Ever So Madly (4 page)

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Authors: J.R. Gray

BOOK: Ever So Madly
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Chapter Nine



My heart raced, and my stomach dropped when she didn’t take my hand right way. I wasn’t this smug. Maybe she could see through my act.

“Where are we going?” She set her smaller hand in mine, and I closed my fingers around it.

“You’ll see.” I chuckled, turning to leave when a hand touched my shoulder from behind. I turned to find Hornsbee, my professor, standing there.

“Leaving so soon?”

“I didn’t have any questions,” I lied. I had many, but as this tech and project had nothing to do with me, it would do no more than show my intelligence to Hornsbee, and spending the day with Jocelynn sounded more appealing.

“That shocks me.” Hornsbee turned his gaze to J, looking her up and down. “Interesting companion you have here.” He reached out for her hand. “Jocelynn, isn’t it?”

She smiled, taking his hand, and something unreadable passed between them. “It is. Nice to see you again, Sir Hornsbee.”

They didn’t shake. He took just her fingers, gently, in his and inclined his head in respect. “It’s a pleasure to see you again. I thought I saw you in my class briefly yesterday. You should have stayed and added to the fun this one provided.” He gestured at me as he released her hand.

He looked at her like a piece of meat, ripe for the taking, and she drank in all the flattery but stayed poised. If I hadn’t figured out she was noble before, this was confirmation.

“I had another engagement, forgive me.”

Hornsbee narrowed his eyes as he dropped her hand. “This genius a friend of yours?”

“Newly yes, he’s quite a surprise, isn’t he?” she replied, displaying nothing on her face.

“Indeed. He has high potential, makes me want to learn more about him.”

Their entire exchange set my nerves on edge.

“As do I. Beg your pardon, but we do have a previous commitment.” She gave us the perfect opening for an exit.

“Carry on then. Tell your brother it was good to see him.” He pressed a finger to his lip, looking between us. “Madden, if you will, I have some friends I’d like to introduce you to after lecture tomorrow. Small gathering, if you’re not already engaged.”

I looked over at her, then back to him. “Sure, see you then.”

The exchange left my head spinning. I could write off Hornsbee knowing her easily as she’d been in training here for years, but the way he treated her, and his shock at our acquaintance, but more than anything else the way he spoke of her brother left an uneasy feeling in my gut. I hated feeling like I was missing something, and here, without the previous knowledge of social construct, I was left feeling as such more than I liked. I tried to push it out of my mind as we walked down the narrow stone street.

Architecture on Trenton was nothing like Harden. Buildings here were made to be beautiful and prestigious, whereas they were built to withstand the intense heat and sandstorms on my home world. What a difference money made.

When we entered the Grand Square, Jocelynn stiffened. Turning to look at her I knew something was wrong.


“Where are we headed?” Her line of sight tracked a crowd on the other side of the square.

“To the grand library.”

She pursed her lips and nodded. “Let’s go then.” She dropped my hand and strolled forward.

I jogged a few steps to catch up. “You’re so hard to read sometimes.”

She shrugged one shoulder, and I stepped in front of her to hold open the large door.

“You like a challenge. I’m sure of it.” She sauntered into the heart of the library and looked up at the domed ceiling.

I growled playfully. “You shouldn’t be able to read me so well.” I nudged her toward the place I’d found the other night, and she followed.

“You’re easy to read.”

I ran my fingers over the books before we stopped in a secluded seating area. I’d spent a few nights here and had never been disturbed, so I figured we’d be safe.

“I am not easy to read.” The book I’d been reading the night before was still on the table. She sat on the loveseat, and I decided to go for a bold gesture sitting right beside her.

She turned to look at me but didn’t complain. “As easy as that book.” She took a glance around and then stood to shed her cloak before sitting back. “Let me see if I can show you how easy you are to read,” she smirked.

“Go ahead.”

She held my gaze. “You brought me here to show me something and because no one comes to this part of the library. It’s where all the research the Baron funds is stored, and even the graduate students don’t bother with most of it as they can pull it on the nets.”

“Well I’ve always preferred a book I can hold in my hand. Something about it.” I laughed and nodded. “But that too was easy for you to devise, all obvious details.”

“I’m not done.” She looked me up and down.

The room grew warm, and I shifted under her intense gaze.

“Because this place is rarely visited I’m sure you intend to use it to get to know me better.”

I swallowed hard. I hadn’t realized how transparent I’d been. “I didn’t mean to…” I sighed. I’d blown it already.

“If I had an objection I wouldn’t have come.” She turned into me so our thighs pressed together. “Now, what did you plan on showing me?”

My gut stirred with arousal, and I wanted to push her against one of the stacks and have my way. I restrained my desire, turning up my charm.

“This.” I picked up the thick tome and laid it over our legs. I flipped through the pages until about halfway, where I’d stopped.

