Every Woman Needs a Wife

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Authors: Naleighna Kai

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #General, #Contemporary

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Dear Reader:

Every Woman Needs a Wife!
The title itself says it all; this is one hot book. How many people have dealt with a cheating spouse or mate? Just about everyone, I am sure, whether you admit it or not; whether you even know about it or not. People—both male and female—cheat for various reasons. Imagine if you could take that situation and turn it around in your favor. Imagine if the person your lover is cheating with has to become indebted to you. Would you whip their ass every single day? Would you make every moment a living hell? Would you make sure they never, ever even think about trying to break up another happy home? Or…

Would you become their best friend? Would you realize that it is not all their fault; possibly not their fault at all? Would you be able to understand that they are a victim just like you? The possibilities are endless.

What Naleighna Kai has done with this book—this storyline—is create a work of imaginary genius. She has a couple—both needy in many ways—who find themselves in the midst of a threesome to end all threesomes. I have no intention of giving away all the twists and turns in this book, but I will say this: Once you start reading, you will not stop until you reach the very last page. Yes, this novel is that good!

Thanks for purchasing this book and giving an awesome author a chance to impress you. Naleighna is talented, creative, and I dare to say brilliant. I am sure you will agree and will be anxious to read her next book:
She Touched My Soul

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Strebor Books International


Praise for
Every Woman Needs a Wife
by Naleighna Kai


“Off the hook, wild, and a thoroughly awesome ride! After reading Naleighna Kai’s
Every Woman Needs a Wife
, I
I needed one, too!”

—L.A. Banks, National Bestselling Author of
The Hunted,
The Bitten
The Forbidden


“Simply marvelous! An original story which takes a different approach on a subject that strikes a chord with all women. Definitely a novel that book clubs will be talking about for years to come. I haven’t laughed so hard in ages.”

—Ella Houston, The Book Lovers Club, Chicago


“Kai has given an original twist to an age-old problem that shows the many dynamics of marriage and what one must do to get over the betrayal. It also shows that it is possible to heal from past wrongs.”

—Nina Lewis, RAWSistaz Guest Reviewer


“Every Woman Needs a Wife
is an ingenuously crafted novel from Naleighna Kai which is more than a catchy title with over-the-top drama; it is a plausible storyline with an inspiring and empowering message for all women who have ever felt they were less than a woman if they did not have a man in their life. Naleighna Kai has created a compelling read with unforgettable characters and sub-plots. If you are looking for a contemporary fiction relationship novel to enjoy with a cold glass of lemonade or sweet tea on a warm, summer day, then check out Kai’s latest novel.”

—Yasmin, APOOO Book Club


“Every Woman Needs a Wife
had me forcing myself to keep reading even when my eyes were telling me to give up. I couldn’t. I wanted all the juicy details Kai was serving up in her tantalizing novel. I needed some more popcorn for all this drama. Just when you think it’s about to come to an end, another twist is thrown in to put you on edge again. Brandi and her new wife realize they have a lot in common even though they are of a different race. Experiences see no color, they just happen. In the midst of their revelations, too much gets revealed. Will there be a cat fight? Or, will Brandi finally realize her idea was a bad one?”

—Esther “Ess” Mays for Loose Leaves Book Review


“I want a Wife, too! I loved the original concept of the book. And it is true, every woman does need a wife. Someone at home who can do the cooking, cleaning, scheduling, laundry, whatever, leaving you to pursue your career or whatever you’re into. I thought Naleighna did an excellent job telling this story…by the end of the book, I was flipping the pages, waiting with bated breath to see how it would all end. I loved it!!”

—Gayle Jackson Sloan, author of
Wednesday’s Woes
Let the Necessary Occur



Strebor Books
P.O. Box 6505
Largo, MD 20792

Every Woman Needs a Wife
© 2006 by Naleighna Kai.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means including electronic, mechanical or photocopying or stored in a retrieval system without permission in writing from the publisher except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages to be included in a review.

