Eternity (Circle of Light) (15 page)

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Authors: April Margeson

BOOK: Eternity (Circle of Light)
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The dark figure would not have stood a chance with Eric and I united in the water.  I suppose it already knew that seeing that he had managed to do something that would keep Eric away.

I felt my neck begin to tighten.  It hurt a little bit.  More like a stinging sensation, but it was very uncomfortable, nonetheless.

“The gills are going away.” Eric told me.

“Good, I was hoping I wasn’t going to have to keep them.”

As soon as I was sure that I would be able to walk Eric helped me inside his house and up to his room.

Eric’s bedroom was different than I had expected it would be.  I had expected him to be messy just like any other teenage boy’s room would be, but his room was the complete opposite.  Everything was neat and in order.  Best of all, everything was clean.  I couldn’t find a bit of dust anywhere.

There were no posters of pinup girls.  Not even one of his favorite bands.  That was weird, but I liked it in a way.  I had expected something like that to be on his walls.

I was starting to
understand that we were more alike than I had first thought.  He didn’t seem to be shy about his room as most people are.  He was very confident about almost everything. 

A black computer desk sat in one corner of the room.  I could see that he used it quite often.  He had a notepad, a cup full of pencils and pens, and several other odd and end things laying around on it.  Needless to say, they were all in perfect order.

I looked around some more without seeming as if I was prying through his things.  He had a few action figures on the top shelves of his bookcase.  I recognized a couple of them.  I think it was some of the characters from the Justice League. 

I moved around the room slowly and commented on various things that I like about it.  He seemed to be please that I liked his room. 

“I like yours better.” he said.

“Why?”  I asked. 

“It has a more comfortable feel to it.  It feels like home.”  

“Really?” I replied with sarcasm. 

“Yeah.  But I would like a dirt hole if you were in it.” he said as he dropped down across his bed.

I noticed I was getting really tired from all the craziness that happened in the pool.  I walked over to the
window and looked to see if my mom was still home.  Her car was parked in the same place it was when I left.  I should probably call her and tell her that I am going to be here for a while, I thought to myself. 

“Can I use your phone?  I think I left mine at home
.” I asked Eric.               

“Yeah, sure.  It’s over there
.” he said as he pointed to the computer desk. 

I dialed the number to my house.  It rang several times before Mom picked up.  “Hello?” she answered sounding like she had been sleeping. 

“Hey, Mom.  I think I left my phone at home.  I just wanted to check in with you.”  

“Oh, hi sweetie.”  Mom replied.

“We just got out of the pool.”

“Are you having fun?” 


“I have to leave in a few minutes.”

“Where are you going?”  I asked.

“I have to go to a meeting at the office.  I’m not sure when I‘ll be back.”

“Ok.  We may come back over there in a bit.”

“Sure.  Remember that your Dad is working a double shift to
day so make plans to go to Eric’s house in the morning or something so he can sleep.” she said.

“No problem, Mom.  I will see you later.  I love you
. ” I said as I hung up the phone.

Eric was lying there on his bed looking mind-blowingly gorgeous as usual.  I stood there thinking about him in ways that embarrassed me. 

“I can show you if you want me to.” he said with a sly grin on his face. 

My eyes widened in surprise.  Sometimes I had a hard time of keeping my thoughts to myself and out of his reach.  I had been wondering what he would look like lying there in his boxers.  I
couldn’t answer him either way. My mouth wouldn’t let me. I wanted to say yes and no at the same time. 

He sensed my confusion when he sat up on the bed.  He always has the same look on his face when he probes into my mind. 

“I wondered once what you would look like in your bra and panties.  I got to see that earlier today only you were in a swim suit.” he said.

“I guess you got what you wished for, huh?”  I smiled at him.

“No, not all of it.  You weren’t on my bed.” he said as he stood up.

“Stop being such a perv.” I said trying to avoid his advances.

My nerves kicked into overdrive.  My hormones were not far behind either and my heart was beating rapidly.  

I took a few steps back until I was leaning against the wall. If I didn’t know any better I would have thought I was looking for a way to escape.

Eric took off his shirt and tossed it to the floor.  He looked at
me for about a half of a second then unbuckled his belt.  It made a sliding noise as it passed through each of the loops on his shorts. 

My breathing became a little faster as I watched him unbutton his denim shorts.   I swallowed hard as he unzipped them and let them fall to his feet.  He kicked them to the side and smiled at me.

I wasn’t sure which thing I wanted to do.  Run to the door or run to him.  Heat filled my cheeks as he laid back on the bed.  He laid there looking at me for a few minutes.  When I didn’t speak, he asked “Do I look like you thought I would?” 

I opened my mouth, but I couldn’t make any words come out.  I wanted to scream and jump as if I had won the lottery, but I couldn’t do that either.  My body was completely frozen in place from his beauty.

After we got out of the pool earlier, I had put on one of Eric’s t-shirts and a pair of his cotton shorts.  I had left my clothes outside by the pool.  My struggle with the dark figure had caused them to get soaking wet. 

My mind was blank except for the desire to take his borrowed clothes off and show him the rest of what he wanted to see, but I was so confused.  My body was ready.  My heart was screaming yes to my mind, but my mind spitting a million reasons as to why I shouldn’t.

I love him so much.  I want to be with him in every way possible.  Is now the right time?  I was at war with myself about what I should do. 

Eric got up off the bed and walked over to me.  He ran his hand over the side of my face and kissed me.  Both of his hands moved down to the bottom of the t-shirt and started pulling it up.  They only thing that I could do was raise my arms above my head and let him take it off me.

