Essentialism (Bridgette & Troy's Story) (29 page)

Read Essentialism (Bridgette & Troy's Story) Online

Authors: LK Collins

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction

BOOK: Essentialism (Bridgette & Troy's Story)
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“Troy?” an unfamiliar voice asks.

“This is him.”

“Hey, man, it’s Liam. How are you guys doing?”

“Oh, hey, dude, thanks for calling me back. We’re good, considering; just making the best of our time.”

Bridgette wiggles next to me and I know I’ve woken her. “No problem. I wanted you to know I talked to my guy at the station, and he knows the officers pretty well that got assigned to the case. He said they have had a few leads. So far they’ve interviewed David’s parents and neither one of them has spoken to him for months. They pulled phone records to confirm that as well.”

“What about Bridgette’s phone? Has it shown up?”

“Not yet, but it’s bound to and it will only lead them closer. It’s likely he’s holding on to it for some sort of sentimental value.”

“God, he’s so fucked up.”

“I know. I’ll keep you updated. Have you guys heard from the investigators at all?”

“Not a peep.”

“All right, hang tight, I’ll keep you posted and we’ll talk soon.”

I hang up and look down at my doe-eyed girl. She’s calling me to her with those eyes. “What?” I ask.

“You. You’re…so perfect.”

“Come on, I’m pretty fucked up. You even said so yourself.”

“You have your quirks, but I love all of them.”

“What do you say we get out of this place for a bit?”

She stares at me questioningly. “I don’t know, babe, I feel safe here. I don’t want to risk anything.”

“Are you sure? Even for a drive?”

“Not yet, maybe tomorrow?”

“What about the hot tub?”

She nods her head. “Yes, please.”

I lift her from the couch and carry her out to the deck. The clouds are starting to roll in. It’s a perfect day for the hot tub with the cooler temperatures. Thankfully, we left the lid off last night, so I effortlessly walk us up the stairs and set her down on the ledge. Taking our time, we both sit and wade our feet in the fiery water.

I love that since we’ve been here, neither of us has cared much to put any clothes on. A light breeze rustles through the air causing her nipples to harden. She dips into the water and I laugh at her brazenness. Her breathing ceases as the burning water engulfs her. “What that worth it?” I ask.

“Yeah. Why don’t you get in here with me?”

I slide in, sitting across from her, and stretch my long legs out. “How long are we going to stay here?” she asks.

“Until they find him.”

“Troy, that could take forever.”

Giving her a crooked smile, I think about forever up here, in this house, away from everyone, and I ask, “Is that a problem?”

“What about our jobs?”

“Vincent and Liam said you are
to return until they find David. And Abel told me not to worry about things. He’s got my back.”

She huffs like I’m joking and scrunches her eyebrows at me. “What about money?”

“Oh, uh…Vincent is kinda paying you and I have a shitload of cash saved up from working wild fires this year.”

“He’s what?!” she snaps.

“Hey, yell at him, not me.”

“God, he’s as bad as my sister is with babying me.”

“They love you, honey, just like I do. Let us take care of you. Don’t put a time constraint on this whole situation. Let it be.”

“Okay,” she whispers, running her hands over her hair and resting her head back. She’s so relaxed and comfortable. I love to see her like this. She senses that I’m staring and moves over, clambering onto my lap.

Her tight body awakens my senses. Reaching between us, she grips my dick, causing it to become hard as a rock.

Moving down between us, I take control and rub myself on her clit. The friction causes her to go mad rubbing herself against me, until finally she engulfs me. I sink deep inside of her, taking water with me and I rest my hands on her thighs, letting her take full control.

I want her to do this for us. I need her to do this for us. I can’t imagine how she’s managed to come out so…strong. Tipping her head back, she begins to move and I follow suit, resting back myself. “Oh God, fuck me, baby.”

