Everything is Everything Book 2 (27 page)

BOOK: Everything is Everything Book 2
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Vanessa forced herself to stay until after dinner, but she was anxious to return to Charisma’s parents house so that she could tell her best friend what she’d discovered.

It took all of Vanessa’s patience to stop herself from grabbing Crash and darting out the door. There were moments throughout the evening that she thought she’d black out in anxiety. Vanessa tried to eat the dinner that her grandma had worked so hard to prepare, but she was too distracted, wracking her brain for anyone that she knew who could tell her how to find Scotty.

She had only been to Miss Gloria’s apartment a few times once they had been forced to give up the house. There was no way that she would be able to find that house again.

Vanessa knew that Phonso used to hang out in Winton Terrace and Garden Hilltop. She wondered if he still lived there. The last place he lived was with a girlfriend. But knowing Phonso he probably had already broken it off with ten women since then and could be living anywhere.

A guy named Garry was Scotty’s best friend, but she didn’t know anything about where he lived.

And then she remembered something. She had been to visit Scotty’s mom in an assisted living facility in Avondale!

“Your cab should be here shortly.” Grandma said.

Vanessa blinked in confusion.


“You’ve been in deep thought for the last hour. You didn’t even know that I had called you a cab and you’ve only been picking over your dinner-“

She felt her face warm. “Grandma, I’m so sorry-“

“No. I wouldn’t expect anything less.” She gazed down at Crash who had awakened from his nap and was now sitting on her lap and using his hands to put small bites of food into his mouth. He’d gotten comfortable with his great ‘my mama’ and proved it when he tried to feeding her some of his vegetables.

“I just want to know when I’ll get to see this little guy again.”

Vanessa picked up her purse and found a pen and paper. She swiftly jotted something on it and then handed it to her grandmother.

“This is my phone number and address in New York and the phone number where I’m staying in Cincinnati.”

“You know …” her grandmother sighed. “You can stay here. You’re always welcomed here; you and Crash.”

Vanessa hugged her grandmother. “Thank you. I’ll keep that in mind.”

Grandma cradled her face in hands that felt rough and hardened by a long, life.

“I wish I would have given you that sixty thousand dollars-“

Vanessa shook her head. “I learned a lot in these two years—things I would not have learned If I’d had it.”

“It’s yours, baby girl. I’ll transfer it immediately.”

Vanessa stared into her grandmother’s eyes. “That money has been like … like an impossible fantasy. It doesn’t even feel real to me anymore. That’s not my money it’s yours. If you give me some of it I’d accept it, but I won’t accept the entire thing.”

Bertha Mae studied her face. “I understand. I want to make sure that you and my great grandbaby are taken care of. You have done a wonderful job and I’m very proud of you. But I want to help you.”

They heard the blowing from the horn of the cab and Vanessa hugged her again. “We’ll talk about it later, okay grandma? Right now I need to figure out how I can find Scotty. I’ll call you. I promise.”



When Vanessa returned to Charisma’s house she was sprinting dangerously on ice while balancing her child, diaper bag and purse. She nearly shouted at Charisma the second her friend answered the front door. Vanessa rushed into the house, the words rushing from her lips. Not understanding the rapidly streaming words flowing from her best friend’s mouth Charisma tilted her head from side to side. 


Vanessa took a deep breath. She was trembling. “My grandmother told me that my baby’s father is out of prison!”

Mama Rose suddenly appeared before them and she slipped Crash from Vanessa’s arms and left them to talk.

“Well, damn.” Charisma said while scratching her head. “How is that possible? He got a minimum of fifteen years. Parole doesn’t work that fast, does it?”

“I don’t know. I don’t even know if it’s true!” Vanessa began to pace, still wearing her winter coat, gloves and scarf. “But my grandmother seems awfully convinced. Look, I know where Scotty’s mother lives. She’s in an assisted living facility. Charisma can you drive me there?”

“Yeah, of course. I wouldn’t miss this for the world!” Charisma dashed to get her coat and purse while Vanessa asked Mama Rose if it was okay to leave Crash with her for a few hours. Charisma’s mother was more than happy to watch him and the two girls were quickly in the car and driving towards Avondale.

Vanessa remembered that the facility was on Reading Rd but it was so small that they passed it the first time.

After finally locating the small facility, the girls got out of the car quickly. It was after six and Vanessa was unsure if there were visiting hours that they might have already missed. If that was the case Vanessa was all prepared to beg on her life for a quick, life or death visit with Mrs. Tremont.

However begging would not help because the receptionist informed her that Tracy Tremont had passed away over a year ago.

Chapter Eight


Vanessa literally broke down in tears. Misunderstanding the young woman’s tears the receptionist offered her the box of tissues from her desk and spoke to her in soft comforting tones.

Charisma gave the nurse a hopeful look. “We’re trying to get in touch with the family. You don’t happen to know how we can do that, do you?”

The receptionist suddenly looked uncomfortable. “Well, I can’t give out patient information.”

