Essentialism (Bridgette & Troy's Story)

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Authors: LK Collins

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction

BOOK: Essentialism (Bridgette & Troy's Story)
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Copyright © 2014 LK Collins

Kindle Edition

Cover Design by Allie Brennan, B Designs

Edited by Lisa Christman, Adept Edits

Formatting by Paul Salvette, BB eBooks

Photography by Pawel Sierakowski

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owner.

Table of Contents

Title Page

Copyright Page



Chapter 1 ~ Boyfriend

Chapter 2 ~ Secrets

Chapter 3 ~ Cut

Chapter 4 ~ Piggy Back Rides

Chapter 5 ~ Preparation

Chapter 6 ~ Interview

Chapter 7 ~ Got It

Chapter 8 ~ Trepidation

Chapter 9 ~ Troy

Chapter 10 ~ Rescue

Chapter 11 ~ Patience

Chapter 12 ~ Endurance

Chapter 13 ~ New Beginnings

Chapter 14 ~ Secure

Chapter 15 ~ Perfect

Chapter 16 ~ Rough Ride

Chapter 17 ~ Trust

Chapter 18 ~ Grease

Chapter 19 ~ Sneaking Out

Chapter 20 ~ Spending

Chapter 21 ~ Your World

Chapter 22 ~ The G

Chapter 23 ~ Shock

Chapter 24 ~ Embarrassed

Chapter 25 ~ One More Present

Chapter 26 ~ Stalking My Girl

Chapter 27 ~ Fear

Chapter 28 ~ Get Away

Chapter 29 ~ The Story

Chapter 30 ~ Home

Chapter 31 ~ Essential



Follow LK Collins


To my mother, for giving me the strength to be the woman I am today. I love you.

On the drive over to Drain Café, I call Troy. That’s where he told me to meet him when he sent the flowers. I know I’ll be there in a few minutes, but I can’t seem to get enough of him; he is sex on a motherfucking stick. His eyes, they mesmerize me, combined with his messy hair, and ludicrous body. I just become a flustered mess when he’s around.

Regardless of his looks – he’s real. That’s what I like most about him. I’ve met and been involved with a lot of fake people, so being around him and his genuineness feels so right. Pulling into a parking spot, I look for his Jeep. It’s nowhere in sight, so I decide to head in and order for us.

My heels hit the ground, and the moment my car door closes, a hand clamps over my mouth. “Don’t make a fucking sound.”

Fear takes over my body as I instantly recognize the voice. Standing behind me, holding me against my will, is a monster. My worst fears are coming true. “Did you get my flowers?”

Tears fill my eyes as he removes his hand from my mouth and I stand frozen…petrified. “Answer the goddamn question, Bridgette.”

I nod my head trying to pull myself out of the daze I am in. I know I have to do something. I have to fight. There’s anger in his voice, and the repercussions terrify me. I begin to kick and scream, attempting to lunge out of his arms. But physically, I don’t stand a chance and I quickly find that out.

Suddenly my body begins to burn, everything hurts, and I shake violently until…blackness.

Jesus Christ, I hate moving.
Note to self, find a good enough job to afford movers for the next go around.
Honestly, I didn’t realize how much shit I had until I started to load it all into the U-Haul. A light rap on my door takes my attention away from organizing. “Come in,” I say.

My roommate, Cara, comes in and sits on the bench at the end of my bed. “Are you getting all settled in?” she asks.

“Yeah, I am. Thanks for letting me move in.”

She shakes her head. “Don’t thank me; this is your sister’s place. I’m as lucky as you are to be living here, rent-free.”

Cara is so sweet. She’s newly pregnant and glowing. I know we are going to get along beautifully. From the moment I met her we clicked. “Well then, we’re both lucky.”

“So tell me what you’ve been up to.”

“Honestly, school. I’m so glad it’s over. It felt like I was never going to graduate.”

She laughs as my phone beeps on my nightstand. I grab it checking the message, and Cara asks, “Who’s that?”

“Uhh. My…boyfriend.”

“Are you serious?”

I nod my head.

“Since when?”

“I don’t know, a month or so.”

“You really should’ve told me this earlier,” she says.

“Why?” I ask, confused.

“Ummm. I may or may not have given your number to Troy.”

My stomach knots up thinking about him. I push away those feelings because I know they’re wrong. I’m with David. “I’ve been meaning to tell you, I really have. It’s just…things are new and I’ve been so busy getting ready to move down here.”

“It’s all right. I know all about being busy. So what’s his name?”


“Are you going to tell me anything else about him?” she asks jokingly.

“Yeah, of course. He graduated last year from CSU. I met him when I was at a party a few months ago. We became good friends and then it evolved into more. He lives in Fort Collins for now, but is planning on moving down.”

“And he’s good to you?”

I nod my head and Cara says, “Oh Bridgette, that’s great. I’m really happy for you.”

“Thanks,” I respond grabbing a stack of hangers to use on my last pile of clothes.

“Well, I’ll let you finish getting settled. I’m gonna run and grab some dinner from The Cherry Cricket; I’m craving their fries. Do you want anything?”

“Yeah, I’ll take a cheeseburger and some fries.”

“Cool. I’ll be back soon.”

As she walks off I plop down on my bed with my phone and reread David’s text.
Sorry I couldn’t make it to help with the move, love. I had a tournament that ran all day. I made a G so it was worth it.

Thinking about his text, I’m unsure how to respond. Inside, I’m sad that he wasn’t here to help me and meet everyone. I know he’s always been into poker, more so now than ever. It’s how he makes his living. However, it’s starting to interfere with
. It used to not bother me, but now it takes all of his time. It’s not just that; I feel like there is something else going on.
It’s okay. I missed you. But Cara got some friends to help, so it went smoothly. I’m about done unpacking now.

he immediately texts back.

Her boyfriend, my sister’s boyfriend, Alexa, me, and a friend of theirs.
I make sure that I give everyone a title so he knows that two of the three guys are taken. He has recently become possessive against – or rather jealous of – other men.

Who’s the friend?

Troy, he works with Cara’s boyfriend.

Does he have a girlfriend?

I don’t know, David. Does it matter?

Yeah, it does. I don’t like you hanging out with single guys.

I don’t even know how to respond to his text. It’s honestly crazy that I have to think about those kinds of things, but I do. Thinking back through our relationship, I never saw any of this coming. It’s like he hid behind a well-placed mask, until he had me right where he wanted me. Now, I guess he’s letting his true colors show. Since I don’t know how to respond to him, I don’t, hoping he lets this one go.

I decide to shower before I eat dinner with Cara; wash away the grime that accompanies moving. Turning on the water, I faintly hear my phone beep.
Damn it.
I go to check it and to my surprise, it’s not David.

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