She moans at my words and moves faster – harder. The water is a barrier, stopping her from really getting going. Regardless of the speed, any time inside of her, I treasure. Her body was made for me, every last detail about it. Right down to these perky ass breasts; watching them bounce drives me crazy. I grab each of them, pulling her down to me and pinch them in between my fingers. “Do you like this?” I ask.


“What about this?” I ask sneaking a hand under the water and pinching her clit.

“Yes,” she hisses and I know I have her right where I want her.

I continue to torture her clit, watching how my touch affects her body. She has her head hung back and eyes tightly shut. I can see her neck and profile perfectly. With each movement, the tips of her hair hit the water and begin to splash my arm as my hand is now spread across her back. I move my hips under her and suddenly she lets go, out of nowhere she comes fiercely, screaming my name while holding the back of my head.

Of its own accord, my body lets go with her. It has a mind of its own and doesn’t care that my brain wants to keep fucking her. My orgasm is as strong as ever, and Bridgette keeps a tight hold on my dick, milking every last drop of cum out of me. We stare at one another as our bodies come back down to earth.

Taking my hand, I brush her hair over her shoulder and hold her body to mine. We sit close together, silent, until she finally speaks. “I don’t think I can go back home to the condo.”

“Why?” I ask a bit puzzled.

“David told me he watched me there a lot. That’s how he knew where I worked…from following me. He said he loved to watch me sleep. God, Troy, what if they don’t catch him?”

“They will, baby.”

“But if not, we can’t stay here forever.”

“Move in with me.” The words leave my mouth before I realize what I’ve said, and I couldn’t be more sure of them. My only fear is she’ll shoot me down, but now’s not the time for my self-doubt. I think she knows this is what’s right.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes! Absolutely, yes! I want to wake up with you every day, and come home to you every night. Regardless of David or what happens, I want us to live together.”


“So it’s settled?”

She nods her head, pulling away from me and I grab her, holding both sides of her face as we kiss. I don’t need the words, her mouth tells me what I want to hear – it’s settled.

It’s been almost a week and she’s right…we can’t stay here forever. The call came this morning that Alexa wasn’t a bone marrow match for Robert, so Bridgette made the decision to go and get tested. I’m not sure how I feel about her going back to the city, considering what happened and with that freak still out there. But we’ll get it done. Plus, my gut’s telling me he’s smart enough to stay away.

I also promised my mother that we would have dinner with her and I really don’t feel like letting her down again. I already cancelled over the weekend. As much as I don’t want to see my dad, I know he would bathe in the glory of another one-up on me.

“You ready to go, babe?” I ask Bridge after loading the last bag into the Jeep.

“Yeah. I am. I know I have you to get me through whatever is thrown my way.”

“Damn straight you do.” I open her door and kiss her cheek as she slides in. Her tan legs look gorgeous against the contrast of the black leather. Walking around the car, I take one last look at the house. I know this won’t be the last time we’ll visit here, but leaving weighs heavy on my heart. Both of us love this place; it’s come to be one of our favorite spots.

“What time is your appointment again?” I ask.

“2:15, it’s at Cara’s hospital. I figured we could stop by and say hi to her if she’s not busy, then grab some of my stuff before we go to your place.”

“Our place,” I promptly correct her.

“Right. Sorry.”

She should know I already took care of having all of her stuff moved, but I want to surprise her. I called Alexa after she said she would move in with me and she helped. She said not to worry about a thing and hired a moving company to take care of it all.

She lets out a long yawn and rests her head on my shoulder.

“Take a nap, babe. We have a long drive ahead of us.” Slowly she nods her head, closing her eyes. I hold her face as I back out and breathe her in. I love how close she is to me, how close we’ve become. There’s a connection that we share; it’s been there since I pressed my lips to her finger the night she cut it at the station.

She didn’t know it at the time, but I was a mess. I’d wasted so much time contemplating even talking to her. Self-doubt was my enemy in the beginning. Looking down at her now, I’m grateful beyond any words that I pushed past all of my fears and pursued her.