I’m not sure where the shirt ended up.  All I could think about was the fact that he had already slid the shorts down to my feet.  I stepped out of them as he led me over to the bed.  By that time, I had gathered enough sense that I laid down on my side in the bed.

Eric walked to the foot of the bed and looked down at me. 

“Wow!” he said clearly stunned by the sight of me lying on the bed. 

“I hope I look as good as you wanted me too
.” I said softly. 

“You look more stunning than I thought you would
.” he replied. 

“I’m not sure if that's a good thing or not
.” I laughed.

“Oh don’t worry.  It’s a good thing
.” he said as he got on the bed.

He was graceful as he moved closer to me.  He leaned in and kissed me.  I don’t think he had ever kissed me with such passion.  I mean, sure, we have had heated kisses, but nothing like this.  This one was different. 

I gently pushed him back.  I needed to catch my breath.  The way that Eric was kissing me was incredible.  But in reality, I needed a moment to gather my thoughts and get my head on straight before I ended up doing something that I might regret later.  The key word was might. 

Eric was trying hard to catch his breath as well.  The sense of urgency I was feeling was coming from him. 

I searched his thoughts quickly.  He was thinking about me.  He kept saying to himself that he needed to calm down, but he just couldn’t manage doing it.  The attraction between us was so strong that he could hardly control himself.  And to tell the truth, I was having just as hard of a time with it myself.

I got up off the bed and walked back to the window.  I could see the pool from the window on the other side of his room.  The water was its normal color of blue.  Everything looked to be the same as it should be.  It was just as if nothing had happened earlier.  There were no sign that the dark figure had even been there, but to look at it made me shiver.

Eric got up and slipped on his shorts.  I wouldn’t have even noticed he was getting dressed until I heard him pick up his belt off the floor.  I turned to look at him.  He had a disappointed look on his face.  That made me feel bad.  I really didn’t mean to hurt his feelings when I got up.  The reason didn’t have anything to do with him.  Well, not entirely anyway.

I was fine with where our little make-out session was going, but I wanted to have my mind completely free of everything when we went farther.  At this very moment, my mind was wandering back and forth between him and the dark figure that had tried to kill me in the pool. 

I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why someone would want to hurt me.  The powers I possess will be used for good, not evil.  I’m not an evil person and I don’t intend on causing anyone any harm.  It just makes no sense that someone would intentionally want to hurt me.  I suppose that comes with the territory.  Everything has consequences. 

have no idea what I was thinking.  I mean, here I have these awesome powers now and I was obviously going to use them for good.  There was no question about that. I guess that there are people out there that wouldn’t agree with the way I was going about doing things.  

That is funny
because I haven’t really used my powers all that much.  I have done a few things like played around with things in my room and I changed my mother’s rose bush.  The only other things I could think of was the day Eric and my powers joined together, and the day I saved Katrina from her uncle.  Not to mention, when I couldn’t save him from Carolyn and helping the girl change her flat tire on Graduation day.

I tried to shake those thoughts from my mind.  I was not ready to have to deal with that again.  Eric put his arms around me and rested his head on the back of mine. 

“What's wrong?” He asked.

“I was just thinking.”

“Yeah, I could tell that.  I heard everything.”

“So you understand?”  I asked.

“Yeah.” he said as he held me.

We stood there looking out the window for what seemed like forever.  Time had a way of getting away from me when I was with him.  I noticed that Mom had already left to go to her meeting.

“Do you want to go to your house for a while?”  Eric asked. 

“Sure.  If you want to.”  I replied.

I grabbed his t-shirt off the floor and tossed it to him as I scooped up the one he had loaned to me and put it on.  I did not put on the shorts because I was going to change as soon as I got home.  A hot shower would be good, I thought to myself.

We walked hand in hand to my house.  Eric, being a gentleman, opened the front door for me.  I was beginning to get used to that.  He led me up the stairs to my room. 

“Do you want to take a shower?”  He asked. 

“Why do you even ask this stuff?  It's not like you don’t already know the answers to all of your questions.”  I replied.

He smiled at me as he grabbed the remote off my bed and turned on the television.  He sat on my bed and flipped through the channels trying to find something worth watching. 

I gathered my clothes and took them to the bathroom.  I shut the door behind me and turned on the hot water in the shower.  I liked to let it heat up before I tried to adjust it to the right temperature.  To be honest, I liked the steam that came off the hot water. 

I washed all the chlorine from the pool out of my hair.  As I was putting conditioner in my hair, I heard the bathroom door open. 

“Eric?”  I called. 

“Yeah?” He replied as he opened the shower door and stepped in. 

I was shocked and I
didn’t know whether I should be okay with it or hit him right in the mouth. 

“It’s ok sweetheart.  I
’m not intending on doing anything bad.  Pool water makes me itch and I didn’t take a shower before we came over here.” he smiled triumphantly.

I moved up and handed him the shampoo. 

“Great. Girlie shampoo.” he said flatly.              

“What did you expect?  You
in a girl’s bathroom.” I said to him slightly amused.

He lathered up his hair and asked if he could get under the water to rinse it out.  I finished rinsing off and moved to the back of the shower so he could rinse his hair.  Not being under the water sent shivers all over my body. 

“I’m going to get out.  I’m cold.” I told him as I opened the shower door and stepped out. 

“Would you care to hand me a washcloth and lay out a towel for me?” He asked as he put his head under the shower stream.

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