“Here is all the practical data they’d need to implement it, and I think it would even work on Time4, which I suspect the Emperor’s trade ships use.”

She picked up the book and scanned the page. “Yes, I used this.”

“Used it?”

She chewed on her lip and sat silent.

“What is it?” I pressed.

“I used what you said, and…” She took a breath. “Took it … had someone take it to the Baron. You could have all the credit for figuring it out. It’s your research and your mind. It’s only fair, plus it will put you in his favor.”

Bile rose in my throat, and my chest constricted. I shook my head slowly. “I wasn’t looking for credit for anything, and I am not privileged to information I’m sure you are. It was just an issue Hornsbee brought up, and I knew I could impress you with it.”

A wave of emotions washed over her face. And I couldn’t read any of them until disappointment settled there. “It would help with the politics and standing out in your program.”

I shook my head again, and she trailed off.

“I’m sure Hornsbee will take care of it. This is a minor thing.” I didn’t want to be in the Baron’s world. I didn’t want the pressure and politics. I was here to get the schooling I needed to get off Harden and into a new life.

A tiny crease formed in her brow, making her even cuter than she already was, sitting there with the huge book in her hands.

She checked her comm, and I knew she’d say our time was up. I stood when she did, and she pressed her teeth into her lip.

“I get it; you have to go.”

She nodded. “I’m sorry.”

I leaned down to brush my lips over hers. “Can I see you tomorrow?”

She parted her lips over my upper lip as I sucked her lower into my mouth. I would never get enough of her taste. I grabbed at her waist when she pulled back.

She laughed. “I really have to go, Madden.”

“Tomorrow then?” I pressed. “I’ll give you my scan.”

She shook her head without breaking contact with me. “I have a full day ahead and presentations to attend for the next several mornings.”

“Is that so?” I grinned. At least I knew whereabouts to find her.

She narrowed her eyes. “Shall I call you my stalker?”

“Maybe, but I wouldn’t have to take such measures if you’d give me your scan.”

She detangled our bodies, and I reached for my bag. She gave me one last look. “I can’t.” And she was gone.


Chapter Ten



The next morning’s presentations were uneventful, and Jacob kept falling asleep with his head on my shoulder. How very noble of him. When the last one of the morning ended, I shoved him off playfully. He startled awake and nearly lost his seat. I lifted a hand to my mouth to cover my laugh.

He glared back at me and whispered, “Arse.”

I smiled sweetly. “Methinks you should stay awake next time.”

He rolled his eyes and stood. “Lunch, yeah?”

“I’m down. What are we getting?” I followed him out of the stuffy hall, suppressing a yawn.

“No idea.” He scanned the rows of buildings across the street from the large auditorium through the large glass windows.

“Nothing heavy, or I’ll be asleep in the next.” I lifted my arms to stretch my back after sitting in the uncomfortable seat for hours.

“Wouldn’t that be a sight. Miss Perfect asleep in a meeting.” He laughed. “Dockeian?”

I groaned but followed as he started off toward the place. Rain fell lightly as we stepped outside, and I pulled my cloak tighter around me. “I think you’d eat there every day if you could.”

“I can and don’t!” He jogged to catch up, slugging me in the shoulder as he passed, his boots stomping through the rain.

“Only because I don’t let you!” I picked up my pace, hitching my negative-space bag higher on my shoulder as I ran.

Jacob glanced back at me and rolled his eyes, body stiffening. “He’s following us.”

I fought the urge to look back. “Who?”

“That scab. How did he even know where you were?” Jacob muttered under his breath.

I couldn’t help the smile spreading over my face.

“Seven bolts of Docle. You love the attention, don’t you?”

We slowed as we approached the entrance, ducking into the dim place. The attendant snapped to and walked us to a table, letting us bypass the clear line before us. I hated the attention. I’d tried to argue and wait, but it only resulted in a scene. I’d grown accustomed to giving in. Jacob enjoyed the perks of his position, but I hated the looks we got. As we took our seats, the door opened letting in a cool draft. I glanced at the door seeing Madden slip inside. It took effort to keep my expression stoic as Jacob rambled on about a new fling he had.

Gradually the tables around us were filled, and I scanned them as the guests took their seats. At last, my eyes landed on Mad at a table behind Jacob. I pushed my food around my plate sneaking glances at him. He smiled at me, eyes unwavering, even when he placed an order. I wasn’t close enough to hear him speak to the server, which made me wonder what he had ordered. I laughed out of turn imagining him trying Dockeian blindly. The cuisine was an acquired taste for most who had not been raised on Trenton or of course Docke.

