Euthara (19 page)

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Authors: Michael McClain

Tags: #Science Fiction, #Space Opera, #Adventure, #Military

BOOK: Euthara
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“Shields are gone,” Atlantis said. “Major damage to alpha landing bay and decks twenty one and twenty two, sections five through ten.”

“Bring us about and prepare to jump,” Carla said. “Signal all friendly forces we’re preparing to leave. Atlantis contact Tatiana and Zadra for damage reports and status on jumping out.”

The enemy ships were of a kind he had never seen. They seemed to be made of a type of crystal material that was pitch black and seems to pull light in. Wherever the
weapons hit the hull it glowed for a few seconds. When it finally dimmed the hull was unscathed as if the energy from the weapon was absorbed.

“Jon,” Nefeit said. “The
is in route from the other side of the planet. She’s ten minutes out and the
is currently undocking and will be able to assist in two minutes.”

“What the hell are those,” Jon said. “I don’t ever remember seeing anything in any database that mentioned ships such as these. Mike can you hear me?”

“I’m here,” Mike said. “We’re cycling up the station's weapons now.”

Jon’s eyes jumped to the view on the
deck as someone spoke. “We’re not going to make the jump. One of the enemy ships is preparing to fire.”

Jon hadn’t seen when it happened but Vaes was slumped over in his chair with blood running down the side of his head. Zadra had assumed command and was issuing orders in his place. That told Jon that most of the bridge crew was dead or disabled, it was the only way an AI would take command.

“Bringing us about on an intercept course,” Zadra said. “Rerouting all remaining power to shields and engines.”

slipped in between the
and one of the alien ships. A beam lanced out from the alien ship and struck the
mid ship and sliced through the hull as if it was cutting through hot butter. The lights on the
blinked several times and finally faded as she started to tumble slowly in space with debris and atmosphere leaving a small trail that dissipated quickly.

Zadra screamed as the feed was suddenly cut off.

“Bring us about and prepare to render assistance to the
,” Carla and Gilas both said at the same time.

“Yes that one,” Mike said. “Fire!”

Across the screen four large beams lanced out and struck one of the black ships. The ship began to glow with the intensity of a small sun. A beam suddenly erupted from the black ship catching one of the Invaru vessels which disintegrated into nothing.

Jon gasped as he watched the black ship continue its attack as if nothing happened. “No recall our ships get them out of here. We can’t win here, Mike stop firing on those ships,” Jon said. He reached down and opened a universal com channel. “All vessels this is Captain Hunter I’m ordering you to retreat from the field and move to alpha rally. Commander Taldage relay those coordinates to the Invaru ships. I’m instructing all vessels to cease firing on the unknown ships.”

He had kept quiet up to this point as to not interfere with what was happening. But, now things were bad enough that he saw the need to give orders.

Seconds later no other ships were on the field except the black vessels. They disappeared in what looked like a fold event. The only thing left on the screen was the heavily damaged
tumbling in space.

“Mike, secure the
and begin rescue operations,” Jon said. “I want an estimate on the time frame for repairs to all ships. If the Invaru need assistance include those times too.”

“Roger,” Mike said.

“Nefeit,” Jon said. “Have the
and the
rendezvous with the fleet to render assistance. Duke Andara, I thank you for your attempt to get your people to respond.”

Andara shrugged as he spoke, “I didn’t do it for you, I was doing it for the
and her crew.”

“Fair enough,” Jon said. “Thanks anyway. Oojoung escort the Duke to his room. He’s to stay there until I call him, post guards in the corridors.”

Oojoung grinned at Andara as he said, “Yes Sir, will be Oojoung’s pleasure.”

“Commander Taldage, are you there?” Jon said.

“We’re here,” Carla said.

“If you see any sign of the enemy ships you’re to jump immediately to
Ghost Station
,” Jon said. “Have all ships on standby for emergency jump.”

“Yes Sir,” Carla said.

“How bad is it?” Jon said.

“We have multiple breeches across most decks,” Carla said. “The last hit was the worst. It hit the secondary bridge. We don’t know if anyone is still alive and we’re working on getting there. Containment screens seem to be holding as well as life support and main power. It was if every hit we took sucked power from the main shields. Engineering was reporting massive drains on power every time one of the beams struck us. Our Weapons seemed to have no effect on them.”

