Everything is Everything Book 2 (23 page)

BOOK: Everything is Everything Book 2
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Dreams of the past were bad enough, but fantasies of a future with her, Crash and Scotty were far worse.

Chapter Four


Dino and Vanessa worked on her idea for the next week. He even dug up a piano that he had brought up on set, which he played expertly. The performers that she selected to play the audience members were excited about the idea. They were unsure how Jackson would like it since he was always in search for the hottest new R&B and Hip Hop song.

She and Dino decided to premier the performance Friday since the crowd was bigger and the tips were sure to be maximized. On Wednesday she got a call from Jackson telling her not to come in Thursday because he wanted to give her more hours the next week.

Vanessa was reluctant not to go in since she wanted to tweak the performance with Dino, but it would give her more daytime hours with Crash. Maybe she would take him to the zoo. He liked the elephants and would look at her in amazement as he pointed to the large creatures repeating cheese over and over again.

Unlike most kids, Crash didn’t much care for the monkeys in the monkey house and didn’t like the alligators or crocodiles. He preferred the big cats and other large animals.

He was adorable when he squealed and bounced and made baby talking sounds. He’d squeal mommy and cheese. Cheese was the word he used for everything that he couldn’t pronounce.

The only thing Vanessa didn’t like about the zoo was the way people stared at her for having a white child propped up on her hip. Some of the more nosier people asked if she was the babysitter. Some commented how well she did with the baby and asked about her babysitting duties.

Vanessa remained polite. It was nearly 1984 but some people still acted as if it was 1964.

Crash was out like a light by the time she returned home later that evening. Charisma jerked the door open as soon as she heard the key in the lock.

“Vanessa! You need to call the club. Nola and some other chick has been blowing up the phone.”

Vanessa gave her a surprised look as she rolled the stroller into the house. “Okay. Well give me a minute to put Crash to bed-“

“No. I’ll do that. You go call them. Something is wrong over there.” Charisma bent to unbuckle Crash’s straps and Vanessa hurried to the phone, wondering if Jackson had gotten it wrong. Maybe she was supposed to perform tonight after all, and if that was the case she would not be able to make it to her set on time. And she refused to rush over there over his mistake. He could just call her a cab and pay the charges if he wanted that.

Vanessa sighed in exasperation and then called the club. Nikki, Jackson’s assistant answered.

“Nikki, did Jackson mess up the schedule-?“

“Eve! We’ve been trying to get in touch with you, girl!”

“Well Jackson gave me the day off-“

“You need to get yourself over here as soon as possible! Kiki is about to do your show!”

Vanessa frowned. “What?”

“That new performance you and Dino have been working on! Kiki is performing it tonight! Girl you need to get-“

Vanessa hung up the phone. She was still holding her purse and keys in her hands and rushed out the door calling over her shoulder to Charisma that she had to get to the club.

Charisma asked her what was wrong but the only answer she received was the slamming of the door.

Vanessa hailed a cab, not worrying about the fare. She rubbed her hands together tensely and felt anger boiling inside of her as the cabdriver navigated through the traffic.

She couldn’t believe what she had heard. Kiki’s tired ass was now in the business of ripping off other people’s shows? That was just too much! She’d been inconsiderate of people’s time either expecting them to change their schedule when it suited her or making them stay late because she was late.

She made enemies by talking down to people or even acting too high and mighty to join in the celebrations or to interact with the other performers. That’s why she was a prima donna. And now she was a thief, too!

Vanessa flung the bills at the driver as she dashed out of the taxi and hurried into the hotel. Chucky, the bouncer saw her at the entrance of the club and Vanessa saw him use his walkie talkie. Sneaky bastard was calling Jackson on her!

Vanessa walked past the few people lined up to be admitted to the club and stopped when she saw the billboard with a poster of Kiki wearing an exact replica of her outfit with her hair pressed back into finger waves.

Vanessa felt a blur of red hot lava flow past her vision. They had planned this. It would have taken days to get the poster made …

“Yo Eve, what are you doing here?” Chucky asked stiffly. A year ago he had tried to pick her up until she had flashed her engagement ring. Afterwards he had no time to say more than hi or bye to her.

“I’m going in,” she said sternly while walking to the entrance. He blocked her and she looked at him in surprise.

“Jackson’s on his way. Just be cool, sister.”

“I’m not your fucking sister,” She bit out angrily. And then Vanessa heard Kiki’s voice singing and it was to the song that she had been rehearsing for the last week!

Vanessa craned her neck to see beyond Chucky because it sounded as if Dino was playing the piano … had he been in on it too?

Jackson appeared suddenly and his expression appeared regretful.

“Vanessa. I didn’t expect you to come.” He looked at Chucky. “Let her pass.”

Vanessa stormed into the club but didn’t go further than the main entrance where the performance of her show was already underway.

Everything was set up just the way she had practiced with several make-shift card tables set up with performers seated at them cat-calling at Kiki to ‘take the money’. Kiki was dressed in a slimming evening gown that hugged her curves perfectly. Everything looked just the way Vanessa envisioned with one exception.

