Eternity (Circle of Light) (8 page)

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Authors: April Margeson

BOOK: Eternity (Circle of Light)
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“I'll be sure and hold you to that.”

The walk home was in silence until we reached the corner where both of our houses were.  I was still rolling in myself inflicted humiliation.  We said our goodbyes and we each went in our different directions.

My Dad’s car was in the driveway.  He had finally got back from the conference.  I ran up the walkway as fast as I could.  I hardly get to see him anymore.   “Dad!” I shouted as I went through the door. 

He was standing in the kitchen looking over the mail.   “Well, hello, my baby girl
.” he said. 

“I sure have missed you
, Daddy.  How was the conference?” 

“It wasn’t the greatest time I've ever had
.” he laughed as he scooped me up into a hug that brought my feet off the floor. “I’m glad to be home.”

He said that he was going to be able to be home more for a while now. He asked about school and about how my final exams had went. I told him I passed them all. 

He wasn’t surprised. “You have always been a great student.” he complimented me.

“I have a friend coming over to study.” I could feel my cheeks turning red.

“Anyone I know?” he asked. 

“Nope, he just moved here I told him.” 

Dad gave me that funny look he always gives me when I mention a boy.  It was almost cute, but scary at the same time. 

“When is he going to be here?” He asked as the doorbell rang. 

I smiled and said, “Now.”  

I opened the door and let Eric in. He automatically went to Dad and introduced himself.  Dad seemed to be pleased that Eric didn’t wait for me to introduce them.  I could see the light in my father s eyes shining.  He acted like he might be able to tolerate Eric.

Eric and I excused ourselves to go to the living room.  I pulled my textbooks out of my backpack and put them on the coffee table. 

Eric looked at them and grinned.  “I said this was only an excuse to spend time with you and I really wasn’t kidding.” 

“Yeah and my Dad is home so you better make it look believable.”  

“Why did you get so angry at me today?”  Eric asked.

“I wasn’t so much as angry as I was jealous, I guess you could say.” I replied.

“There is no reason for you to be jealous.  I’m not interested
in her at all.”  

I saw Dad walk by and I started reading out of the textbook.  I didn’t want him to be upset with me.  I couldn’t stand that.

“So, are you going to answer my question?” 

“Which one?”  I asked. 

“The one about being my girlfriend.” he said seriously.

“What’s in it for me?”

“I guess you'll just have to say yes so you can find out now won’t you?”  He said confidently.

“Ok.  You twisted my arm.  Sure.”  I answered happily.

I heard Dad walking around upstairs.  Eric leaned over and kissed me.  I wasn’t expecting him to do that.  He knew it too. I was stunned.  His kiss was a mere peck, but it left my lips tingling.  I couldn’t do anything but sit there and look at him. 

“I’m sorry.  I guess I should have asked you before I done that
.” he said as he stared at the floor. 

be sorry.  I just wasn’t expecting it is all.” I whispered.

He leaned in to kiss me again and I was more prepared for it this time.  I gently kissed him back.  The smooth motion of our lips soon became as natural as walking.  We responded to each other automatically.  Almost as if this wasn’t our first kiss.

After a brief time, I noticed a sensation coming over me.  It was almost like I was dizzy again, but floating at the same time.  High above my own body.

Eric placed his hand on my arm.  It was like he knew because it was happening to him too.  Or I thought it might be.  I sure hoped that it was.

But the comforting feeling his touch gave me was unexplainable.  Every worry I had vanished.  Nothing else seemed to matter. 

Eric backed away from me suddenly.  I was out of breath, but still wanting more. I heard the front door open.  I was still stunned from our kiss.  It was my mother. 

“Bailey?” She called. 

“In here, Mom.”
Immediately, I straightened my hair.

“Can you come help me carry in some bags?”  

Before I could get to my feet, Eric had already met her at the door.

“Hello Eric
.” she said.

“Hi.  I can help you with your things
.” he said being the gentleman that he is. 

“Thank you
.” she said. “That is so sweet of you.”

We all went out and brought the bags in.  Mom had gone to the grocery store after work.  From the looks of it you would think she had to feed an army.  I usually did most of the shopping, but I guess Mom had plans to fix something special for dinner. 

We helped her empty all the bags and put the food away. 

“Need some help?”  Dad asked her as he walked in the kitchen.  Mom gave him a loving glance and smiled. 

It was hard not to notice the excitement of them seeing each other.  Even after all the years that they had been together, they still came across as a pair of love struck teenagers.

Dad enjoyed helping her cook.  I think it was just another way for him to escape the growing pile of patient files on his desk.  He was always looking for excuses to ignore his work when he was home.  Not that I thought that was a bad thing.  I’m glad he does that.

Eric and I returned to the living room to put away the books from our phony study date.  I turned on the television hoping to catch the evening news.  The reporter was talking about a shooting that had occurred earlier today. 

Every few minutes it was something bad.  People had gotten shot.  Someone robbed a convenience store and the police didn’t have any leads. This is ridiculous, I thought to myself.  It’s every day that someone is doing something awful in one way or another.  I just wish there were something that I could do to make it stop.

“That is just awful.” I said aloud as I watched the newscaster continue her description of what had happened.

“I know Bailey, but believe it or not, things like this have to happen in order for the world to remain balanced.”   Eric said sadly. 

When I heard him use the word balanced, I paused. Suspicion crossed my mind, but I quickly let it go.

Finally the weather report came on. The forecast was for rain all day tomorrow. 

“I really don’t want it to rain tomorrow.” I told Eric. 

“Rain can be fun
.” he said. 

