Eternity (Circle of Light) (14 page)

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Authors: April Margeson

BOOK: Eternity (Circle of Light)
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“I love you too, but we have plenty of time.  I don’t see a reason to rush things.”

“Well, how about we make a deal with each other?” he asked.

I was almost afraid to say yes, but what could a simple deal between us hurt?  It’s not like I didn’t trust him and I knew that he would never pressure me into doing anything that I didn’t want to do.

“Ok. What's the deal?”  I asked still a bit reluctant.

He sat there quietly, acting as if he was arranging his thoughts.  Finally, he responded “Let
’s just relax and let whatever happens happen.” 

I thought hard about what he had said before I answered him.


Every conversation opened the door to new things.  I learned more about him each time and it was hard for me not to ask questions.  Some things he told me weren’t happy things, but it wasn’t like he had killed anyone or anything.  I guess he thought I should know about everything that had gone on in his life up until he met me.

  We stayed at the lake and talked and watched the stars until it was time to go. 

The ride home was quiet, but not in a bad way.  Eric turned on the radio and changed the station until he found a good song.  I smiled at him, trying to hide my amusement. 

It wasn’t long before we pulled into my driveway.  Our time together always seemed to end too soon. 

I got out of the car and caught a glimpse of a shooting star.  I couldn’t help mak
ing a wish.  The wish seemed childish after I made it, but I didn’t care.  I wished for Eric and me to always be together, not matter what.

We took our time walking to the door.  Eric stopped me before opening the door and kissed me. I wondered if I would ever get used to the way he made me feel.  I always felt like I was hovering above the ground when I was with him.  Honestly, I didn’t want to feel any other way.  The love I have for him was unlike anything I had ever felt before.  It had such power and I never wanted it to end.

I was not expecting to walk in and see Eric’s parents.  It was late and I was for sure that my parents would be in bed by now.  Boy was I wrong. 

Looking at them made me wonder exactly what they had put in the coffee.  Vodka would not be a surprise from the way they were acting.

Eric could not help but to laugh at them. “They remind me of a bunch of college kids at a frat party.” he cackled. 

The radio was playing a bit louder than it should have been at this time of night.  I walked over to turn it down before the cops showed up at the door. 

“Hi kids.” I said laughing so hard that my ribs hurt.

“Sorry sweetie. I guess we were having such a good time that we got a little carried away
.” Mom said trying to catch her breath.

“Did you guys have a good time?” Eric’s dad asked with a smile. 

“We always do.”

The next morning Mom was sitting at the kitch
en table with a cup of coffee. The cup was bigger than her normal every morning one.  I could see the word hangover written all over her face.  She looked like crap, but I didn’t dare say anything to her about it.  I didn’t want to hurt her feelings.

I tried not to make any unnecessary noise.  From t
he way she was holding her head I could tell that she had a headache.  Being the good daughter that I am, I went to the cabinet and got out the Tylenol.  I took her a couple of capsules and a cold glass of water.

“Thanks Bailey.”

“Did you have a little much to drink last night?”  I asked quietly.

“Not really, but I guess it was enough to give me a splitting headache.”

“I guess you‘ll know better next time.” I said.

“I suppose you’re right.  Did you have a nice time with Eric last night?”

“Yeah. We went to the lake.” I told her. 

She raised her head and looked at me in a strange way. I froze right where I stood. 

“Just exactly how serious are you and Eric?” she asked.  I swallowed hard, knowing what was on her mind.

“I love him, momma.
” I said hardly controlling my excitement. 

“I was afraid of that
.” she replied exhaling harder than I would’ve liked her to.

I wasn’t sure where this conversation was going.  Mom looked like she was going to cry.  

“My baby is all grown up.” she said as the first tear fell.

“Yeah, I guess so
.” I replied.

I was counting the minutes until I was going to be able to see Eric.  He probably was not even awake yet.  With all the excitement that happened yesterday, it was a miracle I was even awake.

My train of thought quickly moved on to another topic, even though, it was hard not to think about him.

I wasn’t sure what I was going to do this summer.  Not a whole lot if I could get out of it.  Dad said I didn’t have to look for a job or anything right now unless I wanted to.  Truthfully, I just wanted to relax for a while.



My parents spoil me I guess you could say.  However, I tried not to let it go to my head. I needed to get a job.  Having to ask them for money was not my favorite thing to do.  In addition, I wanted to be able to buy myself a car.  It was going to be a long time before I could save enough for a down payment and without my own source of income; it was going to take forever. I figured that I needed to save at least three thousand dollars.  However, with my newly acquired powers, I could just dream up some money.  Trying to explain that would be hard.

The phone rang and Mom got up and answered it despite me telling her I would get it.  I guess her headache had eased off some.  She was not crinkling her eyebrows anymore.  That was a good sign. 

She told whomever she was talking to, she would meet them in town and I assumed she was talking to Dad since he had already left.  I heard her hang up the phone.

“Bailey, I have to go in to town for a bit.  Do you need anything?” she said as I heard her car keys jingle. 

