Espino, Stacey - Corralling the City Girl [Ride 'em Hard 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (10 page)

BOOK: Espino, Stacey - Corralling the City Girl [Ride 'em Hard 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“Didn’t want to wake the sleeping beauty.” He tucked his drink back in the leather pouch. “Have a good sleep?”

“A thin cot on the rocky prairie floor? Not so much.”

“You could have fooled me. After last night, you nodded off as if you were shot by a tranquilizer gun.”

Now she scowled, losing that innocent quality she had when she slept. “I can hardly be blamed for what happened. Let’s never speak of last night again.” She began to fix her hair as she took a few steps to monitor the herd. “Are we still on schedule?”

“If it was a small herd, we’d have them to the new fields in a few days. A herd this size with just the three of us is no easy task.”

“Are we on schedule or not?” She looked tired and flustered, her usual irritation creeping back when he’d hoped it would stay away.

“God willing. Now I best get back to work.” He was honestly disappointed she was being snappy. Brad was certain she was sweet deep down, but kept her true self hidden for some reason. He refused to deal with her if she continued to act like a spoiled brat.

As soon as he adjusted his reins to mount his horse, he felt her hand on his bicep. “Don’t go yet. I’m sorry.” He smiled, removing his boot from the stirrup.

“Was that so hard?”

She shrugged. “You don’t understand. I wasn’t myself yesterday.”

“Or maybe you let the real you out for a while?” He held out his hand, and she gave him a subtle smile and took it. Brad pulled her close and kissed her forehead. “You remind me of my youngest sister.”

Jane looked up at him, the new sun reflected in her pretty green eyes. “A sister? Is that what you think of me? Even after last night?”

“That’s not what I mean.” He tweaked her nose playfully. “You’re headstrong, stubborn, and downright impossible at times. But you have a good heart. I know it.”

She sighed. “You didn’t look interested last night.”

“That’s because Dawson was having his way. Doesn’t mean I didn’t want you. Not for a second.” He licked his lips and shifted to accommodate his thickening cock.

“I bet you wouldn’t approve of your sister doing what I did, would you?” Jane bit her lower lip, her eyes wide in anticipation of his answer. He didn’t think of her as a whore. Anyone could fall in lust at any given time. It was only human.

“No, I wouldn’t. But, like I said, you remind me of my sister’s qualities. That’s all. I don’t want to fuck my sisters.”

“But you do me?” She whispered the words, seemingly as caught up in the shifting mood as Brad was.

“I do.” His heart was pounding inside his chest. He’d have one shitty afternoon on the fields with a hard-on in his jeans.

She trailed her free hand down his arm, watching her own movements as if fascinated by her own touch. “You’re strong. Do you work outside a lot at home?”

“We have a fourth-generation cattle ranch. Since I’m the man of the house, everything falls on me. I work from sunup until sundown, seven days a week.”

“That’s not very fun.” Her probing hand drifted down to his leather belt. “Where’d you get this?” she asked, lightly caressing the silver buckle.

He had to find his voice. Her little hand was so fucking close to his cock, he could hardly think straight. “It was my daddy’s.”

She halted and tilted her head before addressing him, her auburn hair falling to one side. “Why are you here if you have all that work to do back home?”

“I need the money for something special.” He didn’t want to elaborate, so he shifted out of her grasp and pretended to assess the sky with his undivided attention. “Looks dark in the distance. We may come across some rain clouds tomorrow.”


He took a much-needed cleansing breath before turning around to face her again. If he allowed himself to explore his desire for Jane, he’d only be able to think about her naked and under him. He had a job to do, and intended to get it done.

Her hand running up his back, under his T-shirt, made every muscle in his body tense. He briefly closed his eyes and savored the feel of her fingers exploring his skin. Damn, but it felt good, not just the touch, but because Jane made the first move. There had been a few times last night that he almost stepped in and told Dawson to knock it off, but he held back only because he knew she enjoyed the game.


