Espino, Stacey - Corralling the City Girl [Ride 'em Hard 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (8 page)

BOOK: Espino, Stacey - Corralling the City Girl [Ride 'em Hard 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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but still nice to look at.

Jane knew what she’d be thinking about when she returned home to lonely nights with her vibrator.

“Well, it calls for it right now. I’m tired, hot, hungry, and need a shower.”

Chase grabbed her saddle horn, making her unbalanced. Her nerves spiked, and she gripped his forearm as a lifeline. The man was hard, sinewy muscle. She wanted to trail her tongue over the golden curve of his shoulder so close to her lips. “Be a good girl, and maybe we’ll take care of you.” His eyes bore into hers, promising every kind of wicked temptation. Or was it her imagination?

She remained silent, not trusting herself to say something stupid when her thoughts were focused on carnal matters.

“She’s a darlin’ thing, Chase. We won’t have any trouble from her, will we, now?” Jane tried to steady her breathing as she turned her head to the right. She still clung to Chase, but Brad’s steel blue eyes were so close, so hypnotizing. It was as if they called out,
kiss me, kiss me, kiss me.

Before pulling his arm free, Chase leaned in close, the scruff on his cheek rubbing against her face. Her nipples pebbled as he whispered in her ear, his breath hot and erotic against her erogenous zone. “That’s a good thing. Otherwise, we’d have to corral you, tie you down, and teach you some manners, cowboy-style.”

She swallowed hard, but before she choked on her own spit, he was gone, galloping back toward the herd. Brad winked at her before making his pursuit. Barely two days alone with these men, and already her impenetrable inner fortress was toppling down.

Chapter Eight

The roundup had been a killer with the unrelenting heat and sun over the open prairies. Dawson wondered where the rain clouds had disappeared to, but there certainly was no sign of them now. He hadn’t tried to stall their progress yet because he really wanted to hit the stream before nightfall. The horses needed water, and he could use a good soak. There would be plenty of opportunities to hold the cattle back from reaching their destination during the next two weeks. Ronald Williams said Jane had exactly two weeks, ending at noon on the day in question. If she was even a minute after twelve o’clock, Dawson was guaranteed his thirty-grand paycheck.

He’d never bothered to ask questions. That was part of the reason he was hired—he didn’t give a shit, and did his job well. This was, however, the first time he was paid where someone would get hurt. Jane would be crushed if she didn’t make her deadline. But what did it matter if she was a few days or even hours late? The girl just inherited a fortune. She’d only be a bit vexed, but Dawson would be thirty thousand richer. It eased his conscience when he thought of it that way.

Dawson knelt down at the edge of the shallow river. They’d already driven the cattle across the water, and it had been a bitch with just the three of them to get the job done. Now the cattle grazed on the right side of the river, so they could rest for the night and continue at first light. He splashed water up on his face before looking up to appreciate the sunset. The sun was a great orange sphere, and random splashes of color decorated the horizon. Never in his life had he seen the same pattern, the same beautiful miracle painted across the prairie sky.

“How am I supposed to bathe in that?” The irritated female voice made him cringe, ruining the perfect, peaceful moment.

“Never said you had to. But I’m covered in sweat and dust, and I’m not complaining about this cool, fresh water.” Dawson stood up and unbuckled his belt before unzipping his Wranglers. He kicked off his cowboy boots and stripped to his black boxer briefs.

“What are you doing?” She looked horror stricken, taking a step back.

He ignored her, not willing to deal with her when he was too tired to stand. He eased into the cold water. It was only knee deep, but he couldn’t be picky. Dawson sat in the gentle current for a few moments before lying back and savoring the refreshing rush. His temperature began to lower, along with his stress level. He wouldn’t allow the little spitfire to ruin this moment for him.

“If you plan on bathing, you’d best get to it before the sun sets.” He closed his eyes and let his upper body float, his arms behind his head. Dawson believed the smallest pleasures were a cowboy’s reward for an often thankless job.

* * * *

Dawson’s cock wasn’t even erect, but it was huge. His soaked boxers clung to every detail, leaving nothing to the imagination. All three of her hired hands were abnormally built. She wondered what the fuck they had in their well water in the upper prairies, but it created a generation of cowboys built for some serious hard labor. Why couldn’t she peel her eyes away?

The sound of clothing rustling stole her attention from her focus in the river. Chase and Brad, already temptingly bare-chested, began to strip off the rest of their clothes, too. Their thighs were strong and muscled, with a light dusting of masculine hair. Their stomachs mirrored each other’s—hard and etched, as if made from granite. She studied Chase as he ran both hands through his mess of dark hair, his shoulder muscles bunching up. She’d give almost anything to run her hands down his pecs, all the way down his abs, to the thin trail of hair leading into his boxers.

“Joining us, sweet thing?” Chase approached her. He seemed taller, larger, more intimidating with nothing on but the thin material covering his intimate parts.

“I’ll pass.”

He shrugged and entered the water a few feet downstream from Dawson. After a tentative step, he immersed himself in the crystal clear water. The sky was changing as the sun dipped lower on the horizon. It looked like an aerial wildfire, burnt orange flames licking the heavens, giving a warm glow to the earth below. She was as awestruck by the natural wonder as she was by the three nearly nude cowboys.
Wait until Mandy hears about this!

“Once again, you’re not thinking with your head.” Her feet were off the ground in a flash as Brad scooped her up into his arms. She caught her breath and held onto his shoulders. Hard, warm shoulders.

“What are you doing? Put me down!”

“Oh, I’ll put you down. In the water.” He carried her to the river’s edge. “You’re sweaty and cranky. There won’t be another water source for a couple days, so I’m not letting you act a fool and not bathe while we have the chance.”