“No.  I think I’m good.” I told her.

I went to my room and sat on the platform.  I was bored and wondering what Eric was doing.  The thought crossed my mind to use my power to find out, but I thought against it. 

I didn’t want to be all up in his business all the time.  First, I wouldn’t want him to do me that way; second I think it is wrong to violate someone’s privacy, so I just sat there and watched out the window for any sign of him.

I must have fallen asleep.  I looked around at my clock and two hours had passed.   It was unlike Eric for me not to talk to him by now.  He would have at least called I would think.  I wonder what is keeping him from it.

Someone knocked on my door. “Come in.” I called. 

It was Mom.  She was back from town.  I could tell she was pleased about something, but I was too worried about Eric to ask what it was. 

“Mom, has Eric called today?”

He called about an hour ago, but you were sleeping.  I told him I would have you to call him when you got up.

“Oh. Ok. Thanks Mom.”

She told me she would be downstairs and pulled my door closed behind her.  My hair felt like I had tied it all up in knots, so I got my brush and did my best to untangle it.  When I finished, I went downstairs to call Eric back.  He picked up the phone on the first ring.

“Hi, Princess.” he greeted me. 

“Where have you been?”

I had a little shopping to do and your mom said you were resting, so I decided not to bother you.

“I missed you.”

“I missed you too.”

“Do you want to come over?”

“How about you come over to my house?  I don’t know if I told you, but I have a pool and it is hot out today.  Would you want to go swimming with me?”

“That sounds great!  I‘ll get my swim suit on and I‘ll be right over
.” I said and hung up the phone. 

I got my red two-piece out and put in on.  I had a beach towel somewhere, but I was having trouble finding it, so I went out to the hallway and shouted down to ask Mom if she knew where it was. 

“In the top of your closet.” she yelled from the kitchen.

  I hurried back in my room and got it from the top shelf of my closet.  I slipped a pair of lounge pants and a tank top on over my swimwear.

I stopped by the kitchen and told Mom that I was going over to Eric’s house to swim.  She smiled and told me to have fun.

I walked over to his house a little faster than I normally would.  I couldn’t wait to see him.  I had already fallen so hard for him and I couldn’t imagine ever being without him.  He is like the air that I have to have to continue to breathe.  I don’t believe that I had found such a wonderful person.  He is everything I could ever want in a man.

As I rounded the fence in his backyard Eric was sitting at the edge of the pool. 

“Hey beautiful
.” he said as he jumped up and walked to meet me. 

I quickened my pace so that I could get to him sooner.  He immediately threw his arms around me and kissed me.  I breathed his scent in, holding it in my lungs.  He always smelled so good.  It was a perfect mixture of cologne and the natural scent of his body.

“Did you miss me?”  I asked him softly. 

“What would make you think such a thing?” he replied jokingly.

I laughed at him as we walked to the side of the pool. 

I took my over shirt off and laid it on the patio chair.  I was not really paying attention to him as I slipped my shoes and the lounge pants off.  Being around him was so natural to me that I had missed the sound of his heart skipping a beat here and there.

“Are you ready to get in?”  I asked as I turned and faced him. 

He was standing there looking at me.  The look on his face reminded me of someone that had just been given a brand new car for his or her birthday. 

“What in the world are you staring at?” I asked almost amused.  I was oblivious to the fact that he was looking at me that way.

“You look so amazing
.” he said seemingly forcing the words to come out.

I wasn’t sure whether I was embarrassed or flattered.  This was still all new to me. The whole love and attraction thing.  Even
though it came so easy at times. The feelings of it were somewhat overwhelming at other times.

  Not knowing exactly the right thing to say, I replied with a confident thank you and I smiled.

He stood there for a moment longer, almost as if he was trying to get his heart back in his chest.  I heard him take a deep breath as he walked to the edge of the pool. 

“Do you want to jump in here or use the diving board?” he asked. 

I took a second to look around the pool trying to decide how I was going to make my entry.  The diving board was tempting, but the slide at the deep end was better. 

“I think I‘ll use the slide first
.” I said as I walked over to it and started climbing up the steps.                It was almost as high as a waterpark slide.  I reached the top and followed all the twists and turns it made with my eyes.  Eric was watching me with excitement.

“Are you going to go or are you going to stand there all day and think about it?” he called up to me.

  I hadn’t realized how high up the slide was until I was on the top of it.  It didn’t look this high from the ground.

I looked back down at Eric.  He was standing there with his arms extended beside him.  I couldn’t make myself move.  The realization of how far I was off the ground froze my body in fear. 

“Bailey, what's wrong?” his voice filled with concern.

“I’m just taking my time.  Enjoying the view” I yelled back down to him.

“You’re lying.”

“Okay.  I’m just a little scared of heights.
No big deal.”

“Well, it’s a fine time to say something now. You’re already at the top.  Just sit down
and slide down.  I promise you’ll be alright.” He said trying to reassure me.