He exhaled and turned around, shackling both her wrists in his hands. “You’re playing with fire, sweetheart. If you push me, I’ll end up knocking you down to the grass right here and now.”

* * * *

It turned her on to see the sweetest cowboy of the three lose all control. His breathing had increased, his heavily muscled upper body heaving with each breath. Lust danced in his eyes, and his feral needs became prevalent.

Sure, she’d gotten off with her hand last night, but it wasn’t nearly enough, not possibly what she required to satisfy her libido after what Dawson and Brad had put her through. It may be unladylike, but what the fuck did she care. She wanted Brad. Now.

“I’m not breakable,” she said, hoping he wouldn’t be able to hold back another minute. The mere thought of him forcing her to the prairie floor, tearing off her clothes, and fucking her raw made her folds moisten. An insistence throbbing in her pussy continued to increase in intensity. Jane needed relief, and the dirty-blond cowboy in front of her couldn’t have been a better choice.

“My mother raised a gentleman, but you’re not making this easy on me, darlin’.”

“Being a gentleman is overrated.”

Jane could have sworn she heard him growl, his steel-blue eyes lethally trained on her. He said nothing else as he reached for her waistband and tugged her against him. She could feel his rigid cock like concrete against her stomach. She wanted it inside her, pleasuring her, relieving the deep-seated itch that was driving her mad.

She’d woken up in the morning with such a desperate need for sex it was unnerving. Then she realized the cowboys had left without her…again. Jane had to ride for hours in the saddle, every bump and movement stimulating her hypersensitive parts. Now she saw relief in the forecast.

His schoolboy charm had vanished, replaced with a dominant masculine aura that made her breath catch. Brad lifted her shirt and peeled the cup of one bra down. He descended over her breast with no invitation, his hot mouth covering her areola and sucking greedily. His free hand roughly undid the button on her pants and snaked down the front.

“Yes,” she murmured. Heat already flooded her system, pulling into that pre-orgasmic bliss, and they had barely started. Brad curled two fingers into her cunt, hitting her G-spot with every short thrust. He kissed up her chest, her neck, until finding her lips. She’d never been good with kissing, but wouldn’t refuse him when they were this far gone. His kiss was intoxicating, a thorough exploration, both sweet and erotic at the same time. She became lost to him, not just his lust, but something deeper. What would she give to find love, find a man worth holding on to?

She pushed the fantasy away and tugged up his shirt, needing to see him in the flesh. Knowing she’d never turn back once she got a glimpse of his sculpted, tanned muscles.

He removed his hand from her pants and chucked his shirt. She used her palms to feel every inch of his upper body, from his broad shoulders all the way to the trail of hair leading into his jeans. Jane dared to unbuckle him. He tilted her chin up and kissed her on the mouth again. She wasn’t used to such untamed passion from a man. The guys she’d dated were cold fish, mostly worried about their conference calls during sex or the dry cleaning they had to pick up. Her cowboys were true men, raised to know hard work intimately from a young age, like most Alberta ranchers. She knew they wouldn’t whine if hurt, or lie to get ahead at work. Their old-school values were less of a joke, and more of an appeal now. Why hadn’t she realized this before?

The ground rumbled as the herd stampeded further away, only a distant storm of dust marking their retreat. She wondered if Chase and Dawson would show up soon, and it made her pussy tingle just remembering having three sets of eyes watching her pleasure herself, nude and vulnerable.

“Do you have a man, Jane? Someone waiting for you when you go home?”

“Just an empty condo. Not even a cat.” She giggled as she unzipped him, but didn’t have time to dip into his boxers before he tackled her to the ground. He used his arms as protective bars behind her back to keep the uneven earth off her. Chest to chest, he stopped to study her face, his eyes roaming over every feature. She wasn’t used to this—affection from a man, something deeper than a forgettable fuck. Jane wasn’t sure if she hated it, liked it, or had now become addicted to it.