ISBN-13 978-1-59309-060-9
eISBN-13 978-1-4516-3995-7
ISBN-10         1-59309-060-9
LCCN 2006923548

Cover design:

Distributed by Simon & Schuster, Inc.
1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020

First Strebor Books trade paperback edition June 2006

1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Manufactured and Printed in the United States of America


My mother, Jean Woodson
My grandmother, Mildred E. Williams
My brother, Eric Harold Spears
My aunts, Mabel Fosten and Ruth Scott
My sister and friend, Pamela Denise Franklin
and to Rev. J. B. Sims, Jr.


All praise is due to the Creator. A special love and acknowledgment of my guardian angels, ancestors, teachers, and guides.

To my mother Jean Woodson, to my spiritual mothers: Bettye Mason Odom and Sandy Spears, thank you for your continuous inspiration. To my son, Jeremy, for his encouragement and for always reminding me that the Universe will always provide me with everything I need; my brother Donny and his wife, Diane, for their constant belief and support. To Rev. Renee “Sesvalah” Cobb-Dishman for your wonderful words of wisdom and for being such a healing force in my life, Mary B. Morrison, Vinah Collins, and Leslie Esdaile/L. A. Banks for always being there for me even at points when I was ready to throw in the towel; to Zane for having the faith when so many others didn’t, to Charmaine and Carlita—the words “thank you” and “you are greatly appreciated” are not enough; Avalon Betts-Gaston, Esq., Marisa Murillo, Esq., and Jonathan Friedland for being the best lawyers and agents a woman could have.

To Aisha and Janice Lusk, Dr. Yosha Yvonne Tolbert (the woman who started the
Every Woman Needs a Wife
syndrome), Pat Arnold (the “No Drama” Queen), Cassandra Heining, Janet House, Earlee Hubbard, Lester Tehuti Dishman, Judy Clarke, Larry C. Tankson, Liz Thomas, Anna Moore, Lisa Brown, Wanda Muhammad, and Leslie Dishman for their kind words of encouragement; Tee C. Royal for coming through for me in a crunch (thanks also to the RAW4All family); Yasmin Coleman and the APOOO
family, Gevell, Monica Sullivan, Esq., Michael Leonard, Esq., David Chizewer, Esq. and Debbie Chizewer, Esq., Frankie Payne and Alyse Payne (the Superior Office Services Team); to authors Gayle Jackson Sloan, Corlis Martin, Candice Dow, Tina Brooks McKinney, Karlyn LeBlanc, Brenda Hampton, Eric Pete, Darrin Lowery, Victoria Christopher Murray, Ehryck F. Gilmore, Cheryl Katherine Wash, and Nikki Woods.

Many thanks to Christine Meister, Marilyn Weishaar, Donna M. Rivera and Susan Mary Malone (my editors) for their expertise. Michael Slaughter & Barron Steward (the best cover designers and website designers in the world!); Pete Stenberg Photography; Althea Spellman of Simon & Schuster, and L. Peggy Hicks, my publicists, for much-needed advice. Much love to: the Slaughter family (Pam, thanks for adopting me!), Ella Houston, Deborah “the Miniature Queen” Mitchell, Elizabeth (Grannimouse) Hill, Tanisha Kwaaning, Audrey Johnson, Charlotte Manning, Geneva Arvinger, Allison Ferconio, Nancy Wheeler, Kimberly Morton Cuthrell and Eric Cuthrell; to the Aloha Documents Team: Tom and Ginger Peak; members of the MPG Book Club Collective, and to all the people who kept asking, “So when’s the next one?”

I love and appreciate all of you.

Wishing you love and joy,

Naleighna Kai


could kill both of you,” she said softly. “I’d probably go to jail, but I certainly won’t feel guilty…”

Brandi Spencer turned the key in the ignition, still trying to come up with a good opening line as she braced herself to walk in on her husband and his mistress. Killing them would be too quick and painless. She wanted them to suffer.

Settling into the black leather seat, she tried something else. “Heifer, what the hell do you think you’re doing with my husband?” No, too common and too weak. She’d have to use something a bit stronger than

“Vernon, do you think I’m stupid? Did you think I wouldn’t find out?” That was lame and overused. She had let this thing ride for six months before deciding to confront him.

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