  I could feel the fear washing over me, but at the same time a calm feeling came over me.  It was coming from Eric.  I took a deep breath and sit down at the top of the slide.  

“That's my girl.” I heard him say.

Something else just wasn’t right.  I had a feeling as if I was in danger.  Eyes were on me and they
didn’t belong to Eric.  I looked around, trying to find what was causing my alarm, but we were alone.  I guess it was just the fear of being up so high in the air.

   With no other choice, I pushed myself down the slide.  I spiraled down it so fast I
couldn’t help but scream.  Right before I went off the slide and into the water, I saw a dark shadow in the water.  However, I couldn’t do anything to stop myself from going in the water. It was too late.

“Eric!”  I screamed just as I went under. 

The shadow was there waiting as I sank deeper under the water.  I struggled to swim to the surface, but it was no use.  Its force was pulling me closer to it and I was hopeless to stop it.  With every inch I drew closer to it.

I had known that there was something wrong, but I had ignored the feeling that I had and that could very well cost me my life right now.  If I make it out of this pool alive, I swear I will never shake a feeling like that off ever again.

I turned to look for Eric, but I
couldn’t see him anywhere in the water. 

“Help me!  It is going to drown me!”

“I can’t get to you!  Try to fight it Bailey!”

Suddenly, I was face to face with the dark figure.  I could feel the evil flowing through it and into the water surrounding me.  It spoke to me.  Being under the water did not seem to hinder the figure’s voice. 

You will not see Queenship my lady.  The Dark Union will come for you and your mate.  We cannot allow the Light Circle to be united
, he said as he reached for my arms.

  I fought as hard as I could to get away from him, but he was too powerful.  My lungs were beginning to burn.  I needed air and I needed it now.  Nevertheless, there was no way I could loosen the figure’s grip.  His hold on me was too tight.

I was going to die right here.  I gathered all of what was left of my strength and called to “Eric.  I love you Eric.”

“NO!  Pull from your powers Princess!” 

“I can’t.  I don’t know how and I’m too weak.”

I could hear Eric muttering something.  It sounded like a prayer, but I couldn’t be sure.  The confusion that was taking over my mind was not allowing me to decipher his words.

I wanted to take a breath so bad it was all I could think about doing.  However, I knew when I pass out the first thing I would do was take a deep breath and that would be the end.  And I was getting really close to that point. 

My thoughts became whispers and I was drifting dangerously between being conscious and not.  With everything I had left in my body, I called for my Queens. 

Please help me!  This THING is trying to kill me and I am powerless to stop it.  Eric can’t help me. I NEED YOU!

My lungs were burning and all I wanted to do was take a breath.
As soon as the last word traveled through my mind I felt a sting at my throat.  Stretching sensations ran all over my neck.  I could feel my skin tearing.  The burning eased from my lungs.  I had a strange feeling that I could breathe, but without using my own lungs. 

Renewed energy filled me with such force that I knew I could defeat my captor. 

Fill him with light,
the Queens whispered to me. 

Acting completely out of instinct, I clasped my hands around his arms as he was holding mine.  I sent jo
lts of light through the figure’s body, totally unaware of how I was doing it. 

After several jolts went into his body, he cowered away from me trying to escape.  I
wasn’t letting go just yet.  I had to know why he was after me.

He begged me to spare him.  I knew I
wasn’t the type of person to kill another person.  Was he really a person?  Could he be the same as I am, but just on another side?  Again, confusion began to cloud my judgment and I released him. 

I could feel the human part of him in my mind.  That was the reason I let him go.  He
wasn’t pure evil like I had thought only a moment before.  There had been good in his heart at some time. That much I was sure of.

Go back to where you came from.  Tell the person that sent you here that I am no easy target as you can see.  I mean no harm to anyone, as I expect no harm to come to me.  Leave us alone.  Do not come back or I will not be able to extend the same courtesy as I have today by letting you leave here.

Thank you my Queens
, I thought as he disappeared from the water. 

  I could hear Eric scream in my head. 

Eric!  I’m ok.  But, I really have to get out of this water. Like Right Now!
  I said back to him as I swam for the surface. 

He met me before I emerged from the water.  When my head was above the water, my body gave out.  I felt Eric grab me and pull me out of the pool.  I still wasn’t taking regular breaths through my mouth or nose. 

I opened my eyes to see Eric examining my neck.  He was looking at it with some sort of credence in his eyes.  I really couldn’t tell if he was amazed or horrified at my temporary transformation. 

“Are you ok Eric?”  I asked him. 

I realized that my voice sounded somewhat funny.  He just looked at me with a very confused look on his face.

“You have gills!” he said with uncertainty. 

“Wow, I was wondering how I was still breathing under water.” I replied with a laugh.

He let me lay there until I could gather up enough strength to move to one of the lounge chairs beside the pool.  With his help, I laid back trying to regain control over my body.  It was def
initely going to take some time I had soon realized.

Eric seemed to be having trouble with the fact that he could not get to me in the water.  I tried to reassure him that he could not have helped me, but we both knew better. 

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