“I want those engineering reports sent to Brad and Mike,” Jon said.

“Atlantis?” Carla said.

“Transmitting the reports now,” Atlantis said.

“Where did they come from?” Jon said.

“They just appeared,” Gilas said. “The
has minor damage to a few decks and the shields are out. Engineering is reporting shields will be back online within the hour. Our casualties are light and we’re still operational.”

“Yeah,” Carla said. “One moment it was quiet and the next all we knew is we were taking fire. The Invaru ships moved in and assisted us after they signaled their intentions.”

“Atlantis, get me the commander of the Invaru fleet,” Jon said. He sat back down and pulled the screen back to the coffee table. Nefeit sat down next to him as she listened.

Andie appeared on another as she opened a com link, “Jon, I’m on the station and as far as the medical facilities here, I can take wounded. I’ll pull people from the ships to temporarily man the wards here.”

“Do it,” Jon said. “Mike, your priorities are the medical systems on the station and then defensive and offensive systems. Pull people from
Ghost Station
priority one transport to get these ships back up to speed.”

“Sa’oliq’s people are already lending a hand and the
is in bound under tow,” Mike said. “We’re cutting into the bridge as they’re moving. Zadra’s main core took some damage but nothing major. I’m going to wait until most of the repairs are done before I bring her back online so she’s not traumatized by the damage to her ship. Vaes is trapped on the bridge and is responsive; he’s reporting that most of the bridge crew is dead. Other than that I’ll have to wait til she’s in port to get a true assessment of her damages and crew.”

“Ok, get me the report as soon as possible,” Jon said. “Pull any equipment you need from the
stocks and I want that station fully operational in two days.”

“Two days?” Mike said. “Jon that’s…”

“I don’t care! Pull all the people you need from wherever you can get them,” Jon said. “I want that station fully operational in two days. You can upgrade systems once it’s online and fully operational. The only exception is if Andie needs something.”

Mike ran his hand through his hair and let out a heavy breath. “Alright, we’re on it,” He said.

“Thanks,” Jon said. Mike and Andie disappeared from the screen. Jon looked back at Mark as he walked in and opened his mouth to speak.

“Already done,” Mark said. “I’ve dispatched troops and all techs to the station. They’re on their way now. Two squadrons of fighters and some of the Drovasian shock troops. I also sent Andie all but a hand full of the medical techs with equipment.”

“Thanks,” Jon said.

“No problem, I was here for most of the battle,” Mark said. “I’ve intensified the ground patrols and tripled the scouts looking for your sister. I’ll find her, I promise you that.”

“Thanks Mark I don’t know what I would do without any of you,” Jon said.

“Survive and carry on,” Mark said.

“Maybe,” Jon said. “Maybe not.”

Nefeit squeezed Jon’s hand as she took it in to her own and gave him a brief smile as she spoke, “You’re a strong man and have been through a lot. You’re lucky to be surrounded by so many strong people.”

Jon started to respond but a beep alerted him to the call coming through. Bill’s face popped up on the screen. He was standing on the bridge of the
Earth’s Revenge
his girlfriend and second in command, Kelly Martin, was standing just behind him. Bill saluted Jon once the connection was fully established.

“Bill?” Jon said.

“Jon, we’re inbound with extra personnel and equipment,” Bill said. “We’re just now leaving port and will reach you in about twelve hours.”

“Twelve hours?” Jon said. “It’s a two day trip.”

“Twelve hours,” Bill said.

“Impossible,” Jon said.

“I don’t have time to explain,” Bill said. “I’ll do that once we arrive. We’re about to make our first jump and it will shut down the com systems. I just wanted you to know we’re on our way.”

“That was fast,” Jon said.

“Twenty minutes from the time of the call from
requesting assistance and personnel the ship was loaded and we had so many people wanting to go we had to turn some of them down,” Bill said. “As it is now we’re over capacity, so it’s a bit cramped.”

“Amazing,” Jon said.

