heavy on himand it was both disconcerting and intoxicating. He still wasn't sure what it was that had Liam so interested in seeing him naked, but he wasn't going to argue with it. He didn't care to listen to the obnoxious Lindy-sounding voice in his head saying Liam's interest was the money and nothing else. Skye looked at Liam and knew, somehow, that wasn't

true.He might believe it was wishful thinking if he'd ever,

in his entire life, been prone to wishful thinking. He hadn't and he wasn't starting now. Which meant, in his opinion, he was right. Like Lindy had said...all he needed to do to prove it was make LiamMaddoxfallin love withhim.

That wasn't eveneasilysaid, let alone done. He toed off his Converse and shucked out of his jeans. In just his underwear now, he gave the bag another waryglance.
"I have to admit, I'ma little afraid ofwhat you might be wantingme to wear."
Liam chuckled and nudged his thigh with his foot. "Go on."
Skye pursed his lips, then shrugged and upended the bag onto the bed. His brows lifted. "Is this a costume partyand I'mgoingas a funeraldirector?"
Liam slapped his ass, making him jump. "Black is your color, myown. You'lllook like sexwalking."
Skye wasn't sure that was a look he was interested in going for, but Liam looked like he was looking forward to it, and Skye very much liked the idea of not disappointing him, so he pulled on the snug black jeans and the black T-shirt that clung to him like a second skin. Agorgeous black leather jacket was included and Skye blinked.
"It's a hundred and four degrees out there."
Liam nodded. "I know. But if you're going to ride onmybike, youhave to wear the right gear."
Skye coughed, gaze snapping over to Liam. "Your bike? Please tell me you mean one with pedals and possiblya little bell."
Liam laughed and snagged him around the waist, tugging Skye up against him. "Not even close. More like sixty-five horses and a roar that'llmake you shake."
Oh jeez.
"I'malready shaking."He'd never been on a motorcycle and he was torn between "Oh dear God, that's hot"imagining Liamon one and "Oh hell, no, have you lost your mind?" at the idea of getting on one himself.
Liamgrinned and slid his hand down to cup Skye's ass, squeezing. "Don't worry. I'll protect you." He bent and nuzzled Skye's mouthinthat soft, almost possessive way of his. Skye melted inside every time Liam did. "Do youtrust me?"
Of course Skye did, and he was pretty sure whether he wanted to go or not, he was going. Period. Liam didn't seem in a mood to cater to Skye's worries and inner fretting.
"I do, but no fair," he protested, pressing close against Liam. "Manipulative, even."
Liamchuckled and gave his ass a slap, making him jump. "Life isn't fair, professor, and sometimes the means to the end are justifiable. Come on, let's get out ofhere."
Skye would like to, actually. He'd considered asking Liamto meet himat his place instead ofgetting a hotelroomthis time. When he'd set up the first meeting, however, the agency had been adamant their escorts never went to private homes. He wasn't sure why, but figured there must be some very good reason for the precaution. Probably to keep a certain distance between client and escort. So, when he'd thought of askingthis afternoon, Skye had dismissed the idea.
It was sometimes hard to remember Liamwasn't his friend or his boyfriend or even his lover. Skye looked up at Liam, suddenly needing to find out the truth, even a little.
"When you came here the first night, you called it a date, and I said not to, do youremember?"
Liam's brows knit and he nodded. "Of course. Honesty, yousaid, is what youwanted."
Skye nodded, insides jumping. "I realize probably a lot of clients you see more than once must think...well, you know, maybe there's more. Wishful thinking and all that. I'd like you to be honest with me, Liam, and I promise whatever your answer it won't affect our arrangement." He peered up at him. "I've never done this before...is this how it always feels?"
Liam slid his hand down Skye's arm to brush his fingers, idly toying with his hand. "How does it feel, my own?"
Skye's eyes closed and he let out a sigh before opening them. "It feels like...when you say that, when you call me your own... it--It makes me clench inside and then releases and I can breathe. It feels... real." He was mortified and unable to meet Liam's eyes.
How ridiculous.
He wanted to tellLiamhow he felt, the way he'd told Lindy, but he couldn't do it. How awkward would it be? However, he'd never felt so much for anyone, and it didn't feel like a fraud or like something he'd bought.
Liam didn't say anything for a moment, and when Skye glanced up at him, he wasn't sure how to read Liam's expression. Finally, Liamsmiled.
"Real is relative, Skye. Just because something isn't forever doesn't make it not real. So, yes, this is real. When I call you my own, it's because right now you are. Right now, I'm not thinking about anyone or anythingbut you. It doesn't get more realthanthat."
Skye had to appreciate Liam's very diplomatic answer. He could tellhe might have made the other man uncomfortable and regretted saying anything. He gave Liam a small smile. "I'm sorry. That was inappropriate to ask." He rubbed his palms on his thighs and took a deep breath. "I'mreadyto go."
Liam reached out and caught his hand, pulling him close again. "Wait. I don't want youto be sorry, Skye. I just don't want you to get hurt later on. I'm just the teacher, remember? I'm only getting you ready for the realthing. I'mnot the realthing, though. I can't be."
He sounded like he might regret that and it made Skye sad. He didn't want Liam to get hurt, either. He smiled and nodded. "I understand, I do. I won't get too attached, I promise."
Too late, he thought to himself. But he didn't have to go and do something dumb like tell Liam right this second. That'd just run him off, or so he'd read about menand suchthings. Lindyhad assured himhis best bet was to sneak in under the radar. Skye hadn't worked out how to do that. How did one surreptitiously make a manlike Liamfallinlove withhim?
He had time, though. For now, he was going to learn everything he could because what Liam was teaching him was very clearly all the things
liked. And Skye definitely wanted to know everything Liam

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