Vanessa’s shook her head emphatically. “We wouldn’t want you to break the rules. But can you please just call someone? You wouldn’t have to give me the phone number if you can just tell them that Vanessa White is here looking for …”

Vanessa hesitated but Charisma shot in.

“Her baby’s daddy!”

“Oh …” the receptionist said. Vanessa shot Charisma a look, hoping that she hadn’t ruined it.

“Let me see what I can do.” The woman behind the desk went to a file cabinet and a moment later returned with a file.

“I have a phone number for Scott Tremont.”

Vanessa nodded her head. She felt a jolt of anticipation and fear at the mention of his name. Maybe this was just a wild goose chase and her grandmother had gotten it all wrong. Or maybe it was an old phone number—one prior to his imprisonment.

The receptionist began to speak into the phone. “Hello Mr. Tremont? This is the receptionist from Wellington Assisted Living. Yes, sir.”

Vanessa’s eyes grew large. Oh my God.

“I have a young lady here that was asking after your mother. She asked that I call you. Yes sir.” The receptionist handed the phone to her.

“He said he wants to talk to you.”


“Take the phone!” Charisma hissed.

Vanessa took the telephone. “Hello?”


! It was Scotty—on the phone—talking to her!

“It’s me-“

“Vanessa! I’ve been looking-“

They were talking over each other and both stopped.

“I need to see you.” Scotty said. “Can you come here, or if you like I can come to you-?“ Vanessa looked at Charisma.

“I’m staying with a friend and she drove me here-“

“I can come and get you. Is that okay?”

“Uh …”

Charisma was nodding her head enthusiastically.

“Yes.” Vanessa said. Vanessa heard sounds through the telephone as if he was rushing around.

“Okay. Stay there. I’m on my way.”

“Okay. Scotty I just got into town yesterday and heard about your release. It happened a year ago? How is that possible?”

“My indictment was overturned and all charges dropped. It’s a long story. I’ll tell you when I see you.” She heard him pause. “Are you okay, Vanessa?”

She nodded, not sure if that was the truth. “Yes.”

“I’m on my way.” The phone went dead.

The girls went out and waited in the car after thanking the receptionist for all of her help.

“I’m scared. What do I say to him?” Vanessa asked.

“I don’t know. But you said he was your soul mate so listen to your gut.”

Vanessa remembered all the crying she had done today and quickly looked in the passenger side mirror at the damage to her face.

“Oh God! I look a hot mess! I should have told him that we could meet tomorrow-“

Charisma dug into her purse for tissue. “You do not look a hot mess!” Charisma’s brow drew together. “You have no idea how beautiful you are do you? Even now with tears still in your eyes and dried snot on your nose, you’re still gorgeous.”

Vanessa grabbed the tissue and began dabbing at her nose while shaking her head.

“Look, if you want to spend the night over there-“

Vanessa flashed her a quick look.

“No! That is not going to happen!”

“I’m just saying. I’ll watch Crash. And if you need me to come get you just call me.”

Today had been long and filled with revelations. She felt nearly overwhelmed. And she was thankful for her friend with her no-nonsense attitude here with her. Charisma had always been a voice of reason. Vanessa hugged her.

“Thank you for everything Charisma. Without you I don’t know what would have happened to me.” And she wasn’t just talking about today.

Charisma returned the hug hoping that this would turn out good. She wasn’t so sure if the baby’s daddy was the best person for her friend. She thought Vanessa should have been with a performer or another creative type. But she felt that Crash would benefit from knowing his father and in honesty—the man had killed for Vanessa. That showed a great deal of devotion … or insanity.

The car was running, keeping them warm and Do They Know It’s Christmas was playing over the radio. Vanessa was tense and quiet, and thankful that Charisma understood and didn’t try to engage her in trivial conversation. She just couldn’t handle that right now.

After fifteen minutes, a car finally pulled up into the darkened parking lot. She couldn’t tell what kind of car it was only that it was dark.

The car didn’t quite pull into a parking space as it just stopped in front of Charisma’s car.

The door opened with the car still running and the headlights still blazing and Scotty stepped out.

“Oh … my …DAMN.” Charisma whispered.

Vanessa’s breath caught in her chest as she watched Scotty walk towards the car.

He was dressed in jeans and a thermal shirt. Timberland boots were on his feet but were unlaced and he had on a coat, which stood wide opened, allowing her to see that he was still in great shape with a broad chest and a flat belly.

Unruly blond hair fell into his face but Vanessa noted that it was still shorter than she was used to. His face was clean-shaven and he looked good; more than good. The sight of him took her breath away.

Vanessa quickly opened the door and stepped out of the car. Her coat stood open as well revealing her in wool pants and boots, and a cashmere sweater. Scotty stopped abruptly at the sight of her. She could see the way his eyes swept over her, starting at her legs, up her body and settling on her brown eyes.

In two steps Scotty closed the space between them and pulled her into his arms. Vanessa’s arms swung around his neck and she felt his strong body, unyielding against her. Scotty buried his face against her neck and she could feel him inhaling deeply. Suddenly her feet were no longer touching the ground as he lifted her.