“How in the world can rain be fun?”

“I'll show you when it starts raining.” he laughed.

I hate when it rains.  I was either forced to ride the bus or walk to school.  If I rode the bus I usually ended up with a ferocious headache by the time we got to school and, of course, not counting the gum on my shoes and the nasty spitballs in my hair. If I walked, well, that was almost as bad.  But I wouldn’t get a headache from all those screaming elementary school kids.  I would just be soaking wet.  My hair would end up getting frizzy, my feet would get wet and I would be in a really bad mood either way so I suppose it doesn’t matter.

“Dinner is ready guys.” Mom called from the kitchen.  Dad had already set the table.  Mom had fixed our plates before she called for us to come eat.  She had arranged the food beautifully.  Our plates looked like we were in a fine restaurant.  I’ve always loved that. She puts her heart into everything she does for us. I couldn’t ask for a better mother.

Mom told us about her hiring the other attorneys.  They are going to begin work next week.  She was excited.

Dad struck up a conversation with Eric.  I could feel the butterflies in my stomach already.  It made me nervous for Dad to be around him.  I don’t understand why. I guess it’s normal.

He asked Eric was from.   “I’m from Nashville
.” he replied. 

Dad continued questioning him. Eric seemed to be calm thro
ugh it all.  He answered my Dad’s questions about his parents and everything from sports to driving.  They seemed to be enjoying each other’s opinion on things.

I ate quietly as they talked.  I looked up and Mom was giving me one of those its ok looks.  I smiled back at her.  The more they talked and laughed, the calmer and more relaxed I became. 

Dinner came to a happy end.  Dad asked if Eric and I would mind to clean up.  Of course, we said yes. 

Eric gathered the dishes and loaded the dishwasher as I wiped down the table and counter tops.  My parents watched from the table.  We finished with the cleanup and Eric said he had to get home and do some things around the house.

“Do you need any help?”  I asked.

“No.  I don’
t think so.” 

He went over to the table and thanked my mom for dinner.   It was very delicious.  

Dad stood up and shook Eric’s hand.  “You’re welcome anytime.” Dad told him.

“I was wondering, umm, if after I finished my chores at home, maybe I could, umm, come back and visit with you all some more?”  Eric asked, clearly nervous about how my parents were going to react to his question.

“Yeah, sure, that will be fine.” Mom said happily.

I walked him to the door.  He kissed me and told me he would be back in about an hour or so.  I thanked him as he left.   I couldn’t believe that I had found such a wonderful guy.  He was everything I had ever thought I could want.  The great thing about it is that I think he feels the same way about me.

I walked back in the kitchen to talk to Mom and Dad.  “So, what do you think of Eric?”  I asked almost wishing that I hadn't.

“I think he's great.” My mom beamed.

“Mom, I already knew you liked him.”   

“I think he's great too
, Bailey.” my Dad said and I could feel all my tension being washed away by his declaration.

“He reminds me a lot of myself when I was that age.  He's polite and is very mature for his age.” Dad cleared his throat and I knew more was coming.  He asked about our relationship. 

“Well Dad, he's my boyfriend.”  

He sat there for a moment looking at the table.

“You guys look pretty serious about each other.  I just want you to keep your head on right when it comes to him.”               

“Don’t worry Dad.”  I tried to reassure him. 

It’s just that you'll be graduating next week and now you have a boyfriend.  I guess I just feel like you've grown up too fast, but you really haven’t he said solemnly. 

I felt sorry for him in a way.  “I’m still your little girl Daddy
,” I said as I hugged him. “I’m just getting bigger.”   

“I guess so. 
Old’ Dad’s going to have to let you live your own life now. Next thing I'll know Eric will be over here asking my blessing.” He laughed.

“Don’t get in too big of a hurry there Dad!”  I exclaimed. I gave him another big hug and kissed him on the cheek. 

“I know Eric is coming back in a bit, but I forgot that your mom and I had tickets to see a movie tonight.” 

“That’s ok Dad.” I had to force myself to hide my reaction about them leaving. They never get to spend that much time together. 

“We'll probably just hang out and watch television or something.” I told him.

“Ok, I guess we better get going
.” he told Mom.

Dad got the car keys off the counter and tossed Mom her purse. “We might be late.  Don’t wait up.  You have school in the morning.” Mom said eyeing me as they walked out the door.  I had hoped that I could spend some time with them tonight, but I understand that they needed some time together. 

I scanned the kitchen for something to do to pass the time until Eric came back.  There was nothing left to do since we had already cleaned up before he left. 

The living room was in order as well.  I thought I might have some laundry in my room that needed done.  When I checked the hamper it was empty.  I guess Mom had already done the laundry.  I couldn’t imagine Dad doing my laundry.  He had been embarrassed by my laundry ever since I started wearing a training bra.  I laughed out loud at the thought of his face when Mom told him it was time to buy me one.  I thought he was for sure going to pass out.

I could see Eric in his room.  He looked like he was cleaning.  I could see him going from his closet to his bed.  I think he was hanging up clothes or something like that.  I grabbed my phone to send him a text message.  I couldn’t make up my mind what to say.

I see you.

Are you watching me? 

Yeah.  I’m having so much fun watching you put away your laundry.

Don’t act like it’s not cute,
He replied as I watched him leave his room. 
Ha! You can’t see me now!
I got the text as he closed the door behind him.

I told him that my parents had forgotten that they had movie tickets. 

So they aren’t home?

Nope.  They left about ten minutes ago.  I'll be in my room when you come back.  Just come on in and lock the door behind you,
I sent as I closed my phone.

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