Dino was not at the piano playing. Stanley was there pretending to play while the karaoke version of the song was piped in over the sound system.

Vanessa stood there silently and watched the entire show. Jackson stood next to her, not speaking. When it was over and thundering applause filled the room Vanessa looked at Jackson with burning tears filling her eyes.

“I didn’t want it to be like this Vanessa. Let’s go into my office and we can talk about it.”

“No.” She jerked her arm out of his reach. “There is nothing to talk about. You’re dirty-“

He shook his head. “It wasn’t my idea. Kiki … I can’t tell her no. Everything I do is all for her. I’m sorry-”

Vanessa shook her head. “You could have just told me that you wanted the show.” She took a step back.

“Wait. Don’t leave like this-”

“I quit.” She turned and stormed past the crowd. “I’ll have someone pick up my things tomorrow.”

“Vanessa!” Jackson followed her. “I’m sorry-”

“Go to hell!” She hurried outside, her eyes wet with tears.

She felt a hand on her arm and was about to swing on the individual in a fit of rage when she saw that it was Dino.

She glared at him. “Did you know about this?”

“Not until today. Kiki came to me and said we were putting on the show tonight. I thought she meant you but when I asked where you were she told me that she was doing it. Of course I told her no, not that it stopped her from doing what she wanted.”

Vanessa looked at him in misery. “I can’t believe she stole our show.”

“I heard you say you were quitting.”

She wiped tears from her eyes. “I’m through-“

A cab pulled up to the curb but they ignored it.

“Vanessa, don’t do that. You have a baby to think about and I know you need to keep your job to pay his doctor bills.”

She frowned. “How do you know about that?”

He looked uncomfortable. His dark eyes shifted from her. “I admit that I know a lot more about you than I let on. Look, I know the way they handled things was fucked up but we get paid good money and even though I chewed Kiki and Jackson new assholes I still need this job.”

Vanessa crossed her arms in front of her. She didn’t look at him or reply. In another year she would qualify for health insurance and then she wouldn’t have to do it all herself.

But she couldn’t work another year with these people—not even another minute. It had been years since she’d felt such burning hatred for another individual but in this moment she hated Kiki and her man that indulged her to the point that they thought it was okay to steal someone’s hard work.

Vanessa shook her head. “I can’t.” She darted for the next cab and disappeared into the busy traffic.



Charisma said that she knew a few guys that could break Jackson’s legs and slice up Kiki’s face—or at least poke holes into her implants.

Vanessa knew that Charisma was only trying to cheer her up and not planning an assault. She even managed a smile.

“I think I’ll let karma handle those two.” Vanessa leaned back in the reclining chair and covered her eyes.

“Looks like I’m out of another job.”

Charisma sighed. “Maybe that Dino guy is right. What’s he look like anyways?”

Vanessa scowled. “I don’t want to ever see Kiki again. And Dino …” Vanessa thought about it.

“That bad, huh?” Charisma asked.

Vanessa shook her head. “He’s cute. He’s tall and has dreds. He’s talented too. He arranges all of our music and plays every instrument imaginable.”

“Hmmm. Are you trying to hit that?”

Vanessa stopped rubbing her eyes. “No.”

Charisma scowled. “When are you going to get back on the saddle, Vanessa? You can’t still be waiting for that man in prison! He dumped you. A killer in prison dumped you!”

Vanessa couldn’t believe that her friend was talking to her like this. Where was this coming from? It was way out of line—not to mention that it hurt her feelings.

“You got a lot of nerves Sheryl.” Vanessa hadn’t used her friend’s given name in years. “You’re not exactly the poster child for romance. The last guy you dated had a girlfriend and you knew all about it. So don’t tell me.”

Charisma looked at her friend in surprise. She got up without saying another word and walked into her bedroom where she closed the door behind her.

When she was gone Vanessa sighed, regretting her words. Charisma had saved her life countless times. Without her she would have never made it. Thoughts of Jalissa came to mind. For most of her life she and Jalissa had been like two peas in a pod. They had been as close as sisters. And then one event had changed everything. Vanessa thought about how vicarious her life felt and she was unwilling to risk the friendship that she had with Charisma.

Vanessa got up and knocked on her friend’s bedroom door. When she didn’t receive an answer she walked in.

Charisma was wrapping her hair and pretending to ignore Vanessa.

Vanessa sat down on the end of the bed.

“I’m sorry.” Vanessa stated.

Charisma shrugged. “No need to apologize. I should have minded my own business.” She stared into her mirror as she tied the scarf firmly in place over her hair.

Vanessa studied her fingertips. “A long time ago I told Scotty that he was my soul mate. I hardly remember what it feels like to be in a relationship. I certainly don’t know what a soul mate is. All I do know is that when I think about being with someone other than Scotty it feels impossible. It’s like no one can make me feel the way he makes me feel.”

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