Vanessa’s heart thudded so loudly that she didn’t know if she just might have a heart attack. His arms around her felt so good. She’d forgotten what it felt like to be wrapped in his strong arms. Vanessa held onto him and buried her face against his neck and shoulder. She took a deep breath an inhaled him in as well.

After a long time Scotty placed her back onto her feet.

“You’re really here,” he said while studying her.

She laughed anxiously and nodded, her arms still around his shoulders and his arms still on her hips.

“How is this possible? How are you out of prison?” She asked in a whisper while looking deeply into his familiar eyes.

It seemed to take him a moment to hear her because he was looking at her so hard.

“That’s a long story. Can we go somewhere to talk? There is so much for us to talk about and I want to see my son.”

Vanessa froze in surprise.

“H-how did you know I—uh, I mean we had a son?”

Scotty looked at her as if he thought she’d disappear if he averted his eyes. His stare pinned her in place and then he spoke.

“His name is Matthew and he was born April 27 … premature. Is he okay? I want to see him.”

“Yes. Of course you can see him. He’s at Charisma’s parent’s house. But how-?”

“Anthony Johnson. He’s studying to be an attorney. He and some of his colleagues work with a program where they help people from bad neighborhoods get help with their legal cases.” Scotty ran his hand through his hair.

“It’s cold. Let’s get out of this parking lot. Will you take me to see Matthew and I can tell you the rest in the car?”

Vanessa nodded.

“Let me go tell my friend Charisma. We can follow her back to the house.”

Scotty nodded and Vanessa had to step out of his hold. His hands were back on her hips until she turned and opened the door to Charisma’s car.

“He wants to see the baby,” Vanessa said quietly.

“Yes,” Charisma seemed to be giving her permission. “He should see the baby. Is everything okay?” She asked with concern.

“I think so. But there is so much to talk about.”

Charisma gnawed her lip and nodded. “I can imagine. I’ll meet you back at the house and I’ll make sure Mom and Dad aren’t going to be all up in your business.”

Vanessa smiled. “Thank you.”

When she turned around, Scotty had the passenger door opened for her and she climbed into the car. It was not the BMW, not by along shot. But it was clean and it was definitely warm.

When Scotty got into the car he put on his seatbelt and made sure she had hers on. He reached out and gripped her hand briefly and then gave her a half smile before he began following Charisma back to the house.

“Anthony looked for you,” Scotty continued while watching the road as he drove. “He knew someone that could trace your social security number, which is how he knew about the baby. But then it was like you fell off the grid.”

He glanced at her. “I did try to find you.”

Her mouth had fallen open. “I was too young to get work unless I got paid under the table. So I didn’t use my SSN. And I was staying with Charisma at her apartment so I didn’t need to use it.”

Scotty’s brow drew into a frown and he nodded.

“How did you and Anthony get in touch with each other?” There was lots she wanted to know but this was first. “How long have you been out? How did it happen?”

Scotty detailed how Anthony had gotten in touch with him and how the team had made a motion to re-evaluate use of his permanent records.

“They were able to argue that had it not been for my prior record, I would not have been charged. And that was all it took for my charges to be dropped.”

He peered at her as they stopped at a light. “How did you manage up in New York?”

“Are you asking if I became famous?”

“Not really. I know it takes time.”

“It’s hard to do when you’re a single parent,” she said softly.

He nodded wordlessly.

Vanessa stared at him. “I know that you didn’t really want a baby-“

Scotty’s brow gathered and he looked at her again. “That’s not true. Before you I never thought I’d want a child.”

Scotty thought about how easy it is for a man to orgasm into a woman and create a life but how difficult it is to do right by the person you create. He hadn’t wanted to add to the numerous people already scuffling and eeking out a way to survive this world.  All it took was for him to look into the eyes of his brothers and sisters to see that no one had done them any favors by creating them.

He felt the same way.

But then he’d fallen in love with a woman that was so different than anything he thought he’d known. And when he’d first made love with her it felt clean and new. And then he had realized that he hadn’t put on the condom. For a moment it scared him to think that for the first time in his life he’d allowed his seed to flow into a woman and that it might bring another unwanted child into the world.

But in that second he knew that a baby that came from Vanessa’s body would never be unwanted. He would love the life they created. And more then that is that he wanted it.

But he wanted it the right way. He had never wanted Vanessa to have to be a single mother. He didn’t want his child to wish for a father that could never be there for him.

He continued to speak. “The first time we made love I knew that I wanted to have a little you or a little me—but only with you. Vanessa, I want our baby and I’m sorry that I ever made you think I didn’t.”

Vanessa looked at him without speaking. She turned to watch the road ahead of them. It was easy to say that now—that he didn’t mean it, and that he was sorry. But once upon a time he’d written her a letter breaking up with her right after she’d told him that she was pregnant, and it had torn a piece of her heart out.

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