He tugged her pants down her hips. Brad looked like a starved man unsure where to indulge himself first. She felt every gaze burn into her flesh, leaving her a throbbing, needy mess. His muscles coiled tight as he supported his weight over her body.
So tempting
. She turned and kissed his hard forearm, loving his size and strength.

“I don’t want to hurt you,” he said as he poised himself between her legs. She felt the head of his cock prod her slick folds. It was a tease when she could barely contain her excitement to be fucked by such a hot cowboy. She knew she wanted this, not just because she was pent up, but more than that. Jane had allowed herself to tear down some of her protective barriers with these men. She submitted and reveled in the glory of it all, the eroticism, and liberation.

“You can’t hurt me, Brad. Give it to me hard.”

He delivered, pulling back and thrusting into her cunt in a smooth, easy entry. Once fully seated, she savored the tightness, the fullness of being filled to the max. She dropped her head back and looked up into the great blue beyond around her. This was the first time she’d had sex outdoors. The smell of the fields, the gentle breeze, the warmth of the man above her staving off any chill to her exposed flesh—it was surreal, a dream she never wanted to end.

“Darlin’, you feel incredible.” Brad drove into her with skill and the impressive cock God gave him. He satisfied her ache, his pubic hair rubbing her clit on each up-thrust, bringing her closer and closer to detonation. She was so lost to the combination of passion from his gentle caresses and kisses, and the intensity of his lovemaking. Jane didn’t even hear the horse hooves approaching, not with the movement of cattle and hot breath in her ear.

She could feel Brad’s dick pulse as he came, hot spurts of cum filling her body as he released with a satisfied groan. His weight briefly dipped, cutting off her air before he righted himself.

“Thank you,” he whispered, kissing her nose as he pulled free of her body. “Don’t be angry with me. I would have held off for you, but it appears we have company.”

Jane tried to focus on what he said, still on the cusp of orgasm, and left hanging to dry. She heard them before she saw them. “You want the real thing now, do you, baby doll? The rubber toys no longer cutting it?”

She wanted to tell Dawson to fuck off and give her what she wanted without being a jerk, but she was too hotwired for sex to argue with him. Besides, the man looked sinfully delicious in his cowboy hat, chaps, and spurs. She wanted him to ride her with the same dominance he showed with the horses, spurs and all. Hard, fast, and dirty.

Chase stood over her, blotting out the sun. Brad had tossed his T-shirt over her when he stood to give her some decency, and now she sat up holding it over her nudity. “This what you hired us for? Maybe I should have asked for half the money up front.”

Her nerves fired off. They’d gone this far on the trip without mention of payment, but now of all times, Chase brings it up. Did he actually think she was some depraved slut, luring cowboys into the grasslands for an orgy? She cringed envisioning herself through his eyes. Jane was not a harlot, a city socialite, or anyone of importance. The most daring thing she did was wear sexy stilettos to work, but that was the most of it—her shoe fetish. She blamed these men and their stupid, sexy bodies, deep voices, and rugged appeal.

So what if they judged her falsely? She shouldn’t care, not when she’d never see them again when the cattle drive was over. But Jane did care. She wanted Chase to want her, to accept her. That’s what she did in life. She seduced the men she dated until they fell for her, and then she lost interest.
Fucking daddy issues.
Right now she needed a reality check, someone to give her a shake so she’d stop replaying the dysfunctional relationship cycle in her life.

Chapter Eleven

Chase had seen Brad lift off their boss lady. She was no innocent summer rose. She’d just fucked a virtual stranger on the dirt and grass like an animal. He wasn’t sure why it made him so angry. It wasn’t his concern who she shared her body with. She wasn’t his sister, or even his girlfriend. Did he want her to choose him?
He wasn’t interested in the complications of a relationship, whether casual or serious. Chase was already pressured enough by his mother to settle down, so he tended to avoid the potential for real intimacy. He’d choose a woman when he was good and ready.

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