As the highway rolls by, seconds feel like minutes. It must be because I am lost in my own head thinking over the past. My mind swirls a million miles a minute with absurd thoughts. What if David takes her again? What if us living together is too soon? What if I can’t resist tying her up? What if she finds someone else? Then all at once, it hits me…

What if this is all right? What if everything is as it should be? What if all of the trials and tribulations we have been through have had a purpose – a meaning? I hold on to that thought. Carrying positivity with me is way better than the negative. Bridgette has shown me that worrying about the what-ifs isn’t going to help anyone. Right now is all that we have and all that matters. I have her next to me, she is safe, and I’ll keep her that way –forever – end of story.

As we get close to the hospital, surprisingly it feels good to be home, not scary like I’d imagined. I know Bridgette is ready to get this over with and I want to help her. We found out there’s no reason to see Robert. Alexa didn’t have to and Bridgette agreed to do the same. I think it’s a good decision. He’s damn lucky that they are even getting tested. Had it been me, with my dad, I don’t know if I would get tested and I know the prick.

If she’s a match, they will remove her stem cells and harvest them until he is ready for transplant, which would all happen soon – very soon. Deep down, I hope she’s not a match. I don’t want her to have to go through any more pain. I want her to look forward to a bright and positive, pain-free future.

Leaning down, I kiss her neck and rub my thumb across her plump lips. “We’re here, baby,” I say, sitting in the hospital parking lot that I know far too well.

She moans a little and keeps her eyes tightly shut. “Bridge, it’s five after, we have to get checked in.”

She throws her arm across me and it lands in my lap.
Picking it up, I kiss the top of her hand and she lifts her head. “Come on, you can’t be that tired,” I tease.

“You have no idea, I am soooooo tired,” she grumbles.

“Well, let’s get this over with and I’ll take you home and put you to bed.”

She cocks a brow at me as we get out of the car. “That doesn’t sound like sleep at all. That sounds like fun.”

“Same difference. I don’t care if you’re awake or not.”


I’m joking with her in hopes she won’t be nervous to be back in the city and start looking over her shoulder. “What floor, again?” I ask as we get into the elevator.


“Four?” I say questioningly. She catches right on to my game and laughs.

“Yes, four.”

“You like that number, huh?”


There’s a couple with us stopping me from saying more. Then they exit on the third floor. “Three?” I question, gesturing for her exit.

“Nah, I’ve had three, I like four. I’ve never had four.”

“Then tonight, you will.”

I squeeze her hand as the doors open. Walking out, the waiting area is slow and thankfully that makes check-in a breeze. The clerk asks us to have a seat. Then a nurse, an older female who reminds me of my mom, takes us back. They go through all of the pros and cons of the process and what to expect if she is a match. Personally, I feel like it’s a bit too much information considering she’s only here to get a simple blood test.

Then I get a death gripping squeeze of my hand, and a few vials of blood later, we’re out of there. “Jesus, that was a lot of information,” Bridgette gripes.

“I know, but now it’s over with and you’ll have the results soon.”

I pull her to me and she wraps her arm around my waist. “Do you want to go and see Cara?”

She nods her head and I take us over to the ER. Margaret, the usual receptionist, is behind the counter and gives us a toothy smile when she sees me.

She waves to the right and opens the doors so we can go back into the ER. “Troy, what brings you in?” she asks as we approach the counter.

“We’re here to see Cara.”

“I’ll page her,” she says and calls Cara over the intercom. I glance at Bridge who is smiling at me and I’m sure it’s because of my clear friendship with a fifty-some-year-old woman. “Well, aren’t you going to introduce me to your girlfriend?”

I smile at the fact that she knows who Bridgette is. When I was in the hospital last, Margaret would sneak me in snacks, and let’s say she got to hear me talk about Bridgette, especially when I was a little loopy on pain medication. After I went on and on, Bridgette showed up and brought me dinner one night. So yeah, Margaret knows exactly who she is.

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