Brad continued to walk straight into the water. She wrapped her arms around his neck in a secure lock. “Don’t you dare!”

“I have three sisters, darlin’. Sometimes women just can’t see what’s best for them.” He sat down, still holding her in his arms. As her bottom hit the cold water, she squealed and then ranted. Within seconds she was down to her neck, and there was no point in fighting. It did feel refreshing, even though she was still wearing her clothes. If she was alone, she’d have stripped off her jeans and T-shirt without thought, and plunged into the shallow river to escape the heat. Maybe she did need a little prodding, but she wouldn’t admit it.

Dawson sat up, water dripping down from his hair and chest. He looked like a god, so unbelievably edible. “Better?”

“I’m soaked, and I don’t have a change of jeans. I only own one pair. I’ll probably catch pneumonia tonight when the sun goes down.” After she spoke she realized what a total bitch she sounded like, but she couldn’t help herself. She was so used to pushing away men that it became second nature. When would it end? Would it ever?

“Take off your clothes,” said Chase, moving into their circle of space. “I’ll dry them for you after I build us a fire.”

“How about
She lifted her chin in defiance, only to be plunged into the water when Brad removed his arms. Jane sputtered and pushed the hair from her face. “You jerk!”

One of them tugged at the hem of her wet shirt from behind. She was too dazed to fight or focus, water still streaming into her eyes. When the material was lifted over her head and dropped on the bank, she instantly felt the vulnerability of sitting there in just her pink lace bra. It felt oddly titillating, the gentle breeze caressing her moist flesh, and the many eyes she knew were drinking in the sight of her.

“Fancy. Her bra matches her panties,” said Dawson.

She whipped her head around. “How would you know?” Jane cupped her breasts to give her some sense of decency.

“It was a long climb into my truck.”

“Pig!” She splashed water at him, but he only crawled closer.

He wrapped an arm around her waist and gave a sharp tug until she was straddling his lap. She fought and struggled, but he held her tight. “Remember what I told you, baby doll? This is our world. If you keep being difficult, we’ll leave you here and get the roundup done without you.” She could feel the hard ridge of his cock against her sensitive folds. Her pussy pulsed strong and demanding. “How long would you survive out here alone?”

“I–I could…” She was breaking. Jane could feel her guards cracking and shattering when she wanted more than ever for them to be intact. She didn’t like herself or her life. It took only a glimpse at the sky around them to know she needed more out of her existence. Working a job she hated and coming home to an empty condo—it was a meaningless routine. She could go out with her friends, live it up on the weekends, and almost convince herself she was satisfied, but it was a lie. Sure, she didn’t set herself up to get hurt by men, but at what cost?

She wanted to be nicer, for people to like her, but was so used to being a hard-ass. Being superficial was all she knew. It was safe, but it had to stop. These three cowboys had surprised her, putting up with her bullshit for two days straight, and she’d pushed them to the limits. Had they finally had enough? A tinge of fear traced up her spine. Maybe she’d gone too far with her snarkiness. If only they knew the truth, that on the inside, she was a pathetic mess.

Dawson’s hands smoothed down her back, finally resting on her hips. He didn’t look angry, though he should be. His gaze briefly roamed over her chest, then back up to focus on her eyes. He was ruggedly handsome with a strong jaw, straight nose, and full lips. “You’re playing a game you can’t win, little one.”

She whispered, “I just want to get this cattle drive over with.”

“That’s what we all want. No sense making the worst of it.” Brad knelt beside them, running a hand through her hair. She forced herself to accept his gentle touch without pulling away. Her instincts screamed for her to snap back and pull away emotionally, but she fought it. She needed to change, needed to feel, and what better way than on vacation with these three gorgeous men she’d never see again? It was time to allow herself to experience true affection, to fully let go without holding back.

Dawson made the first move, the one that symbolized no turning away. He kissed her just below her ear, sending a wave of heat washing down to her clit. She controlled her breathing, battling the need to pull away as much as she wanted to spur him on.

“You have beautiful tits, Jane.” He kissed down her neck, moving closer and closer to her breasts. She wanted to scold him, to tell him he was a dirty, filthy pig—but she didn’t. Jane kept quiet, her head lolling back on her neck as he trailed his hot, moist lips along her sensitive skin. Everything she’d said to them, thought about them, convinced herself about them—it had all been a lie. She knew what they were. Dawson, Brad, and Chase were hardworking cowboy ranchers. They probably had old-fashioned values, and she knew they had the patience of saints. By dehumanizing them it became easier to resist them. Acknowledging they were decent men gave her permission to indulge in their hard, muscled bodies, and to allow herself to accept their sexual advances.

Chapter Nine

Chase was drawn to Jane. She wasn’t sugar and spice, but not many of the women in his life were. His mother and sister were smart-mouthed cowgirls, and this city girl wasn’t much different. He'd even forgotten to ask for half his money up front after just a glimpse of her sexy curves, and now it was too late to mention it.

It shocked him to see Jane melt in the wake of Dawson’s advance. He expected her to give him a fist to the gut or slap to the face, not silence into submission. Brad moved in like a lion scenting the kill, but Chase wasn’t so sure.

Yes, he wanted Jane, had from the first moment he saw her. But that wasn’t unusual. She was a beautiful woman, an unattainable woman—until now. Knowing she may just accept him had him putting on the brakes. His neighbors, the Carson brothers, had settled into a ménage relationship last year. The whole idea of multiple partners was no longer an abstract idea, but he still didn’t think it was something he could engage in. But every moment watching her made him more willing to try.

“Have you ever had a cowboy?” asked Brad. The younger blond reached around her waist and began unbuttoning her jeans. She still hadn’t protested.

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