“Well, we’re still doing some of the refits while in route,” Bill said. “But, my ship is pretty close to ready. Sorry Jon but I have to go we’re making our first jump. See you in twelve hours.”

“Take care and be careful,” Jon said.

Bill faded from the screen as a young looking Invaru appeared on a separate com screen next to the others. He looked up at Jon as he spoke, “Lieutenant Biqie at your service Captain Hunter.”

Jon raised an eyebrow and flashed a look at Nefeit. He quickly returned his attention back to the Invaru as he spoke, “I’m sorry do I know you?”

“No,” Biqie said. “However, you know our mutual friend.”

“Oh?” Jon said. “And just who might that be?”

“Admiral Breq,” Biqie said. “He sent us to watch and protect you. I was ordered to do so without communication until it was absolutely necessary. I’m sorry if we made you nervous. I was just following orders.”

“I understand,” Jon said. “We can talk about that later. Are you in need of assistance?”

“Two of our ships have major damage,” Biqie said. “They should be able to make port though. The rest of the ships have minor to light damage. We weren’t fit to fight the Crystari, I’ve never seen them this deep before and we weren’t ready for them.”

“Excuse me?” Jon said. “You know who the attackers were?”

“Something we should talk about when I come visit you,” Biqie said. “Now that they have left they’ll not be back for a while. However, when they do they’ll come in force. I’ve contacted the Admiral for additional support. They should be here in a few days.”

“Do you have a time frame on them returning?” Jon said.

“Could be days or even years,” Biqie said. “There’s not really any pattern to their movements. All I can tell you for sure is that they will return.” Biqie turned to someone off screen and nodded. He turned his attention back to Jon and continued. “The Admiral has requested that he be allowed to explain everything when he arrives. There’s more to this than I know and he wants you to have the full story without large gaps.”

“I understand,” Jon said. “I’m ordering all my ships back to the station here in orbit of Euthara. You’re welcome to make berth there and we will help you effect repairs.”

“I can offer you medical and engineering crews if you would like,” Biqie said. “We’re under your command until the Admiral arrives as per his orders. We can also show you how to refit to help fight this enemy, another thing I have been ordered to offer.”

“That would be appreciated,” Jon said. “I’m placing you under the commanding officer of the station for now. Report to Engineering Chief Brad Anspach at the station, your medical personnel will report to Chief Medical Officer Andie Hawkins. Military commander will be Captain Gilas and second in command will be Lieutenant Taldage. You can request assignment from them once you and your crew are ready.”

“As you wish,” Biqie said as he bowed.

“Ok everyone move to the station, effect repairs and increase system patrols when possible,” Jon said. “Gilas I leave it in your capable hands.”

“I’ll do my best,” Gilas said.

The screen darkened as all communications ended. Jon leaned back and rubbed his temples. This just got very complicated and this wasn’t something he needed. The Ga’sahde doesn’t even know that Terri was missing. Jon was afraid to say anything right now for fear of losing control of the situation between them and the Eutharans.

Jon turned to Nefeit and Mark as he spoke, “I want all ground troops off the ships and either on the ground here or on the station. There’s no need for them to be on the ships right now and it just makes them extra casualties in battles. Leave enough on the ships for security and to be able to repel boarders.”

“Will do,” Mark said.

Nefeit leaned over and gave Jon a small kiss as she rose up. “Smart thinking,” she said. She joined Mark as he made his way back to the command center.

“Oojoung bring Andara down I want to talk to him and where is Sam?” Jon said in to his com.

“Sam little person is sleeping,” Oojoung said a half a minute later as Andara and he walked into the room. “Terri Princess found yet?”

“No, Oojoung,” Jon said. “We found her fighter but she had already moved on. We’re still searching for her.”

“Oojoung go look for her?” Oojoung said.

“Oojoung I need you right here to protect Sam and Nefeit,” Jon said. Though Jon didn’t think Nefeit needed protection from anything. “I promise you Terri’s fine and we’ll have her back soon.”

“If she’s still alive,” Andara said as a small smile crossed his face. Suddenly his head started ringing as it slammed into the wood frame of the doorway. Blood started to trickle down the side of his face.

“Oojoung,” Jon said in a warning voice.

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