I watched him, half listening to my brother as he rambled on. He was as intent on keeping his eyes on me for as long as possible as well. Servers came and went from his table, and he, while polite, never looked them in the eyes. He dug into his food, bringing the first bite to his mouth. I sat up straighter, excitement building. He’d ordered an over spiced dish that would water the eyes of the most hardened Dockeian fan. For a moment there was no reaction, but then his body shook in a violent shudder, and tears brimmed at the corners of his eyes. His nostrils flared, but then the sweetness of the nut oil and the infused rich flavors of the cooked pasta took over and he calmed.

He laughed at himself. I was sure it was for my behalf as he met my gaze. He brought his glass to his lips and took a pull of the water. When I glanced back at my brother he had stopped talking and was glaring at me. He followed the direction of my gaze and scowled.

“Have you heard a word I’ve said?”

“Maybe two or three, but it’s doubtful I got more or even the gist of what you were saying.” I smiled sweetly at him.

He scoffed and turned in his seat. “Get your arse over here. If you two are going to make eyes at one another you might as well sit here so we can have a discussion.” He waved at the place next to him.

Mad picked up his plate and drink, taking the seat next to me in the bench, instead of the one next to my brother. His fingers brushed over my thigh, and I assumed it was on purpose. I turned in the bench, drawing my knee up to my chest so I could half face him.

“Looks like you took chance into your own hands.”

His expression was smug. “I would rather take charge of my destiny than leave it up to the powers of the universe.”

“No one cares. How’s the Dockeian?” Jacob asked.

Mad stabbed another forkful of the pasta and placed it in his mouth. “Spicy, but I was raised on heat. It covers the taste of the Ore.”

“Harden?” I held in my gasp. Harden was the only place in the universe Ore existed. I calmed my voice. “And here my guess had been Becca.”

“I would have put him on Dolton or any rim planet after seeing him at the orientation,” Jacob said. He leaned in as if suddenly more interested.

“Good point.” We both turned to him.

“I’m rare, I know. I’m not a highborn, and I’m not from a rim planet. I earned my place with the stupid test.” He shrugged one shoulder waving it off. But it was not some meaningless achievement like he treated it. “But I guess the lady is correct as I was born on Becca and spent a lot of time on the rim planets.”

“You know you’re the first in…”

He blew out a breath. “Do we have to talk about it? Yeah, I know, a century. Since it was instituted I’m the second.”

“Did you have help?” Jacob’s words were loaded.

He and Madden stared each other down. “None, and you can’t look at me any worse than how they do at home.” He dropped his gaze to his dish.

Jacob pursed his lips, his gaze unwavering. It was almost like he didn’t believe something Madden was saying.

“You’re treated poorly for your genius?” I frowned.

He gave a quick glance to my brother before answering. “No one understands it. You’re expected to go work in the mines. They take pride in belonging there.” He shrugged. “It’s not like here where the opposite is expected, more so with you highborns.”

“You know half of us couldn’t pass the test they give you,” Jacob added giving a low whistle.

“I’ve been told, and it’s glaringly obvious after coming here.” He kept his eyes down. I couldn’t tell if he was ashamed or angry.

“Do you like it?” I brushed my fingers over his arm trying to… I didn’t know what I was trying to do. Give him comfort maybe.

“The cool climate is my favorite part thus far. You don’t know how lucky you are to have this year round.” He met my eyes again and smiled, returning the gesture.

A shiver ran up my arm at his touch. He heated the skin under his fingers infusing a warm glow into my flesh. “What? No way, I hate the cold. I would much rather have the warmth.”

I dropped my hand as he played over my arm, and he lowered his to skim the tips of his fingers over my palm before lacing our fingers together.

“Because you could afford a coolant unit. Try sleeping when it’s 48 degrees Celsius.”

I squeezed his hand in mine. “I’ll give you that.”

“Have I earned permission to have your scan yet?” He didn’t miss a beat.

I pushed my plate back and pressed the bottom of my wrist comm so it projected my unique code on my arm so his reader could scan it.

“Jocelynn.” My brother’s voice had a warning tone as he stood, placing his hand over the code.

I looked at him, setting my jaw before I leaned in to press a kiss under Mad’s ear. The gesture disguised my purpose. “Meet me at midnight under the Akillie statue,” I whispered and then pulled back to speak in my normal tone. “I’m sure you’ll find me again.” I had the presentation dinner tonight, but I could cut out early and have enough time to meet him while everyone else was busy. Jacob would have his pants down and a servant pressed into a wall as well, leaving me free for a few hours.

He said yes with his eyes, but shot a glaring look at Jacob. “I will make it happen.”

“None of us doubt you.” Jacob threw down a handful of credits, more than covering ours and Mad’s food, and when Mad tried to object my brother waved him off. “It’s not my money, and you may as well take it. This place will cost you a week’s worth of the pension they put you on, I’m sure.”

Mad got to his feet, allowing me to get up. I brushed my shoulder against his chest as I passed.

Tonight couldn’t come fast enough.

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